The wine man picked up his wine glass, drank a glass of wine, tasted it carefully, looked at the little wolf at Xiao Qiang's feet, and said to Xiao Qiang. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

Xiao Qiang spent 2,000 exchange points to exchange for such a box of wine, so the taste is naturally good. The little wolf seemed to understand the wine man's praise, raised his head proudly, and looked in the direction of the wine man with a light in his eyes.

"The wine man is really a wine lover. I got this wine by chance. As for the little wolf, he is already my good friend. Even if the little wolf can't grow up in the future, I will take good care of the little wolf." Xiao Qiang smiled lightly and explained to the wine man.

The wine man smiled lightly when he heard Xiao Qiang's words, but he didn't continue to ask questions. He picked up the wine and tasted it carefully. After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, Xiaolang stood up, rubbed his head against Xiao Qiang's body, and blinked at Xiao Qiang, as if to say that he would definitely grow up in the future and provide Xiao Qiang with enough help.

"Thank you, old man, for what I did just now. Otherwise, I would have hit the top of the steel knife." Xiao Qiang touched Xiaolang's head, turned around, raised his wine glass to the old man, and thanked him.

"You're welcome, don't try this trick on me. I saw it clearly just now. The tip of the dagger was exposed from your sleeves. I guess even if I didn't shout at you, you wouldn't have hit the top of the steel knife. You're not bad, you've trained your character well, and you can even resist the temptation of the seductive snake." With a "bang", the old man's cup collided with Xiao Qiang, and he drank it in one gulp, and said to Xiao Qiang with satisfaction.

At that time, although Xiao Qiang did see Lin Bingyan, an obvious flaw still prevented Xiao Qiang from getting lost, because Lin Bingyan would call Xiao Qiang "Xiao Dingdang" if she was being coquettish, and never called him "Xiao Qiangqiang". In addition, Xiao Qiang had been tempered for so long that his mind had already developed a certain resistance. Although the "Lin Bingyan" just now looked really tempting, ordinary people would probably have fallen long ago, but Xiao Qiang, who practiced the fire heart technique, could still resist.

"The drunkard is indeed a drunkard. I did find some flaws in her address at that time, and that's why I felt a little strange. However, drunkard, since you found that I took out the dagger, why did you speak out to stop me? And who is the seductive snake you are talking about?" Xiao Qiang picked up the bottle on the table, poured a glass of wine for the drunkard, and asked out loud.

"This charming snake is really amazing. There are two snakes in M ​​Company, one is the charming snake and the other is the green snake. The one you met today should be the charming snake. Rumor has it that the charming snake is charming, plump, and graceful. Even if a man takes a look at it, he can't help but be attracted to it. What's more amazing is that the charming snake's ability is illusion. When the illusion is performed, it can directly hit the weakest link in a person's mind, which is also the link that is most easily broken, blinding people's eyes and trapping them in the illusion." The drunkard paused, grabbed a handful of peanuts from the bag of peanuts on the table, stuffed them into his mouth, and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

"As for why I want to stop you, there are two reasons. One is that the charm snake just now did not show up, and I did not see the charm snake in front of you. The charm snake has a small flower snake. Even if the charm snake does not appear, it can use her beautiful small flower snake to cast illusions on people. Therefore, even if you pulled out the dagger just now, it will only cut on the steel knife. Another reason is that these two small snakes of M Company are highly appreciated by their senior staff. If you really hurt the small snakes, the people of M Company will definitely attack you, even in the current situation. You may not care, but what about your base." The drunkard explained the reason for stopping Xiao Qiang lightly.

"In this way, this M Company is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, and there are such capable people who can rely on a small snake to cast such a powerful illusion. The feeling just now was so real. I really felt that a real person was standing in front of me and talking to me." Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sighed after hearing the explanation of the drunkard.

"You should come to other cities in the end times to see more. Although you are a strong man with dual abilities, which is rare in the end times, your level is still too low. If you go out, you must not think of these people too simply. You should be careful and cautious. It is not wrong to consider everything. However, don't forget the most important thing because of this. In the end, strength is still respected." The wine man put down the wine glass, looked at Xiao Qiang with appreciation, and said seriously.

"Thank you, wine man, I will follow your teachings. Come, toast you a glass." Xiao Qiang poured a full glass of wine and said respectfully to the wine man.

"Come, drink." Seeing this, the wine man also raised his glass happily and clinked it with Xiao Qiang.

"Jiu Lao, you are wandering around now. I have a Longshan base in Xuzhou City. A bunch of people gather together in this apocalypse, fighting zombies every day, and then get together to chat. We are living a very happy life. I wonder if Jiu Lao is interested in living in my Longshan base." After Xiao Qiang saw that he had asked clearly about Mei Snake, he wanted to recruit a master like Jiu Lao to the Longshan base.

"Hey, old man, I am getting older. If I get together with many people, I will be easily disliked by others, and I feel uncomfortable. Walking around and traveling around in this post-apocalyptic city by myself, that's quite the feeling. Very good. When I look at you, I know that you are a kind brat. Under your leadership, your Longshan base will definitely be strong, and you will definitely be able to manage the Longshan base well. I understand your kindness, but I am still used to it. However, I am also planning to visit these level 4 cities recently. I will definitely go to your Longshan base to have a drink and chat with you. Yes." The wine man chuckled and declined gently.

Xiao Qiang knows that there is no way that a master of Jiu Lao's level is willing to be taken in by the base. There must be a reason why he is unwilling to join the base. So Xiao Qiang stopped forcing him and just talked about drinking with the wine guy. If the wine guy is willing to join the Longshan base when the time comes, that would be good.

"Okay, I will definitely make better wine by then and have a good drink with the drunkard. Then I might be able to eat the pork produced by our base. Come on, I don't know how much the drunkard can drink today. Let's drink all this wine tonight, so we won't be able to fight zombies tomorrow." Xiao Qiang raised his glass and greeted the drunkard, shouting lively.

The two of them drank until after 12 o'clock in the evening. During this period, the two of them chatted freely, and Xiao Qiang no longer mentioned the matter of letting the drunkard join the base. The two of them were like old friends, chatting while eating, Very happy too. In the end, the two of them drank a total of more than 10 bottles of wine, and the floor of the living room was littered with empty wine bottles. However, fortunately, both of them are mutants and are very strong. Their drinking capacity is not bad, and they are only slightly tipsy after drinking. When the drunk man got excited, he poured a lot of wine into the little wolf. However, the little wolf seemed to have never drank before. After drinking some wine, he lay down on the soft cushion in the living room to sleep. On fire.

"You can meet people wherever you go. I really don't understand how you guys can get so drunk with someone you just met. How can you follow everyone into the warehouse tomorrow when you're drunk? "Yang Xue pinched her nose and packed away the beer bottles in the room, while looking at Xiao Qiang who was half lying on the sofa, and complained softly.

"Don't worry, Miss Yang. We have such a big capacity for drinking. We won't get drunk even if we drink so much. I will definitely be able to take you into the warehouse tomorrow. But now, Miss Yang is busy. Thank you very much for helping me pack these things." Xiao Qiang sat up slightly and said to Yang Xue.

"If you really want to thank me, please go and clean up the bathroom and connect your water storage bag. I have been riding in the car for a day and I want to take a shower soon." Yang Xue packed up the things. After putting the garbage outside the house, he opened the window for ventilation, pointed to the water bag in the corner of Xiao Qiang and said.

"Okay, as ordered, I will definitely let the beautiful woman take a bath comfortably." After saying this, Xiao Qiang stood up and walked towards the water bag in the corner.

This mid-level water storage bag is indeed an item produced by the system. It can not only store a large amount of water for easy portability, but also has the function of keeping warm. So as long as the water storage bag is connected to the shower head in the bathroom, it can be used in this late autumn season. , take a bath. Xiao Qiang fixed the sprinkler head and added a layer of cloth curtain outside the bathroom to block it.

"It's done. Do you want to wash it first or let me wash it first?" Xiao Qiang asked Yang Xue in the bedroom after finishing the bathroom door.

Yang Xue opened the bedroom door, holding the pajamas she wanted to change into, and said to Xiao Qiang: "I'll wash it first, you go to the bedroom and stay there, close the door, don't touch my things, especially What’s in my backpack, and don’t let me hear you opening the door, or I’ll blind you.”

After a while, Xiao Qiang listened to the sound of water rushing in the living room and sat on the bed with nothing to do. He turned to the cowhide notebook that was placed on the table and closed by Yang Xue. This notebook has always been very cherished by Yang Xue. Yang Xue had to run back to look for it when it fell among the zombies. Therefore, we can also see the importance of this kraft paper notebook to Yang Xue.

"Look what is written here? What makes Yang Xue cherish this cowhide notebook so much." Thinking like this, Xiao Qiang came to the table and flipped through the notebook.

Xiao Qiang noticed that the notebook must have been specially made by someone. Not only was the cover made of kraft paper, but some of the papers inside were also made of kraft paper, which was the same formula used by Xiao Qiang. kind of material. Others were mixed with some paper and put into the notebook. It can be seen that this kraft paper notebook must be specially made.

Opening the notebook, the first thing he opened was a piece of paper with some chemical formulas and Yang Xue's notes on these formulas. There were many formulas densely recorded on it, and Xiao Qiang could not understand the meaning of these formulas. However, there were some words on it that Xiao Qiang could understand, including some familiar apocalyptic words such as "black gold", "long sword", "zombie", etc., but there were also some things in Xiao Qiang's system such as "intermediate seeds" and "talisman paper", and next to them were a series of chemical formulas. Xiao Qiang was suddenly surprised. He couldn't figure out whether Yang Xue could also make these things.

However, when he continued to look through the notebook, he was even more surprised. Xiao Qiang found that in the second part of the cowhide notebook, there was a diary recorded by Yang Xue. The diary probably started when he met Xiao Qiang and others at the outbreak of the apocalypse, and the more he wrote, the more he wrote about himself. There were records of himself, including when he built a base, when he upgraded, and when he had a battle pet like the little wolf. It felt like Xiao Qiang was a research object of Yang Xue. Among them, what surprised Xiao Qiang the most was that Yang Xue seemed to know that Xiao Qiang had a system. Fortunately, Xiao Qiang did not see any hostility from Yang Xue's diary. Instead, from the part about Yang Xue's mood, he could see that Yang Xue slowly recognized himself and the base, and he could also feel Yang Xue's love and belonging to the base.

It was because of this part that Xiao Qiang resisted the urge to continue to question Yang Xue, flipped through the notebook, and reached the part of the kraft paper.

On that part, there were some things that Xiao Qiang could not understand. There were some strange words and some formulas on it. Xiao Qiang knew that if he followed what Yang Xue said, then these kraft papers were also unique.

Xiao Qiang could not understand the content on these kraft papers, but when Xiao Qiang turned to the last page of the kraft paper, there was a line of Chinese characters at the bottom of the paper, which Xiao Qiang could recognize. The line of words read: Do your best to assist that person and solve this doomsday crisis.

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