Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 581 Warehouse Battle (V)

Following the little wolf, there were a long passage and many doors on the road. There were also many small laboratories next to it. Xiao Qiang knew that there must be a lot of good things inside, but he did not stay too long. He followed the little wolf to find Yang Xue as soon as possible. Soon after running for nearly 500 meters, Xiao Qiang could not recognize the road anymore. Finally, he saw a large glass laboratory in the center of the underground warehouse. From the outside, he could clearly see the situation inside.

Just now, when Yang Xue saw the crowd starting to move towards the warehouse, she was worried that the formula would be taken away by others, so she did not greet Xiao Qiang and followed the crowd into the warehouse. The path in the cafeteria was also opened by Yang Xue, including the familiar release of the stored electricity after entering, and the underground warehouse was powered. Originally, there was another road in the underground laboratory, and you could take the elevator down to the warehouse, but because the switch was not turned on, Yang Xue still chose to enter the underground laboratory from this secret path.

After entering the laboratory, Yang Xue did not stay too long. Even though she knew that there were some good things hidden in these laboratories, she still found this large laboratory quickly according to her memory, because Yang Xue also found that many people had already rushed in here. Fortunately, Yang Xue did not encounter zombies along the way, which saved Yang Xue a lot of time.

Standing outside the door of the glass laboratory, the door of this glass laboratory is not like other doors, which have a sensor setting, but a fingerprint sensing device is installed outside the door, and the glass is also made of special materials. Even if it is swept by a machine gun for more than half an hour, it may not be able to break the glass. Moreover, it seems that someone has locked this glass door in a hurry after the zombie outbreak. Yang Xue approached the fingerprint lock and gently placed her index finger on the lock. With a "click", the fingerprint lock actually opened, and the glass door was also opened.

After arriving at the glass laboratory, Yang Xue noticed that after the zombie outbreak, the place was in a mess, with destroyed instruments and equipment everywhere, and traces of the fight on the solid bulletproof glass. On the long conference table in the middle, the various materials that were originally neatly stored had been completely disrupted, and various papers were spread out on the table in a mess. Yang Xue didn't care about the formulas for making medicine and talismans recorded on these papers. She pounced on the table, swept the pile of papers aside, and then carefully identified them. She touched the button on the edge of the table, and then gently placed her index finger on the corner of the edge of the table.

As Yang Xue's index finger gently touched, the wooden table, which seemed to have nothing special on the surface, actually changed. From the surface of the wooden table, an electronic projection appeared on the table. Then, Yang Xue gently moved her face closer to the projection. The projection showed the words "successful recognition". With a "pop", a secret compartment popped out on the table that looked intact on the surface, and the lining of the table was made of black gold. It was a whole table made of black gold.

Yang Xue couldn't help but smile when she saw the things in the secret compartment, and said softly: "The teacher really put this part of the things here."

As she spoke, Yang Xue gently picked up the things in the secret compartment, and the secret compartment was quickly retracted, and the whole table returned to its previous appearance. From the outside, it looked like a table made of wood. After getting the roll of things, Yang Xue hurriedly flipped through it to confirm. If Xiao Qiang was present, he would recognize that this kraft paper was the same thing as Yang Xue's notebook, and it should be a part of the same notebook.

"What is that in your hand? Hand it over to me." Yang Xue was reading the contents written on the kraft paper when suddenly a deep voice came from the door of the glass room and asked Yang Xue.

Hearing the voice, Yang Xue said it was not good and quickly blocked the hand holding the kraft paper behind her. Yang Xue's action attracted the attention of the two people, making them think that Yang Xue had a good thing in her hand. Moreover, the two noticed that there was only one girl here, Yang Xue, and while talking, one of them slowly approached Yang Xue.

Yang Xue looked forward and saw that the two were dressed in black clothes, with very strong bodies, and holding weapons made of black gold in their hands. Moreover, Yang Xue also remembered that when they were outside just now, when they were standing behind the team, Xiao Qiang pointed to the direction of the men in black to Yang Xue. Yang Xue could recognize one of them, who was one of the two men in black in front of her.

After recognizing the men in black, Yang Xue secretly thought that it was not good. Although these men in black did not know that she and Xiao Qiang were in the same group, with their style of doing things, they might really snatch the things in her hands. Thinking of this, Yang Xue gritted her teeth and said that such an important thing must not fall into their hands. She quietly put her hand on the backpack behind her. There was a very inconspicuous pink button in the corner of the backpack. If you don't look carefully, it is difficult to find it. Even if you look at the button carefully, you will think it is just a decoration.

"There are so many good things here. Why don't you hurry up and search for the good things in this warehouse? Why do you have to come to this laboratory and snatch these papers?" Yang Xue calmed down and pretended to be calm and said to the two of them.

"Hahaha, ordinary paper? If it was ordinary paper, would you be so nervous? Is there another formula here? Moreover, we not only want to take away the things here, but also the thing behind you. Of course, seeing that you are so beautiful, if you are willing to hand over the things behind you, we can take you back to the Black Sand Base." After hearing Yang Xue's words, one of them said to Yang Xue with a wretched face.

Although Yang Xue was still wearing a mask at the moment, her tall figure, big eyes, and fair skin could still reveal the beauty of Yang Xue's face.

After hearing what the man in black said, Yang Xue was puzzled and asked, "Have you found the formula?"

"It seems that you are not simple, you know the formula. Yes, the formula has indeed been found by my two brothers. We used our supernatural powers to break the glass box containing the formula and took it out. Since you know so much, we can't let you go today. It seems that my two brothers can go back and take credit." The man in black heard what Yang Xue said and told her everything. Anyway, they felt that Yang Xue would not pose any threat to them now.

Hearing what the man in black said, Yang Xue's expression became more solemn. Seeing the man in black approaching her, Yang Xue retreated unconsciously. At the same time, her hand was tightly touching the button, ready to press it at any time.

"I came with my friend. He is searching for something nearby. If he hears my shout, he will definitely come over immediately. I tell you, he is very powerful. His strength is very strong." Yang Xue retreated and threatened the two men in black.

"Hahaha, stop pretending here. Shout, shout, even if you shout your throat out, no one here will agree. They are all happy to grab the things in front. How could they think that there are better things here, hahaha." The man in black looked at Yang Xue wretchedly, licked his lips, and said to Yang Xue.

After the two men in black finished speaking, they wanted to step forward and knock Yang Xue unconscious. After that, they had to quickly collect some good things to ask for credit from their leader. Yang Xue was ready. Just as she was about to press the button to use her secret weapon that had been hidden all along, suddenly, Yang Xue heard a familiar voice, and she was relieved and moved her hand away from the button. Moreover, Yang Xue had never thought that the voice would sound so pleasant now.

"Who said no one would agree? I'm here now." At this time, Xiao Qiang had just arrived at this large glass research room under the leadership of Xiao Lang. He heard the conversation between the two and pushed the door open while speaking.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang walked towards Yang Xue, and even passed through the two men in black. When he passed, he stretched out his hand and pushed the two men in black away. Xiao Lang, who was following behind, also walked behind Xiao Qiang. When he passed by the two, he grinned at them, revealing his sharp teeth, which frightened them and made them retreat to the side. However, Xiao Lang has now become a Level 9 strong man, and his body has become much larger. Now he looks like an adult tiger. Moreover, Xiao Lang is only docile to the people in Longshan Base. If he meets other people, he will still show his beast side. Therefore, when Xiao Qiang appeared here, the two men in black were also startled. After seeing clearly, the two men also tidied their clothes and returned to normal. After all, masters still need to pay attention to their image. Although this battle pet is rare, there are dozens of them in their Black Sand Base alone, but they were not brought out this time, so they did not show too much fuss.

"I say, Miss Yang, I know there are a lot of good things here, but if you want to rush in, can you say something first? If you rush in alone, how can I tell others when I return to the base if you really have any problems?" Xiao Qiang walked to the side of Yang Xue and scolded Yang Xue.

"Why, I didn't notify you, didn't you find this place, and you came at the right time, not too early or too late." Yang Xue stuffed the brown paper in her hand into her backpack when Xiao Qiang came in, and shook her head gently and said to Xiao Qiang.

"If it weren't for Xiaolang, I don't know when I would have discovered that the warehouse of M Company was actually underground. So, how did you find this place? And if you ran so far, what good things did you find?" Xiao Qiang curled his lips helplessly when he heard Yang Xue's words, and asked Yang Xue what she found.

"I also found this place by following others. I did find good things, but they were on others." Yang Xue casually talked about how she found this place, and pointed to the two men in black behind Xiao Qiang and said.

"Hey, hey, you two are still chatting, aren't you clear about the current situation? A small person with a level 9 power dares to imitate others to be a hero. If I don't interrupt you, you think we are just decorations." The man in black who was talking earlier saw Xiao Qiang coming and walked between the two of them. He chatted with Yang Xue on his own, completely ignoring the two of them, and immediately shouted angrily at Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang turned around and looked back. The two were all dressed in black. Xiao Qiang had a hunch that the two were from the Black Sand Base. He found that one of them also had an instrument on his face, which was the same as the one worn by the transport team of M Company that Xiao Qiang met on the way here. They also used this instrument to see Xiao Qiang's level.

"Ding, a human with awakening level 3 power found!"

"Ding, a human with awakening level 4 power found!"

After turning on the double-eye recognition scanning function, Xiao Qiang also measured the levels of the two people. Both of them were awakening powerhouses, and their levels were not too low. No wonder these two people dared to bully Yang Xue here blatantly. It was a pity that Xiao Qiang had arrived in time and would not let them succeed.

Xiao Qiang gritted his teeth, widened his eyes, put on a surprised look, turned his head, and winked at Yang Xue and the two men in black and said, "These two people are not from the Black Sand Base where we have been hiding, and the good thing you said is not the formula?"

"That's right, these two people are from the Black Sand Base, and the formula is also on them, but I didn't find them here, they found me here, what do you say we should do?" Yang Xue nodded, crossed her arms and put them in front of her chest, pretending that this is what happened, and the rest of the things will be left to you to deal with.

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