Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 572: Encountering the Man in Black Again

"Yeah, that's right. I confirmed again and again that it was Yang Xue sitting in the car, and I also found her at the base camp just now. It was indeed her. But there was a young man next to her, who should be a strong man with dual abilities, so his strength should not be weak. In addition, Yang Xue herself is a dangerous person, so we didn't do anything, but came back to report to you." The man was stared at by Chang San, and he didn't dare to look at Chang San directly. He lowered his head and said to Chang San unconsciously.

M Company's search for Yang Xue was originally a secret of M Company. Only a few senior staff of M Company knew about it. Moreover, there have always been top masters who have been secretly looking for Yang Xue. However, since the transport captain was Chang Sanye's confidant, Chang Sanye also told the transport captain about this matter so that he could help find Yang Xue together.

Chang San slowly retracted his momentum, stopped looking at the transport captain, turned his head to the window, and thought about this countermeasure without saying a word.

"Master San, do we need to take action now? They are now living in this base camp, which is equivalent to a turtle in a jar. If we want to deal with the two of them, it will be easy." Seeing that Master Chang San did not speak, the transport captain suggested to Master Chang San to capture the two.

"You said, she is accompanied by a strong man who has both supernatural powers? This strong man who has both supernatural powers is really rare in this doomsday continent. After all, every one who grows up is a very powerful strong man." Master Chang San ignored the transport captain's suggestion and confirmed it with him.

"Yeah, that's right, I scanned it with high-tech scanning glasses, and the strong level has reached level 9, but the supernatural level has just reached the level of supernatural power level 2, and the whole person has not yet entered the awakening level." The transport captain nodded and reported to Master Chang San truthfully.

"That's good. If he is really our enemy, we must kill him now. If a strong man with both supernatural powers and abilities grows up, it will be very difficult to deal with him." After hearing this, Master Chang nodded and replied.

"However, we can't do it now. This time, the higher-ups sent me here to lead the team. The main task is to get the gem that appeared in the warehouse this time. Don't let anything happen because of this. I will report to the higher-ups. You arrange people to keep an eye on them, and send the charming snake to find out his details." After thinking for a moment, Master Chang San proposed a countermeasure to the transport captain.

"Yes!" The transport captain agreed, and then pulled the big deputy captain next to him out.

At the same time, Xiao Qiang had already circulated the Fire Heart Technique twice in the house. After the operation was completed, Xiao Qiang was sweating profusely, but he felt a lot more relaxed.

After opening his eyes, Xiao Qiang found that Yang Xue had changed into a gray sportswear, looking very relaxed. She was sitting on the sofa and reading an old magazine. Her hair was hanging down naturally, and her whole person showed a unique temperament.

"I didn't expect that you would read such old entertainment magazines. I thought you would only bury your head in research." Xiao Qiang held his chin with one hand, kept the cross-legged sitting posture just now, and said to Yang Xue with a smile.

"Of course, before the end of the world, I would also read these news when I had nothing to do. Don't you know that? But I haven't read these entertainment news for a long time, and I don't know where all these handsome guys on it have gone." Yang Xue didn't even turn her head and continued to flip through the magazine.

"Are you as handsome as me?" Xiao Qiang continued to maintain the posture of admiring Lin Bingyan just now, and asked Yang Xue.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Yang Xue slowly moved the magazine away from her face and gave Xiao Qiang a big eye roll.

"Brother Xiao Qiang, I'm going in." At this moment, Xiao Hu's voice sounded from outside the door, and along with Xiao Hu's voice, the door was opened.

"Brother Xiao, the meal queue has started downstairs. Captain Shen specifically asked me to deliver the meal to you in the house, so that you don't have to queue up downstairs." Xiao Hu said as he entered the house with a large pile of food.

Xiao Qiang noticed that among these foods, there was a small bowl of cabbage, two small pieces of fried pork chops, a small piece of apple, two dark dry food, a small box of canned ham, and a soup that had nothing to do with water, which were placed on the coffee table by Xiao Hu.

"Ah? Are we going to eat this for lunch?" Xiao Qiang picked up the canned ham, looked at it carefully, and found that the can was expired, so he asked Xiao Hu.

"How can everyone eat this? This thing is so precious. Only the leaders of your base and those stronger hunter teams are qualified to eat such good things. Brother Xiao, try it. It has been such a long time since the end of the world, you must not have eaten such fresh vegetables. This is grown with seeds specially developed by our company. Of course, there are better vegetables than this, but they are only enjoyed by the senior executives of our company." Xiao Hu licked his lips as he looked at the food and explained the situation to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang had already learned how to eat in different levels when he was at the urban base. However, what Xiao Qiang didn't expect was that even M Company, which could produce so many high-tech items, felt that there was some shortage of these foods. It is conceivable that other snobbish foods were even more in shortage. , after all, in the apocalypse, it is difficult to find a safe place to live, so who would even think about planting. Xiao Qiang really wanted to tell Xiao Hu that he could eat a variety of vegetables every day, and he would also be able to eat fresh meat after a while. Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang already had an idea in his mind. Since there was such a shortage of other snobby foods, he could expand his planting scale and exchange these foods for arms or food. Xiao Qiang naturally doesn't want to eat these foods, so he might as well exchange some food from the system, which will be enough for himself and Yang Xue to eat.

"Oh, oh, that's it. So what, you, Yang Xue, and I have already eaten something on the way here, and now our stomachs are full. Don't waste such good things, then Xiao Hu Just eat these, but these cans have expired. Are you sure these things are edible?" After Xiao Qiang saw Xiao Hu's desire to eat, he simply gave all these things to Xiao Hu.

"Really? Thank you so much. Brother Xiao, don't worry, it's the end of the world when you can eat this. It's not so particular anymore. I haven't eaten this canned ham for a long time." Hu seemed very happy when he heard Xiao Qiang's words, but he still didn't take action immediately, but asked.

After seeing Xiao Qiang nodding to confirm, Xiao Hu immediately picked up the food and was about to go out to enjoy lunch, but he seemed to remember something and returned to the house.

"By the way, Brother Xiao, I almost forgot an important thing. In the afternoon at the base camp, M Company will join forces with the army to hold a mobilization meeting and fight instructions. Please ask Brother Xiao to come and participate." Xiao Hu He added.

"Okay, I understand. I will definitely participate when the time comes." Xiao Qiang nodded and said to Xiao Hu.

"You gave him all the food, so what should we have for lunch, Brother Xiao? You have to come up with something good." After Xiao Hu went out, Yang Xue leaned against the bedroom door, Blinking his big eyes, he looked at Xiao Qiang with a mocking look, and seemed to know that Xiao Qiang could conjure good things, so he spoke.

"Okay, how about having instant noodles for lunch? Add a braised egg, a ham sausage, a croissant, and a glass of fresh juice. How about it?" Xiao Qiang thought for a while and asked Yang Snow suggested.

"What? If you follow Lin Bingyan, you can eat hot pot when you go out, but if you follow me, you can only eat instant noodles?" Yang Xue crossed her hands and placed them on her chest, questioning Xiao Qiang.

"This is the situation, because we are now in someone else's base camp. If we eat hot pot, the smell will be too strong. If others find out, it will be difficult to explain to them. This is much simpler. If you are so "Are you jealous?" Xiao Qiang also smiled and joked after seeing Yang Xue's appearance.

After Yang Xue heard Xiao Qiang's words, she gave Xiao Qiang a big eye roll, said nothing, sat on the coffee table, and waited for some instant noodles.

Xiao Qiang took out these foods from the system. Anyway, some senior officials at Longshan Base knew about Xiao Qiang's special nature and knew that Xiao Qiang could take out some special items. But Yang Xue seems to be particularly adaptable to Xiao Qiang's ability to transform things with his bare hands. Even Lin Bingyan sometimes seems particularly curious, but Yang Xue seems not surprised. In that way, she seems to know Xiao Qiang has such a thing as a system.

After taking out the food, Xiao Qiang took out the alcohol lamp, took out the intermediate water storage bag he carried with him, unfolded the intermediate water storage bag, placed it at the bathing position in the corner, took out some water from it and put it in. When I got to the pot, I used an alcohol lamp to heat the water and prepare to eat instant noodles in a while.

At this moment, after Yang Xue saw the water storage bag in the corner, she stood up with great interest and walked to the side of the water storage bag. After walking to the water storage bag, he reached out his hand and gently groped back and forth on the water storage bag.

After Xiao Qiang sat on the pot, he saw Yang Xue's condition and walked towards Yang Xue.

"How about it? This thing is very powerful. It can be enlarged and reduced. It stores a lot of water and is easy to carry. If you want to take a bath these days, it can also satisfy your desire to take a bath." Xiao Qiang showed off to Yang Xue said.

"Of course, using the latest space nanoscale technology, objects can be compressed to a very small size, and can also be restored. Not only this water storage bag, but also many things... Forget it, follow You said you don't understand, are the instant noodles ready?" Yang Xue looked at the water bag and seemed to remember something, and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Oh, you almost forgot to give it to me if you didn't tell me. The water has already been boiled. Wait a moment and make instant noodles immediately. You will be able to eat them in a while." Xiao Qiang listened to Yang Xue Although I didn't quite understand it, I didn't pursue it too much and went to make instant noodles quickly.

After a while, the two of them had a delicious meal of instant noodles on the coffee table. Afterwards, Xiao Qiang fiddled with the bathing area so that they could take a bath at night. After Xiao Qiang got the bathing equipment ready, he found that Yang Xue had packed up everything he had eaten and returned to the bedroom to rest. Xiao Qiang shook his head, feeling that Yang Xue was not as cold as the cold one he often saw when he came out this time, and he was also quite easy to get along with.

There was nothing to do at noon, and he had no place to take a lunch break, so Xiao Qiang simply prepared to go out for a walk, so as to observe the snobbish people who came here.

The area of ​​the base camp is not particularly large, and this time in addition to the people from M Company and the legion, many other snobs also came, so the entire base camp was full of people, noisy, and it didn’t look like it was already there at all. It looks like it's the end of the world, but it looks like we're going to a market here.

Xiao Qiang walked around and found nothing special. After the apocalypse, Xiao Qiang has been staying in Xuzhou City. Moreover, other snobbery rarely come to level 4 cities. , so Xiao Qiang rarely knows these other snobbish people. Moreover, Xiao Qiang discovered that this time, M Company should not have sent Li Zhong here, which also made Xiao Qiang a little relieved. After all, there was no need to worry that Li Zhong would launch some attacks on him during this search activity. .

Just as he was about to return to the house, when he reached a corner, Xiao Qiang discovered that there was a small independent building with more than 30 rooms in the corner of the base camp. More than 10 people dressed in black were walking out of the building, and none of them looked like good-natured ones. What Xiao Qiang noticed was that the person walking at the back was the same person Xiao Qiang had last time. When I was fighting with Zhang Bo in the city, I met one of the men in black. As usual, they should belong to the same group and the same base, but I don’t know the name of their base. It seemed that they were walking in the direction of the building where Company M was located. This time, he is probably here to participate in the search activity.

"Ding, I found a level 6 strongman who has awakened!"

"Ding, I found a level 3 strongman who has awakened!"

"Ding, I found a strong person who has awakened to level 4!"

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang turned on the binocular recognition scanning function and scanned the group of men in black. He found that the levels of these men in black were very high. From this look, they should be sent by their base. They are top experts. I wonder if the purpose of their coming here is to obtain those three magic weapons.

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