Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 573 Yang Xue acts like a spoiled child

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang quickly hid aside. If they found him, with so many masters, even if Xiao Qiang released two puppet zombies, he would not have the confidence to beat them. It seems that this search activity still needs to pay more attention to safety. If there are any good things, they can only be put on the second step. After all, the formula that these black-clothed men are looking for is still with him. If they find it, they will definitely fight against him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang hurried back to his house and prepared to discuss this matter with Yang Xue.

At this time, in the building selected by the legion, in a spacious office, a big man in military uniform leaned in front of the table and listened to another young man in military uniform reporting to him.

"Captain Zhao, those people from the Black Sand Base just walked towards the house of M Company. It seems that the people from the Black Sand Base have been persuaded by them and are ready to join forces with them." The young man in military uniform reported the news he got to the big man in military uniform.

The man in uniform is named Zhao Jun. He was a military commander before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, his body also underwent this mutation. Now he is a strong man with awakened level 7 strength. He has a simple and honest character. He treats his soldiers very well and is very good at guiding them. Therefore, his soldiers admire him and are very loyal to him. After the apocalypse, he actively killed zombies and helped the survivors of the apocalypse. He thought that one day he would be able to kill these zombies and give humans a home before the apocalypse. This is somewhat similar to Xiao Qiang.

"I thought before that the people of M Company were just a large manufacturing company. After the apocalypse, I thought they were just a neutral black gold exchange. It would be fine if they united with those other snobs, but now I didn't expect that they would even want to unite with a base like Black Sand Base, which has done so many evil things. It's really getting more and more outrageous. When I wanted to prevent forces like Black Sand Base from joining, M Company disagreed, saying that only by uniting everyone's strength can we better complete the task of this search. Now it seems that they are just ambitious and have ulterior motives to take them back for their own use. But, I don't know what kind of benefits M Company will promise to Black Sand Base this time." After hearing this, the big man in military uniforms also seemed a little excited. He stood up and walked back and forth, and spoke.

"Alas, at noon today, the people of M Company implemented a system of eating according to their grades. Those who are strong eat very fresh food, and the food is also very good, while those who are weaker can only eat some expired items. Moreover, they have used black gold and food to win over others many times. It's a pity that our army does not have the new seeds and feed of their M company, and food is also in short supply. Otherwise, we must compete with them." The young man also seemed very angry and complained to the big man in military uniform.

This young man was Zhao Jun's deputy. Before the end of the world, he had been with Zhao Jun. After the end of the world, his strength reached the awakening level 3.

"Xiao Wu, don't say that. It's their business if they want to recruit, but we won't do such a thing. If there wasn't that gem in the warehouse this time, and the zombies were too powerful, how could we join forces with them? It's just a pity that our secondary base was attacked by zombies and we couldn't send more masters, otherwise why would we be restricted by the people of M Company everywhere. After the end of the world, humans should have united together to fight zombies together. Why do we need to spend these things to recruit other snobs like now? Tell the people of the legion that as long as they treat people well and sincerely, others will naturally join us and prepare for tomorrow's attack on the warehouse. Tomorrow will be a tough battle." Commander Zhao stood up and spoke to Xiao Wu.

"Yes, the attack plan has been prepared. At the mobilization meeting in the afternoon, we will also exchange opinions with the people of M Company and other snobs." Xiao Wu stood up, nodded, and after saying something to Zhao Jun, he stood up and prepared to go outside.

"Tell the brothers to be careful of the people from M Company, and be sure to pay more attention!" When Xiao Wu walked to the door, Zhao Jun spoke up again to remind him.

At the same time, the people from the Black Sand Base were already in Chang San's office. They had discussed the conditions of both parties with Chang San and had already reached an agreement.

"Brother Hei, let's make it a deal. Among the many snobs who came to the base camp, only Brother Hei's Black Sand Base is the strongest. On the day when we attack the warehouse, our M Company only needs to take a black box, and the other things, including the three magic weapons, can be handed over to your Black Sand Base. I hope that both sides will cooperate sincerely and help each other at that time." Master Chang San hugged the shoulder of the leading black-clothed man, sent him to the door of the office, held his hand and spoke.

The black-clothed man was wearing a black sweater on his upper body. Even when he was talking to Chang San, he was wearing his hat and a black mask on his face. Only his eyes were exposed on his face.

"Okay, definitely. I also hope that M Company will transport the batch of vegetable seeds you produced to the Black Sand Base as soon as possible. Tomorrow our people will definitely be optimistic about the masters of the legion. Please take action when the time comes. Be quick and get what we both need." The man in black said gloomily, and after finishing speaking, he turned around and took his people back.

"Yang Xue, Yang Xue, come on, when I was wandering around just now, guess who I found? And those people are not low in strength. It seems that there are really crouching tigers, hidden dragons in this base camp. I didn't expect this. There were so many snobbish people in this search activity." After Xiao Qiang used his binocular recognition scan to discover the level of the men in black, he quickly detoured back and said to Yang Xue.

Yang Xue heard Xiao Qiang's words, opened the sliding door of the bedroom, and said to Xiao Qiang: "If I guess correctly, judging from your appearance, you should have encountered the same person you met last time in the city. One of those people in black."

"Yes, that's right, and the strength of their group this time is not weak. If they really take action, the two of us will still suffer a lot. Therefore, our search activities this time must still be based on Safety comes first. If you can get the good things, take them. If you can't get them, don't take them. If it's not possible, we won't even enter the warehouse. Those men in black are still too dangerous. "Xiao Qiang nodded and sat down. He sat on the sofa, drank a glass of water, and said to Yang Xue.

"No, we have to enter the warehouse!" Unexpectedly, just after Xiao Qiang finished speaking, Yang Xue yelled.

"Sister, keep your voice down!" Xiao Qiang stood up quickly, closed the door and said to Yang Xue.

"The warehouse this time is different from the past. This time it is the warehouse of Company M. It not only contains all kinds of good things, but also the formulas we have been looking for." Yang Xue also realized her gaffe and sat down on the sofa. Shang looked at Xiao Qiang seriously and said patiently to Xiao Qiang in a low voice.

"The formula is gone. Let's look for it again. Anyway, we can't get this formula together. We can get the complete formula. But this time, the men in black are coming in a menacing way, and they are very likely to join forces with Company M." , if a fight really breaks out, then Company M will definitely not come to uphold justice and maintain order." Xiao Qiang explained the powerful relationship to Yang Xue.

"If, I say, the base of this M warehouse is likely to hide some kind of secret, it may have a lot to do with this zombie outbreak. And, you think about it, if it is really just what it seems on the surface If it comes to these things, why would Company M send so many of their experts, and why would the legion be able to send so many people to participate in this search even when they were attacked by zombies? " Yang Xue looked at it. After Xiao Qiang sat down, he also moved towards Xiao Qiang and explained to Xiao Qiang patiently and carefully.

Smelling the faint fragrance coming from Yang Xue's hair, Xiao Qiang slowly calmed down, and slowly and softly said to Yang Xue: "I have also considered this issue, and now it's just what we have Knowing some clues, we can know that this zombie outbreak must have a certain relationship with M Company. Even if it is not caused by people from M Company, it is definitely related to them. However, if it is just me, I’ll go on an adventure this time, but after all, I’m following you. If I encounter those men in black, I’m not sure I can beat them, let alone take you with me.”

"You don't have to worry too much about this. If I encounter them, I will have a way to escape from their hands. Besides, I didn't go to participate in the city that day. I have to enter the warehouse this time, and you won't go If so, then I will follow them in." Yang Xue smiled softly and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, then go. If you are not afraid, there is nothing to be afraid of. When I encounter the men in black, I will take out my trump card and hold them back for a while. However, the two of us should keep a low profile and don't be caught. They have discovered it. When the day comes, you must follow my arrangements and don't act rashly. In addition, I will give you some talismans and the like in a moment. When the day comes, we have a clear goal and find what we are looking for. After that, we will return to Longshan Base and never return to this base camp." Xiao Qiang also stood up and said seriously to Yang Xue.

"Don't worry, don't worry, you must obey the leadership's arrangements here." Yang Xue also stood up and said with a cute wink at Xiao Qiang.

It was also the first time for Xiao Qiang to see Yang Xue acting so cute, and he was immediately amused by Yang Xue. At this moment, the little wolf woke up and walked towards Xiao Qiang from the blanket in the room. While staring at Xiao Qiang with a pair of big eyes, he also rubbed his head against Xiao Qiang's hand.

"Hey, you little guy went to sleep as soon as you got to the house. You didn't even eat lunch. You must be hungry now. Ask me to get you something to eat. You can't go out and wander around in the base camp this time. Ah, just stay in the house and have fun when you get back to our base. When we get to the warehouse tomorrow, we will have to rely on you to help find those good things." Xiao Qiang took out some from the system. Kurogane came and said while touching the little wolf's head.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Lang ignored the black gold lying on the ground. Instead, he continued to look at Xiao Qiang with his big eyes open, and blinked his big eyes at Xiao Qiang seriously.

"Hmm? Did your level upgrade again?" Xiao Qiang asked in confusion after seeing Xiaolang's actions.

"Ding, found a strong 9th level super war pet."

"Wow, I was wondering why you went to sleep as soon as you got to the house. I didn't expect you to upgrade again. It's only been a short time, and you've upgraded again. Your upgrade speed is much faster than mine. In a while, your level will surpass mine. Such a fast upgrade, could it be related to the black gold of those high-level zombies and zombie beasts you've eaten recently? In any case, you're really amazing." After Xiao Qiang detected Xiaolang's level, he raised his thumb and pointed it out to Xiaolang in surprise.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Xiaolang nodded to Xiao Qiang and turned around coquettishly.

"It's really worthy of being a high-level war pet. It's already reached the 9th level of the strong." After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Yang Xue also looked at Xiao Qiang and praised him.

After hearing Yang Xue's praise, Xiao Qiang also looked in Yang Xue's direction. He had never told the people in the base that the little wolf was a super pet. However, Xiao Qiang didn't care too much. He smiled at Yang Xue and took out food from the system to reward the little wolf.

In the afternoon, Xiao Qiang went to attend the mobilization meeting jointly organized by M Company and the Legion. At the meeting, Xiao Qiang deliberately stood in a corner, but in the crowd, Xiao Qiang did not find the whereabouts of those men in black. It seems that those men in black did not come to the mobilization meeting in the afternoon. At the meeting, both sides expressed the importance of fighting zombies this time. However, the spokesperson of the Legion made a statement that was obviously from the perspective of all mankind, emphasizing that humans and zombies cannot coexist. The concept is basically the same as Xiao Qiang, and it also left a good impression on Xiao Qiang. It was the people of M Company who were at the mobilization meeting.

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