Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 583 Warehouse Battle (VII)

"If you hadn't led the way, who would have thought that such a precious gem would be placed in such an inconspicuous room, and there is actually a basement in this room. The leader of the Black Sand Base He stopped and spoke to Chang San.

"Hehe, it's not bad. Those people were attracted by the items in front of them, but no one ran here by accident." Chang San hugged the exquisite box in his hand tightly, with a happy expression on his face. That’s what he said.

"Chang Sanye, I helped you get what you want. Now it's time to help me find the three black gold weapons." The leader of the Black Sand Base expressed his thoughts.

"Well, in fact, you didn't help much. I originally thought that you would help us deal with the legion and snatch this item, but the legion ran away on its own, so you didn't put in much effort. However, based on the principle of cooperation between us, , I can give you one of the three black gold weapons. However, I think you also feel that there is a powerful zombie inside, even more powerful than the level 5 infected zombie encountered outside. So, I advise you to get your things and leave quickly." Mr. Chang just held the delicate box and said without even looking at the leader of the Black Sand Base.

"Chang Sanye, I'm afraid this is not in line with our agreement. At that time, you said you would give me 3 weapons. Now you only give me one." Although the leader who came out of the Black Sand Base was a little dissatisfied this time, he Facing Chang San, a strong man who had awakened to level 8 strength, he still held back his anger and asked,

"What's the agreement? This is where our Company M belongs, and your men probably got a lot of stuff from here. Second brother, if I hadn't told you, those three black gold weapons would be hard to find. The most important thing is that powerful zombie. After we took this thing, it was ready to launch an attack." Mr. Chang put his arm around the shoulder of the man in the Black Sand Base and smiled at him. said.

"Well, it's up to us to pick that weapon. Let's hurry over now. That zombie is beyond our ability to deal with." The leader of the Black Sand Base also seemed a little helpless and could only agree.

Soon, under the leadership of Chang San, the group arrived outside the house where the three Wujin weapons were stored. As soon as they arrived at the door, they heard a zombie's "Jie Jie" sound. Along with the zombie's voice, They could also clearly feel the "rumbling" sound coming from the entire underground warehouse, and the entire warehouse began to shake.

"Hurry up, this is a door made of black gold. You must have fingerprints to enter. If you and I work together, we can break open this black gold door." Chang Sanye felt the situation at the scene and faced the The leader of the Black Sand Base said.

Afterwards, the two people each used their own powers to move toward the lock. After all, the black gold was not as good as Wujin. With the two people's joint efforts, the black gold door was opened in a short time. , a group of people also rushed into the house.

When Xiao Qiang followed Yang Xue and was about to arrive at the house, he saw Chang San and his group arriving at the door. He temporarily hid around the corner to see if he could find a chance to take out a weapon from the room. At this moment, Xiao Qiang felt that the entire warehouse began to shake, and learned from their conversation that there was a zombie here that was even more powerful than the one he met just now. With a bang, the door made of black gold was broken open by Chang San and the two of them. Xiao Qiang saw through the door that there were three exquisite boxes placed on the long table in the center of the room. There are some black gold and weapons made of black gold around. It can be seen that this is a place to store weapons. The room is not very big, but there are quite a few weapons stored there.

"Well, what are stored in those three boxes are three black gold weapons. There are two swords among them, one is Wado Ichimonji, one is Kitetsu sword, and the other weapon is called Spider Claw. It's easy to know what the other two are. Weapons, but I don’t know much about the spider claw. Considering the special nature of the Wujin material, I don’t know the size of the spider claw even if it is placed in the box. "Yang Xue also saw it through the door. The situation in the room was explained to Xiao Qiang.

"Hey, how do you know so much? Not only can you make black gold weapons, but you also know so much about this black gold weapon." Xiao Qiang turned his head, smiled softly, and spoke to Yang Xue Just asked.

"I knew you would ask this. Just because you don't want to see something yourself doesn't mean that others don't want to see it either. While you were searching for good things just now, I saw it from the pile of information on the table. Do you want it? Take a look." As he spoke, Yang Xue took out the prepared information and shook it at Xiao Qiang. Even though the information did not contain information about Wujin weapons, Yang Xue also knew that Xiao Qiang Qiang will not read this information.

"Come up, that powerful zombie should be charging over here. Let Xiaolang take you out first. I'll rush in to see if I can take away a weapon. I'll soon meet with you guys." "After you get out, find a car and wait for me outside. Let's go back to the base," Xiao Qiang told Yang Xue without going into too much detail.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang did not wait for Yang Xue to agree with him. He hugged Yang Xue and carried Yang Xue to the little wolf. He patted the little wolf gently and said, "Little wolf, Take Yang Xue and rush out at full speed to find a safe place. I leave Yang Xue's safety to you. If you encounter an enemy, don't be polite. Just go and fight. If you can't fight, run away. "

The little wolf turned around and looked at Xiao Qiang, his paws scratching lightly on the ground. Xiao Qiang understood what Xiaolang meant. Xiaolang was worried about his own safety.

"Don't worry, I can catch up with you two when I go get a treasure. If I find that Yang Xue is injured, I will punish you. I will catch up with you in a while." Upon seeing this, Xiao Qiang said, He gently touched the little wolf's head and said to the little wolf.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Yang Xue's heartbeat inexplicably accelerated, and she felt a warm current. Facing this person she didn't like very much before, she unconsciously blushed and looked towards Xiao Qiang's direction in embarrassment. After a quick glance, the little wolf had already stretched out his sharp claws and ran out of the warehouse with Yang Xue.

After seeing Xiaolang and Yang Xue rushing out, Xiao Qiang could already hear the sound of some laboratories collapsing in the underground warehouse. Just from the sound, Xiao Qiang could tell how powerful the zombie was. So, without further delay, I took out my mask and put it on, and put on the hood of my sportswear. He also took out a lot of temporary speed enhancement pills, strength enhancement pills, speed enhancement charms, strength enhancement charms and other items from the system and used them for himself.

With a "swipe", Xiao Qiang threw a bunch of smoke bombs towards the door of the house. Instantly, the smoke filled the entire passage. Even the room where the Wujin weapons were placed was filled with smoke. .

"What is this? Why is there smoke?"

"It was a smoke bomb thrown by someone. Everyone should be vigilant to prevent anyone from approaching."

"Quickly, two of you go over there and see who threw the smoke bomb over here."

Listening to the panicked shouts of those guarding the door, and feeling the majestic power emerging from his body after using the medicine, Xiao Qiang started to activate. At full speed, relying on his extraordinary eyesight, he shuttled through the smoke with all his strength, passed the people guarding the door, and rushed into the house.

After rushing into the house, Xiao Qiang noticed Chang San and the man in black standing in front of a box. Only the middle box was empty. Therefore, Xiao Qiang did not hesitate too much. He rushed into the room and reached out to touch the box in the middle. As soon as he took it in his hand, Xiao Qiang quickly spent the exchange points and stored it in the system. .

"Whoever dares to come in and grab something is so brave." Xiao Qiang had just put the box into the system when he heard that Chang San on the side had already noticed Xiao Qiang and came out. shouted loudly.

"Where did you put the weapon? Hand it over obediently. Who is the person who is hiding his head and tail? He must be a young person who dare not show his true face." The man in black also shouted at the same time, At the same time, he held the box containing Wujin tightly in his arms.

After Xiao Qiang put one Wujin weapon into the system, he heard the shouts of Chang San and the others, and knew that it was unrealistic to put away the other two Wujin weapons from those two people. Therefore, as soon as he got the weapon, Xiao Qiang turned around and fired at full speed, shooting out the door quickly, wanting to rush out quickly to find Yang Xue and the others.

Unexpectedly, before Xiao Qiang could take two steps out, Chang San, who had awakened to level 8, had already rushed behind Xiao Qiang. The sand quickly gathered on Chang San's fist, and a powerful fist was aimed at Xiao Qiang. The center of the back was smashed. Feeling the sound of wind coming from behind, Xiao Qiang could only stop and quickly took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella from the system. He gently touched the button of the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella turned into an umbrella.

Turning around suddenly, Xiao Qiang handed the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella forward, and collided with Chang San's sand fist. With a "bang", the huge collision made a loud noise, Chang San did not Xiao Qiang couldn't move, but Xiao Qiang was hit by Chang San's punch and kept retreating back. After taking three steps back in a row, Xiao Qiang stabilized his figure, but a mouthful of blood spurted out, spraying onto the Thousand Chance Umbrella made by Wu Jin, and this was Xiao Qiang The effects produced after taking power pills.

"Is it Wujin's weapon? It's really not easy for you to dare to come here to steal things. You actually have a Wujin weapon on you. It seems that you must stay here today." Chang San punched him. After Xiao Qiang was beaten back, he also recognized Xiao Qiang's weapon, looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

"Awakening level 8 strength is indeed not easy. I have recorded this punch and will return it to you if I have the opportunity in the future." After the collision of the punch, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh at the strength of Chang San. Powerful, he said to Chang San.

After saying this, Xiao Qiang turned around and wanted to escape. Facing this figure who had awakened the power of an 8th level powerhouse, Xiao Qiang might not be able to defeat Chang San even if he used the strongest move of the Mad Dragon Sword. Got something cheap. Therefore, Xiao Qiang turned around and was about to run. However, before he could take two steps, a figure in black fell in front of Xiao Qiang. The long black gold scimitar moved in front of him, blocking Xiao Qiang's path. in front of him.

"If you want to run away, why don't you take off your mask? If you dare to break in and grab this weapon, why don't you dare to show your true face?" The man in black faced Xiao Qiang and said gloomily.

At this time, the thick fog of the smoke bombs that was thrown gradually dissipated. Behind Xiao Qiang was Chang San who had awakened a level 8 powerhouse. In front of him was a man in black who had awakened a level 6 black sand base. There was also a very powerful person outside. The zombies of unknown levels are so powerful that the whole warehouse is shaking more and more violently now. Xiao Qiang's mind was running very fast, thinking about the current countermeasures. With his own strength, he could not defeat these two people no matter what. So now, we have to think about how to escape from the siege of these two people. Faced with the siege of two people who are much stronger than themselves, even if they use the flying thunder technique, they will find flaws. So, now he can only release the two zombies infected with level 3, help him drag these two people, and then run out with all his strength. However, facing two characters of this level, the two zombies with Level 3 infection would most likely be killed by them.

Thinking of this, although Xiao Qiang was constantly thinking of countermeasures, he still remained calm on his face. He held the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his arms and said to the man in black: "This time we are searching for Company M. The warehouse, everyone came here for these three black gold weapons, and the box was placed on the table just now, and you didn't hold it in your arms. How can you say that I robbed it? Now we are grabbing things.”

While speaking, Xiao Qiang's eyes kept spinning, observing the situation in the room, thinking about how to release two zombies infected with level 3 to delay them, and then use his Flying Thunder God technique to escape outside.

"Smooth talk, stop talking nonsense. I see you are holding a black gold weapon in your hand. If I take you, each of us will get an extra black gold weapon. Mr. Chang, don't talk nonsense to him anymore. It's just a strong man 9 With super strength, I guess he is not a big shot." The man in black said to Chang San.

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