Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 576 Yang Xue's Notebook

After seeing these words, Xiao Qiang fell into deep thought. Since the outbreak of the apocalypse, Xiao Qiang has always thought that Yang Xue was an ordinary college student whom he accidentally rescued. However, as they spent more and more time together, Yang Xue greatly exceeded Xiao Qiang's expectations. Not only did he have a variety of chemical knowledge, but he also seemed very knowledgeable about the items in his system. familiar with it, and also helped his base to build a research institute. Judging from the current situation, the person mentioned in the notebook to assist should be himself.

However, how did Yang Xue know that there was such a number one person like herself, and why did she think that after finding herself, she would be able to solve this apocalyptic crisis, and what kind of content was on the vellum in this notebook? Various questions lingered. In Xiao Qiang's mind, he was puzzled. Xiao Qiang originally thought about asking Yang Xue for clarification, but after thinking about it, what if the person recorded in the notebook was not him, and what if Yang Xue himself didn't want to tell these things. In the apocalypse, everyone has their own secrets, so why bother to expose her and embarrass her? Anyway, Yang Xue has done things that are beneficial to Xiao Qiang up to now, so why bother to ask clearly. Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Xiao Qiang decided not to ask Yang Xue yet.

Later, Xiao Qiang glanced at the pink backpack that Yang Xue put on the bed. When he was in the car, Xiao Qiang had already noticed Yang Xue's backpack. There must be something in her backpack, and Yang Xue Xue also deliberately protected Xiao Qiang from touching her.

He stretched out his hand and slowly placed it on the zipper of the backpack, and slowly opened the zipper in the direction of opening.

"Xiao Qiang, I've finished washing. You can come out and take a shower." At this moment, Yang Xue's voice rang.

After Xiao Qiang heard Yang Xue's voice, he quickly zipped up his backpack, opened the bedroom door and walked out. After Yang Xue took a shower, she put on a light blue nightgown, revealing two long, slender and straight legs. Her hair was still a little wet and hung on her shoulders. Her face was cold and arrogant, and she looked extremely beautiful. Holding the clothes he had changed and washed, he slowly walked towards Xiao Qiang.

"Beautiful Yang takes a bath very quickly. I didn't expect that not only does she do things vigorously, but she also takes a bath so fast." Xiao Qiang came out of the bedroom and joked to Yang Xue who was walking towards her with a smile.

"What? I've been washing for a long time so you can peek at my things? Or are you doing something bad in my room?" Yang Xue arrived in front of Xiao Qiang's body and asked with a slight smile.

Xiao Qiang looked at the stunning face in front of him, and did not show any panic. Instead, he stretched out, smiled at Yang Xue and said: "Hey, I didn't do any bad things. It's just that under the beauty of Yang I fell asleep on the bed. It was comfortable, big and soft. If Miss Yang hadn’t called me, I might have been able to sleep until tomorrow morning. "

"Abnormal!" Yang Xue rolled her eyes at Xiao Qiang, then closed the door with a "bang".

"It seems that he has already watched it. I don't know what he will think after watching it, and I don't know if he can really trust me after watching it. But seeing that he didn't ask me just now, he should still be worried about me. There is suspicion." Yang Xue looked at the notebook in her hand and thought in a daze.

Yang Xue clamped a hair that was too small to be noticed in her cowhide notebook. Yang Xue sat at the table and saw the long hair falling on the ground. It was Yang Xue's plan to let Xiao Qiang look at his cowhide notebook this time.

After a while, Xiao Qiang finished taking a bath and noticed that Yang Xue had made a bed for him on the floor of the living room. There was a mat underneath and a blanket on top. Even the little wolf was covered with Yang Xue carefully covered him with a towel.

"Thank you so much, Miss Yang. I didn't expect you to be so careful. It seems that you will also be a good wife and mother in the future." Xiao Qiang wiped his hair and smiled after seeing the situation on the ground. said.

At this time, Yang Xue's bedroom door was not closed. Yang Xue was leaning on the bed. The short nightgown could not cover Yang Xue's two slender and straight legs. Xiao Qiang couldn't bear it when he saw this. I took a second look. When Yang Xue heard Xiao Qiang's words, she pulled the quilt to block her two long legs, and then closed the bedroom door with a "bang". Xiao Qiang curled his lips and shook his head helplessly. After a tiring day, he quickly fell asleep.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Zhongzhou City, the temporary base camp built by humans, began to look busy. There were people carrying supplies everywhere, indicating that soon, in Zhongzhou City, the largest level 3 city, there will be a A fierce battle.

Xiao Qiang did not sleep well last night. Although M Company and the Legion opened up such a base camp in Zhongzhou City, the surroundings of the base camp are still full of zombies. In addition, Zhongzhou City has a large population. Nowadays, most of them have become zombies. Therefore, when Xiao Qiang was sleeping at night, he could always hear the howls of zombies, and even the sound of a small group of zombies attacking here. As a result, M Company and Legion were strong enough. The two front lines of defense blocked the zombies. Therefore, the people sleeping in the base camp were not alerted to come to help. However, the sound of gunfire from time to time still made Xiao Qiang not sleep well at night.

"Brother Xiao, get up. Eat at 6:30. Gather at the entrance of the base camp at 7 o'clock on time and launch an attack on the warehouse." At 6:10, a voice called Xiao Qiang and Yang Xue to get up outside the room.

"Okay, got it. We won't have breakfast. We will gather at the entrance on time after 7 o'clock." Xiao Qiang stuck his head out of the blanket and shouted to the people outside the door.

It seems that sometimes having too good hearing is not a good thing. After Xiao Qiang took the five senses enhancement pill, the sensitivity of his five senses was greatly improved, but he had not learned how to flexibly control the sensitivity of his five senses. Therefore, the movements of last night were clearly transmitted to Xiao Qiang's ears, and he didn't sleep all night.

"Get up, eat something, and then go fight the zombies. Although you didn't sleep well, you still need to eat enough to have the strength to fight the zombies, right?" Yang Xue put two cups of milk on the coffee table and said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang shook his head and could only get up to wash his face. He saw that some of the food left over from yesterday, bread, two cups of milk, and some sauces were already placed on the coffee table. Yang Xue was wearing a black sportswear. Her slender figure put on this sportswear, a pair of white sneakers on her feet, and a ponytail tied on her head, the whole person looked very neat.

After dinner, Yang Xue packed up the things in her backpack. After participating in the search mission today, the two were ready to return to the Longshan base. Xiao Qiang had nothing to pack, so he took advantage of Yang Xue's time to pack up and sat down to run his own fire heart formula. After running the fire heart formula all over his body, Xiao Qiang felt that his body had recovered a little. The fatigue caused by not sleeping all night was also reduced a lot after running the fire heart formula.

"I'm done, let's go down." Yang Xue put her backpack on her back and said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang saw that in addition to wearing clothes and carrying a backpack, Yang Xue also wore a mask. Xiao Qiang thought Yang Xue was worried that the two would be discovered by the men in black, so he didn't say anything more. He smiled gently, took out a mask from the system, and put it on in the same way as Yang Xue. Anyway, there are all kinds of people coming to this base camp, and it wouldn't be particularly abrupt for the two to wear masks, but Xiaolang would be a little obvious, so Xiao Qiang asked Xiaolang to go back to the system.

The road outside the base camp has been prepared, and it is roughly divided into three camps. The two convoys in the front are from M Company on one side and the Legion on the other. Most of them are wearing green military uniforms, but some of them are wearing other clothes because they don't have military uniforms. Behind the two convoys are people from other bases and hunter teams. Everyone is noisy and driving their own cars, and there is no general order. A lot of cars are parked messily on the road, which forms a sharp contrast with the two neat convoys in front.

Xiao Qiang found his car, followed Yang Xue in the car, and followed the last position of the entire convoy. Xiao Qiang originally wanted to find the drunkard, but the scene was in a mess and he didn't see the drunkard. However, when he saw the convoy of the men in black, Xiao Qiang hurriedly drove away from them.

"Okay, today, we will attack the warehouse and fight the zombies. Our M company will take the lead. When we get to the warehouse, I hope you will fight the zombies together according to yesterday's battle plan and get the good things in the warehouse. Now, let's go." Chang Sanye saw that the time was almost up, so he stood at the front of all the convoys and said in high spirits.

This approach naturally caused dissatisfaction among the people in the legion, and they all looked at the M company with squinted eyes. After all, this event was organized by both parties, and now the order to set off was issued by the leader of M company. Isn't this going to suppress the legion?

"They are too much. I will go and talk to them. How can they set off as soon as they say so? They don't even ask our army members. It's too much of a bully." A deputy next to Zhao Jun was a little angry when he saw this, and was about to go up to them to argue.

However, Zhao Jun stretched out his hand, stopped him and said, "Okay, don't make trouble. If they want to show off, let them do it. We just have to do our own things. This search mission is more important. Hurry up and prepare the army and get ready to set off immediately."

"Stand at attention, everyone get in the car, and set off immediately to the warehouse." As Zhao Jun spoke, the adjutant next to him began to give orders to the people in his army.

Soon, a convoy of more than 20,000 people marched towards the warehouse in a mighty manner. Among these 30,000 people, there were more than 10,000 people from M Company, including many masters and more than 7,000 people brought by the Legion. The rest were people from bases and hunter teams who came from all over the place. There were many people and their strength was uneven. Many people were jealous of the many good items in the warehouse this time, and thought that they could get a share of the items here by coming here.

In the front, there were several tanks leading the way, with two helicopters overhead, and behind the tanks were several off-road vehicles with heavy machine guns, artillery and other heavy weapons on them. Among these teams, some personnel of M Company particularly attracted everyone's attention. These people were holding new weapons, laser guns, wearing armor made of black gold, and drove behind those heavy weapon convoys. They were also the assault team of M Company.

From these teams, it can be seen that M Company and the Legion have also made a big investment in preparing for this search mission. After all, now is not like before the end of the world, there are a lot of reserves of various weapons and ammunition. From the lineups sent by M Company and the Legion, it can also be seen that the zombies in the warehouse are powerful this time, which has attracted so much attention.

The entire convoy was moving towards the warehouse in a mighty manner. On the way, they encountered the zombies approaching the convoy. Naturally, people from the M Company or the Legion in front would knock down the zombies. The sound of "da da da" gunshots continued along the way. Xiao Qiang drove the car in the back and had a quiet time along the way.

Soon, the convoy drove smoothly to the downstairs of the warehouse. According to yesterday's arrangement, Xiao Qiang and the other two were assigned to the attack plan at the main entrance.

Following the convoy to the main entrance, Xiao Qiang parked the car casually on the road and followed the large army to the front of the warehouse of M Company. After standing at the back of the army, Xiao Qiang looked in the direction of the warehouse. Just look, the entire warehouse has a total of three floors. The floors are not very high, but the area is very wide. On the top of the building, there are also the words Zhongzhou Pharmaceutical Company. It can be seen that before the end of the world, this place was not named after M Company. After the end of the world, M Company suddenly rose. Therefore, Xiao Qiang is more certain that M Company must have something to do with the outbreak of the end of the world. According to the combat arrangement, a lot of people will be sent to attack the back door of the warehouse.

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