Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 591 Two-stage intermediate lottery

Intermediate items and a small number of high-level items kept appearing above. After 2927 draws, the draw bread also retreated. In the end, Xiao Qiang also drew a lot of things, including some low-level items, bread and bullets, and even gasoline. He drew a lot of intermediate items. He drew a lot of intermediate feed and seeds. He also drew a lot of high-tech products in daily necessities, such as automatic heating, solar heating, automatic treadmills, and other products that can change the living standards of people in the base. Xiao Qiang also plans to distribute these products to people in the base. Of course, he also drew a lot of weapons, elixirs, equipment, etc. Xiao Qiang had exchanged a lot of them in the mall before, and put them in the arsenal. Among them, he drew more than 70 aircraft, which can establish a special flight team in Longshan Base.

Then there are the high-level items. The lottery explosion rate of high-level items is not very high. In total, more than 30 high-level items and more than 20 kinds of elixirs and talismans were drawn. He also drew 5 kinds of advanced puppet talismans, as well as advanced nano-legging and other protective gear, which can be regarded as Xiao Qiang's defensive equipment. Finally, there are two automatic zombie identification laser cannons, which are very powerful and require a lot of black gold to use. They can automatically identify zombies when the number reaches a certain level and attack those zombies. But within a month, it can only be used once.

After Xiao Qiang saw these items, he thought of the use. The advanced nano-level protective equipment was naturally used by himself. Wearing this protective equipment, it looks the same as not wearing armor on the surface, and the protective effect is also very good. As for the pills, they were given to Wang Peng and Wu Ze to strengthen the strength of their intelligence team and blood killing team. The talisman paper was also divided into some for them to prepare for emergencies, and the rest was kept by him. The two laser cannons that automatically identify zombie attacks were placed outside the base defense, and a large amount of black gold was piled next to them, and there were special people to guard them.

After completing the first stage of the intermediate lottery, Xiao Qiang still had more than 8 million points of exchange points left. Xiao Qiang planned to continue the lottery. The lottery at this stage can be used to draw designated items.

"Xiao Cong, continue the lottery for me. Spend another 8 million points of exchange value for me to draw 4,000 times. Among them, 2,000 draws are designated as puppet symbols for high-level items, and the other 2,000 draws are designated as mutant training rooms. There is no limit on the specific type of training room." Xiao Qiang continued.

"Okay, host, let's start the lottery now." Xiao Cong said to Xiao Qiang with a smile.

Finally, a large number of intermediate items were drawn. Now the accumulated items are enough for each of the 1,000 members of the Longshan team and patrol team to have a set of intermediate armor, plus an intermediate dagger. Not only that, the total number of pills and talismans that each team leader can operate has reached more than 500. Through this lottery, all these teams are truly armed. Now when they go to clean up the zombies, they can greatly reduce the damage to the base personnel.

In addition to the harvest of these intermediate items, Xiao Qiang also obtained more than 20 puppet talismans, which makes Xiao Qiang now have a total of 30 puppet talismans in his hands. He also plans to use this week to capture more infected zombies and increase his trump cards. In addition to the puppet talismans, Xiao Qiang also harvested more than 10 mutant training rooms. These training rooms are also varied, including gravity training rooms, strength training rooms, supernatural training rooms, etc. Xiao Qiang plans to put all these training rooms on the square of the base. In this way, it can greatly alleviate the demand for training rooms for these mutants in the base, and their upgrade speed can also be faster. Xiao Qiang is looking forward to how many strong people there will be in the Longshan base in the future.

There is still a week before the auction. Xiao Qiang plans to upgrade himself to the sixth level of supernatural power in this week, and use these puppet symbols to capture some zombies. Secondly, he needs to think about what to prepare for the auction. At that time, he will try to exchange the formula and get some black gold from the auction.

Soon, a week passed. Xiao Qiang continued to drive his doomsday chariot this week, taking Lin Bingyan and others to the city to find and kill zombies. The members of the Longshan team, in the places Xiao Qiang explored, felt that there were no particularly powerful zombies, so they steadily carried out the work of cleaning up the zombies.

During this week, after Xiao Qiang upgraded to the sixth level of supernatural power and obtained a set of advanced skills, Flame Continuous Sky, he no longer killed zombies on a large scale, but specifically looked for those infected zombies and captured them with puppet symbols. After a week of capture, Xiao Qiang used all the puppet symbols and captured 5 puppet zombies infected at level 1, 3 zombies infected at level 2, and 2 zombies infected at level 3, a total of 10 zombies, which can form a small team. With these zombies, Xiao Qiang is more confident about participating in the auction. After all, although there is a business alliance with many strong people as a guarantee, who can guarantee that those people will not rob these things on the way? Xiao Qiang knows that the people in the Black Sand Base and the people in the M Company of Li Zhong want to obtain the formula, so Xiao Qiang also made plans in advance.

During this week, Shen San also brought a message that not only the formula will be auctioned this time, but also two newly discovered black gold weapons will be auctioned at this auction. At the same time, Shen San also told Xiao Qiang that Li Zhong would use the opportunity of this auction to find an opportunity to deal with Xiao Qiang, but he didn't know who they were.

Two nights before the auction, Xiao Qiang planned to take people to the auction tomorrow to familiarize himself with the environment there in advance, so he also called the top leaders of the base to hold a meeting to discuss this trip.

"Tomorrow I plan to go to the base first to prepare for the auction. I think you have heard about the importance of the formula, so I won't say much here. Although there are people from the Chamber of Commerce to guarantee, it is hard to guarantee that Li Zhong of M Company and the personnel of the Black Sand Base will not come up with any crooked tricks. Moreover, we have to bring some things to the auction this time, so we must be cautious about safety issues. Now, call everyone over to discuss the matter of participating in the auction before this trip." Xiao Qiang saw that everyone had gathered in the living room of the villa and said to everyone.

"Xiao Qiang, how many people do you plan to bring this time? If you plan to go alone like last time, we won't agree." Han Feng asked Xiao Qiang first after hearing what he said.

"Haha, even if I want to go alone, I can't transport so many things there, so I will definitely bring some people this time." Xiao Qiang smiled lightly and assured everyone.

"In this case, we shouldn't bring too many people. This time, we are not going there to fight zombies like last time. Bringing too many people will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the people of M Company. It will be unsafe if there are too few people, so I suggest that we stop the recent cleanup work first and take the captains of the Longshan team to participate." Jiang Kai proposed to Xiao Qiang.

"No, if all the captains go with us, the safety can be guaranteed to a great extent, but the safety of the base cannot be guaranteed. If those unscrupulous people in the Black Sand Base take advantage of this period to attack our Longshan Base, we will definitely not be able to defend. So, as a compromise, Jiang Kai and Xu Miao will pick some good players from your two teams and go to the auction together. The others will temporarily stop cleaning up the zombies these days and cooperate with the patrol team to defend the base. When we return, we will notify you and send people from the Longshan team to pick us up." Xiao Qiang thought for a while and said.

"Alas, the main reason is that we are too passive now and can't make some targeted arrangements. I just heard that Shen San from M Company said that someone wants to deal with us. I don't even know their strength, and the specific level is not very clear." Han Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother Han, don't be discouraged. In another week, Wang Peng and Wu Ze's intelligence team and the Blood Killing Team will be able to go out and be useful. We have our own intelligence team, so we won't be controlled by others like we are now." Xiao Qiang patted Han Feng on the shoulder and said.

"Then this time, it will be you, Lin Bingyan, Lin Fei, Jiang Kai, Xu Miao, and me, plus the two deputy captains of the Longshan team to attend this auction. Is that okay?" Han Feng continued to ask Xiao Qiang.

"No, Brother Han, there are only three awakeners in our base now, and we can't take all of them away. Brother Han, you should stay in the base. I feel more at ease with you in the base." Xiao Qiang said to Han Feng again.

"Hey, okay, I thought I would have the opportunity to go out with so many beauties this time, but I didn't expect that I would have to stay in the base to guard the house." Han Feng said in this annoyed state after hearing Xiao Qiang's words, looking around at the people around him.

After hearing Han Feng's words, everyone in the living room burst into laughter.

"Brother Han, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. There are so many beauties in our base. If you want to go out with someone, tell me in advance. But there is one thing, you have to get the consent of the female comrade. You see, now that we are constantly cleaning up the zombies in Xuzhou City, the range of our human activities is getting larger and larger. I believe that as long as we keep working hard, one day, we humans will return to our homeland." Xiao Qiang said righteously.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the leadership-level figures in the Longshan Base in the living room nodded to express their agreement with Xiao Qiang's words. Because of the long-term operation to clean up zombies, everyone still had objections at first, but gradually, the effect became more and more obvious. There were fewer and fewer zombies around Longshan Base, and everyone could hear the howling of zombies. The bowel movements are getting less and less.

"Brother Liang, please tell us about some of the materials to be auctioned this time, as well as the cars sold this time and other information." Xiao Qiang said to Wang Liang again.

"Okay, after such a long time, through our planting and breeding, we can now say that our base is self-sufficient even if we don't go outside to search for supplies. This time, with 5 trucks of fresh vegetables of all kinds, 2 trucks of black gold weapons and some daily necessities such as power stations, 3 trucks of black gold, the total weight of these black gold is enough for you to auction the formula." Wang Liang said.

"Very good. Recently I also led people to study the seeds of Company M. The seeds they developed are much worse than ours. Not only does the growth cycle more than double ours, but the seeds are also not cold-resistant and cannot be treated. Planting is carried out in winter. If you want to plant, you have to rely on greenhouses. I heard that M Company has set up planting and breeding gardens in various places. The scale is twice as big as ours, but the output is not half of our base, and not only that. The taste of the vegetables grown there is also incomparable to ours. So, the vegetables we brought here will definitely be very marketable, and they will be able to sell for a good price at the auction. Moreover, I also hope. Through this opportunity, we can establish a relationship with other bases to exchange vegetables for arms. In this way, we can solve the problem of lack of arms in our base," Xiao Qiang said analytically after hearing Wang Liang's report.

While talking, Xiao Qiang felt admiration for Professor Mi. The seeds in the created system must have been produced by Professor Mi using the technology on meteorites and put into the system, but the effect was better than What M Company can produce with so many researchers is even better. Now, Xiao Qiang just listened to Yang Xue telling the previous story. Xiao Qiang is not very clear about what happened to Professor Mi later. Xiao Qiang still has a lot of confusion, such as why he was chosen to own the system and be the person to save the world. I want to ask Professor Mi about what happened.

"Hmm, now we have reached an arms sales agreement with a level 4 city under the control of the same legion. In two days, we can exchange it for a helicopter. Moreover, our ally Huang Yu and their level 4 city in Tongzhou There is also an arsenal among them.

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