Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 60 Returning with a full load, encountering underground zombies on the way

Zombie beast, Xiao Qiang wondered in his heart, but because everyone was around, he couldn't ask Xiao Cong.

According to the current situation, it should be that the animal mutated into a zombie after being bitten. This is also the first time Xiao Qiang has seen an animal zombie since entering the apocalypse, and he feels a little tricky.

At this moment, the zombie dog was nailed to the ground by two arrows shot by Wang Peng. Xiao Qiang pulled out the bone spur dagger and killed the zombie dog that was still struggling on the ground.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie beast, experience value +90, exchange point +90."

Listening to the prompt sound coming from his mind, this level 1 zombie beast actually has more experience than the level 1 zombie, but Xiao Qiang couldn't be happy in his heart. In this case, it means that the level 1 zombie beast is more difficult to deal with than the level 1 zombie.

Xiao Qiang was a little worried, and was eager to ask Xiao Cong about the situation. He said to several people: "It's almost done pretending, let's go back first."

"Okay." Everyone responded in unison.

As they walked towards the pickup truck, Xiao Qiang asked Wang Peng about the dog.

It turned out that while Wang Peng was waiting for the others, he suddenly felt a creature rushing out from the northeast, and it was also very fast. Wang Peng sensed that it was a reptile, so he subconsciously bent his bow and shot two arrows in succession, pinning the zombie dog to the ground.

Before getting on the car, Xiao Qiang quietly told Wang Peng to open his perception along the way and be careful.

There was no conversation along the way. When Xiao Qiang and his friends were about to drive out of the village, Wang Peng suddenly shouted "There are zombies".

Then, he stretched half of his body out of the window, took out the crescent bow, and shot two arrows in succession.

Xiao Qiang heard Wang Peng's shout, looked back, and saw clearly that a zombie slowly emerged from the soil and chased the pickup truck. Xiao Qiang grabbed Wang Liang's machine gun and was about to fire, but he saw the zombies that Wang Peng aimed at with two arrows burrowed directly into the ground at a very fast speed, and Wang Peng's arrows also shot into the ground.

Seeing that the zombies disappeared, Xiao Qiang took back the machine gun and said to Wang Liang: "Brother Liang, drive faster."

Everyone was also worried about this zombie, and they were relieved until they saw Longshan Park.

"Is this one of the three zombies you mentioned? Brother Li Ke." Xiao Qiang asked Li Ke.

"Yes, now you have seen how powerful these zombies are, your machine gun can't threaten them at all. But this brother's bow and arrow are very accurate, and he can aim at zombies on such a fast-moving vehicle." Li Ke looked at Xiao Qiang as if he asked you not to listen to my advice, but he admired Wang Peng.

In fact, it is no wonder that he is like this. He is a Level 3 supernatural power. In addition, Xiao Qiang has not shown his strength, which makes Li Wei think that Xiao Qiang is a bit stubborn and only relies on machine guns.

In the casual chat of several people, they arrived at the villa in a short time.

"Wow, I finally see fresh vegetables. You are so awesome." The car stopped in the villa, and Li Wei and others came up to ask.

"How is it going? Didn't encounter zombies?" Lin Bingyan looked at Xiao Qiang and asked with concern.

Xiao Qiang nodded, because he had something in his mind, he responded casually.

"Uncle Cui, how is it? Can the freezer in the cafeteria be used?" Xiao Qiang asked Uncle Cui next to him.

"Xiaoxue and I looked over and saw that it can be used, but in this case, the consumption of gasoline will also increase." Uncle Cui told Xiao Qiang everything he knew.

"Brother Liang, leave the dishes for today, and take the rest to the canteen restaurant freezer. I'm going to take a break." Xiao Qiang was eager to find Xiao Cong to find out the situation, and handed the matter over to Wang Liang.

Wang Liang nodded, and called for people to prepare to unload the goods.

Li Ke next to him looked at Xiao Qiang but was a little dissatisfied. Yes, Li Ke didn't know Xiao Qiang after all. He felt that Xiao Qiang was not very capable and liked to order others around, but he went to rest. He didn't know why others chose him as the decision maker.

Although Li Ke was dissatisfied, he didn't say much, and called for people from his village to help cook and unload the goods.

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