Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 595: Encountered an ambush

In the afternoon, Xiao Qiang promised Lin Bingyan to take her out to take a look at the lake, so the two of them drove the apocalyptic chariot and went out alone in the direction of Qingfeng Lake. Since Company M's base camp is located in a resort built near a lake, Qingfeng Lake they are going to is not very far from Company M's base, only more than half an hour's drive away. Occasionally, various zombies will appear on the road, but since it is not very far from the base, the number of zombies is not very large.

Arriving at the entrance of Qingfeng Lake, the tourist attraction that was originally bustling before the apocalypse has become much quieter now. Only the howls of zombies can be heard from time to time, which is a bit strange by the lake. Extremely empty. The two of them went out to play together for the first time, talking and laughing along the way as they climbed towards the lake. Not long after, we arrived at the stone square where the waterfall is.

"Wow, Xiao Qiang, look at that waterfall. It's really beautiful. And those springs are really just like what you saw on TV. They flow out of the stone wall. The two of us are here together. Zhang Ying." Lin Bingyan took out her mobile phone, pulled Xiao Qiang's back to the waterfall, and said happily.

Perhaps because she followed Xiao Qiang out alone, Lin Bingyan seemed very happy along the way and kept pulling Xiao Qiang to take photos. In the apocalypse, although there is no way to make calls on mobile phones, the camera function can still be used, and it is very convenient to hold.

"Come." Xiao Qiang heard Lin Bingyan's cry and walked to Lin Bingyan's side very cooperatively. He also stretched out his hand and put it on Lin Bingyan's shoulder, and responded with a smile.

"Click", the two of them had just finished taking photos, and Xiao Qiang suddenly felt a large black shadow under his feet attacking him from far to near. Xiao Qiang hurriedly stretched out his hand, pushed Lin Bingyan, and gently pushed Lin Bingyan aside. After the black shadow reached Xiao Qiang's feet, it suddenly stretched out its branches and reached Lin Bingyan. Bingyan's feet. When Xiao Qiang saw this, he wanted to rush over to help, but he found that the black shadow formed a circle under his feet, as if there was a force controlling him, making him unable to move.

Lin Bingyan on the side was naturally in the same situation, her body was controlled and she could not move. "Bang bang bang bang", then, there were several sounds in the lake, and four figures rose into the sky from the lake. The weapons in their hands were all black gold swords, but their shapes were different. After these people came out, they also stayed around Xiao Qiang and the two of them, surrounding them.

Not only that, a person slowly walked out from behind the stone wall on the side. Xiao Qiang noticed that although the person was wearing sportswear, a hat, and a mask on his face, the look in his eyes Qiang can tell that he is a young man. Xiao Qiang's eyes rolled and he noticed that the man was making a gesture in his hand. There was also a group of black shadows at his feet. The black shadows spread from his feet and finally reached Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan. Come to the foot position. The fact that Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan were unable to move was also due to this young man's superpower.

"Ding, I found a level 6 strongman who has awakened!"

"Ding, I found a strong person who has awakened to level 4!"

"Ding, I found a level 3 strongman who has awakened!"

"Ding, I found a level 3 strongman who has awakened!"

"Ding, I found a level 2 strongman who has awakened!"

Xiao Qiang turned on the double-eye recognition scanning function and found that the young man who used the black shadow to control himself was the highest level, a strong man with level 6 awakening. Several other people held various broadswords in their hands, all of which were awakened. Strong. The young man who used the shadow power also took out a black gold knife from his arms and walked up to Xiao Qiang with a playful look on his face.

"I've been following you all this way, and it's really hard for you not to take action until now. What's the matter, is it fun to go to the lake to take a bath in this weather? You, the boss, are quite smart. You ran to hide behind the stone wall. "Hold on, let all your men run into the lake." Xiao Qiang looked at the young man's playful face and said to the young man teasingly.

While talking, Xiao Qiang was also secretly running the fire system heart technique. He wanted to use the fire system skills, but found that he could not use the fire system powers at all.

"Don't waste your efforts. Your name is Xiao Qiang, right? My name is Shadow. When the superiors sent me down this time, they told me how powerful you were, and in vain I formulated a series of measures to ambush you. However, Now it seems that you are not that powerful. It's a pity that you didn't bring your group of men. There is one who uses a knife. I still want to compete with him. ." Shadow obviously saw Xiao Qiang's intention, turned the knife in his hand, and looked at Xiao Qiang with a smile on his face.

"Bingyan, did you hear that? If that brat Lin Fei knew that he was more powerful than me in the eyes of others, that brat would have been proud for a long time. So what, shadow, right? It's already over now anyway. Are you controlling me? Tell me, who sent you here? Are they the people from the Black Sand Base or the people from Company M?" Xiao Qiang tried his best to speak to Lin Bingyan in a relaxed tone. Said, while asking the shadow.

"Haha, you really have the leisure time. Even in this situation, you still have time to care about your girlfriend. It doesn't matter if I tell you, we are from M Company. You killed Li Lei's nephew, and this time he asked us to take revenge. Do you understand now?" Yingzi laughed disdainfully and said to Xiao Qiang.

"I understand, thank you very much. Well, Bingyan, don't be afraid, there are only a few of them, and I can make them all lie on the ground in a while." Xiao Qiang blinked and comforted Lin Bingyan.

"Hmph, you're about to die, but you're still stubborn. With your little strength, although you have the physique of a dual-cultivation cultivator, you're only at the highest level of the 9th level. Even if I don't use my superpowers to sneak attack you now, I can still deal with you." Shadow snorted coldly. He was sent down to deal with Xiao Qiang. Although Xiao Qiang had the physique of a dual-cultivation cultivator, Xiao Qiang was controlled as soon as he attacked today, and he couldn't get rid of the control. He couldn't help but look down on Xiao Qiang and said.

"Hahaha, I didn't say I was going to fight you, let them fight you." Xiao Qiang laughed and said.

Although Xiao Qiang couldn't move now and use his superpowers, it didn't prevent Xiao Qiang from entering the system. In Xiao Qiang's system, there are 10 infected zombies, which is also Xiao Qiang's biggest trump card now. As he spoke, ten zombies suddenly jumped out of Xiao Qiang's body, and two of the most powerful infected zombies at level 3 were responsible for dealing with Shadow, who had awakened to level 6. The three zombies infected at level 2 rushed towards the three people with knives, and the other five quickly surrounded Lin Bingyan and protected her.

Shadow was about to kill Xiao Qiang with his black gold knife, but was frightened by the zombies that suddenly rushed out, and the shadow's ability that controlled Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan was released. Shadow took the knife and cheered up, fighting with the two zombies infected at level 3.

"Bingyan, let these zombies protect you. After I kill these people, we will return to the base." Xiao Qiang shouted to Lin Bingyan after getting rid of control.

"Xiao Qiang, be careful." After Lin Bingyan got rid of control, she knew that she was not the opponent of these people. She was surrounded by zombies in the middle, so she stayed quietly aside and reminded him.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang rushed towards the person who awakened the level 2 strongman. Originally, Xiao Qiang could still call two more level 1 infected zombies to deal with them, but Xiao Qiang didn't know if there were any other people who would attack him, and he didn't want Lin Bingyan to be in any danger, so he called all five zombies to protect Lin Bingyan. At the same time, Xiao Qiang also wanted to see his own strength and fight with these strong men to accumulate some practical experience.

"Broken Palm!"

"Ding, the host uses the Broken Palm technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 374/1000."

Xiao Qiang rushed over and blasted the man with a palm, and the man easily rolled over and dodged the Broken Palm. The power of the Broken Palm was so great that it didn't hit the man, but hit the stone wall behind him, breaking the stone wall into pieces. The man held a black gold machete in his hand, and after rolling over, the black gold machete in his hand had already slashed towards Xiao Qiang.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang turned around and pulled out the Thousand Machine Umbrella from the system. With a "bang", he blocked the man's attack. The man had awakened to level 2 and was extremely powerful. With one blow, Xiao Qiang's knuckles were aching.

"Crazy Dragon Sword Technique!"

"Ding, the host uses the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 404/1000."

Xiao Qiang launched a crazy attack on the man, but the man was worthy of awakening to level 2. He held a very heavy black gold machete in his hand, but he was able to use it very easily. The long sword was wielded vigorously, but Xiao Qiang could not find a flaw.

"I won't waste time with you here. If I continue to fight with you, I won't be able to catch up with dinner." Xiao Qiang said to the man at a distance.

At this time, it was already a little dark. Xiao Qiang was ready to use his fifth skill, the Golden Peacock. Xiao Qiang had a fire ability, and after fusing his Fire Palm with the Golden Peacock, the power was even greater. Xiao Qiang calculated that if he used the Super Peacock to attack, this awakening level 2 strongman would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

"Fifth Gate - Open!"

However, Xiao Qiang had just opened the fifth gate, and before he could use his Golden Peacock skill, he found that the man in front of him put the black gold machete on his back. Then, he formed a seal with both hands, and actually used his ability. A lot of mist slowly rose around the two people's bodies, wrapping them all up. With the gradually darkening night, the surrounding vision was also greatly restricted.

Xiao Qiang looked at the fog around him and couldn't help but sigh. At first, when Xiao Qiang saw the man launching an attack with a black-gold machete, he thought that man was an awakened one who had been promoted to the strong level. Now it seems that this man can use superpowers, and it is mist superpowers. He should be an awakened one who has been promoted to the superpower level.

Looking around blankly, the fog was very dense. Lin Bingyan, who was observing from outside, could not see the situation inside at all. She could only become more nervous, clenched her fists nervously, used her superpowers all over her body, and covered her body with a layer of ice armor, ready to attack at any time.

"Flame Palm!"

Xiao Qiang stretched out his two palms, and the palms were instantly illuminated by the fire. Flames began to rise on Xiao Qiang's palms. Xiao Qiang waved his palms continuously, and the fireball quickly shot towards the direction of the dense fog around him. However, the fireball did not attack the man, and the fireball could not illuminate the thick fog, let alone dispel it. Only the flames were lit around Xiao Qiang's body.

"You are really a powerful person at the awakening level 2. The superpowers you use are more powerful than those used by me, a superpower level 6 person. However, you are not using this superpower to hide your head and show your tail, so come over quickly to launch an attack." After seeing this, Xiao Qiang also shouted to the surroundings. At the same time, he had secretly started to use his supernatural power in his palm.

After the man used his supernatural power, he began to hide, looking for an opportunity to attack Xiao Qiang. Seeing Xiao Qiang now facing the front and shouting, the man quickly moved, rushed out from the stone wall behind him, relying on the cover of the thick fog, moved from the side, and went around to the back of Xiao Qiang. Then he jumped high, raised the black gold machete above his head, and chopped at Xiao Qiang with force.

"Towards the peacock!"

Suddenly, Xiao Qiang turned around, and his two pairs of palms transformed into flames quickly waved at the sneak attacker. His hands collided with the air and rubbed against the air quickly. Coupled with Xiao Qiang's fire supernatural power, many fireballs were quickly generated, attacking the man's body. "Boom boom", those fireballs generated by high-speed friction hit the body of the awakened level 2 strongman, "bang", the man was knocked out, and the black gold machete in his hand fell to the ground. The man was seriously injured and lay on the ground groaning, and the mist gradually dissipated.

"Hehe, your ability of mist is really interesting. It can block other people's sight, but you can move freely in this mist.

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