Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 584 The Drunkard Appears

While talking, the two of them moved forward and backward, forming a double-teaming situation, attacking Xiao Qiang. [6][9][s][h][u][x][.][c][o][m] Xiao Qiang cheered up and took out a dagger with the imprint of the Flying Thunder God from the system , and at the same time, he was ready to call two zombies infected with level 3 to come out to help.

At this moment, a burst of shouting and killing sounds were heard outside, as well as human wailing. With a "bang", a man in black clothes guarding the outside of the Black Sand Base, with his body covered with scars, was thrown into the house from the outside and smashed in the direction of Chang San. Chang San heard the movement outside and couldn't help being shocked. He stopped his attack on Xiao Qiang, turned slightly to the side, dodged the man in black who was attacking him, rolled forward, and jumped to the leader of the black sand base. Beside them, the two people looked outside the house nervously.

"No, that zombie is coming. Let's let this kid go for now and run away. We are no match for that zombie." Chang San has now obtained the gem and a black gold weapon. The mission is already Done, now we have encountered this powerful zombie. Therefore, there is no need to fight with Xiao Qiang anymore. We must kill Xiao Qiang.

"Okay!" The leader of the Black Sand Base naturally felt the power of the zombies, so he stopped talking and simply nodded and said to Chang San.

As they spoke, the two of them glanced at Xiao Qiang, and then joined forces to rush out. However, they heard a "bang", and the black gold door that was broken by the two of them was completely torn down. , was thrown in the direction of the two of them, and they hurriedly avoided it. Then, the wall of the room was completely knocked down, and a zombie rushed in.

"Ding, the current zombie level is too high and the current zombie level cannot be detected."

I saw that the zombie was about 2 meters tall and was wearing a neat suit. Unlike other low-level zombies, it had rotten flesh and was dirty, except for the white eyeballs and the sharp teeth when it opened its mouth. You can tell it's a zombie. Xiao Qiang, who was standing at the back, used his eyes to scan and identify the zombie after it came in. However, as expected by Xiao Qiang, the level of this zombie was too high. It was so high that Xiao Qiang couldn't measure the level of this zombie at all, but judging from the expressions of Chang San and the others, this zombie was definitely not simple, at least Chang San and the others couldn't beat it.

Chang San and the two looked at each other, then divided into two directions, shooting outward towards the wall that was full of holes made by the zombies. When they saw the two of them running out, the two-meter-high wall The zombie did not move, but on his back, tentacles like spider tentacles stretched out. These tentacles were very long and very strong, and they quickly stretched and inserted in the direction of the two people. At the same time, a long tentacle stretched out and shot in the direction of Xiao Qiang.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang did not dare to be careless. He took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella cleanly and hid to the side at the same time. The tentacles missed the target with a single blow, and with a "boom", the long black gold table behind Xiao Qiang was smashed. Flat. After dodging the zombie's blow, Xiao Qiang quickly ran outside without stopping. Just as he ran outside, several tentacles came towards Xiao Qiang, thrusting at him from all sides. Helpless, Xiao Qiang could only quickly touch the button of the Thousand Planes Umbrella, turning the Thousand Planes Umbrella into an umbrella form. He stretched his whole body upward to block the tentacles, but immediately a huge force came from his arm. The powerful force made Xiao Qiang unable to hold the Thousand Chance Umbrella. The Thousand Chance Umbrella fell aside, but it also helped Xiao Qiang block the attack.

Xiao Qiang rolled on the spot and picked up the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella. Blood was already seeping from the tiger's mouth in his hand. Glancing to the side, Chang San and the others were not having a good time either. Blood was already flowing from the corners of their mouths, and they were struggling to escape outside. Xiao Qiang took out a dagger from the system and threw it violently in the direction ahead.

"Second brother, this is not the way to go. We have to cooperate to have a chance to escape from this zombie control. In this way, you block it for a moment, give me a moment, let me use my sand to restrain this zombie, and then we Let's run outside together." Chang San had another idea in his mind and suggested to the man in black.

"Chang Sanye, let's not do this between us. Your cooperation with Zhao Jun outside just now is still fresh in your mind. If you have this skill, we might as well use our true abilities to deal with this zombie. This way Once we come, maybe we still have some chance to escape." The leader of the man in black smiled softly and replied to Chang San.

Hearing the words of the man in black, Chang San curled his lips helplessly, nodded slightly, and followed the man in black to use his own moves to attack the spider zombies. The continuous big move attacks also forced the zombie to take two steps back and move to Xiao Qiang's side. Moreover, as several people continued to fight, almost every attack caused serious damage to the underground warehouse. The underground warehouse was becoming more and more likely to collapse, and people in the entire underground warehouse were constantly running outside. , of course, did not forget to take the things collected from the warehouse, and Chang San and the others became more and more impatient.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 169/1000."

Xiao Qiang took advantage of the gap and quickly used the Flying Thunder God technique. After dodging the zombie's attack, he flew towards the dagger that was thrown out in a hurry. However, Xiao Qiang had just picked up the dagger and was about to rush forward. In front of Xiao Qiang, the tentacles of the zombie had already stretched out in front of Xiao Qiang, blocking Xiao Qiang's way in a net-like manner.

"Sand dance!"

"Black Moon Scimitar!"

In the back, Chang San and the man in black had already used their ultimate moves and attacked the zombie's body. Suddenly, the zombie was wrapped up by the sand all over the sky. Among these sands, there were also many knife shadows. With a "snap", one of the tentacles attacking the two was cut off. But soon, the zombie gave birth to new tentacles and attacked the two again. The two looked at each other, and while the zombie was changing its tentacles, they followed the passage next to them, passed the zombie, and rushed out quickly.

"Crazy Dragon Knife!"

At this moment, Xiao Qiang, who was blocked by the tentacles in the form of spider webs, used his strongest move. Suddenly, the strong knife force gathered madly on Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella (knife form), and finally released from the Thousand Machine Umbrella, and chopped the spider tentacles with one knife.

"Boom", after the Crazy Dragon Knife was used, a long knife was cut out on the spider web tentacles, and the power shook the room next to it and collapsed instantly. After Chang San and the other two crossed the zombies, they just ran out along this long road. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang naturally did not dare to delay any more. He threw a dagger and used the Flying Thunder God technique again.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 170/1000."

Xiao Qiang flashed to the side of the dagger, put the dagger into the system, and then ran forward quickly without looking back. The zombie seemed to be enraged by the three people, and the whole person became violent. Countless tentacles began to grow from the zombie's body. These tentacles randomly hit the surrounding houses. The warehouse, which was already in tatters, was even more shaky. With a bang, the high-rise buildings above the company began to sink downwards.

Feeling the rooms behind him sinking downwards, Xiao Qiang ran at full speed, dodging the collapsed houses while dodging the tentacles that continued to spread forward. However, before the three people ran far, the three tentacles had already hit them. "Bang, bang, bang", the three people were knocked out by the tentacles. Xiao Qiang only felt a burning pain on his back, and the whole person "poofed" a mouthful of blood spurted out. Thanks to the high-level nano armor on his body, he was able to resist part of the zombie's attack. Looking at Chang San and the other two, they were also hit hard by this. Xiao Qiang shook his head, feeling the pain from being hit by the zombie, and then he pulled himself together and continued to run outside.

However, just as Xiao Qiang and the other two stood up, a large number of tentacles rose in front of the three people, blocking their way. At the same time, the tall zombie had already walked behind the three people. The warehouse was still sinking towards this side, but the zombie was already close at hand and was ready to attack the three people.

Xiao Qiang looked around and thought about finding a way out. Chang San and the other two people next to him had already used their own skills to attack the spider shield, but it had no effect. Obviously, the zombie had already strengthened its attack and also strengthened its tentacles.

While observing carefully, the zombie had already launched an attack, and countless tentacles attacked the tops of the three people's heads. Xiao Qiang was shocked and gritted his teeth. He was about to release two level 3 infected zombies and fight desperately. Suddenly, a familiar voice came over. Hearing the familiar voice, Xiao Qiang was relieved.

"Beast, how dare you hurt people!" The voice of the drunkard came into his ears. This shout seemed full of energy, and even the zombie's movement paused.

Then, Chang San and the other two who were attacking the spider-web-like tentacles in front of them were stunned for a moment. Those tentacles were cut apart and fell on the ground. Then a short figure slowly walked towards them. I saw that the drunkard held the gourd in his hand, drinking wine while walking towards them. The walking posture was not the same as when Xiao Qiang just met, staggering like a drunk old man.

After the drunkard walked in front of the three people, the wine gourd in his hand flew forward quickly. Xiao Qiang could see clearly that there was a layer of aura wrapped on the wine gourd, which made the ordinary wine gourd cut off all the tentacles when it touched them and scattered them on the ground. After the wine gourd turned around and broke the tentacles that attacked Xiao Qiang and others, it returned to the drunkard's hand.

The zombie seemed to have sensed the strength of the drunkard. Its movements paused for a while and it did not immediately attack the few people. It made a "jiejie" sound from its mouth, and then it became even more angry. Its white eyes stared at the direction of the drunkard, and countless tentacles grew on its body, ready to attack the direction of the drunkard at any time.

The drunkard smiled softly. When he saw Xiao Qiang, he obviously recognized him, but his expression was a little surprised why Xiao Qiang was with Chang San and the others. Noticing the zombies' attack, the drunkard turned his head slightly, facing Xiao Qiang's direction, and said to the three people: "Why don't you leave quickly? What are you looking at here? You can't beat this zombie, and you are waiting to be hit by its tentacles."

"Thank you for saving my life today, senior. If you need any help, you can come to my M company to find me at any time. Goodbye." Chang San's words were flawless, and he said to the drunkard very well.

"Thank you, senior. Goodbye." The man in black said a few simple words immediately after Chang San.

The drunkard's eyes were still fixed on the zombies in front of him. Hearing what Chang San and the others said, he nodded expressionlessly, which was considered a response to the two. After seeing this, the two didn't want to stay here facing the zombies for a moment. Therefore, each of them held a black gold weapon and shot out at high speed. This time, the zombie did not stop Chang San and the other two again.

"Drunkard, this zombie is too powerful. I will stay here to help you deal with him. Let's deal with the zombies together." After Xiao Qiang saw the two people retreat, he took off his mask and spoke to the drunkard.

"It seems that you are not in the same group with the M company. Can't you see how powerful this zombie is? You are too low-level now and are not the opponent of this zombie at all. Get out quickly." After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the drunkard turned his head and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Can you deal with this zombie? This zombie is very powerful. It's too dangerous to leave you here alone. Let's run away together." Xiao Qiang was a little worried about the safety of the drunkard and continued to speak to the drunkard.

"You are good in every way except that you are too talkative. I came here to deal with this zombie. When I go back to your Longshan base, remember to prepare for me the good wine you drank last night. Also, if you are not in the same group with those two people, you must be careful of them." The drunkard pouted helplessly at Xiao Qiang and said to Xiao Qiang.

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