Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 592 10 puppets

After we finish our work recently, we can go there to transport the arms, and Huang Yu and the others also agreed. Speaking of this kid, let them come to live here in our Longshan base. They have to take his thousands of people to guard that shabby base. Their base is only okay with his strength. Others The human strength is not that good either. If a group of zombies really launched an attack, they would definitely not be able to survive even one round. "Wang Liang couldn't help but sigh and said.

"It's hard to leave our homeland. If we are really asked to give up the Longshan base and go to a higher-level city, we will definitely not be willing to compare ourselves with ourselves. No matter how dilapidated it is, it is still their home. Moreover, we cannot easily give up what belongs to us. Our home is given to these zombies. One day, we humans will return to our home. Brother Huang Yu has always insisted on this, so he is struggling to support himself there. I don’t know how it is in the bases of several other level 4 cities. I thought about it. When we have almost cleared up the zombies here, we will go to Tongzhou to help Brother Huang and the others clean up." Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh when he thought of Tongzhou.

"In this way, after the auction is over, Longshan Team 5 will temporarily stop cleaning up the zombies in Xuzhou, and instead go to open a road between Tongzhou and Xuzhou, and try to clean up the zombies on the road as much as possible . Make plans for our future trip to Tongzhou City. In addition, our base has grown a lot, and there are more and more new recruits. Our Longshan team should also expand. During this time, you guys. The captain can select people from among these people to add to your Longshan team, but they must be voluntary and tell them the principles of the Longshan team. Moreover, before joining the Longshan team, they must undergo training in Wu Shan's training camp and pass. Only then can we take them out to kill zombies. We need to take a longer view and be prepared to fight more zombies in the future. One day, we will definitely kill all the zombies." Xiao Qiang thought for a moment. After that, he said.

At night, Xiao Qiang entered the system again. After this week of fighting, he accumulated more than 400,000 redemption points. Xiao Qiang was also ready to take a look at his attributes.

Host: Xiao Qiang Physical fitness: 10000 Physical strength: 10000

Possessed skills: Wolf Step (proficiency level: proficiency 371/1000), Thunder Claw (proficiency level: proficiency 403/1000), Flying Thunder God (entry level: proficiency 601/1000), Shattering Palm (proficiency level: 601/1000) Proficiency 373/100), Crazy Dragon Sword Technique (Proficiency: Proficiency 403/100), Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix (Entry Level: Proficiency 473/100) Eight Door Dunjia-Four Doors Open (Express Lotus) Fire Heart decide

Mall authority: level 2 (can purchase intermediate items). Open lottery authority level 2 (4000/10000)

Comprehensive evaluation: Super power level 6. Experience value: 401000/7000000 Redemption points 403000.

Owns a Bone Spur Dagger, a Meifeng Dagger, a Snowflake Dagger, a Thousand Chance Umbrella, a high-tech nano helmet (advanced), and a high-tech nano armor (advanced).

Battle pet: Howling Moon Sirius, comparable to awakening level 1 strength

Puppet: Infect 2 level 3 zombies, 3 level 2 zombies, and 5 level 1 zombies.

After reading his own attributes, Xiao Qiang is also full of confidence. Now, although he has not yet reached the awakening level, his supernatural level has reached level 6. In addition, with the opening of the fifth door, he has Techniques like Chao Peacock, combined with fire powers, can bring out the power of an awakened level expert. Now, even if Xiao Qiang fights alone, he can still compete with a strong person who has awakened level 2. The most important thing is that the 10 puppets owned by Xiao Qiang. Although Xiao Qiang spent more than 30 high-level puppet talismans to capture these puppets, they are worth the money. If this batch of infection-level zombies are taken action, even if they are Xiao Qiang is also confident that he can deal with the powerful person who has awakened to level 8. After exiting the system, Xiao Qiang was ready to sleep.

Maybe it was because he was going to the auction tomorrow, but Xiao Qiang kept tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. I finally fell asleep and started having the same dream I had before. In the dream, the ending this time turned into the one where the zombies won in the end, which made Xiao Qiang deeply uneasy. He woke up many times in the night, and every time he woke up, he was dripping with sweat.

It stands to reason that the Longshan base is now actively developing, and the personnel in the base are strong and are still getting stronger. As for food, although fresh meat is not available now, Xiao Qiang has also visited it once, and the situation in the breeding farm is also very good. Zhang Jin has thought about letting the base personnel eat some meat first, but was stopped by Xiao Qiang's request to continue development. Even so, by the end of the year, the meat from the breeding farm can begin to meet the meat supply of the entire base, and even some can be sold outside. Moreover, Xiao Qiang's own strength is also getting stronger, and there is such a powerful puppet around him. However, since the last time he went out to participate in the search mission, coupled with the fact that those masters were chasing Yang Xue, Xiao Qiang felt that although his current base was very powerful, if those people attacked, or if the powerful zombie he encountered last time attacked, his base could not resist, which was also a concern for Xiao Qiang. Moreover, Xiao Qiang also felt that the recent zombie cleaning activities were too smooth, and the number of zombies seen was much less than before, and this was definitely not because they were cleaning up zombies. Although Xiao Qiang was thinking about these problems, he did not tell other people in the base. First, this was just Xiao Qiang's own guess, and second, he did not want the people in the base to live in worry all day. After all, this was something that the leader should consider, and they just had to do it.

In the morning, Xiao Qiang got up with two big dark circles under his eyes, and was laughed at by everyone for this. Xiao Qiang also showed a very speechless state.

Then, the group set out to participate in the auction. They drove Xiao Qiang's doomsday chariot and 10 trucks that had been loaded with supplies. They also covered the supplies with a layer of canvas to prevent someone from discovering these supplies on the road, which would cause some disputes.

Among them, in addition to Xiao Qiang, Lin Bingyan, Yang Xue, Sister Rourou, Lin Fei, Xiaolang, Xu Miao and Jiang Kai riding in Xiao Qiang's doomsday chariot, each of the 10 trucks, in addition to the driver, is also equipped with two superpowers responsible for jointly guarding the things on the trucks. These superpowers are also deputy captains of the Longshan team. Each of them is strong and can be regarded as the elite of the Longshan base. They are also specially selected by Jiang Kai and Xu Miao to protect this batch of materials in this auction.

And the destination this time is the city where the M company base is located in the level 3 city, Lake City. As the name suggests, Lake City is built on the lake, with rich water and soil resources, abundant fish and shrimp materials, and many scenic spots. Before the end of the world, this Lake City was a very rich city. It is said that some senior officials often go here for vacation. Therefore, in Lake City, there are not only many food resources, daily necessities and other projects, but also a large-scale arsenal. Moreover, according to Yang Xue, there was also an important meteorite research institute established in Hucheng at that time. After the end of the world, the powerful M company occupied Hucheng. It is said that half of the original city has been included in the base range, and the development is also very good.

On the doomsday chariot, Xiao Qiang set up the navigation, turned on the automatic driving, and let the doomsday chariot drive automatically to Hucheng. This doomsday chariot is very powerful, especially this automatic driving, which makes Xiao Qiang admire the power of Professor Mi. Xiao Qiang once tested it. After turning on the automatic driving, a large stone was suddenly thrown from the air to the front of the car while the car was moving normally. Unexpectedly, the chariot reacted quickly in a very short time and had calculated the best handling countermeasures. The whole car perfectly avoided the stone suddenly thrown by Xiao Qiang. At this point, Xiao Qiang felt that even if he had upgraded to the intermediate driving technology, he would not be able to do as well as the chariot with automatic driving turned on. Moreover, the chariot has reached a very accurate level of recognition of these obstacles on the road, and uses powerful computing power to make the best choice. This is also what Xiao Qiang has not discovered in the continuous experiments for more than a month. Therefore, this time he is very relieved to turn on the automatic driving.

In the car, Jiang Kai and Xu Miao were in the attack room in front, observing the situation on the road, alerting whether there were zombies, and if there were, they would be killed. Lin Fei went to the practice room behind the car and continued his practice. Sister Rourou, as soon as she got in the car, said that she got up too early and went back to her room to catch up on sleep. As for Yang Xue, as always, it seemed that there was nothing around that could interest her. She went into the study and continued to study the obscure chemical formulas on the cowhide notebook. As for Xiaolang, he ran to the roof through the skylight and looked outside. In the living room of the entire chariot, only Lin Bingyan and Xiao Qiang were left.

"Ding Dong, this is the first time we have come out of Xuzhou City together since the end of the world." Lin Bingyan looked at the scenery outside the window for a while and said to Xiao Qiang.

At this time, Lin Bingyan was wearing a white sweater on her upper body, a pair of overalls on her lower body, a pair of white sneakers on her feet, and a ponytail on her head. She didn't wear heavy makeup on her face, but because Lin Bingyan was white and her skin was always in very good condition, coupled with her exquisite face, she naturally revealed a kind of temperament when she sat there.

Xiao Qiang looked around and saw that there was no one in the living room. He couldn't help but kissed Lin Bingyan on the face.

"Oh, you are getting bolder and bolder. The last time you and Yang Xue went out to participate in the search mission, it's not over yet, and you dared to kiss me secretly." Lin Bingyan pouted deliberately, twisted Xiao Qiang's belly with one hand, and whispered to Xiao Qiang's ear.

"Ah, my dear wife, spare me. Wasn't it because she was from M Company last time? Didn't the matter explain it? Then tell me, how should I compensate you, my dear wife." Xiao Qiang quickly made a begging gesture and said to Lin Bingyan.

"Oh, who wants to be your wife? However, if you want to make up for it, I heard that there is a very good tourist attraction in Lake City, called Qingfeng Spring. The spring water will gush out from the stone wall and then form a waterfall. It should be not far from the base of M Company now, and there should be no zombies. It is still relatively safe. I will punish you to accompany me for a walk after you finish your work this afternoon." Hearing Xiao Qiang calling her his wife, Lin Bingyan's face turned red, and her embarrassed voice became smaller, and she said to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, no problem, as you say, then we will set off for Qingfeng Spring in the afternoon and have a good afternoon there. Remember to bring your mobile phone, and then we will take a few photos of the two of us." Xiao Qiang stood up, saluted, and assured Lin Bingyan.

"Okay, okay, sit down quickly. Speak a little more quietly, or they will hear you. By the way, Doraemon, are you worried about the auction, so you didn't sleep well last night?" Lin Bingyan was very sensible and took Xiao Qiang's hand, asked Xiao Qiang to sit down, and held his hand and spoke gently.

"Yeah, it's because of the auction. But there are other reasons. You see, when we were cleaning up the zombies in Liutong County before, we encountered so much resistance. We fought hard and finally cleaned up Liutong County. Logically speaking, the number of zombies in Xuzhou City should be much more than that in Liutong County, and their strength should be stronger. But at present, our Longshan team has not encountered much resistance in Xuzhou City, and I don't think there are many zombies. So, I'm more worried recently." Xiao Qiang no longer concealed his concerns to Lin Bingyan.

"You are just too worried. Think about it, now our strength has increased, especially you, who are even stronger. Besides, it's not like we haven't encountered powerful zombies before. We have encountered so many zombies infected with level 3. Thanks to your puppet symbols, we were able to capture those zombies. Otherwise, those zombies alone would be enough for us to deal with for a while. As for the number of zombies, you have killed so many zombies by yourself in Xuzhou City some time ago. The number will definitely decrease. So, you have been thinking too much recently. After the auction is over, return to the base, give yourself two days off, have a good rest in the base, and I will supervise you." Lin Bingyan touched Xiao Qiang's dark circles lovingly and persuaded gently.

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