Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 603 Fire Lotus

"Five of you shoot at that zombie, and ten of you hit that zombie, and the rest of you shoot at that zombie. Everyone, pay attention, you must aim before shooting, and never hurt your own people." Xiao Qiang quickly gave orders to the laser gun team.

Then, after Xiao Qiang's order was issued, these people held the laser guns in their hands, aimed at the zombies and shot, and fired blue lasers from the black gold muzzles. The power was huge, hitting those zombies, breaking the defense of these zombies, causing damage to these zombies, and even leaving large wounds on the zombies' bodies. The laser team kept shooting, and after killing a high-level zombie, Xiao Qiang quickly made another high-level zombie for them. In this way, the pressure on the mutants of Longshan Team 2 was greatly relieved.

"Members of Longshan Team 2, quickly retreat to the village. If anyone is bitten by a zombie, be sure to tell the medical team members the truth. We have special medicine for treating zombie bites." Xiao Qiang also reminded the team members.

At this moment, a zombie infected with level 1, with a pair of flesh wings on its back, actually flew over the heads of everyone and rushed straight to where Xiao Qiang was.

Xiao Qiang stared at the zombie and was about to take out the Thousand Machine Umbrella from the system to fight with the zombie. However, he saw a blue laser shot from behind him, straight towards the flying flesh-winged zombie. The blue laser was very powerful and shot a hole through the zombie, and the zombie fell from the air to the ground. Xiao Qiang turned his head and saw Yang Xue standing just under the wall, wearing her part of the steel armor on her hand. The laser gun just now was also fired from her steel armor. Yang Xue's steel armor is different from these laser guns, and it was made by Professor Mi himself, so it also consumes black gold, but the power of the steel armor is much greater.

"Yang Xue, why are you here? Didn't I ask you to watch the warehouse in Longshan Base?" Xiao Qiang shouted at Yang Xue after finding out that it was Yang Xue.

"Don't worry, as long as these zombies can't break into Longshan Base, no one can touch the things in the institute. Professor Mi helped me make such a powerful steel armor, not for me to hide behind." Yang Xue said, and she had already climbed up the wall along a ladder. A series of bullets were fired from the arm of the steel armor and hit the zombies.

"Okay, then you should be careful, your steel armor is really powerful." Xiao Qiang saw that Yang Xue's steel armor had so many offensive tricks, and he also said with envy.

Outside, after the laser team joined, they increased the damage to the high-level zombies, and finally killed the high-level zombies that rushed over first. However, the mutants of Longshan Team 2 also suffered a lot of casualties. Only Qiao Tong and a deputy captain of the 8th level were left, and nearly half of the team members wearing black and gold suits fell. There were only about 10 tanks left. Xiao Qiang commanded the tanks to retreat to the Longshan base to arrange defenses again, and the helicopters also increased the distance to prevent being attacked by zombies again. Although the high-level zombies that rushed over were driven out of the second line of defense, as the Longshan Team 2 continued to withdraw, the zombies that launched an offensive like a tide moved forward and reached the front of the second line of defense.

"The patrol team is ready for defense. Launch an attack immediately. Shoot at the zombies and cover the remaining team members to withdraw. After the Longshan team members retreat, do not stop at all. Retreat to the Longshan base with all your strength. Prepare to establish a defense line after resting." Xiao Qiang changed his strategy and shouted loudly to the crowd.

At the second line of defense outside Kangzhuang Village, the members of the Longshan team were mainly involved in the defense. Facing the crazy attack launched by the endless zombies, the other two teams faced fewer zombies. Qiao Tong of Longshan Team 2 faced the main force of the zombie group, so the casualties were also very large. The members of the patrol team basically defended in the wall of Kangzhuang Village.

At this time, Lin Bingyan and Sister Rourou were helping a wounded person with emergency bandage outside. Suddenly, a crawling long-tongued zombie rushed out from the side of the zombie group. It rushed forward very quickly and quickly reached the front of the zombie group. It opened its half-torn mouth, and scarlet blood flowed out from the corner of its mouth. The tongue suddenly stretched out and hit the top of Sister Rourou's head, who was bandaging the wounded with gauze. The tongue was very fast and was about to hit Sister Rourou's head.

"Sister Rourou, be careful, ice armor!" Lin Bingyan noticed the tongue coming and hurriedly warned her. At the same time, she put one hand on Sister Rourou's shoulder and used ice armor.

After Lin Bingyan upgraded to level 9 of supernatural power, the ice armor technique became much more powerful. Not only did the defense of the ice armor increase, but it could also be used on other people. When the zombie's tongue was about to hit Sister Rourou's head, Lin Bingyan quickly put a layer of ice armor on Sister Rourou and herself. "Bang", the tongue hit Sister Rourou's body heavily, and the ice armor instantly broke into pieces. The two were also knocked aside by the zombie's powerful force, but they blocked the attack of the zombie's tongue and stood up with support.


Sister Rourou reacted quickly and used her special ability on the tongue that was thrown to the ground. A space halo appeared in her hand, wrapping the snake head from the middle. Then, Sister Rourou closed her hands, and the space halo was closed. Half of the zombie's tongue was also cut off by the space halo and fell to the ground. Sister Rourou's special ability is quite special. It belongs to the space type. Relying on her special skills, she can also break through the defense of the infected zombie.

The zombie's tongue was cut off, and a stream of dirty blood flowed out along the remaining half of the zombie's tongue. The zombie raised his tongue and crawled forward two steps again. The speed was extremely fast, and he was about to throw it at Lin Bingyan's body from the side.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 402/1000."

Xiao Qiang turned around and saw that the infected zombie was about to attack Lin Bingyan and the others. He quickly used the Flying Thunder God technique and used the Flying Thunder God mark that had been engraved on Lin Bingyan's body to quickly rush in front of Lin Bingyan. When he arrived in front of Lin Bingyan, Xiao Qiang took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella (spear form) from the system and pointed it forward. With a "dang" sound, the zombie's long tongue collided with the Thousand Chance Umbrella and made a sound.

"Go back quickly and evacuate to Kangzhuang Village. Close all the gates on the wall of Kangzhuang Village immediately." Xiao Qiang turned around and shouted loudly to Lin Bingyan and the others.

"Crazy Dragon Sabre!"

After Xiao Qiang finished speaking, his finger had already touched the button, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella had already changed into a knife form. He stood slightly with his legs, facing the infected zombie, and slashed the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand forward fiercely, which was the use of the Crazy Dragon Sabre. After the saber technique was used, a sharp saber force instantly gathered on the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and powerful energy was emitted from the Thousand Chance Umbrella, aiming at the infected zombie and slashing it. The powerful saber technique cut the infected zombie in half, and even the zombies next to it were affected, and a passage was cut out in the zombie group. Xiao Qiang carried the Thousand Chance Umbrella on his back and noticed that the surrounding team members had retreated back to Kangzhuang Village, and those low-level zombies had also surrounded him.

"Ding, the host killed the infected level 1 zombie, experience value +300 points, exchange points +300 points, reward item zombie dispersal medicine (intermediate)."

"Ding, the host infected level 1 zombie was killed, and now there are 7 puppet zombies left."

"Ding, the host infected level 1 zombie was killed, and now there are 6 puppet zombies left."

"Ding, the host infected level 1 zombie was killed, and now there are 5 puppet zombies left."

At this time, several prompt sounds rang in Xiao Qiang's mind. All of Xiao Qiang's infected level 1 zombies had been killed, leaving only 5 puppet-level zombies. However, Xiao Qiang didn't care about these puppet zombies at this time. He only knew that the remaining 5 puppet zombies were still fighting in the zombie group, because the prompt sound of killing zombies was still heard in his mind. Moreover, the zombie group is approaching again, and the most important task now is to return to Kangzhuang Village to organize defense.

"Ice and snow spikes!"

At this moment, a gentle shout came from behind Xiao Qiang, and then, layers of ice crystals spread from the feet of the two to the front. On those ice crystals, some sharp spikes formed by ice grew, piercing the bodies of those zombies, piercing the ankles of those low-level zombies, greatly delaying the zombies' attack.

"Bingyan, why are you still here?" When Xiao Qiang saw this move, he knew that Lin Bingyan was still behind him, and asked anxiously.

"I'm waiting for you, I can't let you be alone in this zombie group." Lin Bingyan pouted, looked at Xiao Qiang, and said.

"Okay, hold me tight, let's go back to Kangzhuang Village." As he said this, Xiao Qiang stretched out his hand and held Lin Bingyan in his arms.

Xiao Qiang kicked the ground with his legs, and his whole body was already flying into the air while holding Lin Bingyan. He jumped up to a height of more than 10 meters. While in the air, he had already put the Thousand Machine Umbrella back into the system. At the same time, watching the zombies below attacking the wall, Xiao Qiang used his superpower.

"Fire Lotus!"

This is also an advanced skill that Xiao Qiang obtained after reaching the 7th level of superpower. After using it, a fireball will be launched towards the center, and then the fireball will explode around, producing a sea of ​​fire, shaped like a lotus. Xiao Qiang held Lin Bingyan in one hand and used the skill below with the other hand. The flames instantly spread among the zombies. At this time, the zombies were pierced through the legs by Lin Bingyan's ice and snow spike skill, and were attacked by Xiao Qiang's fire lotus. The skills of the two complemented each other. It was like a sea of ​​fire below. The flames illuminated the walls. A smell of burning rotten meat emanated, and the wailing of zombies could be heard from time to time in the sea of ​​fire. Xiao Qiang held Lin Bingyan and retreated to the wall. Xiao Qiang gently let Lin Bingyan go.

"Bingyan, you still have to go down to help Sister Rourou and the medical team. You must pay attention to safety. Remember to call me when you encounter danger." Xiao Qiang gently touched Lin Bingyan's head and said to her.

"Okay, then I'll go down. You should also pay attention to safety." Lin Bingyan nodded sensibly and went down the wall along the ladder.

The fire produced by the fire lotus soon went out, leaving a charred corpse of zombies on the ground. In such a cold winter, Xiao Qiang was sweating profusely after using the skills. It can be seen that this skill is also very physically demanding. The zombies were not affected by Xiao Qiang's skills. They continued to step on the bodies of the zombies, jumped over the second line of defense, and launched an attack on the wall of Kangzhuang Village. Qiao Tong's Longshan 2 team had just resisted the zombies at the front, and the casualties of the team members were relatively large. Therefore, it was also under Xiao Qiang's decision to retreat to the Longshan base. Now, Liu Jie's patrol team and members of the other two teams are defending at the wall, and the exchange of fire has begun continuously.

"Grenade, throw." The zombies' attack was extremely fierce, and Xiao Qiang shouted loudly to the team members around him.

"Boom boom", hundreds of grenades were thrown out and thrown into the zombie group. There were explosions in the zombie group, blowing the zombies into pieces. However, it still couldn't stop the zombies from continuing to attack the wall.

"Brothers, our home is behind us. Our patrol team worked hard to build Kangzhuang Village. Everyone must fight bravely to kill zombies and protect our home from the persecution of zombies." Liu Jie also stood on the wall and kept cheering for the members of the patrol team.

Although it is only the early winter season, due to the closure of various factories, this doomsday winter is also very cold. Especially now it is still dark, and the biting cold wind pierces the cheeks of every member of the Longshan base like a sharp knife. But no one retreated, lying on the cold wall, constantly pulling the trigger of the machine gun, shooting at the zombies rushing forward.

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