Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 597 Awakening Level 2 Auction

“5,000 jin!” The people of M Company seemed to have received instructions from above and reported the data of 5,000 jin.

After the data of 5,000 jin came out, there was no more bidding in the whole venue. After the auctioneer shouted three times, in the end, this ton of vegetables was also auctioned by the people of M Company. Xiao Qiang knew why M Company was willing to pay much higher than the price of the vegetables to obtain the black gold, because the seeds that were given were not sold even in the black gold exchange of Longshan Base. M Company also wanted to rely on this opportunity to get those seeds, conduct some research, and strive to produce some such seeds by itself.

"Congratulations to Company M for using 5,000 kilograms of black gold to bid for one ton of vegetables. Wait a moment, everyone. The people from Longshan Base asked me to tell you something. There are still many fresh vegetables at Longshan Base, which can meet your supply. At the same time, Longshan Base is also willing to trade with various forces in the end times. As long as everyone cooperates in good faith, the door of Longshan Base is open to everyone who is willing to trade. There is a special reminder that those forces that provide arms can have priority in trading. Moreover, I can tell you that the price is absolutely favorable." The white-haired auctioneer said to everyone excitedly.

This auctioneer did not speak for Xiao Qiang and others on the stage in vain. Xiao Qiang asked Jiang Kai to give this auctioneer 200 kilograms of black gold in private, and this person agreed to help Xiao Qiang talk about their transaction. Moreover, through this morning's auction, Xiao Qiang obtained more than 1 ton of black gold, and he was more confident about the recipe he got in the afternoon.

Soon, after the auctioneer finished speaking, these forces quickly discussed and rushed over to sign the relevant purchase contracts and reach relevant agreements with the people of Longshan Base. Xiao Qiang naturally didn't want to pay attention to these things. Jiang Kai and Xu Miao took several deputy captains to register with others, and Xiao Qiang took a few people to the cafeteria to eat.

"Brother Xiao, I'm eating. Let me introduce someone to you." Xiao Qiang was sitting in the cafeteria eating when he saw Shen San coming with someone.

"Oh, it's Brother Shen, come and sit down. I'm so hungry after attending the auction for a whole morning. I'm sorry to embarrass you, but the food in your M company is really good. I want to stay here to work. Who is this brother?" Xiao Qiang said to Shen San very politely.

"Brother Xiao, you are joking. Once your vegetables come out, who would think that our M company's food is good? Let's talk about business. This person is called Yu Feng. Although Yu Feng looks young, he is also awakened to level 7. At the same time, he is also the deputy leader of our M company in Hucheng. This time I came here to talk to Brother Xiao about vegetable cooperation." Shen San pointed at the young man next to him and said.

"Ding, a level 7 awakening expert was found!"

Xiao Qiang looked at the young man in front of him. He was in his early 20s, wearing a long windbreaker, a pair of Martin boots, and two black gold steel forks on his waist. The whole person looked very shy. If it weren't for Shen San's words, Xiao Qiang would not have known that this person would be a deputy leader of this M company in Hucheng.

"Hello, my name is Yu Feng. This time I'm here to discuss your vegetable seeds with you. We want to establish a cooperation with you to buy vegetable seeds." Yu Feng sat opposite Xiao Qiang and stated his purpose.

"If you want to buy vegetables, we are very willing to trade with such a powerful base like you. However, if you want to buy seeds, we will not sell them. We got these seeds by chance and don't have a lot of reserves, so I'm sorry." Xiao Qiang put down his chopsticks and smiled at Yu Feng and said.

Xiao Qiang actually has a lot of seeds, but he doesn't want to provide them to M Company. If he provides them to them, how can his vegetable trade go on? The most important thing is that even if M Company obtains seeds, it will not distribute the vegetables grown to ordinary people, but only let their senior people eat them.

After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, Yu Feng didn't know what to say for a while. He didn't expect Xiao Qiang to refuse so readily, and didn't even listen to the conditions they wanted to propose. Yu Feng was originally shy and had no experience in talking about business with others. For a moment, he seemed to have no idea what to say.

"Brother Xiao is very good at joking. What others don't know, I know. You have a lot of seeds in stock. Don't worry, brother Xiao, our brother Yu Feng is not in the same group with Li Zhong and others. This time, I am here to discuss with you on behalf of the highest leader of Hucheng of M Company." Shen San looked for an opportunity at the right time and said to Xiao Qiang.

Shen San naturally knew the conflict between Xiao Qiang and Li Zhong and others, and naturally thought that Xiao Qiang was worried that this person was Li Zhong's people, so he refused to agree to do business with them. At the same time, he also felt that Xiao Qiang might be afraid that after too many seeds flowed out, others would imitate and make these seeds. By then, Xiao Qiang would definitely not be able to make a lot of net profit by selling vegetables.

"So, after getting your seeds, our M company will give Longshan Base 500 kilograms of black gold every month. Even if we develop these seeds ourselves later, we will still give you so many seeds every month." Yu Feng looked at Xiao Qiang and added.

"Haha, in fact, you may not know that the vegetables sold in our Longshan base are not very expensive. Your 500 kilograms of black gold are enough for you to buy vegetables for 3 months. I mean everyone in your M company's base, including ordinary people, are counted in this. Moreover, our base provides free meals to those who are willing to come and join us, so you don't need to buy these vegetable seeds in particular." Xiao Qiang smiled and said to Yu Feng very sincerely.

From the moment they met, Xiao Qiang had a good impression of Feng. He was very shy, strong, but very polite. In addition, he just said that he and Li Zhong were not in the same group, so Xiao Qiang was naturally very kind to Yu Feng.

"It's like this. We haven't found any traces of these seeds in other research institutes. Therefore, the higher-ups are considering taking some of these seeds for research. Not only that, we can also extract other technologies from these seeds, so we want to get some seeds." Shen San looked at Xiao Qiang happily and said.

"That's no problem. As long as you are not against our Longshan Base, our Longshan Base is willing to provide you with some help. After all, in this doomsday, we humans should still unite. Only when our common strength grows can we better deal with zombies. However, if you want to exchange seeds, our Longshan Base has no shortage of black gold." Xiao Qiang looked at Yu Feng in front of him, smiled lightly and said.

"Okay, I admire Brother Xiao's courage. I know that what you want to attend the auction this time is the recipe. In this way, we can give the recipe to Brother Xiao, but if possible, you need to give us the research data on seeds. Is this okay?" Yu Feng took a deep breath and asked Xiao Qiang tentatively.

"No problem, but you have to promise me that when these vegetables in your company can meet the supply in the future, remember to let the ordinary people in your base eat those fresh vegetables. This is Xiao Xue, the person in charge of scientific research in our base. I will ask her to give you some information about seed technology in a while." As he spoke, Xiao Qiang pointed in the direction of Yang Xue.

After a while, Xiao Qiang looked at the recipe in his hand and was a little stunned. He didn't expect that it would be so easy to get the recipe by attending the auction. If Li Zhong and others knew about it, they would be very angry. Moreover, it is obvious that although Yu Feng and Li Zhong belong to the same company, they are not in the same group. Otherwise, he would not have given Xiao Qiang the formula that Li Zhong wanted so much.

"Yang Xue, you said that they gave us the formula so easily just to exchange for some seeds." Xiao Qiang asked Yang Xue who was standing beside him in confusion.

"Of course, although those seeds cannot fight zombies, after my research, I found that there is a lot of knowledge contained in them. They can grow quickly and are very helpful for making some healing pills. Rapid growth, cold resistance, and help to mutants after they grow out all require very advanced technology. These seeds are also specially made by the teacher, and even if I want to make them now, it is very difficult. As for those formulas, I guess Yu Feng and others should not know the specific use of the formula, and Li Zhong is unwilling to tell the real use of the formula. So, I thought of auctioning it, and then see if others can find something from the formula." Yang Xue carefully folded the formula, put it in her pink backpack, and analyzed it to Xiao Qiang.

"I understand. Now we have obtained the most important things, but there are still some things to be auctioned at the auction in the afternoon. We will wait until the auction is over before returning to the base. In order to avoid arousing suspicion from Li Zhong and others. Moreover, if there are any good things, we can also participate." Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan and others and said.

"Ding, a Level 7 awakening expert was found!"

In the afternoon, the auction continued. However, Xiao Qiang noticed that in the small compartment belonging to M Company, Li Zhong and a middle-aged man walked into the compartment, and those people immediately gave the man a seat respectfully. Xiao Qiang guessed that this person should be Li Zhong's biggest support in this M company, with the strength of awakening level 7. Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh that there were too many awakening experts in this M company. After Li Zhong and Li Lei sat down, they found Xiao Qiang's position and immediately cast an angry look at Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang didn't care. After all, in Lake City, there were the masters of the Chamber of Commerce to guarantee them. Even if Li Lei had awakened to level 7, he couldn't do anything to Xiao Qiang and the others. So he just smiled lightly and continued to observe the auction.

"Next, we continue the auction. The next product is the last one in our auction. It is provided by the Black Sand Base. It is a mutant, an awakened level 2 mutant, and an animal-type mutant. He is strong and powerful. However, although this person is powerful, he is also very fierce and difficult to tame. The most important thing is that he has an amazing appetite and his emotions are not very stable. Now, everyone has been told about this person's situation, so let's start the auction. The starting price is 1,000 kilograms of black gold, and each bid is 200 kilograms of black gold. Now start the auction." The auctioneer's hammer gently hit the table and said to everyone.

This auctioneer is also very experienced. If he just keeps talking about the benefits of this mutant, everyone will think that they are hiding something and dare not spend so much black gold on adventures. Now, they have provided some reasons for the auction. Some powerful forces among the crowd think that they can auction it, but they are also limited forces. After all, the appetite mentioned alone is not something that some forces can provide to satisfy this person's needs.

Then, everyone saw that four awakened-level strongmen pushed a huge iron cage onto the auction platform. The iron cage was made entirely of black gold and was very sturdy. There were many iron chains wrapped around the cage, tightly wrapped around the person in the cage. There stood a man in the cage, his whole body was dirty, but he was very strong, nearly 2 meters tall, and his body was as thick as a wall. This man had long hair and exuded a musty smell, which made many people in the audience cover their mouths and noses unconsciously. The whole person looked a little dazed, and just raised his head to look at the many people in the audience, and then continued to use his hand tied with a black gold iron chain to grab some dirty vegetable leaves and rice balls from a dirty and broken iron basin in front of him, stuffed them into his mouth, and ate the food as if no one was around.

Xiao Qiang noticed that when the people at the Black Sand Base saw the iron cage being pushed up, they looked at the person on the stage with a playful expression on their faces. This scene also made Xiao Qiang feel deeply angry. He unconsciously clenched his fists and looked at the person in the iron cage. His eyes turned red due to anger.

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