Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 599 Obtaining Xiong Shi at Auction

The 23,000 kilograms of black gold quoted just now is the sum of the black gold Xiao Qiang brought with him and the black gold obtained from the auction today. Although Xiao Qiang appeared very calm, he was also very nervous. Xiao Qiang naturally knew that it was not appropriate to spend so much black gold to buy a strong man with awakening level 2, but he was different. He wanted to give this person freedom. The key point was that the black gold he brought was not enough. Now, Li Zhong quoted the price again, and Xiao Qiang could only exchange it from the system.

"30,000 kilograms!"

Just now, after Li Zhong raised the sign, the people in the audience were ready to applaud when they heard that Li Zhong was offering 25,000 kilograms of black gold, but the applause had not yet started. Xiao Qiang continued to shout out the price without hesitation. Xiao Qiang didn't know how much black gold this M company had, but he knew that he must not hesitate now and couldn't let them see that this was a lot of black gold he could take out. Lin Bingyan and the others behind him wanted to ask after seeing Xiao Qiang holding up the sign again, but were stopped by Xiao Qiang's gesture. If Li Zhong and the others continued to bid at this time, Xiao Qiang would definitely have to stop bidding. However, after shouting out the price without hesitation, Xiao Qiang still smiled nonchalantly, but this time Xiao Qiang turned his head in the direction of Li Zhong, looked at Li Zhong provocatively, and swung his head slightly upward for a while, waving the sign at Li Zhong, indicating that Li Zhong could continue to raise the price.

"I think I need to remind you now. If you don't have enough black gold after you quote the price, you will be attacked by the business alliance. At that time, even if your base is turned upside down, it will be the lightest." After seeing that the prices of both parties were getting higher and higher, the auctioneer reminded both parties in a timely manner to prevent the two parties from only focusing on the momentary fighting and not having enough black gold to pay.

After seeing Xiao Qiang smile at him and make an OK gesture, the auctioneer nodded with satisfaction. The auctioneer was also very satisfied with Xiao Qiang. Not only was he very generous, but he was also very polite. After hearing what he said, he would respond with a smile. At this time, Li Zhong was obviously very angry at Xiao Qiang's provocation. When he was about to raise the sign in his hand again, Li Lei reached out in time to stop him from bidding.

"30,000 kilograms of black gold once, 30,000 kilograms of black gold twice, and 30,000 kilograms of black gold three times. Let us congratulate Longshan Base for getting a Level 2 awakening expert in the auction." The auctioneer's voice sounded, and Xiao Qiang also won the bid.

There was warm applause from the audience, and everyone turned their eyes to Xiao Qiang's position. Moreover, the scene that Li Lei expected, where everyone laughed at them, did not appear. Perhaps it was because Xiao Qiang was too relaxed and too decisive when bidding at the auction, but everyone felt that Longshan Base was powerful.

Finally, Xiao Qiang spent 210,000 exchange points from the system and exchanged for 7,000 kilograms of black gold. He collected 30,000 kilograms of black gold and exchanged for this awakening level 2 strongman. Amid the envy and respect of other forces, Xiao Qiang also drove a car, put the iron cage on the truck, and returned to the Longshan base with this iron cage.

After leaving the scope of Lake City, Xiao Qiang signaled everyone to park on the side of the road. After parking, Xiao Qiang reminded everyone that now that they are out of Lake City, they are no longer protected by the Chamber of Commerce. Let everyone be vigilant and be careful to guard against sneak attacks from other forces. After all, they have obtained the formula, and at the same time, they have just won the auction with Li Zhong and others. Jiang Kai and others also contacted Wang Liang to send a team from the base to protect them.

After telling everyone all this, Xiao Qiang arrived on the truck, pulled out the Thousand Machine Umbrella from the system, chopped hard on the iron chains, and destroyed the entire black gold iron cage, releasing the man. After the man felt the iron chain on his body was cut off, he moved his wrist and smiled at Xiao Qiang. After seeing this, Xiao Qiang also smiled at the man and took him back to the Doomsday Chariot. As for the black iron cage, it was naturally pulled back to the base.

"What's your name?" Xiao Qiang held the hand of the sturdy man and asked him while walking towards the direction of the chariot.

"My name is Xiong Shi. Xiong for big stupid bear, and Shi for honest." After hearing Xiao Qiang's question, the man scratched his head embarrassedly and said to Xiao Qiang very honestly.

"It's Xiong from Da Zhuang Xiong. My name is Xiao Qiang. From now on, I'll call you Xiong, okay?" Xiao Qiang said to the man.

After arriving at the chariot, Xiao Qiang asked Sister Rourou to check Xiong Shi's body, and he entered the system.

"Xiao Cong, what's going on with Xiong Shi? Is there any pill in the system that can treat his condition?" Xiao Qiang asked after entering the system.

"Yes, he should be suffering from bipolar disorder. There is a pill called Qingxin Pill in the Level 2 Mall, which can cure his symptoms for 50,000 redemption points, but his honest and simple character is still the same, and it can only suppress his bipolar disorder." Xiao Cong explained to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang's bid for Xiong Shi was not based on his strength, but he couldn't stand their approach and wanted to give Xiong Shi his freedom. However, Xiong Shi is particularly prone to irritability now, and Xiao Qiang is also worried about letting him out, just wanting to cure him.

"Come on, take these two pills first, and ask Sister Rourou to help you bandage your injuries." Xiao Qiang spent the redemption points to redeem the Qingxin Pill from the system, and at the same time took out the hemostatic pills and handed them to Xiong He opened his mouth and said.

Xiong Shi took the pills, and Xiao Qiang was about to pour a glass of water for Xiong Shi to take the medicine. Xiong Shi swallowed the pills directly into his stomach, chewing them with a "bang bang bang" sound.

On the way, through the conversation with Xiong Shi, Xiao Qiang and the others learned that Xiong Shi had been in the Black Sand Base since the end of the world. Although he was powerful, the staff of the Black Sand Base often teased him because of his simple and honest personality. Giving him some food means asking him to complete some dangerous tasks, and this is how the injuries on his body were caused. However, because he had bipolar disorder and had a large appetite, after an outbreak at the Black Sand Base, he injured many people in the Black Sand Base, and those people wanted to auction him off.

On the way, Xiao Qiang took out some food from the system, and Xiong Shi began to feast on himself while everyone was watching. He ate more than 30 steamed buns alone.

"Wow, this is so edible. I thought you could eat it, but I didn't expect this person to be even more edible." Sister Rourou watched with her mouth wide open and couldn't help but sigh.

After everyone heard Sister Rourou's words, they all nodded in agreement, indicating that Xiong Shi's appetite was indeed large. After Xiong Shi had eaten, Xiao Qiang asked Xiong Shi to take a bath in the chariot, exchanged a set of clothes from the system, and asked Xiong Shi to change into them. When the car was about to leave Hucheng, Xiao Qiang stopped the car.

"I'm full. You brought this food with you on the road. You can eat it when you're hungry. Now you're free. Just remember, don't get angry easily, and don't use your strength to hurt others easily." Xiao Qiang gently looked at him, smiled, and warned.

"Ah? I ate your food. Don't you need me to help you with anything? I can hit anyone you need me to help you with." Xiong Shi said honestly, blinking his eyes.

Xiao Qiang pursed his lips gently, smiled at Xiong Shi, and led everyone back to the chariot. However, the car had just moved 100 meters outward, and Xiao Qiang looked out the window and saw Xiong Shi's tall body following the chariot.

"Stop." Seeing this, Xiao Qiang directed Jiang Kai to stop the car on the side of the road.

"What's wrong? Why are you running forward after our car?" Xiao Qiang asked Xiong Shi with a smile.

"I want to follow you. Hello, I can eat well, I can help you fight bad guys, and I can also drive." Xiong Shi grinned and said slowly to Xiao Qiang.

"You have to follow me. You can also drive. You are so awesome, Xiong. But if you follow me, you will arrive at my Longshan base. But there are many rules, and you can't do it in Longshan base. You can get angry at will." Xiao Qiang understood what Xiong Shi meant, smiled at Xiong Shi, and explained patiently.

"Hmm, hello, I'll follow you. When I get to the base, I'll listen to you. Don't get angry and obey the rules." Xiong Shi nodded heavily and looked at Xiao Qiang with his eyes.

"Okay, then we have made an agreement. Then I will let you follow me back to Longshan Base. When you get there, you must listen to me. If you don't obey, I will lock you in a dark room. It will make you hungry." Xiao Qiang thought for a moment and walked around Xiong Shi.

Seeing Xiong Shi nodding heavily to him, Xiao Qiang continued: "Didn't you say you could drive? Come and try driving this car and let me see how you drive."

On the way back to the base, although Xiong Shi seemed a bit honest, the car drove very well. Everyone couldn't help but express their approval of Xiong Shi along the way. When he was about to enter the Xuzhou City base, Xiao Qiang saw Qiao Tong coming with two members of the Longshan team. He was relieved that he finally got the formula.

In the next two weeks, Xiao Qiang continued to lead everyone to clean up the zombies in Xuzhou City. During these two weeks, the Longshan team did not encounter much resistance, and they cleared all the way to the city center area. He is also full of confidence and feels that in one month, the zombies in Xuzhou City will be cleared out. Moreover, in the past two weeks, due to the publicity from the auction, the base's arms have also been greatly replenished. The number of tanks has reached 20, and there are even two helicopters. Bombs, petrol bombs, etc., the types have also been greatly enriched. In the past two weeks, because there were so many people coming to trade, Xiao Qiang once again ordered Chen Yuan and the others to expand the size of the plantation.

During these two weeks, with the help of the 10 zombies, Xiao Qiang's strength has risen to a new level, reaching the level of supernatural power level 7. After Yang Xue told everyone her secret, she no longer hid her steel armor. After using it, it was extremely powerful, but it also required some consumption of black gold. Everyone has seen the strength of the bear lion. It has animal supernatural powers. After using supernatural powers, it can transform into a huge brown bear with amazing strength. The intelligence team and the blood killing team trained by Wang Peng and Wu Ze have been sent out to various cities and bases to perform intelligence tasks. However, in these two weeks, Xiao Qiang did not encounter any more powerful zombies. The highest level was only a zombie infected with level 1. Everyone thought it was because they were cleaning up the zombies together, but Xiao Qiang's worries became deeper and deeper.

At night, everyone who had been busy all day gathered together for dinner. Since it was already winter, everyone rarely ate outside. Xiao Qiang and his friends gathered in the living room of the villa to eat, chatting about interesting things that happened in the city while eating. Today's dinner was rice porridge, steamed buns, two stir-fried dishes and pickles. Among these people, the most conspicuous one was Xiong Shi. Others were eating with bowls, but Xiong Shi was eating with a basin.

Xiao Qiang glanced at the big screen on the side of the Doomsday Alliance. A distress message from a small base kept flashing, showing that it was besieged by zombies, and the words of the message were yellow. In the Doomsday Alliance, only particularly urgent messages would be marked in red by M Company. Looking at the flashing distress words from the small base, Xiao Qiang also fell into deep thought.

"Don't we get such distress messages every day? Don't worry too much. This base is too far away from us. Other bases next to it will go to help." Seeing that Xiao Qiang didn't talk much during the meal, Lin Bingyan sat over sensibly, gently held Xiao Qiang's hand and said gently.

"It's okay, maybe I think too much. Now it's the end of the world, and zombies attacking bases do happen frequently. These small bases can't resist the attacks of these zombies. Sooner or later, they will be subordinate to these big forces." Xiao Qiang closed his eyes, rubbed his head gently, and said.

In fact, Xiao Qiang began to worry long before the auction.

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