Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 604: Retreat First

When those zombies rushed under the wall, they quickly drew out their black gold weapons and slashed at those zombies. Under the wall, there are people carrying arms from the arsenal and transporting them here.

With a "bang", a strong zombie crashed into a lookout in a corner. There was an automatic machine gun on the lookout, and two people stood on a high place and fired condescendingly at the zombies. The most important thing is that the observation tower is equipped with high-power searchlights, which shine on the zombies and provide good lighting conditions for the attack team below. After the observation tower was hit, the iron frame made of steel was cut in half, and the entire observation tower fell down, followed by the searchlight above.

"Bone Spin!"

Liu Jie, who was nearby, was very angry when he saw this. He stretched out his arm towards the strong zombie. Some white bones penetrated the clothes from Liu Jie's back and circled to the arm. , Liu Jie's entire body also became a lot thinner. Those white bones formed a spiral along Liu Jie's arm, quickly extended forward, and finally inserted themselves into the body of the strong zombie. After killing the zombie, the bones shrank back along Liu Jie's arm.

"Flare!" Xiao Qiang shouted to the pilot on the only remaining helicopter through the intercom.

The fight at the wall of Kangzhuang Village lasted for 4 hours, and the gunshots did not stop all night long. However, these zombies seemed to be fighting endlessly, and they continued to attack the wall without fear of death. attack. In the base, more than half of the ammunition that had been accumulated during these days had been consumed. The zombie corpses outside the wall were piled up high, like hills everywhere, and they had gradually formed. Small slopes one after another. The casualties at the Longshan base are not small. Among these zombie groups, there will be some high-level zombies that rush into the walls and fight against the base personnel. At this time, there must be mutants and laser team members. Members fight against these high-level zombies. Moreover, after the zombies rushed under the wall, these team members had to use these black gold weapons to fight these zombies at close range.

After such a long battle, everyone's body was in tatters, with traces of being scratched by zombies, and their faces were covered in blood. It was impossible to tell whether it belonged to the zombies or themselves. In Kangzhuang Village, there are also many wounded and dead people. After simple bandaging here, those with minor injuries will continue to fight on the wall, while those with serious injuries will be pulled down. Treatment is carried out at the medical center in Longshan Base. As for the dead, Xiao Qiang also sent Wang Liang to drive all the corpses back to the Longshan base, and he must not give up any of them. When everyone saw what Xiao Qiang did, they were very moved and became even more courageous to kill the zombies.

After 5 hours of non-stop fighting, the walls of Kangzhuang Village have been attacked by zombies. There are ruins everywhere. The walls and gates in several places were broken by the impact of zombies. Liu Jie also hurriedly The command staff drove a car and blocked the gap, which was blocked. There were many times when zombies broke through the gap in the wall and tried to rush in, but fortunately they were blocked by the patrol members. , Xiao Qiang almost ordered a retreat many times here.

Xiao Qiang stood on the wall and continuously directed the members of the laser gun team to shoot. He turned on the binocular recognition scanning function to identify high-level zombies. Yang Xue was also among these people. However, Xiao Qiang did not take action to fight these zombies himself. He only occasionally stepped in to fill the gaps to deal with these high-level zombies. There are too many zombies. Even if Xiao Qiang participates, the number of zombies that can be killed is limited. It is better to stand on the wall and use his eyesight recognition function to scan and command these people to kill more zombies. . However, various reminders kept ringing in Xiao Qiang's mind all night.

"Ding, the host is infected with a level 3 puppet zombie and kills 1 ordinary level 3 zombie. The reward will be 2 experience points and 2 redemption points."

"Ding, the host is infected with a level 2 puppet zombie and kills 1 ordinary level 4 zombie. The reward will be 2 experience points and 2 redemption points."

"Ding, the host is infected with a level 2 puppet zombie and kills 1 ordinary level 3 zombie. The reward will be 2 experience points and 2 redemption points."

. . . . . .

After a rough calculation, Xiao Qiang's zombies fought tirelessly, and he had gained 2 million more experience points and exchange points, but he also lost a lot to the puppet zombies. At this moment, only two zombies with level 3 infection were left, and all the other zombies had been killed.

"Ding, the host was infected with level 2 zombies and was killed. There are 4 puppet zombies left."

"Ding, the host was infected with level 2 zombies and was killed. There are 3 puppet zombies left."

"Ding, the host was infected with level 2 zombies and was killed. There are 2 puppet zombies left."

Xiao Qiang didn't know where the two zombies with level 3 infection were now. He could only rely on the continuous beeps in the system to judge that the two zombies with level 3 infection were still killing zombies. Xiao Qiang also felt quite relieved. The level 3 infected zombies were still very powerful, and facing so many zombies was all experience points. If there were no zombies here to help him accumulate experience, Xiao Qiang also felt that he would not necessarily sink. The anger is still here to direct.

"Rumble" Another zombie attacked the bottom of the wall. The bodies of those zombies kept hitting the cracked wall. The walls also fell to the ground with a crash, and so did the people lying on the wall. Fell to the ground. Behind, in Kangzhuang Village, someone had already rushed over in a car, knocking away the zombies who rushed over first and blocking the gap. The members of the patrol team nearby also rushed over to the gap and fired wildly at the zombies.

At this time, there was some light in the sky. Xiao Qiang looked over from a distance. There were still a lot of zombies, and they could not be seen at a glance, and they were still crazy. Although the gap here was blocked, Xiao Qiang discovered that the wall was no longer able to withstand the continuous impact of these zombies. If it was hit again, the wall would collapse. . At that time, zombies will rush in on a large scale, and the members of the patrol team will only be able to fight closely with those zombies, and the casualties will definitely be immeasurable.

"Liu Jie, organize the personnel to immediately retreat in an orderly manner into the Longshan base, and let the medical team retreat first. Hurry up, these walls can no longer hold up. After arriving at the Longshan base, let the teams of Jiang Kai and Xu Miao Organize a defense, and it will be up to the two teams when they get there." Seeing this, Xiao Qiang quickly turned to Liu Jie and said.

"I know, Brother Qiang, you should follow them and retreat quickly. I'm here to take command." Liu Jie ran to Xiao Qiang's side and said to Xiao Qiang with his face covered in blood.

"Stop talking nonsense, take everyone and retreat quickly. No one is allowed to be left behind. Also, be careful not to ignite the gasoline and explosives in the base. Follow my orders and detonate them when the time comes. Also, let your sister Bingyan Come with you and keep him safe," Xiao Qiang pushed Liu Jie off the wall and said.

"Yes, make sure to complete the mission. Your team is responsible for protecting the medical team and is evacuating first. We must pay attention to protecting their safety. No one can be left behind." Liu Jie knew that he could not defeat Xiao Qiang, so he directed the members of the patrol team. .

Lin Bingyan wanted to stay with Xiao Qiang, but Liu Jie pulled her back to the Longshan base. The patrol team followed the other two members of the Longshan team and slowly retreated towards the Longshan base. As the personnel continued to retreat, the walls everywhere were pushed down by the zombies and breached. More and more zombies swarmed in. Entered Kangzhuang Village. However, fortunately, a lot of intermediate trap symbols were placed on the wall, and the zombies who rushed in first fell into the trap. Xiao Qiang noticed that at this time, all the patrol members and members of the Longshan Team had retreated, and the zombies had arrived throughout the village through other openings. Only Xiao Qiang, who led the laser gun team, was left standing guard. This place has not been breached by zombies yet.

"Everyone, hurry up and retreat to the Longshan base along the road here. I will cover you. If you encounter zombies on the road, use the talisman papers I gave you to clear the way. Don't stop and retreat to the Longshan base at full speed. Among them." Xiao Qiang said to the members of the laser gun team after seeing that all the team members had retreated.

"Xiao Qiang, I'll stay here with you. I have steel armor and can help you." Yang Xue stood up from the laser team and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Why haven't you gone with them yet? Come on, I'll stay here. Don't worry, these zombies can't hurt me. I'll not only stay here to give you a break, but I'll also attract these zombies to all the people in the village." We are in a good position to kill more zombies when we blow up the village." Xiao Qiang shouted to Yang Xue.

"Ding, the host uses the ten times experience value card, the time limit is 10 minutes."

"Ding, host uses ten times to redeem point cards, the time limit is 10 minutes."

"Ding, the host uses the Double Violent Pill to enhance his strength and physical condition. The time limit is 10 minutes."

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang pushed Yang Xue into the car. He turned around and took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella from the system, as well as the ten-fold experience value card and the ten-fold redemption point card. He took out the Double Violence Pill from his system, swallowed it in one gulp, and felt the majestic power filling his body. Finally, Xiao Qiang blew a whistle, and the little wolf jumped out of Xiao Qiang's system, jumped to the ground in front of Xiao Qiang, scratched the ground with his claws, and then ran to Xiao Qiang's side. He rubbed his head against Xiao Qiang's body.

Along with the notification sound in the system, the wall in front of Xiao Qiang also collapsed to the ground with a crash, and the zombies rushed in howling. After the little wolf saw this, he stretched out his sharp claws and kept rubbing them on the ground. His eyes turned slightly red and the hair on his body stood up. He opened his mouth and let out a wolf howl at the zombies in front of him. Hearing the howl of the little wolf, the zombies stopped in their tracks. They were shocked by the power of the little wolf's super pet and did not continue to attack. However, then another howl of zombies came from behind the zombies, and these zombies continued to howl and launched an attack on Xiao Qiang and Xiao Langlai.

"Xiao Lang, there are only two of us left now. In 10 minutes, we have to attract zombies to various locations in Kangzhuang Village. Come on, Xiao Lang." Seeing this, Xiao Qiang raised the corners of his mouth slightly and touched He touched the little wolf's head and said.

Seeing the little wolf rubbing his head against his body, Xiao Qiang clenched the Thousand Machine Umbrella and leaped into the air with his legs. At the same time, the little wolf also jumped high and pounced into the zombies, scratching them with his claws.

"Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix!"

"Ding, the host uses the Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 474/1000."

Flying in the air, Xiao Qiang, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, used a Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the zombies below. In an instant, from top to bottom, with Xiao Qiang as the center, a fan-shaped state appeared, and gun shadows appeared all over the sky towards the zombies below, piercing the bodies of those zombies. After a while, a large number of zombies fell down, leaving only some high-level zombies standing in the center of the field. After the little wolf killed several zombies in succession, he jumped to the side and jumped up, just in time for Xiao Qiang, who was falling, to fall on the little wolf's back after using the trick in the air.

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience value +20, exchange points +20."

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +20, exchange points +20."

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +20, exchange points +20."

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang looked up at the zombies that kept rushing over from the wall. He held the Thousand Machine Umbrella in one hand and gently patted Xiaolang on the body with the other hand and said, "Xiaolang, enter from the left and lead them to the center of the village. There are no zombies there."

"Crazy Dragon Sword Technique!"

"Ding, the host uses the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 404/1000."

Xiao Qiang rode on Xiaolang's body, commanding Xiaolang to move constantly, running with these zombies, while using the Thousand Machine Umbrella to perform the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique to chop at the zombies along the way, and led the zombies behind him to various locations in the village, even letting these zombies rush into those houses.

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