Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 589 The Secret of the Doomsday Explosion

Gradually, some families actually used these gases to conduct experiments on human bodies. After the human bodies were subjected to the experiments, two phenomena appeared. Some of them became zombies, while others became mutants. Their physical fitness was enhanced and some superpowers appeared. After the news spread, more people came to extract these gases and then conduct experiments on human bodies. Slowly, even the glass box was taken back from Professor Mi.

Professor Mi had long heard about the practices of some ill-intentioned people in some families and legions. They actually used human bodies for experiments. He reported to the upper level many times, explaining the harm of doing so, and explaining that if human bodies were used for experiments, those who became zombies would bite others randomly, and the people bitten were contagious. However, the upper level never gave Professor Mi a clear response, nor did they stop all this from happening, allowing these things to continue. Moreover, what Professor Mi despised even more was that some people actually used death row prisoners to inhale these gases and conduct large-scale human experiments. It was also from that time that some mutants began to appear in those families. These mutants were very powerful and protected the major families. Moreover, the families spared no effort to use the elixirs produced in the research institute to cultivate them, so that the strength of these people was further strengthened.

Of course, along with the secret emergence of a large number of strong people, there were also many zombies. But fortunately, when everyone was conducting secret human experiments, because of the experience of animals turning into zombies, they also took protective measures. Those who turned into zombies were either beaten to death or caught and sent to various research institutes, including the very powerful zombie that appeared in the last search mission, which was the earliest batch of humans who turned into zombies. Moreover, because these zombies appeared in the research institute, the legion also sent out guards to protect these research institutes. Through research, it was found that these zombies could mutate and upgrade again, becoming more powerful zombies.

Professor Mi tried hard to persuade the above to stop using these gases, but to no avail. About half a year before the outbreak of the apocalypse, some family was not paying much attention when doing experiments, and a zombie ran out and rushed into the city. It bit randomly in the city and attracted people's attention. In the end, the legion sent people to encircle and suppress these zombies. Of course, this incident caused an uproar on the Internet at that time, but the news was deliberately blocked. However, these things are still circulating on some forums. Professor Mi's level naturally knows these things, so he started to lay out early. Using his identity as the chief researcher, he secretly got black gold and used the high-tech knowledge recorded on the meteorite to make two black gold weapons specifically for him. One is the Thousand Machine Umbrella obtained by Xiao Qiang, and the other is the steel armor owned by Yang Xue, which contains a high-tech core intelligent system. Not only that, Professor Mi also left those unnoticed kraft papers, and used special means to print the things recorded on the meteorite on the kraft paper, and also recorded his own research results and various discoveries on the kraft paper, and for safety, he also divided the kraft paper recording the formula into 6 parts.

It was also at that time that Professor Mi began to work on the system in Xiao Qiang's body. Professor Mi also carried out this matter secretly, aiming to prevent the zombie apocalypse that will appear in the future. Yang Xue didn't know much about the manufacturing system, but only heard Professor Mi mention it. Moreover, Professor Mi had an assistant at that time. Yang Xue didn't know much about this assistant, but only knew that the assistant was knowledgeable enough to compete with Yang Xue, and was very trusted by Professor Mi.

In this way, within the six months before the outbreak of the apocalypse, the major snobs in the major families and legions began to use those gases to conduct human experiments, and constantly cultivated their own snob masters. Meanwhile, there were also constant incidents of zombies injuring people in various places, and there was even news that a remote town was destroyed by zombies. However, these news were suppressed by the higher-ups, and then the army was sent out to secretly eliminate them. The excuse to the outside world was that an earthquake had occurred near the town, and people were advised not to enter. However, the major powers did not seem to stop their research and create their own powerful masters, because the strength of these masters was too attractive to these powers, enough to change their status on this continent.

A week before the end of the world, Professor Mi seemed to have heard some news or something, so he called Yang Xue back to him, had a private conversation, and put part of the steel armor, which is what Yang Xue is currently wearing, into The armor in the backpack he was carrying was handed over to Yang Xue. Also given to Yang Xue was Yang Xue's kraft paper diary. However, the diary only contained part of the content. An important sentence was recorded on it. "Do your best to help that person solve this apocalyptic crisis." Professor Mi told Yang Xue that the person he was looking for was the person with the system he created. That person had the strength to solve this crisis, and he should do his best to assist him. No matter what his request was, he should do his best. Be satisfied with what he asks for. Professor Mi did not tell Yang Xue the specific reason, but emphasized repeatedly to Yang Xue that no matter what, he must remember what he said clearly. There is a device in the armor that can find people who own the system, but it is not too Too precise. Yang Xue has always respected Professor Mi very much and obeyed Professor Mi's words very much. Therefore, Yang Xue also quietly left the research institute and came to Xuzhou University where Xiao Qiang was.

As for the eventual outbreak of zombies, Professor Mi didn't know much. He only knew roughly that people on both sides were vying for the position of the ultimate leader, and then a conflict broke out and they rushed into the research institute and started a fight, which led to The glass box containing the gas was shattered, and all the gas leaked out. In an instant, the gas began to fill the Andu City where the glass box was located. Many people inhaled the gas. Some people began to turn into zombies and launched attacks. The whole city fell into panic, and attacks were everywhere. Zombies stalking human beings, and finally, these zombies spread, and the zombies formed the end of mankind. Moreover, after the glass box was smashed, not only did the gas spread out, but a strong light was also emitted. People who witnessed this strong light would not turn into zombies. They would just turn to Lin Bing based on the difference in human body constitution. Yan and the others became mutants because of this. The contents of the kraft paper notebook that Yang Xue obtained during the search mission were recorded on it.

"This is the story I know. Of course, during the last search mission, I also found part of the kraft paper notes, and part of the content was recorded on the kraft paper. Going on to the following content, you can also You all know that I found you and followed you. From many inquiries, I also confirmed that you are the one who owns the system. So, please rest assured now, I am not your enemy, I am here to help. Yours, don't have any doubts about me anymore." After Yang Xue finished talking about this long list of things, she also picked up the water on the table, moistened her throat and said,

"Oh, oh, it turns out there are so many twists and turns in the middle. No wonder I said there are so many strong people who are much higher than me. It makes me start to wonder whether I am not working hard enough or the system is not enough. Awesome." After listening to the whole story, Xiao Qiang nodded and sighed to Yang Xue while thinking about what Yang Xue told him.

"Yes, after listening to the story, do you think the whole story is a bit incredible? Also, you actually doubted your system. Let me tell you, your system is the most advanced product on the continent. Professor Mi It is made by one hand, there is absolutely no second kind in the world, and the things contained in it are all the most perfect, produced by the optimal use of the technology on the meteorite, such as your Thousand Chance Umbrella, and the remaining parts of mine. The steel armor is also stored in your system. Those people have high strength and have the advantage of becoming mutants early, but you have been guarding helpers like the system for almost 5 months until the end of the world. You haven't reached the awakening level yet, so I have to say that you really haven't worked hard enough." Yang Xue heard Xiao Qiang's words and said to Xiao Qiang word for word.

"Okay, okay, what you said to Xiao Cong is the same. I will definitely work hard in the future. By the way, you just said that Professor Mi asked you to follow my instructions. Do whatever I ask you to do. Do it all, right?" Xiao Qiang nodded and said to Yang Xue.

"Yes, since the teacher said that, he is a person I particularly respect. I will definitely follow his arrangements. I will obey your orders. I will do whatever you ask me to do." Yang Xue nodded seriously. He looked into Xiao Qiang's eyes and said.

"Really, this is what you said. If I ask you to do it, you are not allowed to regret it." Xiao Qiang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, approached Yang Xue's face, and said with a joking expression.

Now that all these things have been revealed to Xiao Qiang, Yang Xue's last line of defense against Xiao Qiang is gone. Seeing Xiao Qiang's face so close, she could hear Xiao Qiang's breathing. Yang Xue couldn't help but her face turned slightly red. At the same time, she felt that Xiao Qiang's face was a little handsome.

"Yes, you can do anything. If you really want it, you can do it." Yang Xue's voice was like a mosquito murmur, she lowered her head in embarrassment and said softly to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, since you agreed, I'll mention it. Come on, smile at me." Xiao Qiang stood up suddenly and spoke to Yang Xue happily.

"What? What did you say? Just let me smile at you." Yang Xue felt a little angry unconsciously and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Yes, what do you think Miss Yang is doing? Miss Yang is usually cold and cold, and you are so beautiful. If you can smile more, you will make people feel more friendly. How can you be so kind to others?" It’s a feeling of being distant from others,” Xiao Qiang explained to Yang Xue with a smile.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Yang Xue gave Xiao Qiang a big roll of her eyes helplessly, then squeezed out a smile on her face and said to Xiao Qiang: "Actually, I have been focusing on my studies since I was a child. I don’t like to deal with people very much. The reason why I listened to Professor Mi so much before was not only that he was more knowledgeable than me, but also that he was one of the few friends I had and would talk to me heart to heart. After the end of the world, I feel that you are all very good friends, including Bingyan, who is also a very good person. Maybe it was because I had hidden secrets in my heart before and could not communicate with you in a real way. I will pay attention, stop being so aloof, and smile as much as possible, but don’t expect me to remain kind all the time.”

"Okay, okay, as long as Miss Yang can smile more, it will be great like she is now. Also, since we have told each other secrets now, there is no barrier between us, and we will be friends from now on. Look at it this way Come on, our base is really not simple. We have two doctors, one is you and the other is Sister Rourou." Xiao Qiang stretched out his palm towards Yang Xue and said.

"Okay, we can be honest with each other from now on. I hope that leader Xiao Da will take care of me in the future. If someone comes to arrest me, I will have to rely on you to help. Also, if I want to ask something in the future, Just ask directly, if you have to make a sudden move, if I don't have this armor, I won't be hit by your Thousand Chance Umbrella." Yang Xue stretched out her hand, shook it with Xiao Qiang, and said teasingly.

"Hehe, okay, no problem. We won't be here for a short time. If we stay here for a while, Bingyan and the others should be worried. Let's go find them quickly." Xiao Qiang scratched his head sheepishly. Scratching his head, he spoke to Yang Xue.

"By the way, tell me about this steel armor of yours. What functions does it have and what kind of power can it exert?" Xiao Qiang asked as he led Yang Xue outside.

"Okay, the whole body of this armor is made of Ugold. You are familiar with Ugold, so its defensive properties are natural. Moreover, this armor is originally modeled after Iron Man's armor. , so a lot of high-tech elements are added to it. For example, if you obtain the core, as long as you place it on your body, you can recall all the armors with your thoughts and automatically attach them to your body.

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