Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 582 Warehouse Battle (VI)

"Oh, then I understand. Could it be that our Longshan Base is being bullied by others? Who said it doesn't matter if it's a low level? A low level can still knock you two down. Isn't it just a small black sand base? Yes, what's the big deal? It's your Black Sand Base that I'm attacking. I've long disliked you. After Xiao Qiang saw Yang Xue's appearance, he smiled softly, then turned around and faced Hei Sha. The man in clothes said.

"Hmph, I just kept looking at you and you looked familiar. I saw it right. You are indeed from the Longshan base. It's really hard to find a place without any trouble. It took no effort at all. Today we two brothers have really made a great contribution. Yes, not only did we find the kraft paper formula, but we were also able to capture you, who we have been looking for. What, are you going to be captured, or are you going to be punished by the two of us, and then captured?" , the man in black, who had been silent all this time, stared at Xiao Qiang and said.

Since Xiao Qiang fought with the man in black in Xuzhou City, the man in black escaped and returned to the Black Sand Base and reported the situation to the upper levels of the base. According to his description, the Black Sand Base also used high-tech products to draw portraits of Xiao Qiang and the others, which were circulated among the Black Sand Base. However, the Black Sand Base was busy consolidating their base in a third-level city a while ago. With his strength, he didn't even bother to look for Xiao Qiang and the others. However, now that Xiao Qiang appears in front of them, they will naturally not let go of such an opportunity to claim credit.

"Who said I want to fight you? I'm a level 9 expert and I'm going to fight you two awakening level masters. What a joke." Xiao Qiang shook his head and took two steps back. Since he was already After being discovered, Xiao Qiang simply took off his mask and said teasingly to the two men in black.

"Let your little pet come. Although your pet is not bad, it is only a level 9 strongman. You two can't beat one of us together, let alone such a little pet. The wolf cub is coming up." The man in black smiled softly, glanced in the direction of the wolf scornfully, and said to Xiao Qiang with a mocking face.

The little wolf heard what the man in black said and grinned at the man in black, revealing the sharp teeth in his mouth. The claws on his hands kept rubbing on the ground, drawing out long paths one by one, and he was ready to rush up and bite the man. Two men in black.

"Xiao Lang, you don't need to take action to deal with these two little shrimps. You won't have to dirty your claws." Xiao Qiang stretched out his hand in front of Xiao Lang and blocked it. Xiaolang also spoke.

"Hmph, kid, stop showing off with your mouth. I'll show you how awesome you are." The man in black heard Xiao Qiang's joking words, and immediately pulled out the weapon from his back and rushed towards Xiao Qiang.

The two men drew their weapons at the same time. Xiao Qiang noticed that the weapons they used were long swords. After they drew them out with a bang, they were full of momentum. In the Black Sand Base, the two of them are regular partners. They both use long swords as weapons, and their cooperation is very powerful. If they perform well, the two of them can even rival those who have awakened the strength of a level 5 powerhouse.

"Wait, wait, I said I'm not going to fight you two. Why are you so anxious? Let them fight you." Xiao Qiang rushed up when he saw the two of them and waved his hands quickly. He said to the two men in black.

While speaking, Xiao Qiang had already summoned two zombies from the system, and suddenly appeared in front of the man in black with a "swipe", which also shocked the two men in black. Retreating back again and again.

"Holy crap, where did the zombies suddenly appear? Is this puppet manipulation? You can't tell. You still have such a skill." The man in black observed the two zombies transformed by Xiao Qiang. He sighed to Xiao Qiang.

"No, these are two zombies infected with level 3. We are no match. Run away. This guy has some strength." Another man in black used an identification device to scan the two zombies and found two The zombies turned out to be infected with level 3 zombies. He was also shocked and quickly said to the man in black next to him.

Each major level of zombies is only divided into five smaller levels. Infecting level 3 zombies is equivalent to awakening level 5 or level 6 strength. Moreover, as the level becomes higher and higher, the gap at each level is very huge. These two awakening-level powerhouses use black gold swords. If they cooperate well, they can be comparable to the strength of awakening level 5. Now, when I encounter two zombies infected with level 3 strength, I have no choice but to run away quickly and ask for help from other men in black. After the man in black finished speaking, the two men in black retreated and ran towards the door of the glass laboratory.

"Now I'm scared. They run very fast. No. 1 and No. 2, stop them, don't let them run away, give them a good beating, but remember, be sure to save a breath and give them a good beating." After being crippled, leave them for me to kill." When Xiao Qiang saw the two men in black running away, he quickly gave orders to the two zombies, and the name of this zombie was also given by Xiao Qiang. It was the two of them.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's order, the two zombies immediately took action, and their speed was also very fast. They ran to the door of the glass room before the two men in black, blocking the way of the two men in black, and then launched an attack on the two men in black. After seeing the two zombies stop the men in black and the fight started, Xiao Qiang stopped watching the fight between them, anyway, he knew the result.

"Let's go, Miss Yang, this kind of fighting scene is not suitable for a beautiful woman like you to watch. After No. 1 and No. 2 beat them up, we can get the kraft paper formula from them. Let's see what good things are in this warehouse." Xiao Qiang turned around and said to Yang Xue with a relaxed look.

"You are confident in your two zombies. Aren't you afraid that they can't beat the men in black?" Yang Xue said to Xiao Qiang after taking a look at the fighting situation in the field.

"That's right. I've experienced the strength of these two zombies. You don't know how much effort I put into getting these two zombies. We fought hard..." Xiao Qiang said as he followed Yang Xue around.

"You know, you were seriously injured by them at that time, and you were dragged into a small house by the little wolf. In the end, our Longshan base sent many people to find you, and then you lay in bed for a week. And you also exchanged those two zombies with the puppet talisman. Who in our base doesn't know about your heroic deeds?" Yang Xue said jokingly.

Hearing Yang Xue's words, Xiao Qiang curled his lips helplessly, wandered around the glass laboratory searching for treasures, and changed the subject: "Beautiful Yang, come and see, there are still many potions here. Look at this body-hardening pill. Although it is not as good as mine, it can also enhance physical fitness. What's going on with this M company? There were so many things before the end of the world."

While Xiao Qiang was talking, his hands did not stop moving. He kept spending exchange points to sweep these items in the laboratory. Although it also costs exchange points to store them in the system, it is still much smaller than the value of these items. From time to time, there were sounds of fighting and the wailing sounds of the two men in black being beaten by zombies. Xiao Qiang knew without looking that these two men in black would definitely not be the opponents of the zombies if no one else came to help. Moreover, these two zombies would resolutely execute Xiao Qiang's orders. Xiao Qiang asked them to beat the two men in black with only one breath left, and they would never beat the two men in black to death.

"Oh, Miss Yang, I just picked up one of their laser guns. Go back and study it and produce a batch of this weapon for our base. This weapon is too powerful." Xiao Qiang followed Yang Xue while quickly loading things into the system, and continued to talk to Yang Xue.

Yang Xue was thinking about the kraft paper she had just obtained. After listening to Xiao Qiang's words, she just nodded and echoed.

"Miss Yang, you came in early. Do you know the whereabouts of the three black gold weapons? Do you know where the three weapons are?" Xiao Qiang saw that Yang Xue seemed to be worried, and continued to ask Yang Xue.

"Oh, I know. In addition to the glass laboratory here, there is a metal smelting room further inside. There are specially made weapons in it. Those black gold weapons should be in that room." Yang Xue lowered her head and heard Xiao Qiang's question. She didn't think much and answered Xiao Qiang.

"Oh? Over there? How did you see it over there? Isn't the entrance from this side?" Xiao Qiang stopped and asked Yang Xue in confusion.

"Ah, I got lost when I came down just now. There are many houses here. Then I passed by the house just now and saw the situation inside. Tell me why you want to find these three black gold weapons. You already have black gold weapons, so it's not convenient to use other ones?" Yang Xue heard Xiao Qiang's words and seemed to realize her answer just now, so she quickly explained and changed the subject.

Xiao Qiang could naturally tell that Yang Xue had made up a random excuse, but he did not ask Yang Xue too much. He said, "It is precisely because I have a black gold weapon that I know how powerful this weapon is. I also want to get two more. If Lin Fei or the base is suitable, I will also get two for them."

"You are really generous. Others regard such precious black gold weapons as treasures and even fight for them. But you are so good that you specially get two weapons for others. If you have the time, you might as well improve your own strength. This may make you more powerful in fighting zombies." Yang Xue gently touched her backpack and said to Xiao Qiang.

"That's different. Lin Fei and the others, including you, are all partners. Only when they are strong, our base will become stronger, and we will be more efficient in fighting zombies. Moreover, there are very few humans in the end times, so we must make humans as strong as possible so that we can rebuild our homes." Xiao Qiang said sincerely.

"Well, I hope you are right, but not all human beings are like you, thinking of uniting together." After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Yang Xue looked in the direction of the two men in black and spoke softly.

Xiao Qiang followed Yang Xue's gaze and looked in the direction of the black-clothed man. He found that under the fierce attack of the two level 3 infected zombies, the two black-clothed men had been knocked to the ground and were dying. Listening to the movement outside, Xiao Qiang also realized that most of the people had already arrived in the warehouse, and after sweeping the small laboratories in front, they were also heading deeper to search for supplies. Xiao Qiang also felt that he should speed up, kill the two black-clothed men and get the kraft paper formula, and then go find those black gold weapons. If those black-clothed men find him, he will really have to fight again. Although he has two level 3 infected zombies, if he is discovered by others, it is inevitable that they will join hands to deal with him together.

"Ding, kill the awakened level 3 strongman, experience value +500,000 points, exchange points +500,000 points, and reward item advanced lightning symbol."

"Ding, kill the awakened level 4 strongman, experience value +1 million points, exchange points +1 million points, and reward item advanced puppet symbol."

Listening to the killing prompt sound in his mind, Xiao Qiang quickly searched the black-clothed man and found another part of the kraft paper formula. He handed it to Yang Xue without hesitation. Anyway, he couldn't understand it, as long as he completed the task of collecting the formula.

After killing the two black-clothed men, Xiao Qiang put away the two puppet zombies, and under the leadership of Yang Xue, he went deeper to look for black gold weapons. Xiao Qiang noticed that some people had already arrived here, even in the rooms in front of him. With his extraordinary hearing, he could clearly hear the disputes between them because they wanted to snatch the items inside. Xiao Qiang urged Yang Xue to speed up, but the bodies of the two black-clothed men would definitely be discovered in a while.

At this time, Mr. Chang San from M Company and the leader of the Black Sand Base were standing in the innermost room of the entire underground warehouse. In this inconspicuous room, there was actually a basement, and the two men had just come out of the basement. Mr. Chang San was holding an exquisite box in his hand. The box was made of black gold, and inside was the treasure gem that Mr. Chang San and the legion were looking for.

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