Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 59: Vegetables harvested, the first zombie beast

In the morning, Longshan base.

Under the influence of Xiao Qiang and others, more and more people joined the morning jogging team, forming a unique landscape in the morning at Longshan Base. Everyone also realized the importance of good health in the apocalypse.

But today, Xiao Qiang and others were missing from the team.

Early in the morning, after Xiao Qiang and others had breakfast, they took the big bags they had prepared and drove out in the pickup truck to Lin'an Village.

Lin'an Village is located on the south side of Kangzhuang Village, two kilometers away, and the vegetable greenhouses mentioned by several people are still in the farmland on the south side of the village. If you go from the main road, it will run through the entire Lin'an Village, and now it is also in Li If you can get directions, take a detour.

In the car, Wang Liang drove, and Li Ke sat in the co-pilot to guide the way. The road chosen is located on a dirt road outside Lin'an Village. The road can only accommodate one vehicle. It seems that there are usually no people walking on it. Only a few zombies are encountered here and there.

Xiao Qiang took out his crossbow and shot an arrow, killing a zombie.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

Xiao Qiang still needs more than 500 experience to level up, but there are no zombies in Kangzhuang Village. At this moment, he was very worried and refused to let go of a zombie.

Not long after, several people drove the car to their destination and realized why Li Ke said the car could not pass. This is a terrace-like structure, with vegetable greenhouses at the bottom. If you go from the village, you can park on the roadside, but since you go around the road, a few people have to park on the roadside.

Wang Liang turned the car around, and several people took their weapons and headed towards the location of the greenhouse vegetables.

A total of 5 people came out this time, Xiao Qiang, Li Ke, Wang Liang, Wang Peng and Li Chong. The purpose this time was not to kill zombies, but to bring back as many vegetables as possible, so Lin Bing was not brought with them. Yan them.

Looking from a distance, we can see that the vegetable greenhouse occupies a very large area, covering more than 1,000 square meters. This was also one of Lin'an Village's key wealth projects.

Walking to the entrance of the greenhouse, Xiao Qiang said to Wang Peng: "Stand guard at the door. If any zombies come, call us loudly."

"Okay." Wang Peng took out the crescent bow Xiao Qiang gave him, found a high ground, and fully activated his sensing ability. Now it can cover a range of 30 meters around the body.

When Xiao Qiang and others entered the greenhouse, they felt a little dazzled. It was like an ecological garden. Cabbages, radishes, and even beans and other vegetables could be seen in this season.

With these, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but think that he no longer had to eat only steamed buns and vacuum-packaged food from the supermarket every day.

"Let's get the cabbage and radish first. These things are easy to store. I'm still hungry. I'll store the rest here first." Xiao Qiang thought for a moment and said to a few people.

After saying this, several people began to pull up cabbages and radishes, especially Li Chong who was the most energetic. He was very powerful and had many years of experience in farm work. After a while, he filled a snakeskin bag and put it aside. , went to pack another bag, and when the two big bags were completely filled, he loaded the bags with Xiao Qiang and Wang Liang, and walked towards the pickup truck with two big bags in one hand.

The snakeskin bag filled with cabbage weighed about 50 kilograms at least. It was in Li Chong's hand without any effort at all.

Li Ke looked at Li Chong from the side with a slight change in his eyes, but only slightly. Looking at the busy three people at the same time, he couldn't help but think: "Are these people who have experienced the apocalypse? Why do they look like they are living like this?" It’s comfortable. Not only is it not scary, but it’s also very exciting to be around the village.”

"Don't worry, Wang Peng is watching outside. Help us quickly. Let's go back in time for noon and let them add another dish. By the way, Xiao Chong will be picking some beans and the like for a while. Just pick a meal and it will be improved at noon. Food can be regarded as a welcome banquet for Li Ke and the others," Wang Liang said to Li Ke and shouted to Li Chong.

Li Ke had no choice but to be more vigilant and help with the work.

Near noon, a few people finally filled the back of the pickup truck and prepared to pick up some lunch food before heading back.

The sound of "Ao" suddenly sounded outside the greenhouse, followed by "Whoosh, Whoosh" twice in a row. Xiao Qiang and others walked out of the greenhouse and saw Wang Peng bending his bow and readying an arrow to shoot at a zombie on the ground.

I have to mention here that Wang Peng is more proficient in using a bow than a crossbow. Recently, Wang Peng has deliberately improved his arm strength and his shooting is more accurate. Xiao Qiang feels that this crescent moon bow is tailor-made for him. of general.

"Wait a minute," Xiao Qiang felt something was wrong and stopped Wang Peng.

After walking into the creature on the ground, Xiao Qiang saw it clearly. It was a dog. It was covered in fur and stained with blood. Its eyeballs had turned white. Half of the flesh on its face had been bitten off, revealing thick white bones. Xiao Qiang used Out of binocular recognition.

"Ding, a level 1 zombie beast was found."

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