Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 596 The auction begins

It's a pity that my eyes have been strengthened, not only to be able to see in the dark night as well as during the day. Moreover, even in this fog, I can see more clearly than others. Although it is not as clear as you, it is enough to detect your traces. By the way, I forgot to tell you, when I was fighting with others in the past, I also liked to throw out some smoke bombs to deal with them. "As Xiao Qiang spoke, he took out the dagger from the system and walked towards the man.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a level 2 awakened strong human. You will be rewarded with 50,000 experience points, 50,000 exchange points, and a high-level item chariot upgrade."

After Xiao Qiang walked to the man's side, he took out his dagger and slashed the man's body. At the same time, several more notification sounds sounded in the system.

"Ding, congratulations to the host who was infected with a level 3 zombie and killed a level 6 strong human awakened. The reward is 1,000 experience points and 1,000 redemption points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host who was infected with level 2 zombies and killed a level 4 awakened strong human. The reward is 1,000 experience points and 1,000 redemption points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host who was infected with a level 2 zombie and killed a level 3 awakened strong person. The reward is 200 experience points and 200 redemption points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host who was infected with a level 2 zombie and killed a level 3 awakened strong person. The reward is 200 experience points and 200 redemption points."

Since Xiao Qiang didn't know how many people were ambushing here, Xiao Qiang's orders to these zombies here were to kill these people, and after killing them, he hurried to help. Therefore, after these zombies kill these people, the calculation is based on the current experience value of these zombies, so it is not as much as the experience value of awakening level 2 killed by Xiao Qiang himself.

Seeing that these sneak attack people were killed, the sky was already getting dark. If he hadn't used more than 30 puppet talismans to recruit these infected-level zombies, I'm afraid this shadow alone could kill them both.

After taking those zombies back into the system, Xiao Qiang said to Lin Bingyan: "Bingyan, let's go back quickly. I'm sorry for frightening you."

After Lin Bingyan heard Xiao Qiang's words, she felt a little depressed. She retreated all the ice on her body and said to Xiao Qiang: "I originally thought that after I upgraded to level 9, I would be able to help you a little. I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t be able to help you until I got outside.”

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang walked to Lin Bingyan's side, hugged Lin Bingyan in his arms, touched Lin Bingyan's head and said: "Fool, these people are too powerful, they should It was also mutated before the end of the world as Yang Xue said. If it weren't for these puppet zombies, I wouldn't be able to defeat these people. Your current power level 9 can already help me a lot. I just said that. I don’t want you to take action because you are my woman and I have to protect you.”

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, especially that you are my woman, Lin Bingyan's face turned red unconsciously, and she hugged Xiao Qiang tighter. At the same time, she gently stood on her tiptoes. Xiao Qiang kissed him on the cheek.

On the way back, the two became much more cautious, but there was no sneak attack by anyone. Li Zhong and the others must have studied Xiao Qiang's level and determined that Shadow and the others were enough to kill Xiao Qiang. But Unexpectedly, Xiao Qiang still has so many powerful puppet zombies. After returning to Company M's base, there was no food in the cafeteria. Xiao Qiang could only redeem a lot of food from the system, and followed Lin Bingyan to eat hot pot. The fragrant smell naturally attracted Sister Rourou. Several of them joined in. During the dinner, Xiao Qiang told everyone what happened between the two of them in the tourist area. Everyone said that they must take more people out in other people's bases in the future, and at the same time, their impression of Company M became even stronger. After participating in the auction, they will immediately withdraw to Longshan Base.

Of course, Xiao Qiang did not forget it. After dinner, he delivered 100 kilograms of black gold to Shen San's house. However, they did not talk to Shen San about the attack they encountered. After all, Shen San was also from Company M. Although he told Xiao Qiang the information, there were some things that it was better not to tell him.

On the second day, the auction was held as scheduled, and was held in a performance venue on the second floor. Since the news of the auction was released early, there were also a lot of people from all over the place, and most of them were sitting on the seats on the first floor. On the second floor, there are isolated private rooms one by one. As Xiao Qiang and the others have a relatively large base, they can naturally have a separate room on the second floor.

On the spacious platform in front, there is a podium table with a small wooden hammer on it. Professional auctioneers stand next to this table to conduct the auction. The items to be auctioned were also placed in the backstage. Whichever item was to be auctioned, the personnel of Company M were responsible for carrying it to the stage. If someone wants to bid, they can just hold up the sign assigned to their base. After the bid is successful, they can go to the backstage to collect their successfully auctioned products. However, each successfully auctioned product needs to Being commissioned 20/100, the rules are the same as before the end of the world. Among them, people from the business alliance will guarantee that after the goods are obtained, they will not be attacked by others within the scope of Lake City where M Company's base is located. However, if they go outside the scope of Lake City, they have to take responsibility themselves, so this time The auction is not only a competition of black gold strength, but also a real battle of fighting strength. Before the auction, you must first measure your own strength and whether there will be big snobbery to fight for the thing you want to auction.

"Ding, ordinary people found!"

"Ding, I found a level 2 strongman who has awakened!"

"Ding, I found a level 2 strongman who has awakened!"

After the auction started, a gray-haired old man followed two strong young people on the stage. The two strong young people stood behind the stage for protection, while the gray-haired old man stood behind the stage. In front of the stage, wearing a neat suit and tie, he was the auctioneer this time. After scanning, Xiao Qiang found that the auctioneer was not a mutant, but should have been a professional auctioneer before the end of the world. The two guards were all strong men who had awakened to level 2, acting as a deterrent. At the same time, Xiao Qiang also felt that there were several powerful men with extraordinary strength hiding in the dark around him.

"Welcome to this apocalyptic auction. As we all know, the apocalypse has been coming for 5 months. During these 5 months, the world has also undergone earth-shaking changes. It is not just the appearance of terrifying creatures like zombies. , there are also many products that transcend high technology that did not appear before the end of the world. These great products can not only effectively change our lives, but some products can even fight zombies. Use these weapons to deal with those advanced zombies, so that mutants can exert greater power after having these weapons." Although the gray-haired old man is old, his voice is like a bell, and his words are also very magnetic. The whole audience immediately fell silent and turned their attention to the stage.

"Everyone is a hero in this apocalyptic world. Everyone knows the rules, so I won't stress them too much. This auction is guaranteed by the Merchant Alliance and hosted by Company M. As long as you have If you have enough black gold, you can hold up the sign in your hand for auction. Without further ado, let's start the auction of the first product, which is provided by M Company. The whole body is made of black gold and can be compressed. , fires a laser beam to shoot, and can easily penetrate even the defenses of infection-level zombies. The starting price of the laser gun is 500 kilograms of black gold, and the price increases by 50 kilograms of black gold each time." Tai said. The laser gun that Xiao Qiang had seen during the last search mission had already been released, and the auctioneer also spoke.

Xiao Qiang saw that as soon as they came up, Company M had already brought out weapons such as laser guns. It seems that Company M also attaches great importance to this auction. It wants to attract everyone's attention and get everyone involved in this auction.

"550 pounds!" "650 pounds!" "700 pounds." . .

Sure enough, when everyone heard that this laser gun can penetrate infection-level zombies, and some people had seen the power of this laser gun during the last search mission. In the end, the laser gun was purchased by the Black Sand Base at a cost of 2,000 kilograms of black gold. Xiao Qiang did not participate in the bidding. This time, the main purpose of participating in the auction was to get the formula. Moreover, Xiao Qiang also picked up this laser gun last time, and Yang Xue said that she could also develop a similar machine gun, so Xiao Qiang did not take pictures.

The laser gun attracted everyone's attention as soon as it came up, and the bidding was very fierce, and the place was immediately heated up. Afterwards, the auction officially began, and various items were auctioned one by one, among which Company M had the most items. The Black Sand Base also brought out a lot of money. According to Yang Xue, the city where the Black Sand Base is located in Fengzhou has a research institute of Company M. It should have been occupied by the Black Sand Base, so a lot of black gold was auctioned. arms. Among the items being auctioned, Xiao Qiang never raised a sign, because these items may be very precious to other forces, but for Xiao Qiang and his Longshan base, these items are already available. . Just like those black gold weapons sold at the Black Sand Base, Xiao Qiang still has a lot of them in his arsenal.

In the whole morning, Xiao Qiangsuo not only did not raise a sign to buy anything, but the two carts of charms, weapons, elixirs and other items he brought were also auctioned off. If you include the handling fees to Company M, Xiao Qiang can earn nearly 7,000 yuan in black gold.

As it was approaching noon, the people of M Company were very good at doing business. Knowing that everyone was hungry, they pushed out Xiao Qiang's two carts of fresh vegetables and started the auction. However, it was definitely not possible to display all the vegetables. The man also selected a few of each and put them on the auction table to show everyone.

"After a morning of auctions, I believe everyone is a little hungry. Don't worry, our M Company cafeteria has prepared delicious meals for everyone. Before going to eat, let's auction the last product of the morning. Provided by the staff of the Longshan Base in Xuzhou City, the vegetables grown with special seeds are fresh and taste great. After being certified by the Chamber of Commerce, these fresh vegetables are also very beneficial to the gradual development of mutants. These are the samples of vegetables on display." The white-haired old man held up a cabbage and said to everyone.

After the end of the world, the scope of human activities was constantly compressed, and the base became very small, not to mention using the limited land to grow vegetables and food. Only after M Company produced their fast-growing seeds did they open up a planting base within the third floor to grow some vegetables, but the production cycle is also very long, and in winter, the cold resistance of those seeds is not that good, and the yield is limited. Therefore, most of them are still just eating some canned food and rice balls mixed with moldy food. Moreover, even if the vegetables grown by M Company are only supplied to the top management of M Company, not to mention selling them to forces in other bases. Many people have not eaten fresh vegetables for a long time. This time, in order to attract everyone to come to M Company, M Company also allocated some vegetables, but only a little, and it was still limited.

"This time, Longshan Base brought a total of 3 trucks of fresh vegetables, with rich varieties and a total weight of about 1 ton. Not only that, the person who bids for this ton of vegetables will receive a seed of each type of vegetable. In the end times, these foods, especially such fresh foods, are so important that I don't need to say more. Then, the 3 trucks will be auctioned together, with a starting price of 500 kilograms of black gold, and each bid will be 100 kilograms of black gold. Now start the auction." The auctioneer tapped the small wooden hammer on the table and announced the start of the auction.

"600 kilograms", "700 kilograms", "1000 kilograms". . . . . . .

Everyone's desire for these fresh vegetables greatly exceeded Xiao Qiang's expectations, and it entered a white-hot stage right from the start. Finally, when the competition price exceeded 3000 kilograms, only M Company, the Legion, and a powerful hunter team called Spike continued to compete.

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