Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 579 Warehouse Battle (Part 3)

"Okay, no problem, I'll help you. Zhao Jun was a soldier. When he heard Chang San's proposal, he thought Chang San really wanted to kill the zombie, so he replied without thinking.

While speaking, Zhao Jun had already taken a punch from the zombie. He stretched out a tiger claw and aimed at Chang San's shoulder. He swung it hard, and the arm was cut off by the tiger claw. Chang San was also able to get rid of the zombie's control. His body turned into sand and floated in the air, but Chang San did not use the same trick to deal with the zombie again.

"Brother Zhao, thank you very much. This zombie will play with you here. I'm going to find the treasure inside." Chang San turned around and said jokingly to Zhao Jun who was controlled by the zombie in the air.

After speaking, Chang San didn't even turn his head back, turned into a ball of sand, and rushed into the building of M Company through the window.

"Chang San, you old man, actually dared to deceive me. "When Zhao Jun saw that Chang San broke his promise, his eyes immediately turned red and he shouted in Chang San's direction.

Without Chang San's restraint, Zhao Jun faced this level 5 infected zombie alone, and he had no strength to fight back. He could only raise his tiger claws to block the vital parts of his body and resist the zombie's heavy punches. Soon, Zhao Jun was beaten bloody under the bombardment of the zombie's heavy punches.

"Brother!" The adjutant who used the empty palm rushed up after seeing Zhao Jun's appearance.

Although Zhao Jun was the commander, he treated his brothers very well and took good care of them on a daily basis. When the adjutant saw that Zhao Jun was deceived by Chang San and was punched by the zombies, he immediately rushed up regardless of the zombie's strong strength.

"Empty palm! "

The adjutant aimed at the back of the zombie and continuously blasted out empty palms, but the empty palms, which were powerful enough to break steel bars, could not cause any damage to the zombie infected at level 5. Only a few of them caused superficial injuries to the zombie. Not only the adjutant, but also the rest of the legionaries outside, all picked up machine guns and fired wildly at the back of the zombies, but these bullets were like tickling to the thick-skinned and tough infected zombies at level 5, and could not cause any damage.

"Don't come over! "Although Zhao Jun was covered in wounds, he hurriedly spoke out to stop his brothers when he saw them rushing over.

Just as Zhao Jun finished speaking, the zombie was obviously enraged by them and threw Zhao Jun's body out, slamming it heavily against the wall. Then it rushed into the crowd at a very fast speed, setting off a bloody storm and slaughtering those in the legion.

At this time, the only high-level mutant in the legion was the adjutant who used the empty palm. He was infected with level 5 zombies and rushed in, harvesting them like mowing the grass. The lives of the people in the legion. Only the adjutant could fight the infected level 5 zombie with only three arms left. Even so, he was caught by the infected level 5 zombie. The level difference was too big, and the speed and strength were too far apart.

Zhao Jun was sore all over after being thrown out, but he still stood up slowly with the help of the wall. After standing up, he just saw that the infected level 5 zombie grabbed the adjutant's neck with one hand and hit the adjutant's stomach with the other hand. The powerful force pierced the adjutant's entire stomach.

"No!" Zhao Jun looked at the corpses of the people in the legion on the ground, and the tears in the corners of his eyes kept turning, especially the scene where the zombie killed the adjutant in one go, and he shouted angrily.

The adjutant heard Zhao Jun's shouting, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, just spraying on the face of the zombie in front of him. He turned his head slightly, looked at Zhao Jun's direction and smiled.

"Empty palm! "Then, the adjutant used up all his last strength and used his special ability to slap the zombie in the face, sending the zombie's entire body flying. Half of its face was also blown off by the adjutant's close-range palm. As the zombie flew out, the adjutant's body also fell down.

"Ah~" Zhao Jun saw this, grief mixed with anger, hating this zombie, and hating Chang San's betrayal even more. The whole body became a little bigger again, and with a flick of the tail, a big hole was punched in the wall behind him.

"You guys run, I'll deal with this zombie! "Zhao Jun turned his head and shouted loudly to the remaining 10 or so people in the army.

After speaking, Zhao Jun did not wait for their response. He jumped up and pounced on the zombie. This time, Zhao Jun completely ignored the zombie's fists hitting him. He did not defend at all. He just turned into a tiger claw and hit the zombie's vital parts one by one.

In just a blink of an eye, the two had already thrown more than 10 heavy punches each. The two had completely turned into bloody people in the center of the venue, but they still kept swinging their fists, although the speed and strength of the fists were much weaker than before. The zombie's arms were broken again, and one of its legs was a little lame. Zhao Jun was not much better. Not only was he covered in blood, but he was also covered in injuries. Even his face was scratched by the zombie's five fingers, leaving five finger marks.

With a "bang", the two separated as soon as they touched each other, but soon they rushed towards each other again. Xiao Qiang saw clearly that this time it was probably going to be a winner, but Zhao Jun's level was still too low after all, and he still couldn't beat this zombie infected with level 5. If they were allowed to collide with each other, Zhao Jun would definitely be killed, although the zombie would be seriously injured again.

"Yang Xue, wait for me here, I'll be back in a while." Xiao Qiang turned his head and said to Yang Xue.

However, Xiao Qiang found that Yang Xue had disappeared without a trace. Just now, the fight in the field deeply attracted Xiao Qiang's attention. Xiao Qiang had been watching the situation in the field closely. Everyone rushed to the warehouse in a swarm, intending to wait for others to enter the warehouse first, and then take Yang Xue in. Unexpectedly, Yang Xue disappeared without a trace.

However, at this moment, Xiao Qiang didn't care about looking for Yang Xue's whereabouts. After all, the struggle in the field had reached the most critical moment. If Xiao Qiang didn't take action, Zhao Jun would probably be killed by the zombies. Because Xiao Qiang heard Zhao Jun's speech yesterday, and he agreed with his approach of uniting humans and cleaning up zombies. In addition, what he saw with his own eyes today, the heroic spirit of the people in their army when facing the zombies, also raised his admiration for Zhao Jun.

Looking at the crowds of people rushing into the warehouse and Zhao Jun fighting alone against the zombies infected at level 5, Xiao Qiang was deeply moved. He took out three daggers engraved with the Flying Thunder God's mark from the system and threw them towards Zhao Jun and the zombies.

The dagger passed through the crowd, and one of the daggers reached the position behind Zhao Jun.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 172/1000"

In an instant, the man running to the warehouse in front only felt that the young man with a mask standing there disappeared instantly. However, he didn't care. After all, the goods in the warehouse were more tempting. Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God technique and arrived behind Zhao Jun. He stretched out his hand and gently grabbed Zhao Jun, and then used the Flying Thunder God again.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 173/1000"

At this time, the second dagger had already flown to the corner of the wall. Xiao Qiang grabbed Zhao Jun's huge body after it changed into a tiger form and reached the second dagger. After putting Zhao Jun down, before Zhao Jun could react, Xiao Qiang had already used the Flying Thunder God technique again while he was stunned.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 174/1000"

In the surprised eyes of Zhao Jun and the people in the legion, Xiao Qiang had already flashed to the side of the third dagger, that is, the back of the zombie. Then, Xiao Qiang put the three daggers back into the system and started his series of tricks.

"The fourth door - open!"

"Shattering Palm!"

"Ding, host uses the Shattering Palm technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 74/1000"

Xiao Qiang first used a set of Shattering Palms on the infected zombie at level 5. After a palm strike, it hit the zombie's neck, making the zombie's neck, which was already crooked, even crooked under the attack of the Shattering Palm. However, Xiao Qiang's level was too low, and the damage he caused was still not as powerful as the empty palm just now. The zombie reacted, making a "jiejie" sound from his mouth, and launched an attack on Xiao Qiang. At this time, Xiao Qiang was waiting for the opportunity. He had not fought the zombies just now. Now he was facing this zombie with only one arm left out of six and a lame leg. Although his attacks could not cause much damage to the zombies, his sensitivity and speed were much faster than the zombies, and he could use the Flying Thunder God technique to escape at any time. Therefore, the zombie could not hurt Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang simply used his own moves to bombard the zombie, hitting the zombie's head with every move.

"Thunder Claw!"

"Ding, the host uses the Thunder Claw technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 64/1000"

"Mad Dragon Sword Technique!"

"Ding, the host uses the Mad Dragon Sword Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 43/1000"

"Wolf Fang Step!"

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 60/1000"

. . . . . .

He kept using new moves, but because Xiao Qiang's level was too low, he couldn't cause fatal damage to the zombies. The defensive power of the zombies infected at level 5 was still too strong. Even though Xiao Qiang had the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, the level gap was too big, and his strength was unable to break through the zombies' bodies.

After being separated from the zombie for a distance, Xiao Qiang thought for a while. Now he didn't know where Yang Xue had gone. He had to find Yang Xue quickly, so he couldn't spend too much time with this level 5 infected zombie. Using the Crazy Dragon Knife might be able to easily kill this zombie, but the power of the Crazy Dragon Knife was too great. It was Xiao Qiang's trump card and could not be used easily. In this case, he would use the White Lotus to attack this zombie, which should be able to kill this seriously injured level 5 infected zombie. Xiao Qiang took a look at the blood all over the body, even the broken flesh had been exposed, and half of the face was beaten off. The whole body of the zombie looked very scary. He curled his lips helplessly, took a deep breath, and rushed towards the zombie.

"Biao Lianhua!"

Xiao Qiang ran towards the zombie's body, dodged the zombie's claws by gently turning sideways, and reached the back of the zombie. He hugged the zombie tightly with both hands, and then Xiao Qiang jumped high into the air with the zombie's body, and then fell to the ground at a high speed. However, when falling, the zombie's head was facing downward. When it was about to reach the ground, Xiao Qiang separated from the zombie, and the zombie's head continued to hit the ground at a high speed.

With a "bang", the zombie's head hit the ground, creating a huge deep pit on the ground. After being hit, the zombie also sank into the ground and stopped moving. It was obvious that it had been killed by Xiao Qiang.

"Ding, the host killed the infected level 5 zombie, experience value +10 million, exchange points +10 million, reward..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for upgrading to..."

Soon, after landing, Xiao Qiang heard a series of system prompts. When he heard that the reward value was 10 million, he was shocked. This time, it was not in vain to come to participate in this search mission. The 10 million experience points and 10 million exchange points alone are worth it. As expected, good people are rewarded. I thought that I came here to save Zhao Jun and kill the infected level 5 zombie, so that I could enjoy the rich rewards brought by this cross-level kill.

At this time, after Zhao Jun was placed in a corner by Xiao Qiang, the remaining legion outside immediately surrounded Zhao Jun. After watching Xiao Qiang's dazzling offensive methods and finally killing the infected level 5 zombie, everyone was also shocked by the strength of the young man in front of them. After seeing Xiao Qiang kill the zombie, they finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this level 5 infected zombie was too powerful.

"This search mission has failed. Tell the brothers to withdraw. Even if we can find the gem now, our experts are all dead or injured, and it will definitely be snatched away by the people of M Company. M Company, I, Zhao Jun, will remember this account for you." Zhao Jun changed back to human form and gave instructions to the people around him.

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