Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 602 Bone Spiral

But soon, zombies continued to fill the gap and continued to approach the second line of defense. Among them, the high-level zombies also began to exert their strength. One of the tall zombies lifted a car and threw it into the crowd with a "boom", killing and injuring many people in the crowd.

"Wind escape, wind stab!"

After throwing a car, the zombie was about to pick up the car and throw it again. Seeing this, a deputy captain with superpowers under Qiao Tong quickly used his wind superpowers and fought with the zombie.


Suddenly, a sharp howl of zombies sounded behind the zombies. Hearing these howls, the zombies' attack became more crazy. Some strong zombies began to find some iron frames, cars and the like to throw towards this side. Some zombies even fired armor pieces from their bodies to attack. Long-tailed zombies and long-tongued zombies were also thrown down from the sky from a distance. Some zombies that would drill out of the soil would run to the second line of defense and attack the members of Qiao Tong's second team.

Fortunately, Qiao Tong was in the front position and constantly commanded the personnel. Moreover, during this period, with the increase in the number of personnel in Longshan Base, many powerful superpowers were added to the Longshan team. In addition, some people in the front were basically wearing black and gold suits. Therefore, although the zombies caused some casualties to the second line of defense, they could not allow these zombies to break through the second line of defense. However, the zombies were getting closer and closer to the second line of defense. The members of the medical team had already been dispatched when the first injured person appeared. Under the protection of the patrol team members, they continued to treat the injured. Sister Rourou even rushed to the second line of defense with a few people to treat people. Lin Bingyan also knew that Xiao Qiang was thinking about her, so she continued to help with the medical team.

"Report, Brother Qiang, the captain said that the zombies are getting closer and closer. Please retreat to Kangzhuang Village to defend against the zombies." A team member under Qiao Tong ran over and reported to Xiao Qiang standing on the wall.

"No, when the residents in Kangzhuang Village and the residents in Longshan Base have not retreated to a safe place, tell Qiao Tong to keep an eye on the second line of defense for me, and don't let any zombies come." Xiao Qiang shouted at the team member.

Xiao Qiang stood on the wall, looking at the fights everywhere, and at the same time, he also closely watched the retreat of the residents in Kangzhuang Village. At this time, because the zombies suddenly launched an attack in the middle of the night, only half of the residents in Kangzhuang Village have retreated to the Longshan base.

"Messenger, come here and tell Han Feng and Wang Liang to speed up the evacuation of personnel. Within half an hour, everyone must retreat to the Longshan base first. Those who dare to break the rules will be expelled from the Longshan base immediately." Xiao Qiang spoke to a person in charge of delivering the message.

"Tell the helicopters to help Longshan Team 2 shoot zombies from the air, and the other helicopter will go to the zombie group behind to shoot bombs. If necessary, they can attack the zombie group with gasoline bombs. Also, tell all the members of the aircraft to fly into the sky immediately and attack the zombies from the air. The personnel divided into three groups will go to the defense of these three parts to help defend. Before the personnel retreat, the zombies must be blocked outside the second defense line." Xiao Qiang looked at the zombies fighting in the field and said to a messenger standing behind him.

In the previous deployment, Liu Jie arranged a team of 10 people in the patrol team to be responsible for delivering messages. After the battle, there were also several people who were responsible for being beside Xiao Qiang to help Xiao Qiang deliver messages.

"Ding, the host infected with level 1 zombies was killed, and there are now 9 puppet zombies left."

At this time, Xiao Qiang's system received news that one of the infected level 1 zombies was killed. Xiao Qiang frowned slightly. The number and strength of this group of zombies had greatly exceeded Xiao Qiang's estimation. After thinking of this, Xiao Qiang called Liu Jie over.

"Double the words!"

"Members of Longshan Team 2, listen to me, behind is our only home in the end of the world, and the residents inside are the people we want to protect. Now, you all deal with the zombies here well. As long as there is one person in our Longshan Team 2, we will never let the zombies rush over here. We must ensure that the residents of our Longshan base retreat to a safe place in an orderly manner." Qiao Tong heard Xiao Qiang's order and spoke loudly to the members waiting on the second line of defense.

"Liu Jie, there are too many zombies. We must make preparations for both situations. Dispatch a group of people from your patrol team. First, take out a large number of explosive packs and mines from the armory and bury them in various locations in Kangzhuang Village, and of course trap symbols. Second, get gasoline and some flammable materials and place them in Kangzhuang Village. When necessary, we have to wait for the zombies to enter Kangzhuang Village, set them on fire and burn them all in the village, and try our best to stop them in Kangzhuang Village." Xiao Qiang jumped down from the wall and said to Liu Jie.

"Brother Qiang, let me lead the patrol team to the second line of defense to fight against the zombies together. We built Kangzhuang Village with great difficulty, and it is destroyed just like this." Liu Jie felt a little reluctant. After all, he led the patrol team members to build Kangzhuang Village from cleaning to building defenses.

"No, there are too many zombies. With just our few people fighting like this, even if we all go to the second line of defense, we can't beat these zombies, and the casualties will be great. This is only the first way. If burning Kangzhuang Village still can't stop these zombies, then we have to mobilize all the people in the base who can fight zombies, pick up guns, and deal with these zombies. Don't be afraid to burn Kangzhuang Village now, don't care too much about these, the safety of personnel is the most important, I promise you that by the end of the year, Kangzhuang Village will be more lively and better built than it is now. Now, execute the order immediately, and transfer 30 people to command me." Xiao Qiang patted Liu Jie on the shoulder and said to Liu Jie.

"Boom", accompanied by the sound of continuous machine gun shooting, the tanks on both sides have been in place, firing shells at the zombie group. At the same time, the personnel wearing aircraft and helicopters in the sky also began to help the members of Longshan Team 2 to shoot together at the forefront of the zombies. "Hua La", another helicopter has also flown to the middle of the zombie group, and continuously dropped several gasoline bombs in the densely populated area of ​​the zombies. The fire instantly spread among the zombies, and the shrill wailing of the zombies was also heard from the zombie group. The flames that rose to the sky illuminated half of the wall of Kangzhuang Village.

"Distribute these talismans to everyone, and then follow me to climb up the wall." Xiao Qiang looked at the 30 team members who jumped in front of him, took out some talismans from the system and said.

Then, Xiao Qiang jumped lightly and rushed to the top of the wall, and then the 30 team members also climbed up the wall with weapons and stood on Xiao Qiang's side.

"Prepare the grenades, throw them over there." Xiao Qiang stood high on the wall, pointed to a place with more zombies, and said to the 30 people. Moreover, Xiao Qiang also used his eyes to identify and scan them. They were all low-level zombies, and grenades were enough to deal with them.

"Smell bombs, use some strength to disturb these zombies, let them approach the tanks on that side, so that those tank shells can bomb them."

"Shoot, shoot those zombies, shoot them in bursts, shoot more accurately, don't waste bullets."

... . . . . .

Xiao Qiang stood on the wall, constantly commanding 30 patrol team members to attack the zombie group and help the members of Longshan Team 2 to make up for the gaps. With the help of the helicopter, the pressure on Longshan Team 2 was finally reduced a lot, the attack of those zombies was also slowed down a lot, and the zombies' front line also retreated a lot. At the same time, various prompt sounds kept ringing in Xiao Qiang's mind.

"Ding, the host infected with level 3 puppet zombies killed 1 ordinary level 3 zombie, and was rewarded with 2 experience points and 2 exchange points."

"Ding, the host infected with level 2 puppet zombies killed 1 ordinary level 4 zombie, and was rewarded with 2 experience points and 2 exchange points."

"Ding, the host infected with level 1 puppet zombies killed 1 ordinary level 3 zombie, and was rewarded with 2 experience points and 2 exchange points."

. . . . . . .

"Ding, the host infected with level 1 zombies was killed, and there are now 8 puppet zombies left."

After fighting for half an hour, Xiao Qiang noticed that the corpses of those zombies had been piled up like a small hill at the second line of defense. And the front line of these zombies also retreated a lot under the strong firepower suppression of Longshan Base. However, the casualties of the members of Longshan Team 2 were not small. The members of the patrol team were carrying stretchers and constantly carrying the wounded from outside to the village, and every member of the medical team was carrying a medical box to bandage the wounded urgently.

"Report, Brother Qiang, all residents of Kangzhuang Village have retreated to Longshan Base. At the same time, the patrol team has also placed some gasoline and incendiary materials, as well as explosives and other things in various locations in the village." A messenger ran towards Xiao Qiang and said to him.

"Okay, tell Wang Liang to immediately take the personnel to retreat to the back of Longshan Base, and ask Han Feng to come and pull the wounded to Longshan Base." Xiao Qiang said to the messenger again.

"Awoo," at this moment, a howling sound came from behind the zombies. Although Xiao Qiang didn't know what the howling meant, he knew that every time the zombies howled, those zombies accompanied by powerful zombies would launch a more violent attack on the defense line.

"Everyone, pay attention, be careful to be alert to the continued attack of zombies, especially those powerful zombies. Now, all members of the second line of defense team, retreat to Kangzhuang Village in an orderly manner." After hearing the howling, Xiao Qiang immediately shouted to the team members everywhere.

Before the team began to retreat, suddenly, with a "boom", a zombie actually soared into the sky, and jumped onto one of the helicopters. Its hard head knocked the helicopter apart, and the helicopter staggered and fell into the zombie group, exploding. Not only that, the land around the tanks rose rapidly, and several zombies that could drill underground rushed to the bottom of the tanks, and "swished" and jumped up, overturning several tanks. There were also several high-level zombies, and those bullets could not penetrate their bodies at all. They led the zombie group and ran in the front, and quickly launched an attack towards the second line of defense. In particular, some speed-type claw zombies have already rushed into Longshan Team 2.

"You guys go down to help transfer the wounded, and the members of the laser gun team quickly come up and gather. At the same time, let Liu Jie and his patrol members be vigilant. After the members of Longshan Team 2 withdraw, the patrol members will conduct defensive shooting against the zombies on the wall." Seeing this, Xiao Qiang quickly issued an order.

After seeing the zombies rushing in, the mutants in Longshan Team 2 hurriedly fought with the zombies, but the defense of these high-level zombies was also very strong. Bullets could not cause damage to zombies, and they could only rely on these mutants to fight zombies. However, it has been an hour since the zombies suddenly launched an attack. These mutants have been fighting with zombies and are already very tired. Facing these zombies tirelessly launching attacks, these mutants are also struggling to support. Next to them, Qiao Tong has asked the team members to evacuate in an orderly manner, and those members wearing black and gold suits will be the rear guard.

"Ding, strong level 5 zombies found!"

"Ding, infected level 1 zombies found!"

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang quickly turned on the double-eye recognition function, looking for the high-level zombies among the zombies that rushed to the front, and then commanded the members of the laser gun team to shoot. Although ordinary bullets cannot penetrate the bodies of these infected zombies, these laser guns that consume black gold can break the defenses of these zombies and cause damage to them. This is also the reason why Xiao Qiang did not take part in the fight now. First, there are no more powerful zombies, and this side can still resist. Second, he has a binocular recognition function, which can quickly identify high-level zombies, and then let these laser guns attack the zombies, which can quickly kill more high-level zombies and save a lot of black gold.

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