Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 577 Warehouse Battle (I)

Xiao Qiang noticed that many people were heading towards the back door, including the men in black. Around the warehouse, both sides also sent some people to guard various positions on the road to prevent zombies from being alarmed and rushing over.

Several tanks were parked at the front of the main entrance. Two helicopters hovered above the warehouse, and the engines made a "booming" sound. The staff quickly set up a simple defensive offensive in front. The staff of the Legion dispersed and hid behind the defensive fortifications, aiming the machine gun at the main entrance. The masters of M Company and the Legion walked in the front position, followed by the personnel of other bases and the members of the hunter team. Xiao Qiang and Yang Xue walked at the end of the team. Xiao Qiang would naturally not show off in such a large-scale fight. Anyway, there were people from M Company and the Legion fighting the zombies first, and there were so many people. When the fight started and the warehouse could be attacked, it would not be too late for Xiao Qiang to rush up with Yang Xue.

With a "boom", everyone just stood in the warehouse downstairs, and saw that the words "Made in Zhongzhou" made of steel bars on the roof were broken and fell to the ground. At the same time, a large piece of stone hit the helicopter in the air at a very fast speed.

"Clang" the stone hit one of the helicopters, and the helicopter immediately caught fire and shot it down from mid-air. As soon as they fought, one helicopter was destroyed, which was enough to show the ferocity of these zombies. The remaining helicopter immediately opened fire and raised its altitude. "Da Da Da" bullets kept shooting towards the roof.

At the same time, the iron frame made in Zhongzhou that was broken by the zombies fell towards the crowd, and the crowd exclaimed. But I saw an adjutant of the Zhao army walking out of the legion, aiming at the iron frame in the air and stretching out his two palms. I saw a perceptible wave in the air, and after hitting the iron frame, it was knocked out.

With a "bang", a huge zombie jumped out from the roof. It was as tall as two floors and was very strong. After jumping out, it punched the crowd. Seeing this, the people downstairs hurriedly wanted to dodge, but saw a man rushing out from the camp of M Company in the crowd. His whole body turned into steel, emitting the luster of steel. His right arm stretched forward, but it had changed into the shape of a blade. The whole person rushed into the sky and collided with the zombie with a "bang".

The collision between the two kicked off the war between humans and zombies. Without too much prelude, the zombies rushed out of the warehouse and launched an attack on the crowd. Without too much reservation, the zombies sent out all their strength at once. Many powerful zombies crossed the first line of defense set by people and rushed into the crowd. Naturally, there were also good players among humans who fought with those zombies. The war entered a white-hot stage from the beginning.

Xiao Qiang had witnessed the ferocity of the zombies in the upper city during this search mission, and also witnessed the powerful strength of the mutants in the end of the world. Standing at the back, Xiao Qiang was also very excited when he saw such a fighting scene. He wanted to rush forward to fight with the zombies, but the scene was complicated, and the road was full of crowded people fighting. Looking at Yang Xue who needed his protection, Xiao Qiang had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​rushing forward and watched the fighting situation at the end of the team.

"Earth Binding"

"Water Sinking"

"Fine Steel Knife"

. . . . . .

Various superpowers were used by the mutants, and the people watching were also dazzled. In the Legion and M Company, each had a person in charge of commanding the team, and the two sides did not seem too chaotic, while the people from other bases and the members of the hunter team were much more chaotic, fighting each other and fighting with the zombies rushing over.

During this time, all the masters around Chang Sanye and Zhao Jun made their moves, but the two of them, standing at the front of the team, did not make any moves. Xiao Qiang knew that the two of them should be waiting for the zombie infected with level 5. Only the two of them could deal with the zombie infected with level 5 together, of course, except for the drunkard whose level Xiao Qiang did not know.

"Ding, a zombie infected with level 2 was found!"

"Ding, a strong person awakened to level 3 was found!"

"Da Da Da", accompanied by the sound of machine guns, a large number of zombies rushing out began to fall. Xiao Qiang used his eyes to identify and scan and found that the man who had just turned into steel had not awakened to level 3, and the zombie that collided with him was a zombie infected with level 2. The two sides were fighting hard, and the two of them were making a lot of noise, so the others hurriedly avoided the center of the fight between the two, leaving a large area for the fight between the two.

With a "puff", the fight between the two men had already been decided. The man with the iron power, after paying the price of one hand being deformed, finally used the steel knife that was transformed from his hand to chop the zombie's head. After the man chopped off the zombie, his head returned to normal, and it was covered with sweat. One of his iron arms had been smashed into pieces by the zombie's continuous punches. The man was about to take a breath, but suddenly, a long tail shot towards him from the rooftop. With a "bang", the sharp tail had already penetrated the man's still iron body. The man from M Company looked at the rooftop in disbelief, and his entire iron body fell to the side.

"Ding, a level 3 infected zombie was found!"

Xiao Qiang noticed that on the rooftop of the third floor of the warehouse, a crawling zombie slowly climbed from the rooftop to the eaves. This crawling zombie had three long tails, one of which had stretched out and entered the man's body.

Seeing this, the crowd below hurriedly turned their guns around and aimed at the zombies upstairs. A series of bullets "Da Da Da" hit the zombies, but these ordinary bullets could not penetrate the zombies' bodies at all. The zombie retracted its long tail, and then three tails shot down from the roof, sweeping across the crowd downstairs.

"Empty palm!"

At this time, the young man who had sent the bullets flying from the iron frame rushed out of the army, jumped high into the air, and waved several palms at the tails that were ejected, and bounced the tails away. Then he jumped up several times and jumped onto the roof, fighting with the zombies.

"Ding, a Level 4 awakening expert was found!"

There were zombies rushing out and falling on the road, but the casualties among humans were also not small. Since people were trying to get the items in the warehouse, they could not use artillery shells and tanks to bomb the walls of the warehouse. However, some mutants who run fast in the crowd will be responsible for attracting waves of zombies to the roads or houses nearby, and then use artillery shells and tanks to bomb them. Under the command of humans, they gradually gain the upper hand when facing these zombies.

"Bang", the iron window in the warehouse was smashed open, and a zombie tiger rushed out from it. Its huge body and the bricks around the window were scattered. After the tiger rushed out, it rushed into the crowd, biting and bumping, and messed up the defense that everyone had finally built.

"Ding, a zombie beast infected with level 3 is found!"

"Ten fingers exercise!"

The zombie beast rushed into the crowd, relying on its huge body, fierce speed, and sharp claws, constantly harvesting human lives in the crowd, but it was difficult for the crowd to resist this zombie beast infected with level 3. At this moment, the nine thousand year old man Xiao Qiang had met before slowly stepped out, his ten fingers gently turned, and ten cold lights flowed out from his fingertips and shot at the ten zombies closest to him. After the cold light shot into the zombies, the ten zombies that were originally attacking humans immediately stopped their movements and stood there in a daze.

The nine thousand year old man's arms kept shaking gently, and his five fingers fiddled back and forth. With his fair face, he looked like a pretty woman dancing. With the movements of the nine thousand year old man, the ten zombies had been subdued by him and became puppets, and rushed towards the zombie beast.

The levels of these ten zombies were not very low. The lowest was an ordinary level 4 strength, and the highest was even a zombie infected with level 1, but under the movement of the nine thousand year old's ten fingers, they were controlled at once. This also shows the strength of the nine thousand year old man and the power of the puppet needle. The ten zombies immediately surrounded the zombie tiger. Ten zombies might not be able to defeat the zombie beast, but the ten controlled puppet zombies were fearless. Even if their arms were bitten off by the zombie beast, they still attacked the zombie tiger. Soon, the ten zombies slowly surrounded the zombie tiger and surrounded it within a certain range. During this time, once a puppet zombie controlled by Jiu Qiansui was killed by the zombie tiger, Jiu Qiansui could quickly use the puppet needle to control another zombie and surround the zombie tiger. This was equivalent to a zombie beast having to deal with a continuous stream of zombies. Soon, the zombie beast had a lot of injuries on its body.

"Laser Team, go!" Although they were able to suppress the zombies temporarily, they were unable to break the deadlock. More than two hours had passed. The commander of M Company waved his hand and spoke to the people behind him who were holding special weapons and dressed in full armor.

There were 50 of them in total. After the war began, they stood on the side of the crowd with strict discipline. They held the laser guns specially made by M Company and did not hit the zombies. They were waiting for orders.

These laser guns were very powerful and consumed black gold. The lasers they fired had strong penetrating power. Even infected zombies could be penetrated by the laser guns, causing damage to infected zombies.

Moreover, these people were wearing armor made of black gold, which was very defensive. They were considered to be the secret heavy-armored troops created by M Company. These people usually did not take action, but guarded the base of M Company in the second-level city. This time, they sent a 50-man force to help attack the warehouse for the important thing in the warehouse.

After seeing these people take action, Chang Sanye also showed a barely perceptible smile on his face, and looked at Zhao Jun's side with some pride, and looked at him proudly.

"Swish, swish, swish" These members of the laser gun team did not stay in place as soon as they took action, but attacked the warehouse in an orderly manner. Xiao Qiang chopped the zombies that approached him to the ground with one palm, protected Yang Xue and hid in the corner, and looked nervously in front of him, and also wanted to see the power of those laser guns.

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

... . . . . .

Listening to the reminder sound of killing zombies in his mind, Xiao Qiang saw that after the laser guns were fired, they fired a long blue laser. These blue lasers have very strong penetrating power. After a laser is fired, it can penetrate those low-level zombies, and even the low-level zombies behind are penetrated by the laser gun. After a shot is fired, it can sweep away a large area of ​​zombies, and these lasers can also pose a very serious threat to the defense of high-level zombies. Some people are separated from these laser gun teams to help the mutants deal with the high-level zombies fighting with the mutants. The zombie tiger was soon hit by several lasers. Although it failed to penetrate the zombie beast's body, it still made several holes in it. The laser gun was so powerful, but it consumed black gold very quickly. One laser gun shot would consume a whole backpack of black gold. There were special M company personnel constantly transporting black gold to these troops. Xiao Qiang couldn't help but be amazed when he saw this. This M company was really generous for this search mission.

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