Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 578 Warehouse Battle (Part 2)

It also cost a lot of black gold. It seems that the things inside are really important.

"Yang Xue, can you make this laser gun?" After Xiao Qiang saw the power of the laser gun, he also wanted to ask Yang Xue behind him.

"It has never been made before. The gun is made of high-precision black gold so that it can withstand the power emitted by the black gold. It seems that it requires special drawings to make it. But if you can get one, you should be able to follow it. It's just a speed that consumes black gold. Are you sure you can afford it?" Yang Xue leaned against the wall in the corner, observing the fighting situation in the field, and replied to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang took a look at the situation on the field. Although the laser gun troops were fully armed, there were still some high-level zombies that could kill these people. Therefore, a lot of laser guns fell on the ground. , the situation was very chaotic, and no one was able to put away those guns in time. Xiao Qiang thought that if he rushed over when the warehouse door was opened, picked up one or two guns and put them into the system, he would not be discovered. If that doesn't work, Xiao Qiang can exchange some guns from the system.

Soon, after these people rushed in with the laser gun team, the pressure on everyone was greatly reduced, and the number of zombies became less and less. If this continues, it only takes more than half an hour to kill them. It is possible to kill the zombies in the warehouse, and then rush into the warehouse to obtain the items in the warehouse.

However, with a bang, the outer wall of the second floor of the warehouse was completely knocked open. Two members of the laser gun team were thrown out and bumped into the crowd. Then, led by a zombie with 6 arms, a large wave of The zombies jumped down from the second floor and launched an attack on the crowd.

"Ding, we found infected level 5 zombies!"

"Ding, we found infected level 3 zombies!"

"Ding, we found an ordinary level 5 zombie!"

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang scanned these zombies and found that the zombies at the forefront were all very strong, and these zombies should also be the most powerful wave of zombies in these warehouses.

Chang Sanye was naturally waiting for this wave of zombies. He looked at Zhao Jun and took the lead in rushing towards the zombie infected with level 5. Chang San's whole body turned into a ball. The sand stirred up a thick layer of dust, and it rushed towards the 6-armed zombie, wrapping it up so that the zombie's body could not move. Then, the sand The huge fist it transformed into hit the zombie's head hard one after another.

But soon, the zombie with level 5 infection broke free, and its six arms quickly collided with the sand fist, and suddenly threw Chang San aside.


"Water Dragon!"

"Thorn vines!"

. . . . . .

Seeing that even Mr. Chang Sanye, who had awakened to level 3, was thrown away with one move, the superpowers below all used their methods to attack the zombie infected with level 5 infection. At the same time, dozens of lasers and countless bullets attacked the zombie with 6 arms flying in the air. But soon, a large number of zombies with good strength behind the infected level 5 zombies also rushed over and attacked those mutants. Those mutants could only withdraw their moves and patiently fight to themselves. Fight the attacking zombies.

"Ouch!" While Xiao Qiang was watching the situation nervously, he suddenly heard a roar of a tiger. The zombie tiger just now had been beaten to death under the siege of everyone. Xiao Qiang was just wondering where the roaring sound of a tiger came from, when he saw an upright tiger nearly 2 meters high rising into the sky and pounced towards the infected 5 in the air. Level zombies. That tiger was transformed by Zhao Jun, and his power was to transform into the form of a tiger.

Zhao Jun soared into the sky and immediately pounced down the zombie infected with Level 5 flying in the air. One tiger claw pressed down on the zombie's head, and the other sharp stainless steel tiger claw kept pressing down. The random scratching on the zombie's body is difficult to cause damage to the zombie's body. Zhao Jun opened his mouth and aimed his fangs at the zombie lying on the ground, intending to bite it in one bite. However, with a strong force, the zombie flew Zhao Jun's huge tiger body away and hit the building nearby. After collapsing the wall, it fell into the building.

On the other side, Chang San, who had just been thrown away, had not yet landed, but his whole body had already turned around and rushed towards the zombie again. His body turned into sand and wrapped around the zombie's body tightly. Making the zombies unable to move any further. With a "boom", Zhao Jun's huge body rushed out from the pile of ruins, knocking away all the broken bricks on his body, and threw himself on the zombie. He and Zhao Jun were dealing with it together. That zombie infected level 5.

At this time, the entire road was filled with zombies and human corpses, especially at the entrance of the warehouse, which had formed a hill and reached the second floor. Although there are not many zombies left in the field, because these zombies are the strongest group of zombies here, everyone is once again plunged into a melee, but this time the melee is much more powerful than the one just produced. many. Those from Legion and M Company held machine guns and wanted to shoot to help, but when they saw mutants and zombies fighting together, they were afraid that they would be injured if they opened fire. Upon seeing this, the commander left a small group of people to guard around these high-level zombies, while the others continued to attack the low-level zombies around them and clean up the remaining zombies.

"Shattered Palm!"

"Ding, the host uses Shattering Palm Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency is 73/1000"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

. . . . . .

While Xiao Qiang used his broken palm to kill a large number of approaching zombies, he was attracted by the fighting in the field, and it was also very exciting to watch. Several times he wanted to rush forward and kill the zombies with everyone, but after thinking about Yang Xue and the men in black behind him, Xiao Qiang gave up the urge to step forward, but still stretched his neck. Killing the approaching zombies, while looking forward, paying close attention to the situation in the field. The fights between these awakening-level experts are indeed very exciting, and Xiao Qiang has benefited a lot from some fighting skills.

At this time, it had been nearly half an hour since the level 5 zombies rushed out. Almost all of the low-level zombies that rushed out had been killed. Of course, there were also many human casualties. The main entrance alone There are half of the human casualties on the side, and the situation at the back door should be better. After all, the most powerful level 5 infected zombies come to the front door.

Those infected level zombies that rushed out behind the infected level 5 zombies were also besieged by human mutants and were all killed. However, the human mutants also suffered heavy casualties, especially the masters from the legion. This time There weren't many people brought out originally, and with this fight, the only master who had awakened level 3 or above was Zhao Jun's deputy who used the air palm. Of course, it is unknown whether Company M did this intentionally or not.

At this time, there was only one fighting place left in the center of the field, and that was where Chang Sanye and Zhao Jun joined forces to deal with the level 5 infected zombies. The two of them fought with one corpse, and every move hit the vital point. Extremely spicy. Everyone was watching the fight between the three people below, but no one dared to step forward to help, because just now, a member of the legion rushed forward to help, but his claws were pierced by zombies, and his whole body was broken. Fell to the ground. In the struggle between high-level experts, low-level people cannot intervene if they want to help.

The fight between the three of them has entered a critical period. The injuries on the three of them are not serious. The two arms of the six-armed zombie have been broken off and thrown to the ground. The body is also covered with paw prints and fist marks. Zhao Jun and Chang Sanye were not much better. Zhao Jun's tiger body had its hair pulled out in clumps, and its two sharp tiger claw nails were also pulled out by the zombies. As for Mr. Chang, his body had transformed into sand. Although there were no obvious wounds on his body, there were blood stains from the corners of his mouth. It seemed that he had also been hit hard by the zombies.


Chang Sanye's eyes were red, and he used his trick. Countless sand quickly gathered and surrounded the zombie infected with level 5, tightly wrapping the body of the zombie infected with level 5. , and finally a huge sandman formed on the ground, wrapping the zombies and only exposing the zombies' heads. When Zhao Jun saw this, there was no need to say anything. He suddenly jumped down from the air, carrying a thousand pounds of strength in his claws, and smashed the zombie's head with one claw.

The tiger's claws scratched across, and although it failed to cut off the zombie's hard head, everyone could hear a crisp sound of bones breaking. The zombie's head was actually cut off under Zhao Jun's tiger claws. It was broken, and the head drooped to the side of the shoulder. Upon seeing this, the two of them returned to their human form. Looking at the zombie's body lying in the field, they also breathed a sigh of relief and breathed heavily.

Seeing that all the zombies in the center of the field had been cleared away, Mr. Chang quietly winked at his M Company adjutant and was about to launch the first attack into the warehouse, finding the zombies one step ahead of the legions. A treasure. If the legion didn't find it and got it first, they would have to take action in the warehouse to get the treasure back.

However, at this moment, the level 5-infected zombie lying on the ground suddenly started to move, and it was unexpectedly not killed by the two of them. The strength of the level-5 infected zombie was so terrifying that even if its neck was broken, You can still launch an attack later.

I saw the zombie infected with level 5 slowly standing up, with only 4 arms left on his body. His head was still tilted due to being twisted, and he looked at Chang San and Zhao Jun, A "Jie Jie" sound came out of his mouth.

Then, the zombie became extremely fast, several times faster than before. In an instant, it rushed to the two people, stretched out its hands and grabbed their bodies, and threw them back and threw them out. In the air, the two people's reaction speed was also very fast. While being shocked by the power of this level 5 infected zombie, one of them turned into sand and the other turned into a tiger.

The two had just used their superpowers, but the zombie rushed to the front of them again, pressed them to the ground, and then punched them hard. The two could clearly feel that this level 5 infected zombie had reached the end of its strength, but the strength it burst out now was very strong. Soon, both of them were hit by several punches. The huge punches hit their bodies, and they felt very painful, and a large mouthful of blood gushed out.

However, the two were now tightly grasped by a zombie's claw and could not get away from the zombie. They could only fight the zombie with one punch after another and hit the zombie's body.

At this moment, someone in the field shouted: "Hurry up, the people at the back door have entered the warehouse. If you don't go in, the good things inside will be divided by those people. What are you waiting for?"

The people from other organizations in the field didn't care about Zhao Jun and Chang San who were still fighting in the field. One by one, they saw the figures at the back door breaking into the warehouse, and they howled and rushed into the warehouse. The scene suddenly fell into chaos. The people from M Company originally wanted to stop them, but everyone rushed in and couldn't stop them. They couldn't shoot at these people. If that happened, M Company would offend too many people.

Seeing that there was no other way, the commanders of the Corps and M Company could only quickly send people into the warehouse, but they left a small number of people outside to guard, including the Corps' adjutant who used the empty palm.

"Brother Zhao, if the stalemate continues like this, the things inside will be taken away by people from other bases. So, you help me break free from the zombies, and we can use the same moves again, how about that?" Chang San looked at the situation in the center of the venue, and spoke with an idea in mind.

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