Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 585 Return to the base

Xiao Qiang could tell that the drunkard disliked his nagging, but he gave him a lot of instructions. Xiao Qiang could see that even a strong man like the drunkard would feel a lot of pressure when facing this zombie. Therefore, Xiao Qiang was very moved when facing the drunkard. However, the drunkard was right. Xiao Qiang's level was still too low. Even if Xiao Qiang stayed here to fight the zombies with the drunkard, he could not help the drunkard.

"Okay, drunkard, I will prepare good wine for you at the Longshan base, and I will wait for you to come." Xiao Qiang clasped his hands and said to the drunkard.

After speaking, Xiao Qiang also rushed out at full speed. Behind him, there was the sound of the drunkard fighting with the zombie and the sound of the house collapsing. Before the entire pharmaceutical building collapsed, Xiao Qiang ran out of the building, enduring the pain of being beaten by the zombies. After running out, Xiao Qiang quickly hid in a nearby store under the dust raised by the collapsed building.

Xiao Qiang was not worried that the collapse of the building would crush the drunkard. With the unfathomable strength of the drunkard, the collapsed building could not harm him. Instead, he was worried whether he could win the fight with the zombie. After all, Xiao Qiang had seen the strength of the zombie. At least Xiao Qiang had no power to fight back now. Even if he used the Crazy Dragon Knife, he could only cause limited damage to him. He could not beat the zombie at all.

However, after being hit hard by the zombie, Xiao Qiang felt that his internal organs were constantly churning, and his body was burning and painful. Another mouthful of blood spurted out. Xiao Qiang wiped his mouth gently and looked at the road outside to see if there were people from M Company there. Perhaps it was because Xiao Qiang and his friends had held back the zombies, there was no one on the road, not even Chang San and his friends.

"Miss Yang, where are you? I came out of the warehouse. How are you?" Xiao Qiang took out the walkie-talkie and spoke to Yang Xue.

"Xiao Lang and I have found a car and will pick you up soon. We just hid. Most people ran away after coming out of the warehouse. The people from M Company and the people from the Black Sand Base left for some reason after waiting for Chang San and the others to come out. Now, there are not many people on this road? How are you? You sound a little weak. Did you get the black gold weapon?" Yang Xue said to Xiao Qiang.

"There is a very powerful zombie in the warehouse. We were injured by the zombie. The others ran away after coming out of the warehouse because the zombie was too powerful. The black gold weapon has been obtained. You can come and pick me up. Let's return to Longshan Base." Xiao Qiang briefly explained and spoke to Yang Xue.

After a while, Yang Xue brought Xiao Lang in an off-road vehicle towards Xiao Qiang. As soon as Xiao Lang saw Xiao Qiang, he jumped out of the car in a hurry. After getting in the car, Yang Xue was responsible for driving, and Xiao Qiang sat on the co-pilot. Because Xiao Qiang was injured, Xiao Lang was also alert to the surrounding situation in the car. Xiao Qiang took out a hemostatic pill from the system and took it. Only then did he feel that his injuries were reduced and his body became more comfortable.

Back to the base, because he was with Yang Xue, Xiao Qiang was called aside by Lin Bingyan again. After a long explanation, Lin Bingyan let Xiao Qiang go and agreed to his explanation. However, this time, perhaps Yang Xue got what she wanted to find, it was rare that she helped Xiao Qiang explain it, and took out the formula to explain it to Lin Bingyan. Xiao Qiang also looked at Yang Xue with gratitude.

Later, at the meeting held at the base, Xiao Qiang also took out the items he had obtained from the warehouse and handed them over to Wang Liang and others for management, so that he could enrich the arsenal of his base. As for the black gold weapon in the box, Xiao Qiang also opened the box under the attention of the crowd and found that there was a knife in the box. Finally, under Yang Xue's explanation, this black gold weapon was called Wado Ichimonji. Xiao Qiang gave the knife to Lin Fei without much hesitation. Lin Fei was immediately attracted by the black gold knife and couldn't let it go. He immediately ran to the side with the knife and practiced using the power of the black gold knife.

After the meeting started, Xiao Qiang first told everyone about the various situations that occurred during the search mission and the items he had harvested. He also told everyone about the drunkard he met there, and asked everyone to respectfully invite the drunkard to the Longshan base if they saw him coming to the Longshan base. Of course, Xiao Qiang did not tell everyone what he found in Yang Xue's notebook. Wang Peng and Wu Ze did not attend the meeting. They were still training the intelligence team and the assassination team.

After Xiao Qiang finished speaking, the people in charge of various tasks in Longshan Base reported the situation. Everything was going on in an orderly manner, especially the plantation, which had already harvested a bumper harvest. Kangzhuang Village had also been settled in, and the surrounding defenses had been strengthened. There was also a tunnel that was connected to Longshan Base. After Xiao Qiang's advanced wind turbine was installed, it was matched with those intermediate generators, which could fully meet the electricity needs of the entire Longshan Base.

The black gold exchange at Longshan Base has gradually gained a reputation. There are many things in Xiao Qiang's system that attract people. In addition, the prices here are fair. If people need it, they can also get a few meals. Therefore, many people come to exchange items, and even people from third-level cities come here. Of course, with the increase of human strength, the number of ordinary level 4 zombies is also increasing. It is not so difficult for people to find black gold. Black gold, as the currency in the end of the world, has gradually become more and more.

Under the continuous cleaning of the three teams in Liutong County, the number of zombies has become less and less. It will be almost cleared in another week. Moreover, the zombies in these villages near Longshan Base have been cleared, so Longshan Base has become very safe now. Even except for the occasional howling of zombies in Xuzhou City in front, there are no zombies in other places. For these zombies, everyone also operates according to Xiao Qiang's ideas, either burning them or burying them, to prepare for the return of humans to those cities in the future. However, there is a problem. As the Longshan team clears the zombies, the arms are consumed very quickly. If this continues, these arms will be used up in two weeks. However, if Xuzhou City wants to clear the zombies, it will definitely need more arms to support it.

More and more people have joined the Longshan base, and there are many mutants who are also very strong. There is even a strong man who has awakened to level 1 and joined the Longshan base. The current personnel are enough to establish two Longshan teams again. Moreover, although these people who came in did not participate in the war, they have already started training under the leadership of Wu Shan, waiting to join the Longshan team when the time comes. The houses in the base have been built almost, and they will definitely be built in the winter after the New Year.

"There are two situations facing our base now. The first is the shortage of arms. We urgently need to replenish a batch of arms. The second is that we have enough personnel to establish two Longshan teams again. What we need to pay attention to in the near future is that there will be an auction in the M base in the third-level city in a month, and we also need to prepare in advance." Wang Liang was responsible for recording at the meeting. After everyone explained the situation, Wang Liang also summarized and said to Xiao Qiang.

"So, first of all, continue to expand the scale of breeding and planting. If you need manpower, you can ask Wang Liang for it. If you lack seeds and feed, you can ask me, and the types must be complete. The reason is that through this outing to participate in the search mission, it was found that there is still a shortage of food outside. Although M Company has also started to produce that kind of fast-growing seeds, the effect is not so good. After the scale is expanded, these foods can be put into the Black Gold Exchange for exchange in addition to meeting the supply of Longshan Base. This point can be spread to the outside world." After listening to everyone's report, Xiao Qiang thought for a while and said.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Zhang Jin and Chen Yuan, who were in charge of the plantation, nodded to Xiao Qiang, indicating that there was no problem.

"Secondly, we will release the news through the Doomsday Alliance. In addition to continuing to recruit survivors of the Doomsday, we will also add one more thing: our Black Gold Exchange welcomes everyone to use arms for exchange, and the price is a little higher than that offered by other places. Even if there are no arms, it is also OK to provide information about where there are arms. As long as it is true, it can be exchanged for items. The specific exchange method will be discussed and decided by Wang Liang and Brother Han." Xiao Qiang paused and continued to speak.

Xiao Qiang now has more than 10 million exchange points. He could have exchanged bullets from the system, but Xiao Qiang felt that it would be a waste of exchange points. Moreover, these bullets are OK against low-level zombies, but if they are against those high-level zombies, I am afraid that they can't even break the zombies' defense. If you want to deal with them, you still have to rely on the items in the system and the laser gun developed by M Company that you found. Xiao Qiang has seen the speed at which the gun consumes black gold. Therefore, Xiao Qiang must save some exchange points for future use.

"Third, we will re-form two Longshan teams, a total of five Longshan teams, plus one patrol team, to form the regular defensive and offensive force of our base. The personnel configuration of the original three Longshan teams remains unchanged. The new two team leaders will be the two people you reported, one is Xu Miao and the other is Wang Dong. Now, let me make it clear here and tell everyone in the base that the Longshan team and the patrol team join voluntarily. After joining, in addition to enjoying those benefits, they must fulfill their responsibilities. When facing zombies, they must first protect other personnel in the base and fully obey the arrangements of their superiors. If there are residents of the Longshan base behind them, they must never retreat even if thousands of zombies surround them." Xiao Qiang said in a deep voice.

This Xu Miao is the new one who came to the base. He is a strong person who has awakened to Level 1. He uses water powers. He looks very sweet, but his strength is absolutely powerful. Therefore, Wang Liang and others strongly recommend Xu Miao. The other Wang Dong, although he was only a strong man at level 8 and used a black gold long stick, was also from a legion and had extremely high tactical literacy. Therefore, under Wu Shan's recommendation, he also became the captain of a team. As for the candidate of vice-captain, the most powerful person among those who have newly joined the base will be selected as the vice-captain of the team, although most of these people have already been recruited by the three Longshan teams.

After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, several captains of the Longshan team quickly took note of it and then told their team members. Protecting the personnel of Longshan Base has also become the principle of Longshan Team, which is deeply implemented in the hearts of every member of Longshan Team.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang nodded with satisfaction and continued to everyone: "During this search mission, we also obtained a laser gun developed from M Company. It is very powerful and is enough to deal with high-level zombies, but it is not suitable for black gold. The consumption is also very considerable. This laser gun was developed by you, Yang Xue. Those black gold cold weapons can be reduced. We also need to accumulate some black gold for later use. We must also accumulate food for one. Make preparations for the auction in a month. Now more and more people are aware of the function of the formula, and the competition will be fierce. There is also an outgoing team on the black gold exchange. Remember to accumulate more black gold this month. It’s time to go to the auction.”

After the meeting, everyone went to do their own business. Xiao Qiang quickly found Lin Bingyan and spoke to Lin Bingyan carefully all afternoon. When he saw that Lin Bingyan finally smiled at him, Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

In the evening, after inspecting the Longshan base, Xiao Qiang had dinner and returned to his room. He looked at his injuries and found that the place where he was hit by the zombie had turned a little blue. This strength The powerful zombie's attack is indeed very powerful. Xiao Qiang muttered, wondering what happened to this drunkard and what level of strength he had, that he could actually fight against such a powerful zombie.

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