Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 574 Charming Snake

While mobilizing everyone, he also recruited everyone, telling everyone the benefits of M Company and how much security there is in the alliance with M Company. Seeing this scene, the people in the legion next to him couldn't help but look at the people in M ​​Company. And Xiao Qiang took advantage of their conversation to scan the levels of these people, so that he could know how strong they are.

"Ding, an awakened level 8 strongman was found."

"Ding, an awakened level 7 strongman was found."

"Ding, an awakened level 5 strongman was found."

"Ding, an awakened level 3 strongman was found."

. . . . . .

At the same time, the top leaders sent by the two parties withdrew with their confidants after speaking the words of mobilization. The remaining deputies also explained the battle plan for tomorrow's fight to the forces participating in this search mission on the stage. According to their arrangement, tomorrow will be mainly people from M Company and the legion, and other forces will be supplemented. Attack the warehouse from the main entrance of the warehouse, and send people to defend at various locations to prevent zombies from other places from attacking here after hearing the noise. Of course, they will also send people to clean up the zombies near the warehouse in advance.

According to both parties, when they enter the warehouse, the things they get will be distributed according to their merits when they come out. This statement also caused everyone to laugh. In the end times, zombies are rampant. Everyone just gathered together because the zombies are too powerful this time. Who will hand over the things they got? Naturally, both parties will not care. This is just a verbal agreement reached by everyone. Moreover, the people of M Company also promised that even if there is no task to obtain items in this search mission, M Company will give them certain benefits as compensation. They are showing goodwill to these forces everywhere and recruiting them.

At the same time, both parties also shared a lot of information with everyone, including the map near the warehouse and the level of zombies to be faced this time. According to the latest research of M Company, since the level of power and superpower are parallel, there is a Qi-gathering level between the awakening level and the final super-power level. Each large level is also divided into 10 small levels, and the sharp division of zombies is still the same, each large level is divided into 5 small levels.

According to the information they received, there are not only hundreds of thousands of zombies in this warehouse, but also a zombie infected at level 5 and several zombies infected at level 4. As soon as this was said, the audience immediately started to discuss. Since each level of zombies has only 5 small levels, a zombie infected at level 5 is equivalent to a strong person awakened at level 9. No wonder the Legion and M Company would send such a lineup to compete.

However, both sides also asked everyone not to panic too much. Not only did both sides have strong people to sit in the battle, but M Company also specially developed a batch of laser guns that consumed black gold. If used to deal with zombies, it would produce special power. After hearing this, everyone was slightly relieved, and at the same time, they once again sighed at the strength of M Company. Xiao Qiang could clearly notice that these forces gradually had a better impression of M Company and were inclined to form an alliance with M Company. Later, they explained the specific strategy of the fight that day and listened to everyone's opinions. Xiao Qiang was also bored, so he returned to the room to practice the fire heart formula. Facing such a powerful zombie, no matter how good the strategy is, it must be supported by strength. Xiao Qiang knew very well that if he couldn't beat the zombie infected with level 5, no matter how good the strategy was, everyone would not be able to break into the warehouse.

At night, Xiao Qiang had dinner, Yang Xue continued to study her notebook in the house. Xiao Qiang had nothing to do, so he planned to take advantage of the night to go to the base camp to see if he could find some other snobbish things.

Since there was no base in Zhongzhou City, M Company and the Corps only set up a temporary base camp here, and did not pull in many power stations, nor did they build complete power lines. In the entire base camp, except for a few buildings with electricity, the rest used candles, including some candles in the house where Xiao Qiang and his friends were. But fortunately, the moon tonight is very round and bright, and there are people coming and going on the road, holding flashlights for lighting. The entire base camp is not only lively, but also bright.

Xiao Qiang originally wanted to find Shen San, so that he could take the opportunity to ask him about the whereabouts of the men in black, but Shen San didn't know where he went to be busy, and he didn't find Shen San at the main entrance of the base camp. And Xiao Qiang didn't find the drunkard he met during the day.

With nothing to do, Xiao Qiang was just about to go back to the house to chat with Yang Xue. Walking to a dark corner, Xiao Qiang suddenly saw a woman walking out of the corner. She had a graceful figure and a graceful posture. She was wearing a black miniskirt on her lower body, black stockings on her smooth legs, and a pair of white seductive high heels on her feet. She was only wearing a white vest on her upper body, revealing her two slender arms and highlighting her plump figure. Her long hair naturally fell on her shoulders. It was already late autumn, but the woman was dressed like this, so Xiao Qiang couldn't help but take a few more glances.

She didn't look very tall, but she looked petite and dressed very feminine. She walked towards Xiao Qiang from a distance, twisting and turning. From a distance, Xiao Qiang could smell a strong scent of perfume. However, because Xiao Qiang was too far away from the person and it was dark here, he couldn't see what the person looked like and could only keep walking forward.

"Xiao Qiang." The figure who was walking from afar stopped in front of Xiao Qiang, looked at Xiao Qiang with a pretty face, and shouted at Xiao Qiang with her red lips slightly opened.

"Bingyan? How could it be you? Why are you here?" Xiao Qiang looked at the stunning face in front of him. Who else could it be but Lin Bingyan?

"Hmph, you brought your lover Yang Xue to the base camp and left me alone in the base. I missed you, so I came to find you. Hurry up and hug me." Lin Bingyan pouted, opened her white arms, and said to Xiao Qiang in a coquettish manner.

"No, no, Yang Xue insisted on participating in this search activity and wanted to find the formula, so she came with me. I didn't bring her here, so don't misunderstand." Xiao Qiang waved his hand and explained to Lin Bingyan.

"Hehe, okay, then how good is your relationship with Yang Xue? Will you go against the people of M Company for Yang Xue, or will you only go against those powerful people for me?" Lin Bingyan looked at Xiao Qiang with a smile, opened her arms and joked to Xiao Qiang.

"No, you two are different. You are my girlfriend, and Yang Xue is our friend and a member of our Longshan base. If someone attacks him, I will definitely take action, but you, I will not let you get hurt." Xiao Qiang quickly explained to Lin Bingyan sincerely.

"Okay, okay, I know, come here and hug me. Do you think I look pretty tonight? Do you think I look sexy in this way?" Lin Bingyan turned around in a miniskirt. The black miniskirt floated up, revealing the black lace underwear inside. Xiao Qiang couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Pretty, pretty, but Bingyan, why are you dressed like this? And why do you feel a little shorter?" Xiao Qiang took two steps towards Lin Bingyan and asked her while walking.

"Maybe the high heels I'm wearing today are a little low, so I look a little shorter. Why do you care about this? Why, do you only like tall girls like Yang Xue, and don't like petite girls like me?" Lin Bingyan said, and she lifted one leg, and her calf wrapped in black stockings was fully exposed in front of Xiao Qiang.

"No, no, my Bingyan is still as beautiful as ever, and she looks good in anything, but you don't wear high heels very often, why did you wear high heels today?" Xiao Qiang looked a little dazed, attracted by Lin Bingyan's outfit, even his breathing became rapid, and he asked.

"Hehe, look at your silly look, isn't it enough to look good, come here quickly, hug me, Xiao Qiangqiang." Lin Bingyan said, and actually stepped back, slowly leaned against the wall, stretched out her tongue, gently stirred back and forth on her lips, and kept stretching her fingers to seduce Xiao Qiang, throwing her eyes and said.

When Xiao Qiang saw Lin Bingyan's sexy outfit, stunning appearance, and charming movements, he seemed a little dazed. His throat kept rolling and stirring, and he opened his mouth and gasped. He walked towards Lin Bingyan step by step in a daze.

"Drink, drink, is there anyone who wants to invite the old man to have a drink? Someone said he has good wine, so he came here to drink." At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded and shouted.

Xiao Qiang was awakened by the shout. He felt a little dizzy. After shaking his head, he opened his eyes and looked around. But he saw that there was no place around Lin Bingyan's beautiful figure. It was still dark around him, and he was still at the corner of the house.

Under the moonlight, a figure walked from the center of the road. He had a big gourd on his waist and walked swayingly, looking like a thin old man. This person was the drunkard Xiao Qiang met during the day, and the voice just now was also made by him.

"Look!" The drunkard walked to Xiao Qiang's side, hugged Xiao Qiang's shoulders, and pointed to the wall and said to him.

Xiao Qiang recognized that the man was the drunkard, and looked towards the wall in the direction of his finger, but saw a sharp black gold steel knife embedded in the wall. If Xiao Qiang walked forward and rushed towards Lin Bingyan, his body would hit the steel knife.

"It's a close call. If I went a little further, I would have hit the steel knife. Steel knife? Drunkard, how could it be you?" Xiao Qiang looked around blankly and said.

"Keep looking!" The drunkard did not answer Xiao Qiang's question, but continued to speak to Xiao Qiang in a deep voice.

Xiao Qiang continued to look over there, but saw a very beautiful flower snake in the corner of the wall. Under the cover of the night, it slid along the wall and disappeared into the corner. If Xiao Qiang had not relied on his extraordinary eyesight, it would have been difficult to spot such a small snake.

"Flower snake? Drunkard, what's going on? Why did I see my girlfriend just now? And what's the matter with this little flower snake?" Xiao Qiang felt that the flower snake was a little strange, and asked the drunkard in confusion.

"This is not the place to talk." The drunkard whispered beside Xiao Qiang's ear.

"Didn't you say you have good wine? The old man likes to drink. Didn't I come to you to drink? You don't want to break your promise?" After saying that, the drunkard shouted at Xiao Qiang again.

"Okay, okay, I have a lot of good wine here. Please come with me to my room, let's have a good drink." Xiao Qiang immediately understood what the drunkard meant, and smiled gently, echoing.

After the two walked away, a charming woman in the corner in the distance looked at the two people's backs and walked towards the house of M Company.

After a while, in Xiao Qiang and Yang Xue's room, Xiao Qiang specially greeted Yang Xue. Yang Xue nodded, indicating that she had no objection, and continued to study her notes in her bedroom. In the living room outside, there were two chairs on both sides of a coffee table. Xiao Qiang and the wine man sat on both sides, and the little wolf also lay down beside Xiao Qiang obediently. On the coffee table, there was a box of good wine. This wine was exchanged by Xiao Qiang from the system with exchange points. It not only tasted fragrant and rich, but also had benefits for mutants to improve their cultivation. In addition to a box of good wine, Xiao Qiang also specially exchanged peanuts and other simple side dishes. Originally, Xiao Qiang could exchange more good dishes, but in order not to arouse suspicion, he exchanged some simple dishes.

"Well, it's really good wine. The pet next to you is not simple. It is a super battle pet, and it has been upgraded to the level of a strong man 9. If you train it well, it will definitely be a great help to you in the future."

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