Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 594: M Company's Countermeasures

Xiao Qiang noticed that after he told Shen San, Shen San was very sensible and recorded all the personnel, but he reported each of them with a level lower by two or three levels, hiding their true strength for Xiao Qiang and others. Moreover, he did not report the strength level of Xiaolang, but just treated him as an ordinary pet of Xiao Qiang.

At the corner of a building within the second floor, a person wearing glasses produced by M Company that can identify levels scanned Xiao Qiang and others one by one, not even Xiaolang, and recorded all the levels of these people, and then walked towards a hidden building.

This person's whereabouts naturally did not hide from Xiao Qiang. Yang Xue took the Yirong Pill, and these people could not have come for Yang Xue. Then, in M ​​Company, these people should be the snobbish Li Zhong. However, Xiao Qiang still did enough to pretend, only in this way could he make these people think that he had not discovered them, and then relax their vigilance.

"Brother Xiao, the registration is done. Don't worry about my work. See you tonight. Also, according to the rules, cars can only be parked in the second floor, but you can live in the first floor. A single-family villa next to the five-star hotel at the headquarters of M Company has been cleaned for you. Just move in." Shen San threw the registration book to the younger brother behind him and turned to Xiao Qiang.

Not everyone can live in the first floor. Most people who come here to participate in the auction can only live in the second floor. However, as the only base in Xuzhou City, Xiao Qiang and his team have a population of more than 30,000 people, which is also a relatively large force nearby, so they are also qualified to live in the first floor.

"Okay, thank you Brother Shen here, see you tonight." Xiao Qiang said to Shen San with a fist.

"Okay, okay, well, you must keep an eye on the cars at Longshan Base. Also, if nothing happens, don't get close to their cars. There are treasures on the cars." Shen San came over and hugged Xiao Qiang's neck and said.

"Xiao brother, be careful. I heard that Li Zhong wants to deal with you this time." Shen San lowered his voice and said to Xiao Qiang.

Hearing this, Xiao Qiang pretended to be indifferent. After taking a deep look at Shen San, he led his men forward.

In the second floor of Lake City, M Company, in a remote residential building. The one who just detected the strength of Xiao Qiang and his team went up the stairs into a house. There were two people standing in the house talking. One of them was Xiao Qiang's old rival, Li Feng's father, named Li Zhong. The one next to him was a middle-aged man wearing a black windbreaker.

"Report, this is the strength of the group of people named Xiao Qiang that was just detected. Among them, there are two strong men with awakening level 1 strength, and a battle pet, whose strength has also reached awakening level 1. The strength of others has not yet entered the awakening level." The man respectfully handed the notebook with notes in his hand to the big man in front of him and said.

"Dual cultivation physique, nowadays in this apocalyptic continent, dual cultivation physique is extremely rare, and all those families have taken it in. Now, if this kid has a dual cultivation physique, it's no wonder that he can be so rampant and kill Wu Lao. However, fortunately, he has not reached the awakening level, so it's not that difficult to deal with now." After the middle-aged man took the notebook, he browsed back and forth, and found Xiao Qiang's level, and said.

"Brother, this time I must kill this Xiao Qiang and avenge Xiao Feng." Li Zhong looked at the big man and said.

The big brother mentioned by Li Zhong is called Li Lei. He is Li Zhong's biological big brother. He was a member of M Company before the end of the world and is now a senior executive of M Company in Lake City. Although Li Zhong is not a mutant, Li Lei is a powerful person with awakening level 7. The weapon he uses is a black gold chain wrapped around his waist, which is also Li Zhong's biggest reliance.

"Don't worry, Xiao Feng is also my nephew. I have wanted to avenge this hatred for a long time, but the people above have never let us do it. Instead, they gave Xiao Qiang and others the opportunity to develop, making them so powerful now. However, this time, the people above sent us Shadow and others to assassinate Xiao Qiang." Li Lei patted Li Zhong's shoulder and said.

"Shadow? The people above are really willing to take action this time. After such a long time, why did those people above finally agree to kill Xiao Qiang this time?" Li Zhong was a little confused and asked Li Lei.

"Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask. The higher-ups have their reasons for doing so. You just need to follow their instructions and take a picture of that part of the formula at the auction this time." Li Lei gently reprimanded Li Zhong.

The first floor of M Company is built around a natural lake. Before the end of the world, it was a famous scenic resort. After the end of the world, M Company requisitioned this place as the activity area of ​​their headquarters. The five-star restaurant was used as their headquarters. The internal staff of M Company also lived in this first floor. In addition, there was a huge research institute belonging to M Company in the first floor. However, ordinary people were not allowed to enter. There are many villas built by the lake, and only those large bases and some powerful hunter teams can live in M ​​Company.

"Bingyan, Yangxue, come and see. You can see the lake from the second floor room of this villa. What a beautiful lake."

As soon as Sister Rourou entered the villa, she was immediately attracted by the beautiful scenery outside the window.

"Yeah, this lake is a diversion. It passes through here on the way and has been developed into a tourist resort. The lake water is clear and the water quality is extremely clean. Especially the fish, shrimp and crabs raised in this water quality are even more famous." Yang Xue heard Sister Rourou's call and unconsciously stood outside the window. She was attracted by the beautiful scenery outside the window and said while looking out the window.

"How do you know so much? You haven't worked in the research institute here, have you?" Lin Bingyan put her backpack on the sofa and came over to Yang Xue and said.

Since Yang Xue told her secret last time, Xiao Qiang also told these things to the senior staff of the base. Lin Bingyan also knew why Yang Xue was so concerned about Xiao Qiang since then. In addition, several people have been going out together recently, and the relationship between the two has eased a lot.

"Yeah, I used to stay here for two months with Professor Mi."

Yang Xue nodded and said to Lin Bingyan.

"Such a big villa is more luxurious than ours, and it has such a beautiful scenery. If so, I want to live here for a long time." Sister Rourou couldn't help but sigh while visiting the buildings in the villa.

Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh when he heard what Sister Rourou said. It seems that M Company has also put a lot of thought into establishing its image and recruiting these capable people to join.

"It's just that these villas are all objects before the end of the world, and they are all fixed things. M Company can leave these things for these people to live in. It can only be said that they have chosen a good place to live. But Xiao Qiang knew about the food last time. It was really unpalatable, and there were expired things. It seems that it's time to let them experience the difficulties of the outside world, otherwise these people will be attracted by the conditions of M Company." Xiao Qiang listened to several people constantly walking around in the living room and discussing the conditions of M Company, and thought while sitting alone on the sofa.

Only Xiao Qiang, Lin Fei, the three girls, Jiang Kai and Xu Miao lived in the huge villa. As for the other deputy captains, Jiang Kai left them in the car to guard the goods.

A moment later, the group appeared in the large canteen on the second floor. Everyone held an iron plate in their hands, which contained rice, a small yellow croaker fresh from the lake, 5 or 6 shrimps, a small portion of fried cabbage, and a bowl of whitebait and radish soup next to it. When Xiao Qiang saw the food, he was stunned. Why didn't the M company play by the rules? They said they would educate them, let them experience the cruelty of the outside world, and if the food was not good, they would go back to eat hot pot. How could they educate with such good food?

"Come on, Miaomiao, eat more. You look so thin. Wow, there are fish and shrimp. I haven't eaten fish and shrimp for a long time. There is also this silverfish and radish soup. These meals are too good." Sister Rourou sighed while eating.

Others also echoed and spoke, praising the food level of M Company. There are fish and shrimp to eat. Obviously, this meal, which is beyond Xiao Qiang's cognition, is very suitable for everyone's taste. Other snobs in the restaurant also praised the conditions of M Company.

Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh that M Company's approach to attracting people is still quite effective in this doomsday. Xiao Qiang noticed that in this huge restaurant, in addition to the people who came here, there were also some people from M Company and people living here, but the number of people living here was quite small. Xiao Qiang speculated that in order to hold this auction, M Company drove all the ordinary people here to the third floor, and in order not to attract other people's attention, they also used the shield to block the road so that others could not see the situation. Of course, these meals are not available to everyone. Only those people from M Company and those who have a relationship with M Company can enjoy such meals. Most people still eat the expired food they ate last time.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang did not point it out to the people in front of him, but just shook his head gently.

Lin Bingyan, who was sitting next to Xiao Qiang, saw Xiao Qiang's actions and whispered to Xiao Qiang: "Dingdang, they must not eat this every day. They must have eaten so well today to entertain us."

"That's right. Besides, I also found that there are not many people eating in this cafeteria. According to the scale of M Company's Level 3 city base, if everyone wants to come, this cafeteria will definitely not be able to accommodate them. But you see the people here. Half of them come to participate in the auction, so the others must be hidden by the people of M Company. Why hide? It must be that the daily benefits of M Company are not that good." Sister Rourou put down her chopsticks and said softly to the few people.

"Hey, don't you think that the conditions of M Company are very good? You want to live here permanently and live in their big villa by the lake." Xiao Qiang said jealously.

"Hahaha, that's what the three of us have discussed. We said we wanted to tease you. No matter how good the things outside are, they are not as good as our Longshan base. Who would have thought that Xiao Bingyan would lose her temper when she saw that you were unhappy, so I have to tell you. Besides, M Company has done this, so we always have to cooperate and praise them, right?" Sister Rourou laughed and said.

"Hey, didn't you just say you wanted to live here? You thought their villa was great and the food was great. You're so amazing, you can find these things." Xiao Qiang looked at Sister Rourou and said.

"It depends on whether you can find their abnormality. From your appearance, I guess you have already found it. Besides, who am I to find this?" Sister Rourou said with a charming smile.

In the restaurant, since there were four beauties at Xiao Qiang's table, they also attracted the snobbish eyes of the surrounding people from time to time. Lin Bingyan and the other two were still a little embarrassed, but Sister Rourou didn't care at all. Anyway, Xiao Qiang was here and would protect her. She showed her style without any care.

"Okay, okay, let's eat quickly, otherwise the three of us boys will be killed by the eyes of those around us. After dinner, go back to the villa and have a good rest. You can move freely in the afternoon and have dinner together in the evening. But be careful, don't wander around. If you go out, it's best to ask someone to accompany you. This is not like our Longshan base. You have to be careful in everything you do." Xiao Qiang looked at the eyes of the people around him and said to them.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone sped up their eating, but Sister Rourou didn't care at all, and even puffed out her chest, which made the people around couldn't help but look at them more.

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