Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 600 Zombie Attack

Because he found that there were too few zombies resisting in the city, the Longshan team attacked too easily, and the powerful zombies were nowhere to be found. The number of zombies was far from the population of Xuzhou City before the end of the world, but Xiao Qiang couldn't figure out the situation. Therefore, it was better not to tell them than to tell them and let them worry about it. Moreover, now that the base is strong and the cleanup of the zombies in Xuzhou City is going very smoothly, everyone is now full of confidence and high morale. Xiao Qiang didn't want to make everyone worry because of his guess and discourage everyone's enthusiasm.

"Yeah, go to bed early tonight. Before going to bed, I'll heat a cup of milk for you. If it doesn't work tomorrow, just rest in the base for a day." Lin Bingyan smiled at Xiao Qiang and said.

"Okay, well, let me say a few words. Everyone has noticed that some bases are frequently attacked these days. No matter what the reason is, our base must be vigilant, especially your patrol team, Liu Jie. You must ensure that there are people patrolling every important position 24 hours a day. As the last line of defense of our base, you must be careful. The lives of more than 50,000 people in our base are all protected by you. And the Longshan team, once something happens, immediately get the equipment, cooperate with the patrol team, and jointly guard our base." Xiao Qiang nodded to Lin Bingyan, then stood up and said to everyone.

Although everyone has been fighting very smoothly recently, they are still more obedient to Xiao Qiang's words, and they all nodded to show that they will pay attention.

"Bingyan, accompany me to the base." Xiao Qiang turned around and said to Lin Bingyan.

Now, Xiao Qiang has developed a habit. As the population of the base is increasing, not only Longshan Base, but also Kangzhuang Village opposite has been included in the base. Moreover, most people are crowded in the houses in the village, waiting for the houses on the Longshan Base to be built, which can easily reduce the housing pressure. Before going to bed every day, Xiao Qiang will check the surrounding defenses of Longshan Base and tell the night patrol to monitor the zombies.

"It's cold at night. The weather has become cold recently. Remember to wear more clothes and charge the flashlight in advance." Xiao arrived at a defense point in Kangzhuang Village, parked the car on the side of the road, followed Lin Bingyan out of the car, and spoke to the members of this group.

Seeing this, everyone got up quickly, and saw that everyone was carrying a machine gun and wearing a thick down jacket. Although there are many styles of down jackets, Liu Jie also asked people to sew a patrol team logo on the shoulders of each of them, so that they can distinguish and manage them, and also make them feel a sense of belonging. At the same time, the Longshan teams also did the same.

"Brother Qiang, don't worry. Captain Liu has equipped us with down jackets for the night shift. Each person has also been given gloves and the like. At the same time, there are special personnel to manage the flashlights every day. Each time we receive them, they are fully charged to ensure that we can use them for at least one night each time." The team leader of this group said to Xiao Qiang excitedly.

"Okay, that's good. When you are on night shift, you must be more vigilant and don't relax. As long as the zombies are not eliminated, you can't relax at all. As the guarantee of our base, your patrol team shoulders the responsibility of protecting the safety of the base. If you find any signs of a large-scale zombie attack, don't hesitate and sound the alarm immediately." Xiao Qiang nodded, patted the team leader on the shoulder and said.

"Yes, be vigilant and ensure that the task of protecting the base is completed." The team leader also assured Xiao Qiang.

After checking this place, Xiao Qiang followed Lin Bingyan out of the defense point and walked towards the observation tower again.

"Xiao Dingdang, you are getting better and better. Now you are more and more like a leader. I think the team leader just now admires you." Lin Bingyan, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, looked at Xiao Qiang and said with a smile.

"Haha, I sincerely hope that our Longshan base will be good. If I really work hard for our base, they will respect me. Of course, if I want to say that the leader is good, it is thanks to my wife's good teaching." Xiao Qiang said with a wink at Lin Bingyan.

The two of them laughed and drove all the way to the observation tower of Kangzhuang Village. Along the way, since it is now winter, fewer and fewer people come out to exercise in the base. Only the members of the patrol team with live ammunition are divided into groups to patrol in the base. Every time Xiao Qiang passes a patrol group, he stops the car and patiently instructs them before continuing to drive forward.

Following Lin Bingyan to the observation tower, Xiao Qiang looked at the defense outside the entire Longshan base. First of all, Kangzhuang Village is very close to Longshan Base, with only a road in between and a tunnel connecting the two sides. Moreover, the tunnel is also built very spacious, enough to accommodate two trucks passing side by side, making it convenient for people to enter and exit.

Secondly, since Xiao Qiang came back from the Lake City Base of M Company, he began to let the base personnel learn the defense measures of the Lake City Base and set up many layers of defense roadblocks. Looking from afar, at the farthest end, many large pits have been dug by people. There are many spikes in the pits, and reminders are placed next to them to prevent people from mistakenly entering them. However, if those low-level zombies break in, they will definitely fall into the big pits and be pierced by those spikes. At the same time, in this area, Xiao Qiang also placed many intermediate trap symbols in it. Further back, Xiao Qiang asked people to use some abandoned cars and iron racks to block the road, forming some blocking protection. In this layer of protection circle, some automatic attack weapons are also placed, which are also purchased by Xiao Qiang from the system. Behind this circle, there are some small arsenals. When encountering zombies, the patrol team members can pick up weapons in time and launch attacks on the enemy.

This defense is not far from the village and Longshan Base. If zombies are found, the patrol team can quickly reach here and pick up weapons for defense. Further back, a wall was built to wrap the entire village. On top of these walls, there are many iron gates to make it easier for cars to enter and exit. If zombies are found, they can drive out in time and reach the second floor to deal with those zombies.

Finally, four lookouts were placed in the four corners of the village, and two lookouts were placed at the main entrance of Longshan Park. Each lookout is equipped with a heavy firepower machine gun, a long-range telescope, and a large searchlight. There is also a large alarm on the lookout. If zombies are found, all people in the base can be notified in time through the alarm. Moreover, at the main entrance of Longshan Base, it is also the most powerful part of the defense force. Two advanced automatic identification attack cannons are also prepared with black gold around. Only when a sufficient number of zombies are detected, these two cannons will launch attacks. At the same time, the walls around the cannons have been reinforced, and many automatic identification attack machine guns that Xiao Qiang exchanged from the system are placed. Of course, there are many attack holes on these walls, which allow the Longshan team and the patrol team to attack on the walls. As for the large tunnel, there is also a thick iron door. Once the personnel retreat, the iron door will be closed.

After Xiao Qiang walked around the village and checked it, he followed Lin Bingyan to chat in the living room for a while. During the chat, he found that there were more information about the base asking for help on the big screen.

Back in the room, Xiao Qiang, who was tired all day, couldn't sleep because he was a little worried, so he entered the system to check his attributes.

Host: Xiao Qiang Physical Fitness: 10000 Physical Strength: 10000

Skills: Wolf Fang Step (Proficiency Level: Proficiency 501/1000), Thunder Claw (Proficiency Level: Proficiency 601/1000), Flying Thunder God (Entry Level: Proficiency 401/1000), Shattering Palm (Proficiency Level: Proficiency 373/100), Crazy Dragon Sword Technique (Proficiency Level: Proficiency 403/100), Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix (Entry Level: Proficiency 473/100) Eight Gates of Dunjia - Four Gates Open (Table Lotus) Fire Heart Decision

Mall Permission: Level 2 (Can purchase intermediate items) Open lottery permission level 2 (4000/10000)

Comprehensive evaluation: Superpower level 7. Experience value: 500000/8000000 Exchange points 102000.

Possess a bone spur dagger, a plum peak dagger, a snowflake dagger, a thousand machine umbrella, a high-tech nano helmet (advanced), and a high-tech nano armor (advanced).

Battle pet: Howling Moon Wolf (juvenile) Comparable to the strength of awakening level 1

Puppet: 2 infected level 3 zombies, 3 infected level 2 zombies, and 5 infected level 1 zombies.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Qiang, who was tired all day, was sleeping soundly. Even the sound of the intercom that was specially used to chat with Wang Peng and Wu Ze came out, but Xiao Qiang didn't notice it. On the contrary, the little wolf who was resting on the soft cushion on the ground was very alert. When he heard Wang Peng's voice coming from the intercom, he immediately pricked up his ears and stood up. Since Wang Peng and Wu Ze were sent out, they began to send back some information from time to time, but Wang Peng never contacted Xiao Qiang in the middle of the night.

After the little wolf got up, he jumped onto the bed with a light jump, stuck out his tongue, and kept rubbing Xiao Qiang's face, and gently patted Xiao Qiang's body with his claws.

"Little wolf, stop making trouble. It's the middle of the night and I'm sleeping soundly. Don't disturb my sleep." Xiao Qiang felt the little wolf beside him, stretched out his hand and pushed the little wolf aside, saying in a daze.

Suddenly, Xiao Qiang woke up from his sleep again because he heard Wang Peng's voice, and quickly picked up the intercom on the bedside table next to him.

"Hey, Wang Peng, what's wrong? Why are you calling at this time?" Xiao Qiang asked immediately after picking up the intercom.

"Brother Qiang, it's bad. Many bases have been attacked by zombies on a large scale. Our brothers who are located near Xuzhou City have also sent out intelligence that they have noticed a large number of zombies heading towards our base. You have to pay more attention, Brother Qiang, and you have to prepare for defense quickly. I'm going back to Longshan Base now." Wang Peng was obviously driving the car, and he said to Xiao Qiang anxiously on the road.

"Okay, I know, you have to pay attention to safety on the road." As he spoke, Xiao Qiang quickly turned on the lights and found his clothes.

"Everyone get up quickly, there are zombies attacking, everyone get up quickly, there are zombies attacking. Xiaolang, hurry up and wake them all up." Xiao Qiang was wearing clothes while shouting at the highest volume.

Xiao Qiang had just rushed out of the bedroom after dragging his clothes on. Xiao Qiang noticed that Yang Xue and Lin Bingyan were woken up by Xiao Qiang, and they were leaning against the bedroom door, looking in Xiao Qiang's direction, not knowing what had happened.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes. A large number of zombies are about to attack our base. Hurry up and put on your clothes." Xiao Qiang ran to Lin Bingyan's side and said to everyone living in the villa.

Xiao Qiang had just finished speaking. Although everyone was a little confused, they were still ready to do it. At this moment, a shrill alarm sounded from the direction of Kangzhuang Village, accompanied by the sound of machine guns shooting and the wailing of zombies. This shrill alarm sound immediately woke everyone up from their sleep. Everyone immediately made a mess. Some ran outside, and some rushed into the house to put on their clothes.

2 minutes later, all the senior personnel of the base had gathered in the living room of the villa. On the screen of the Doomsday Alliance next to it, some eye-catching information kept jumping out. All of them were distress messages issued by various bases after being attacked by zombies, and all of them were marked in red.

"Brother Xiao Qiang, a large number of zombies have launched an attack on Kangzhuang Village from different directions. The number is unknown, but there is no end in sight. Now they have reached the place where we set the trap." Liu Jie said to Xiao Qiang while panting.

"Wang Liang, Bingyan, Li Wei, you organize people, go and wake up all the people in the base, call all the vehicles, and arrange for people to evacuate to the back mountain. Brother Han, you take people to be responsible for the residents of Kangzhuang Village. Make sure to evacuate these residents to Longshan Base first. During the evacuation, there must be order, and women, children and the elderly must be evacuated by car first. During this process, anyone who dares to make trouble will be immediately driven out of Longshan Base. You must ensure the evacuation of every ordinary citizen." Xiao Qiang looked at everyone, his brain working rapidly, and said to Wang Liang and others.

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