Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 590 Iron Armor

Moreover, it can also fire lasers, laser cannons, flames, and other offensive techniques. It is very powerful and can be used against even strong Qi-level warriors. Moreover, the most important thing is that since this armor was tailor-made for me by the teacher, the armor will judge the enemy's movements and assist the user in performing some fighting actions. Just like after you attacked me just now, with the help of the armor, your upper body made automatic defensive actions and counterattack actions. Of course, if there is a core, the armor can be better controlled and the armor can exert better power. "Yang Xue explained patiently while following Xiao Qiang outside.

"Hey, if you put it this way, this weapon is much more powerful than my Thousand Machine Umbrella. My Thousand Machine Umbrella requires the user to have sufficient cultivation, and your steel armor, even if it is a If ordinary people use it, they can exert a power comparable to that of a Qi-gathering powerhouse. However, I can help you get the core. There is a task of collecting formulas in the system. After collecting all 6 formulas, If you can complete the mission, the reward you get is the core of your steel armor. It seems that you should hurry up and collect those formulas." Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh.

"Well, at that time, the teacher told me that the rest of the steel armor was placed in the system. It seems that the teacher also had good intentions and was worried that I would not listen to you properly, so he came up with it. Such a method. Then the core of the steel armor is please." Yang Xue thought briefly.

"If this steel armor is so powerful, can you make it out of black gold and be able to exert such power?"

"I can try it, but it will definitely not be as powerful as this one. The material of Wujin itself is very special, and a lot of high technology is used in it. It was all developed by the teacher himself. If you want to imitate it, you have to wait for you first. Just get the core out.”

"Oh, how are you doing with your research on those laser guns? Can you make a batch of them?"

"The research is almost done. After participating in this auction, can we start working on it?"

. . . . . .

While the two were talking, they walked towards the main force. When they returned to the base, Xiao Qiang convened a meeting with some people he trusted and briefly told everyone what Yang Xue had told him. However, when telling the story, he deliberately concealed the fact that he had a system. After all, the system is your last trump card. No matter what, the fewer people who know about this system, the better.

Now, due to the development of Longshan Base and its good reputation, more and more personnel have joined, including many from other bases. Therefore, the current Longshan Base personnel have There are as many as 30,000 people, and the daily consumption of food alone is a huge amount. Fortunately, Xiao Qiang can exchange seeds and feed from the level 2 mall, and is prohibited from eating meat, allowing Zhang Jin to fully develop and expand the scale, but vegetables and grains are not enough. Originally, in the apocalypse, everyone was satisfied to be able to eat fresh grains and vegetables. Moreover, knowing that Xiao Qiang was for the better development of the base, no one complained.

Now, since last time, Xiao Qiang said that there is still a shortage of food in other bases outside, the base has deployed a large number of manpower to plant and breed, even occupying the land in Kangzhuang Village and several nearby villages. It is used to grow vegetables and grains. Now, the most prosperous one in the entire base is the breeding plantation of Zhang Jin and Chen Yuan. With the strong support of the base, Zhang Jin and Chen Yuan lived up to expectations. Using the seeds redeemed from Xiao Qiang's system, they not only fully satisfied the supply in the base, but also reached an agreement with a base in a level 4 city under the control of the legion. After signing the agreement and exchanging arms for food, this was enough to satisfy the base's arms supply, and there was no need to go to the arsenal to search for arms. Recently, they have also been discussing whether they can exchange a helicopter with the Legion.

Not only that, a base in Tongzhou, a level 4 city next door, is relatively weak and has established a base. However, even M Company does not want such a weak base to join the alliance. The base sent people to discuss with Xiao Qiang and asked to join the Longshan base, but they were still in that city. Xiao Qiang asked the reason, and they only gave a four-word answer: "It's hard to leave the homeland." There was no other way, so Xiao Qiang could only ask people to transport some food to them there regularly. At the same time, he also built some communication equipment and other facilities there to establish contact with the Tongzhou base there.

Due to the continuous cleaning up of zombies, Xiao Qiang's Longshan base has become safer and safer. There are very few zombies around. Even if there are zombies around, they will be killed immediately by members of the patrol team. It is worth mentioning that due to the enrichment of personnel, the number of members of the patrol team has now reached 2,000, and each Longshan team has also reached the number of 1,000 people. The defense network of Longshan Base has been expanded many times towards the periphery. Recently, we are also preparing to expand outward again, including several nearby villages into the scope of Longshan Base.

Under the auspices of Wang Liang and others, the various facilities and buildings in the base have become more and more complete. A regular school was established using the original school in the village, and those who were originally teachers in the base were selected. , and also elected a principal. Let these children in the base have a place to go to school. We also got amusement equipment from the city and built an amusement park. Not only the school, the black gold exchange has also been expanded, and the number of personnel has also increased a lot. Because Longshan Base is rich in resources, and there are also fresh vegetables and other materials, more and more people come to Longshan Base to trade black gold. Come more and more. Yang Xue's research institute has also expanded again, recruiting many people who are interested in scientific research, and supplying medicines, black gold weapons and other items to the people in the base. Therefore, Xiao Qiang's black gold exchange also accumulated a lot of black gold.

Of course, in these matters, Xiao Qiang is only responsible for putting forward opinions or reviewing and approving opinions put forward by others. Wang Liang and others are still responsible for the specific implementation.

At night, while having dinner, Xiao Qiang scanned the main members of the base and analyzed their current strength. Among them, Lin Fei and Han Feng have already upgraded to the level 1 awakening. After Lin Fei has the black gold sword, even a strong person with level 2 awakening can fight. Lin Bingyan has level 9 powers. Sister Rourou's power is level 8. Jiang Kai and the captains of the Longshan team have also been upgraded to level 9. Xu Miao is still a strong person who has awakened to level 1, because Xu Miao has a sweet appearance but outstanding strength. Because of the water power users, Longshan Team 5 is currently the strongest team. This time, the captains of the original teams intensified their efforts and practiced hard to become stronger again.

And because Xiaolang has been eating black gold these days, he has risen to another level and has become a strong man with level 1 awakening. He can provide a lot of help to Xiao Qiang. What surprised Xiao Qiang the most was that Xiao Shutong's level actually showed that he had awakened the strength of a level 6 powerhouse. However, Xiao Shutong still did not show any strength. He still went to school every day and followed Yang Xue at night. Sleeping in a room, Xiao Qiang would have doubted the binocular recognition scan if he didn't have full trust in the system.

In addition, with the help of Xiao Qiang's elixir, the strength of other people in the base has also increased a lot. However, with the increase in the number of mutants in the base, the mutant training room seems to be a little stretched. People even have to queue for a week before they can get in and practice for an hour. However, Xiao Qiang can’t do anything about it. After all, the practice room is a high-end item and is not something that Xiao Qiang can obtain from the level 2 mall. purchased.

Looking at his current strong base, everything is prosperous and showing good development momentum. Xiao Qiang is also very pleased and praises the several people responsible for the work.

At night, lying on the bed, Xiao Qiang entered the system. After this period of accumulation, Xiao Qiang's redemption points have reached more than 14 million points, all of which are also due to the 10 million redemption points obtained by killing zombies in the last search mission. The experience value is already 4.6 million points. If you have another 400,000 points, you can upgrade to power level 6.

Xiao Qiang has almost exchanged almost all the items in the level 2 mall. Whether it is elixirs, weapons, or talismans, the base has accumulated a lot, and Xiao Qiang has no need for it for the time being. However, there was only one week left to attend the auction. After hearing what Yang Xue said about the power of the steel armor, Xiao Qiang wanted to get those formulas even more. Therefore, Xiao Qiang also wants to obtain some high-end items through lottery, increase some capital for himself, and have more capital to auction the formula at the auction conference. At the same time, Xiao Qiang is also preparing to auction some things. Obtain more black gold. When Yang Xue's research institute develops more laser guns, and he wants to clean up zombies, it will definitely be a huge consumption of black gold.

"Xiao Cong, are you still asleep? Regarding the system, Yang Xue has told me a lot today. I finally know your origin. Don't worry, I guess there must be some things you don't tell me. I won’t ask you any more questions about your reasons. However, I have to ask you about some things." After entering the system, Xiao Qiang said to Xiao Cong.

"Yeah, our host has finally become more and more mature, and we don't ask those boring questions anymore. Xiaoxue just told you, and the same goes for this child. I wish I had told you earlier, maybe for safety reasons. Let's think about it. Okay, let me know what questions you want to ask?" Xiao Cong said in an old-fashioned way, even though he was 15.6 years old.

"First question, are the rest of Yang Xue's steel armor in the system?" Xiao Qiang nodded, thought for a while, and asked Xiao Cong.

"Yes, Professor Mi came to help you in order to prevent Xiaoxue from not listening to you, so he only gave Xiaoxue a part of the armor at that time. The remaining parts are in the system and you can get them through draws. You can also purchase the remaining parts after upgrading and entering the level 3 mall. However, the most important part, the core, can only be obtained after you have collected the 6 recipes and completed the mission. "When Xiao Cong mentioned Professor Mi, his expression became a little gloomy, and he lowered his head and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Oh, I see. Then the second question is, what's going on with Xiao Shutong? If my binocular scan is correct, then Xiao Shutong has really reached the level 6 awakening, and she hasn't shown any strength yet." Xiao Qiang continued to ask.

"In this case, Xiao Shutong's ability is indeed somewhat special, but the details still depend on you to discover. I can only say that her current strength is indeed the level 6 awakening strength. If she really exerts her strength, even if you use Chao Kongque, you can't hurt her." Xiao Cong continued.

"Okay, thank you Xiao Cong, I don't have any problems for the time being. I need to draw a lottery now. Now I need 2927 intermediate draws to upgrade. A single draw costs 2000 redemption points. I have enough redemption points now. Give me all the draws." Xiao Qiang said to Xiao Cong with a smile.

"Well, host, I have something very regretful to tell you. Due to the adjustment of the strength level of human mutants, a new level of Qi gathering has been added. Therefore, the lottery has also been adjusted accordingly. The intermediate lottery is divided into two stages. The first stage is 3,000 times and the second stage is 10,000 times. Only after passing these two stages can the advanced lottery begin. However, as compensation, after entering the second stage of the lottery, the advanced items that appear in it can be decided by the host." Xiao Cong raised his head and said embarrassedly.

"This, 10,000 times, that requires 20 million exchange points. Okay, you have the final say, you are the system, you are the most powerful." Xiao Qiang couldn't help but grit his teeth, but then he said to Xiao Cong in a relaxed manner.

"Okay, the host will conduct 2,927 intermediate lotteries, which will cost a total of 5,854,000 points. The lottery will still be reported to the host after the summary." Xiao Cong said.

Afterwards, the yellow lottery panel began to appear in Xiao Qiang's system.

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