Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 601 Quick Response

"Okay, don't worry. I will organize people to arrange evacuation and ensure that everyone is woken up. As he spoke, Wang Liang waved his hand and quickly retreated with Li Dian and others. However, Lin Bingyan I didn't go with Wang Liang.

"The rest of us senior executives who are in charge of daily life and are not mutants immediately followed Wang Liang to help." Xiao Qiang thought for a while and added, after all, this is the first time that there are so many people in Longshan Base. This was the first time he encountered such a large-scale zombie attack, and Xiao Qiang had no command experience.

After Xiao Qiang finished speaking, some people among them nodded to Xiao Qiang and rushed out with Wang Liang.

"Xu Miao and Jiang Kai, your two teams are responsible for guarding the perimeter of Longshan Base. The other three teams immediately received equipment and rushed to Kangzhuang Village to defend Kangzhuang Village with the patrol team. , you go from above, leave the underground passage to the residents of Kangzhuang Village, and try to keep the zombies out of Kangzhuang Village. At the same time, call 10 tanks to go out from the side to deal with these from the side. Zombies. Two helicopters also took off immediately to determine the number of zombies in the air. At the same time, if necessary, they would attack the zombies from the air. "Xiao Qiang said to the five captains of the Longshan team, who were also in charge. The main force of this defense.

"Report, Brother Qiang, I request that I take my Longshan 1st team to Kangzhuang Village and request that they immediately join in the fight against zombies." The other team captains immediately led their team members. The mission was completed, and only Jiang Kai remained where he was, shouting to Xiao Qiang.

"The outer wall of Longshan Base is the last line of defense for our base. If this side is lost, the zombies will rush into the crowd. I don't need to say more about the importance of this side. If you can't hold it, I will Shoot you. The order remains unchanged and will be carried out immediately." Xiao Qiang shouted at Jiang Kai.

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission and never let the zombies break through the Longshan base's defense." After Jiang Kai finished speaking, he also rushed out.

"Yang Xue, close the doors and windows of these important facilities in our base, especially your black gold research institute. You must not let those zombies go in and cause damage." Seeing that there were not many people left in the room, Xiao Qiang said to Yang Xue warned and said.

"Okay!" Yang Xue agreed briefly, then rushed out carrying his steel armor backpack.

"Sister Rourou, if such a large-scale zombie attack comes, there will inevitably be casualties. I'm afraid your medical team will follow us to Kangzhuang Village. I will arrange personnel to protect you. I'll call you Gather the team members, bring the medical kit, and set off with me soon." Xiao Qiang saw Sister Rourou put on a white coat and said to Sister Rourou.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it, and my team members also know how to do it." Sister Rourou put on a rare pair of travel shoes, tightened her shoelaces, and replied.

"Okay, Xiong, Lin Fei follow me. Let's go to Kangzhuang Village and follow me to kill zombies." After Xiao Qiang completed the command, he said to Lin Fei and Xiong Shi behind him.

A moment later, on the apocalyptic chariot, Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan in confusion, and asked aloud: "Bingyan, didn't I ask you and Wang Liang to be responsible for the evacuation of the personnel? Why did you follow us in the car? The son is here."

"I want to go with you to deal with zombies. I know you are worried about my safety. Don't forget, I also have level 9 superpowers, and I will be upgraded to it soon. Didn't you also say, more practical combat? Will it also help me upgrade?" Lin Bingyan said, wearing a neat sportswear.

"Okay, when you get there, don't run around. You must pay attention to safety. If you encounter danger, you must call me loudly, you know." Xiao Qiang gently carved a mark on Lin Bingyan's body. Flying Thunder God's imprint lightly hooked Lin Bingyan's nose with his finger, and then said.

Xiao Qiang and others were driven by Xiong Shi to Kangzhuang Village. On the way, Xiao Qiang saw that Wang Liang and the others had called trucks and other tools to have everyone line up to evacuate into the mountains behind. Thanks to Xiao Qiang's instructions, Wang Liang and the others also made things in order, but there was no too much chaos at the base. However, Kangzhuang Village was quite chaotic. The zombies were the first to launch an attack on Kangzhuang Village. Everyone was crowded and running from the tunnel towards Longshan Base, making it impossible for cars to pass. However, Han Feng had already brought People were constantly maintaining order, asking everyone to follow the rule of letting the elderly, children and women go first. Han Feng's roar could be heard from time to time. At the same time, the closer you get to Kangzhuang Village, the clearer you can hear the howls of zombies, accompanied by the continuous sound of machine guns.

After arriving at Kangzhuang Village, Xiao Qiang was the first to go up to the observation tower to observe the situation. Kangzhuang Village is only connected to Longshan Base on one side, and there are traces of zombie activities on the other three sides. Zombies are attacking Kangzhuang Village one by one. Xiao Qiang shook the searchlight and shone it on the faces of the zombies. The howling of the zombies became louder and more crazy. Xiao Qiang noticed that the zombies were surrounded all around, and there was no edge of this large-scale zombie group at all. They rushed towards Kangzhuang Village with crazy howling. At the first level, after the zombies rushed over, they quickly filled all the traps. The zombies stepped on the corpses of the zombies and rushed towards the second level of defense. On the second level, the patrol team members were already in place and kept shooting. The members of the Longshan team also began to reinforce the second level. Several tanks had already driven out from the side and fired cannons at the zombie group from a distance. Overhead, two helicopters were turning on their lights, circling over the zombies, causing the zombies to raise their hands and gesture towards the sky.

After knowing the general situation of the zombies, Xiao Qiang led the three to the bottom of a wall. As they got closer, Xiao Qiang noticed that some people were quickly wearing black gold defense suits. After putting them on, they rushed to the second-level defense position and replaced those who were not wearing them back into the wall. At that time, Xiao Qiang allocated 100 sets of black gold defense suits to each patrol team and Longshan team through purchase and lottery, plus Yang Xue's manufacturing, including the head was wrapped up, and there was a black gold shield in the hand. These people were also the strongest group of people in each team. At the same time, there were 30 team members holding laser guns standing next to the medical team, ready to use laser guns on zombies at any time, and each person was carrying a large backpack full of black gold. These laser guns were developed by Yang Xue and are also used to deal with high-level zombies, but the number is a bit small now, with only 30 laser guns. Not only that, there are 100 people carrying intermediate aircraft, who are already wearing aircraft and preparing to fly into the air to attack these zombies.

The fight with the zombies entered a white-hot stage right from the start. After the zombies rushed through the trap area, the automatic attack machine guns also began to shoot, and the sound of gunfire was endless for a while.

"What's the situation now? How are the zombies here?" Xiao Qiang asked when he saw Liu Jie running over.

"Brother Wang Dong and I are responsible for guarding here, and the other two captains are responsible for the defense of the other two sides. This side is also the side with the most zombies. These zombies are like crazy. They gathered so many zombies at once, rushed towards us, and attacked us. Brother Wang Dong has gone to the second layer of defense to command, and I will stay here to command." Liu Jie reported to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, tell everyone not to save bullets. We have a lot of stocks during this period. We must pay attention to safety. Three people form a group and help each other. If you are injured, you must come down immediately and let the comrades of the medical team treat you. Try your best to stop the zombies outside Kangzhuang Village." Xiao Qiang patted Liu Jie on the shoulder and told him.

Since Wang Peng took charge of the intelligence group, he recommended Liu Jie to be the captain of the patrol team. Liu Jie is young and mature, and he lives up to expectations. He manages the patrol team in an orderly manner. Now the patrol team has expanded to 2,000 people, and Liu Jie himself has reached the 9th level of supernatural power.

This time, the base was able to respond so quickly, and these members of the patrol team contributed greatly. Even on night shifts, under Liu Jie's instructions, these people patrolled non-stop. After discovering signs of a large-scale zombie attack, the alarm was immediately sounded. At the same time, Liu Jie quickly rushed out, deployed here first, and then returned to report.

"Ding, 3,000 ordinary level 4 zombies found!"

"Ding, 2,100 ordinary level 3 zombies found!"

"Ding, 37 infected level 1 zombies found!"

... . . . . .

Turning on the double-eye recognition scanning function and scanning a zombie, it is found that the number of zombies is not only large, but also the level is not small. This also confirms that Xiao Qiang's worries a few days ago were justified. At that time, the attack on Xuzhou City was too smooth, and there were no zombies that were too powerful. Now it seems that all these zombies have hidden and gathered together to attack the base.

Xiao Qiang jumped lightly and jumped onto the newly built wall of Kangzhuang Village. He noticed that the zombies were attacking very fast. Moreover, the zombies in front had just fallen down, and the zombies behind them rushed forward by stepping on the corpses of the zombies in front. come over. Qiao Tong has already led the members of Longshan Team 3 to the second level of defense line. They form a group of two. With such a high density of zombies, there is no need to aim at all. Just keep pulling the trigger in front. After one person ran out of bullets in his gun, he stepped back and quickly changed the magazine, while the other person quickly took up the position and continued shooting at the zombies. Liu Jie, on the other hand, was commanding members of the patrol team, stepping on tables, ladders and other objects, lying on the wall, and shooting at the zombies from a distance. Even so, due to the large number of zombies, the entire line of zombies continued to move closer to the defense line. Some fast zombies even rushed to the front of the second layer of defense line. Thanks to the Longshan Team There were some mutants among them who rushed forward and fought with the zombies to stop them.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang was about to issue a command order, but he saw a member of Qiaotong Longshan Team running over on the other side with a disgraced face, panting and saying to Xiao Qiang: "Brother Qiang, we are here over there. There were a few powerful zombies, and Brother Qiao Tong couldn’t stand it any longer, so he asked me to come over and ask for a master.”

"I'll go there!" Before Xiao Qiang could say anything, Lin Fei raised his two swords, jumped lightly with his legs, and rushed over quickly. After a few ups and downs, Lin Fei disappeared.

"Xiong, go to the other side and pay attention to your emotions. When you get there, listen to the team leader and be sure to pay attention to safety." Xiao Qiang was worried that Longshan Team 2 would also be in danger, so he warned Xiong Shi.

"Bingyan, stay inside the wall and treat the wounded with Sister Rourou and her medical team." Xiao Qiang turned his head again and said to Lin Bingyan with concern.

Then, Xiao Qiang faced the zombies, waved his left and right hands to both sides, and took out 10 zombies from the system. Under the moonlight, 10 zombies were full of murderous aura, standing majestically beside Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang waved his hand forward and already gave instructions to the 10 zombies. The zombies jumped down from the wall and passed through the crowd, charging towards the zombies on the opposite side. Xiao Qiang's order to these zombies was to kill them until there were no more zombies here. As for the experience and exchange points gained, Xiao Qiang still followed the old rules and obtained them all by himself.

10 zombies rushed into the zombie group and immediately brought down a large number of zombies, especially the two infected level 3 zombies. Facing these low-level zombies, they could kill a large number of zombies at once. In order not to be accidentally injured by bullets, Xiao Qiang let these zombies go deep into the zombie group to fight. The zombies quickly made a hole in the zombie group, rushed into the middle of the zombies, and fought against the zombies.

"Ding, the host is infected with a level 3 puppet zombie and kills 1 ordinary level 3 zombie. The reward will be 2 experience points and 2 redemption points."

"Ding, the host is infected with a level 2 puppet zombie and kills 1 ordinary level 4 zombie. The reward will be 2 experience points and 2 redemption points."

"Ding, the host is infected with a level 1 puppet zombie and kills 1 ordinary level 3 zombie. The reward will be 2 experience points and 2 redemption points."

. . . . . .

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