Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 580 Warehouse Battle (Part 4)

"Brother, okay!" A person next to Zhao Jun heard Zhao Jun's words and nodded.

Soon, the man took out a special whistle from his pocket, blew three long blasts, and then blew three short blasts in a row, announcing to the legionnaires who were still looking for him in the warehouse. Order to retreat. Not long after the whistle was blown, people were seen rushing out of the warehouse one after another. Seeing that Zhao Jun was injured, they all asked nervously.

"I'm fine. Prepare the army, report the situation to the base, and then prepare to drive back to the base." After the remaining people in the legion retreated, Zhao Jun faced less than 1,000 people left, and he was the only high-level personnel left. A member of the legion crowd cheered up and spoke.

"Yes!" The people in the legion under him agreed, and they were busy looking for the vehicle.

"Little brother, little brother, this way, this way." After Zhao Jun was seriously injured, it was very inconvenient to move. He was helped by two people to stand up, and after killing the level 5 infected zombies, he started Xiao Qiang, who was standing there in a daze, said.

After Xiao Qiang killed the zombies infected with level 5, he heard the news that he had gained 10 million experience points. He was shocked by the 10 million experience points and stayed where he was and sank into the system. Hearing Zhao Jun's shout, Xiao Qiang reacted. He didn't bother to listen to the reward items and the information after the upgrade. He exited the system. Hearing the shout, he looked around and found that It was Zhao Jun who called him and walked in their direction.

"What's wrong? Brother Zhao?" Xiao Qiang admired the figure in the legion in front of him, so he said politely.

"Little brother, thank you for the rescue just now. May I ask my little brother's name and which base he is from? In the future, I, Zhao Jun, will definitely repay little brother for your life-saving grace." Zhao Jun clasped his fists at Xiao Qiang and said gratefully. Xiao Qiang asked aloud.

Zhao Jun noticed that although Xiao Qiang in front of him was wearing a mask, he could still tell that Xiao Qiang was a young man. The fight with the level 5-infected zombie just now also left the young man's body covered in the zombie's blood. However, the young man's eyes were very clean and clear, and he didn't care at all what happened to him after the rescuer had just fought with the zombie. The blood stains on it, and more importantly, Zhao Jun could tell that the young man's level was not high, but he still rushed forward bravely, unlike others who rushed forward in a swarm when they heard that there were good things in the warehouse. Go in. More importantly, this young man's strength also shocked Zhao Jun. With his various skills and the weapon in his hand, Zhao Jun could recognize that it was made by Wu Jin. Such a person, wearing a mask, must be an important person. Everyone in the legion was very curious about Xiao Qiang's identity.

However, Xiao Qiang did not expect that his rescue of Zhao Jun would make them think like this. After all, these exercises were the ones he often used in daily life.

"My name is Xiao Qiang. Brother Zhao doesn't need to worry about it. He just helped. After all, the zombie was already seriously injured. I only need to make a slight move to deal with him. In this way, I really picked it up." A big bargain." Xiao Qiang said to Zhao Jun nonchalantly.

When Zhao Jun heard Xiao Qiang's words, he just thought that Xiao Qiang had a very free and easy temperament and was unwilling to use such things to make others owe favors. Zhao Jun didn't say anything more, but he had already remembered Xiao Qiang's life-saving grace in his heart. After returning, he sent his own people to find out Xiao Qiang's whereabouts, and told the people in his legion that , Xiao Qiang’s business will be his Zhao Jun’s business from now on.

"Okay, I'm a few years older than you. I just want to call Brother Xiao, who I've been with all my life. Please don't mind. Let's just say goodbye. Our legion also suffered a big loss in this search mission, and we have to go back as soon as possible. Report to the base. If Brother Xiao needs my help, he can come to the Legion's base in the second-level city to find me. When the time comes, I will do my best to help Brother Xiao. "Zhao Jun saw that the convoy was already here. It was coming, he raised his hands towards Xiao Qiang and said with fists.

"Okay, Brother Zhao, then I'm not polite. If you need Brother Zhao's help in the future, I will definitely go and bother Brother Zhao." Xiao Qiang also cupped his fists and smiled softly, but he was not polite to Zhao Jun. said.

Zhao Jun can serve as the commander of the legion in this search mission, and he has awakened level 7 strength. He has so many troops under his command. Now he is willing to show his favor to Xiao Qiang. Naturally, Xiao Qiang is Will not refuse.

"Brother Xiao, please be careful when entering this warehouse. Be careful of the zombies inside, and be careful of the personnel of Company M among them." Zhao Jun was helped into the car and faced Xiao Qiang uneasily. warned.

"Okay, I will." Xiao Qiang nodded, waved to Zhao Jun, and watched Zhao Jun and the others retreat.

After saying goodbye to Zhao Jun and the others, Xiao Qiang rushed into Company M and quickly found Yang Xue. If Yang Xue was in danger, Xiao Qiang would not be able to explain it when he returned to the base. Especially the information mentioned in Yang Xue's notebook also made Xiao Qiang very confused. I was still thinking about taking a chance to observe Yang Xue carefully.

Entering the company, what comes into view is a large pool. Opposite is the reception desk. On both sides are a large restaurant and a tea area. The location is not small. It can be seen that before the apocalypse, this place was It was also M Company that built this place very luxuriously. Xiao Qiang noticed that except for some people from Company M who were guarding the door with guns and live ammunition, everyone else had already rushed into the company early to look for those good things. Xiao Qiang noticed that after these people entered the company, they scattered around looking for good things. Some were looking for it on the first floor, and some were running upstairs to the second and third floors. The company was also in a mess. . After Xiao Qiang came in, he didn't care about looking for those good things. He still thought of finding Yang Xue first. However, the company was too big, and Xiao Qiang didn't know where to find Yang Xue.

"Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang, come out quickly, I need your help with something!" Xiao Qiang entered the system in a deep voice and said loudly to Xiao Lang.

With a "chirp", the little wolf jumped out of Xiao Qiang's body. Fortunately, everyone inside was busy looking for treasures, and no one noticed the situation on Xiao Qiang's side. Otherwise, Xiao Qiang would have to be killed. Treat it like a monster. After Xiaolang jumped out, he turned around in front of Xiao Qiang and stared in Xiao Qiang's direction.

"Help me find Yang Xue, the girl who slept with us yesterday, and see where she is." Xiao Qiang touched Xiaolang's head and said.

Although the little wolf is just a wolf, Xiao Qiang discovered that the little wolf's nose is also very sharp, and the identification of smells is also very detailed. Even in a noisy environment, he can accurately find what he is looking for. thing. In this regard, Xiaolang's nose is even more powerful than that of Xiao Qiang, a man with improved facial features.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Xiaolang turned around, faced forward, shrugged his nose hard, and then led the way and ran towards the right side of the first floor. Xiao Qiang noticed that on the right was a pharmaceutical company. canteen. But Xiao Qiang had no doubts and ran in that direction after Xiaolang.

After entering the canteen, a remaining zombie launched an attack on Xiao Qiang. Smelling the smell of spoiled and moldy objects coming from his nose, Xiao Qiang took out his dagger and easily killed the zombie that rushed over. .

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 3 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

Xiao Qiang noticed that after arriving at the canteen, Xiao Lang slowed down, shrugged his nose again, and rushed towards the kitchen. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang was curious, but he still followed Xiao Qiang. The wolf entered the kitchen. When he arrived in the back kitchen, Xiao Qiang could clearly see that there were signs that someone had just come in, and that various kitchen utensils and cabinets inside had also been knocked around.

Xiaolang looked around, then walked towards a dusty disinfection cabinet that had been removed in the corner, and finally stopped in front of the cabinet. Xiao Qiang noticed that the traces of dust on the ground could show that the cabinet had just been removed today. Behind the removed cabinet, there was a passage extending underground. The passage was very long and dark inside, and Xiao Qiang could not see clearly what was going on inside. Did Yang Xue go down here? Xiao Qiang also had doubts in his heart.

Following Xiaolang, he walked slowly downwards. After walking for about tens of meters, he finally reached the ground. Xiao Qiang took two steps forward and relied on his ability to see even in the dark. With clear eyes, they saw a metal door not far below the steps. Xiao Qiang and Xiaolang approached the metal door, and the metal sensor door opened in response.

The metal door opened automatically, and Xiao Qiang's eyes suddenly lit up. The lights inside the door were brightly lit. It had been almost five months since the end of the world. The place in M ​​Company actually still stored electricity, which could light up the place. As soon as Xiao Qiang stepped inside, a zombie rushed towards Xiao Qiang. The zombie was wrapped in special clothes, with a gun hanging on his waist, and he staggered and launched at Xiao Qiang. Attack, before Xiao Qiang could take action, the little wolf on the side had already rushed forward, knocked the zombie down in one fell swoop, put on and took off the zombie's costume in one go, and bit the zombie's neck.

Xiao Qiang noticed that there were some corpses of zombies lying on the ground. They were all dressed in this way. It seemed that they should be the guards who guarded here before the end of the world. Not far away, there were some attacked humans who had descended here and were also killed by zombies. They were lying on the ground. Among them were the members of M Company's laser team. Xiao Qiang raised his vigilance and felt that there should be people here as well. Some powerful zombies, the door here was not opened just now, these zombies did not go out. While looking at the situation around him, Xiao Qiang walked to the laser gun and spent 2,000 exchange points to put the laser gun into the system.

Looking around, Xiao Qiang found that the underground was also very large. It should be a laboratory. There were many passages and some doors. It was divided into many small houses with many equipment placed inside. Xiao Qiang noticed that these doors should be doors for sensing and identifying fingerprints. Now they should have been specially set up. As long as they sensed people passing by, the sensing doors would open automatically, which saved Xiao Qiang a lot of trouble. Following Xiaolang, Xiao Qiang walked forward slowly. Entering a laboratory, Xiao Qiang noticed that this seemed to be a laboratory for making weapons. Xiao Qiang didn't understand the process equipment, but in the corner, Xiao Qiang could identify the materials of the weapons stored. They were made of black gold, and there were quite a few of them. There was also some scattered black gold next to them, which had not yet been made into black gold weapons.

Seeing these black gold weapons, Xiao Qiang knew that these weapons were definitely not produced after the end of the world, so M Company had so much black gold before the end of the world, and also had the process and equipment to produce these black gold weapons. Therefore, Xiao Qiang was more convinced that the outbreak of the end of the world must be related to M Company, and even his own system might be related to M Company.

Although he was skeptical of M Company, Xiao Qiang was not polite. He stored all the black gold and weapons he had made into the system at a total cost of 50,000 exchange points. Xiao Qiang, who had just obtained 10 million exchange points, did not care about the cost of such a small amount of exchange points. Moreover, Xiao Qiang also understood that the warehouse of M Company was not in the three-story building above the ground. All these good things were stored in a secret research room built underground. If it were not for Xiaolang leading the way, Xiao Qiang would have found it difficult to find that there was a passage leading to the secret warehouse behind a cabinet in the corner of the cafeteria. Xiao Qiang heard clearly that more and more people had discovered that the warehouse of M Company was below. Many people had already rushed down and began to search for the good things here. There were even some fights among these people in order to compete for the good things here.

After storing the black gold and weapons into the system, Xiao Qiang did not stop. More and more people came down. Now the most urgent task is to find Yang Xue quickly. Only by finding Yang Xue can he better protect her, so that he can feel at ease. At that time, he can search for some good things in this warehouse, as well as the important kraft paper.

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