Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 593 Arrival at M Company Base

What Lin Bingyan said made sense, but Xiao Qiang had doubts again. First of all, even if Xiao Qiang and the others went deep into the city center, the highest-level zombies they encountered were only infected with level 3 strength. In such a large city, there would definitely be zombies with stronger strength than those infected with level 3 infection. Ask them and several Longshan teams to go out together. There is so much movement. If there are more powerful zombies, they will definitely attack them.

Secondly, Xiao Qiang generally knows the population of Xuzhou City, and the number of these zombies, Xiao Qiang also includes the zombies he killed. It can be said that the number of these zombies is far less. of. The most obvious one is that the Longshan team carried out the clean-up activities in Xuzhou City very easily, and did not even encounter resistance from large-scale zombies.

However, Xiao Qiang would not tell Lin Bingyan his suspicions. He would remain suspicious of these matters. He could just return to the base to make everyone more vigilant, and there was no need for Lin Bingyan to worry too.

"Okay, our Bingyan is getting better and better. It's a rare occasion that we come out and let's not mention these things and talk about what we want to eat for lunch. Let me tell you, the food provided by M Company is terrible. Ah, there will be expired food. The last time I went to participate in the search mission, I was given that kind of black rice balls." Xiao Qiang touched Lin Bingyan's head and said to Lin Bingyan.

"Ah? They are living such a miserable life, then our base can be considered very happy. If it is like what you said, our fresh vegetables will definitely be very popular with everyone when they come out. Then we will be able to harvest more black gold. The most important thing is that these vegetables can also help these people improve their lives and help those who don’t have enough to eat." Lin Bingyan nodded and blinked at Xiao. Qiang said.

Hearing Lin Bingyan's words, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh. These vegetables would definitely be eaten by the senior personnel of the base. How could these people be short of food? At the Xuzhou urban base, the people there were poorly fed, but Li Feng, the senior executive assigned by Company M, and the others were still able to eat roasted lamb legs and the like. Therefore, even if the food is auctioned away, it will definitely only be divided among those high-level officials. Even if he wanted to help the people at the bottom of these bases, he would definitely be confronted by people from other bases. However, Xiao Qiang naturally would not say this to Lin Bingyan, but would only lightly say it to Lin Bingyan. He smiled lightly.

"Then we can take a look at the meals they provided at noon. If it's really not delicious, then let's go back to the room and eat hot pot, okay?" Lin Bingyan saw that Xiao Qiang didn't speak, so she came to Xiao Qiang's side and acted coquettishly. He spoke.

Now, although Xiao Qiang used the more than 10 million redemption points for a lottery last time, he has recently accumulated more than 400,000 redemption points. If the food there is the same as the last search mission, then he will provide a For a hot pot meal, Xiao Qiang can still do it.

Near noon, the group of people arrived within the area of ​​Lake City, a level 3 city where M Company's base is located. Everyone came out of the house. In order not to attract others' attention, Xiao Qiang also canceled the automatic navigation of the tank. Come on, let Jiang Kai get in the driver's seat and drive, while the others sit in the living room and chat.

According to people from Company M, half of the city in Lake City is already owned by their base, and the remaining half is still in the zombie activity area. The base of M Company is also very large in Lake City. It is established in the city. Starting from the suburbs, it uses a five-star hotel near the lake as its headquarters, surrounded by many urban buildings, and is set up on the periphery. There are five layers of defense facilities, and residents live in those buildings. And surrounding the five-star restaurant, there are many special reception rooms, conference rooms, large canteens, and the largest black gold exchange among these third-tier cities. It is not so much a black gold exchange. So, it is better to say that it is a large market. In this market, in addition to M Company themselves who need to buy things, other base members or members of the hunter team can conduct a transaction here, but they must leave it to M Company. It’s just a handling fee. Moreover, M Company has also divided many areas, including military areas, living areas, and special research institute areas. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter. It is because of the prosperous market transactions at M Company's base that the Business Alliance decided to The auction selection is here.

Several people drove into the base. On the outermost level, Xiao Qiang could still see some zombies occasionally moving nearby from a distance. The so-called defense only used simple branches, wooden sticks and the like. There is no cover, and there are no humans living here within this circle. There are many traces of fighting on the second floor, which are also covered with scrapped cars. Here, you can already see many people coming from all over to participate in this auction. On the third floor, some iron nets were used to cooperate with cars. There were already some checkpoints on the road. There were also M company's guard troops nearby, guarding here with guns and live ammunition. After asking Xiao Qiang and the others clearly about their purpose, they It was released quickly. Xiao Qiang noticed on the road that both sides of the road on the third floor were blocked by iron plates, and the parts inside the iron plates could not be seen. However, Xiao Qiang relied on his extraordinary hearing and was able to clearly see that there were people talking inside. the sound of.

After reaching the second floor, the scope of M Company was reduced again. Brick walls were built between the floors. The checkpoints on the road were also replaced with military equipment, and there were many more guards than before. On both sides of the checkpoints were many heavy machine guns, tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment. Xiao Qiang only glanced over and found that there were nearly a hundred tanks parked on both sides of the road. There were even many combat helicopters parked nearby. According to Shen San, the base of M Company even controlled several missiles. Moreover, the guards were wearing professional military equipment, fully equipped and armed to the teeth. Xiao Qiang looked over and couldn't help but sigh that it was worthy of being a third-tier city. Such military strength was too strong. Moreover, M Company did not hide their military at all. It just told everyone the exact number of military weapons, showing off their strength to other bases.

"Wow, this strength is a bit too strong, just these weapons can beat our Longshan base by several streets. I thought the strength of our Longshan base's weapons was pretty good in this doomsday. Now I see that it's still a bit behind." Jiang Kai drove and observed the situation on the roadside, sighing.

"Yes, only by going out more can we know the strength of other bases and not be a frog in the well. It seems that we have to work harder after we go back and exchange more weapons." Xu Miao said in a cute tone.

Xiao Qiang heard the conversation between the two and looked out the window in a daze. The strength of the weapons is important, but in the doomsday, the strength of the mutants is the trump card that determines the true strength of a base. These weapons can only be used to clean up zombies and use them when dealing with zombie groups. Once you encounter a high-level zombie, the bullets of these weapons can't even penetrate the zombie's defense, and you can only use those black gold weapons or the strength of the superpowers to deal with it. Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang thought that maybe he could use black gold to make bullets to shoot at zombies. However, the amount of black gold is too small now, and it is a bit too wasteful to make bullets, which require a lot of consumption. But he can wait until there is more black gold in the future and let Yang Xue develop some. At that time, with the help of laser guns, even ordinary people in the base can deal with high-level zombies.

Moreover, Xiao Qiang thinks that M Company wants to take advantage of this auction when other bases and many hunter teams come here to show their strength. Recently, M Company has been maintaining its image, playing the role of the savior of the end of the world to other bases and hunter teams, and uniting various bases and hunter teams to join their alliance. Through this display of strength, they also strive to get more powerful people to cooperate with them.

"Don't be discouraged. One of the purposes of bringing you out this time is to show you the development of other bases. We just take advantage of their strengths, such as their weapons configuration, and they have set up a total of 5 lines of defense. Although the first two lines of defense are in name only, they are better than nothing. We can also learn to arrange these after returning to the base. You guys should also observe carefully. If you have any good opinions after returning, we will discuss and decide at that time. However, we still don't want to learn some practices like M Company, such as their different food according to the level. This is deeply experienced in the last search mission. In short, as long as everyone works hard, our base will also have these planes, cannons, tanks and the like." Xiao Qiang stood up and said to everyone.

As he spoke, the entrance to the second line of defense had arrived. In the second floor of M Company, it is the living area of ​​M Company, where ordinary residents live. The plantation and breeding garden of M Company's base are in the third floor just passed. When the car gradually approached the entrance of the second floor, Xiao Qiang could already feel some powerful aura.

"Stop for a moment. Which base are you from? Who are you? How many people are here this time? What level of strength are they?" The car was stopped by the guards at the entrance. A guard of M Company with live ammunition said very politely.

Since this is the base of M Company, unlike last time when they just found a place as the base camp, the inspection and registration this time is much stricter. However, perhaps the upper management of M Company has told them to leave a good impression on these bases, so they are very polite.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Xiao? Brother Xiao, come quickly, come quickly. I finally waited for you to come. How are you? These are all brought by Brother Xiao." Probably because Shen San has been dealing with these people, he was arranged to be responsible for registration here.

"Hello, Brother Shen. I'm here to attend the auction and join in the fun. My small business can't be compared with your M Company. I'm taking advantage of the auction to make some money. But there's so many people to feed, I have to budget carefully." Xiao Qiang politely shook hands with Shen San and said to Shen San.

"Brother Xiao, you are really joking. Now the development of your Longshan base is getting better and better. A base with more than 30,000 people is still a small business. But Brother Xiao is kind-hearted. I envy the benefits of your base. If I hadn't got the title of liaison team leader here, I would have thought about joining you." Shen San leaned close to Xiao Qiang's ear and whispered to Xiao Qiang.

"Brother Shen San is so good at joking. I'm busy recently. Come to my place and have a good drink with Brother Shen San. What's the rule here now? Why is it different from last time? I have to register." Xiao Qiang didn't talk too much with Shen San, and said with a nod to the side.

"Last time, didn't we find a random place as our base camp? And we cooperated with the Legion. This time is different. This time, we are in the base of M Company. Naturally, we want to be stricter. And after registration, it will be convenient to help you arrange accommodation and protect your safety." Shen San explained to Xiao Qiang happily.

Xiao Qiang naturally knew the intention of M Company to do this. It was nothing more than recording the list of members of these bases and hunter teams, so as to clearly understand the power of these people. In the future, whether you want to recruit these people or make enemies with them, you can have a clear situation.

"Brother Shen, you don't know the strength of these people in my base. The first time you came to the base, you just released a little pressure, and no one in our base could resist it. And, don't you know about the things between me and Li Zhong of M Company? So, after the auction is over, I will go to Brother Shen alone, and then I will definitely have 100 kilograms of black gold." Xiao Qiang smiled lightly and whispered in Shen San's ear.

"I understand. I just like dealing with people like Brother Xiao. It's fun. Come on, bring the registration book over. Brother Xiao's base must be registered by me personally." As he spoke, Shen San turned around and asked for the registration notebook from his younger brother behind him and started registering.

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