Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 588 The End of the World

"Don't be too surprised. If you know my origin, you will think that adding such a function to the steel armor is a piece of cake. Yang Xue saw Xiao Qiang's somewhat surprised expression and regained his composure. He said with a cold expression.

"Okay, I will listen attentively. I believe your story will be very long. Now those people from Company M will probably kill my two zombies and they won't catch up. It's a pity for my two zombies. "Let's sit aside and talk slowly." Xiao Qiang said as he walked towards the sofa in the rest area.

"Don't worry, I know you managed to get your zombies, but after you listen to my story, they will definitely be more valuable than your two zombies." Yang Xue walked to the sofa and took it out of the bag. I wiped the dust on the sofa with two wet wipes before sitting on the sofa.

"In the past three weeks, we have been attacked many times by others, and these people only started attacking after our search mission, so these people can only be looking for you or me. At first I suspected that these people might be here to find me, but just today I discovered that these people had tattoos of M Company on their arms. Moreover, the people who fought with me just now were obviously just trying to delay us. , did not fight us head-on, but grabbed you several times. Moreover, if I guess correctly, you also have a tattoo of M Company on your arm, and you are also from M Company. Weapons, and your various behaviors during the base camp, so..." When Xiao Qiang said this, he paused deliberately.

"You are right, so you infer that these people are here to find me." Yang Xue listened very seriously when she heard Xiao Qiang's analysis in a logical manner.

"So, do you still remember the M Company transportation team we met on the way to the base camp? At that time, I noticed the strange looks they gave after they discovered you in the car, so I paid more attention. , and then quietly placed a bug on one of them, which was also produced by the system. Hehehe, from their conversation, I found out that you are actually the most wanted criminal of Company M, plus what I said before. The thing is that you can easily think that these people are here to find you." Anyway, Yang Xue also knows the system very well, and Xiao Qiang does not need to hide it. He took out two bottles of water from the system and said to Yang Xue.

After Yang Xue heard what Xiao Qiang said, she gave Xiao Qiang a big roll of her eyes helplessly, and continued to say to Xiao Qiang: "I thought it was really what you inferred, but it turned out to be eavesdropping. So since You already knew about this situation, why did you say it now, and why did you choose to say it after being chased by these people. "

"You said before that you graduated from college, but you know so much knowledge. A beautiful woman studying business administration can actually know chemistry, physics, and even make weapons. The earliest zombie siege of Longshan Base , one of the level 3 zombies was killed, and it must have been the damage caused by your laser. If chemistry is your hobby, then weapons are not justified. By chance, I discovered that you also had one on your arm. The special symbol of Company M. However, our Longshan base and Company M are not incompatible with each other, and you have not done anything to harm the base. On the contrary, you have used your knowledge to help me solve many difficulties. I have supported the research institute, so I have never asked about your secrets. However, more and more people from Company M have come here to look for you recently. It was better for those who came before to be weak, but today is different. Today. These people are too powerful and are far enough to threaten the security of the base." Xiao Qiang took a deep breath and told the truth.

"Why, as the leader of Longshan Base, if he encounters a strong opponent, will he not protect the people in his base?" Yang Xue asked.

"I'm very happy that you regard yourself as a member of Longshan Base, not as a member of M Company. As the leader of Longshan Base, the base has been attacked. No matter what the strength of the opponent, I should protect it. But, absolutely not Protecting a person who is full of secrets and doesn’t know who is right or who is wrong." Xiao Qiang curled his lips and said to Yang Xuet.

"Then tell me, why won't the people from Company M catch up as long as we join the main force?" Yang Xue continued to ask.

"I haven't heard your story yet, but you asked me many questions. Well, I think your story will be more shocking, so I will answer your questions first. Since that search mission, a new organization has emerged, called the Merchant Alliance. It always maintains neutrality and is very trustworthy. It does not have many people, but it is very powerful. The auction in a week will be guaranteed by them, and they have great prestige in these bases in the end of the world. I don't know what the purpose of M Company is. Maybe it is to leave a good impression on the major bases, or maybe it is to consolidate their recent bad discussions. Recently, they have taken the initiative to help many bases. Therefore, they will never attack our Longshan base so blatantly. Maybe it is the restraint of those masters of the Merchant Alliance. Otherwise, with the strength of those people, even if they break into our base to find you, it is possible. As for you, I think. Recently, we posted information on the instrument and asked M Company for help, saying that we were attacked by someone. I believe that with their current approach, they should suspend the arrest of you for a while." Xiao Qiang told his analysis in detail.

"Got it. Okay, I've finished asking the questions. Now, let me tell you a story." Yang Xue nodded and said to Xiao Qiang.

The story starts two years ago. At that time, there were no mutant zombies on this continent, and of course, there were no mutants of all kinds. At that time, the continent was thriving, and people were constantly running for money. Moreover, in this big city, there were many powerful families. At that time, although M Company was already a pharmaceutical company with strong economic strength, it was still in the top 50 in the world and was jointly owned by multiple families. But it was not like now, it would make weapons, elixirs, talismans and other things.

One day, a huge meteorite suddenly fell from the sky, and it happened to fall on a piece of land developed by M Company. After research, it was found that there were two kinds of metals on this meteorite that were not found on this continent, one called Wujin and the other called Heijin. The amount of black gold on it is very rare, and it is much stronger than black gold in all aspects, not to mention the metals found on the mainland at that time. Not only these metals, but also some precious kraft paper on the meteorite. These kraft papers are engraved with many things using specific methods. Including formulas, and some technologies far beyond this continent, and there are some difficult-to-read words on the kraft paper. Finally, because the content contained in the meteorite is too advanced, it was noticed by the above, but because the meteorite is too large, it was still placed in M ​​Company for research. Anyway, M Company also has those snobby infiltrations from the Legion, and there are also some special research equipment inside.

Yang Xue, the world's top postdoctoral student, specializes in the Department of Chemistry, and has a lot of research in the Department of Physics and Mechanics. She has been admitted many times by exception. At the age of less than 20, she is the youngest professor of the top university in the country, and at the same time, she is also a consultant of M Company at that time. If there is anyone who can convince Yang Xue at that time, it is her teacher, Professor Mi. Professor Mi devoted himself to the chemical industry. He was also a key protected talent of the country at that time, and was also the first consultant of M Company. After the meteorite appeared, Professor Mi instructed it to take the lead in conducting research on the meteorite, and also called Yang Xue into the team at that time.

The advanced culture contained in the meteorite deeply attracted Professor Mi and others. In order not to attract attention, many new research institutes were built underground in various places of M Company at that time. At that time, the culture contained in it was enough to shock the world. A series of items such as aircraft, intermediate generators, fast-growing seeds, etc. were all displayed by the technology contained in the meteorite. The most important thing is that the black gold contained in it was pulled to different secret research institutes, and 10 kinds of weapons were made using the means contained in the meteorite.

After one year of research, the knowledge provided by the meteorite produced many things, which were enough to change everyone's current life. For safety reasons, the meteorite was not allowed to be made public, and the products produced were not allowed to be tested. Instead, they had to go through repeated tests. However, these products were used first by some family members.

Everything was going very smoothly. Just when Professor Mi and Yang Xue had made several reports to bring these high-tech products to the market, a glass box was suddenly found in the huge meteorite. The glass was also a special material and was well sealed. For cautious reasons, Professor Mi and his team did not dare to open the box, but only extracted some gas from it.

After careful analysis and research of these gases, Professor Mi and Yang Xue still did not know what these gases were. The molecular formula of the gases was also something that did not exist on this continent. The more people studied this meteorite, the more mysterious this large piece of meteorite was. The meteorite was even cut into pieces and transported to various research institutes for research. And those gases were also extracted in many parts and sent to various research institutes for some research. Therefore, there appeared an underground warehouse of M Company like the one in the last search mission. The reason why Yang Xue was so familiar with it was because she had worked there for half a year and participated in the production of the three black gold weapons.

Everything went smoothly, and the research on meteorites became more in-depth, and more and more high-tech products were obtained from it. Just as everyone was constantly conducting experiments and running-in, and was ready to launch these products that far exceeded the current technological level of mankind, a shocking news suddenly came from the Andu Research Institute in the first-level city.

In the research institute there, some people used these gases to experiment on some animals. After the animals inhaled some of the gases, something puzzling happened. After some animals inhaled these gases, their eyeballs began to slowly turn white, and their entire bodies had no breath at all, but they were still able to move. Long sharp teeth began to grow on their mouths, and the claws on their hands began to lengthen. Even animals that were very docile before, such as rabbits, began to become aggressive. Other animals that were bitten by the rabbits also began to slowly become like this. The research institute named these animals with this phenomenon zombies. However, there are also some animals that did not appear to be zombies after inhaling these gases. Instead, they maintained their previous appearance while the quality of their entire body became stronger, whether it was strength, speed, or even appetite. Preliminary research shows that these gases have a dual nature. On the one hand, they can kill animals and turn them into mindless zombies. On the other hand, they can greatly improve the physical fitness of animals.

Such a discovery shocked all the members of the institute, and they reported the research findings to the higher-ups overnight. After repeated consideration, the higher-ups sent the person in charge to hold a meeting with the senior members of the institute. In the end, due to safety issues and fear of causing social panic, the release of these high-tech products was terminated, and some orders were issued to speed up the research on these technologies and check whether there were any problems. At the same time, they also had to speed up the research on those gases and investigate what was going on with those gases.

In this way, those high-tech products were not released to the society at that time. Moreover, in the period just after this meeting, everyone was still able to study these gases in an orderly manner, and only used some animals for experiments, but they could not understand the composition of these gases, and why those animals would have such a situation after inhaling these gases.

However, people kept coming to extract those gases. At the beginning, Professor Mi could still withstand some pressure, but the power of those families and some legion leaders was too much for Professor Mi to withstand, so he could only let these people continue to extract those gases from the glass box.

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