Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 605: Breaking out of the encirclement

At the same time, Xiao Qiang's mind was constantly ringing with reminders to kill these zombies.

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience value +20, exchange point +20."

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +20, exchange point +20."

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +20, exchange point +20."

. . . . . .

"Ding, the host's 10x experience value card usage time is up."

"Ding, the host's 10x exchange point card usage time is up."

"Ding, the host's double violent pill usage time is up."

"Ding, the host infected a level 3 zombie and was killed, and now there is 1 puppet zombie left."

10 minutes passed quickly. During this 10 minutes, Xiao Qiang also rode on the little wolf, constantly using various skills to kill these zombies, and brought these zombies to various locations in the village. At the same time, Xiao Qiang also gained a lot of experience points and exchange points. While leading these zombies to run around, these zombies also triggered some traps and explosions set in the village from time to time, and explosions were heard from time to time in the village.

"No, Brother Qiang has been alone in the village for such a long time, why hasn't he come back yet, what did Brother Qiang tell you at that time?" Jiang Kai stood on a set of steps and said to the members of the laser gun team.

"Xiao Qiang said that he would attract zombies there alone, attract the zombies to various locations in the village, and then cover us to return to the Longshan base first." Yang Xue took the telescope, looked in the direction of the village, and said to Jiang Kai.

"No, now listening to this sound, Kangzhuang Village must be full of zombies everywhere. Brother Qiang can't be left alone in the village. Brother Han, this is up to you to command. I will take a few groups of people to Kangzhuang Village to find Brother Qiang." Jiang Kai said to Yang Xue with a slightly blaming tone.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Yang Xue also felt that she shouldn't have left Xiao Qiang alone at that time. Now, hearing Jiang Kai's words, she was also annoyed.

Now, all the personnel of Longshan Base have retreated back to Longshan Base, mainly Jiang Kai and Xu Miao's Longshan team, in front of the gate of Longshan Base

Lin Bingyan became very nervous when she knew that Xiao Qiang stayed alone in Kangzhuang Village to attract zombies, but she still did the work assigned to her by Xiao Qiang and followed Sister Rourou to speed up the treatment of the wounded in the base. At this time, hearing their conversation, she couldn't help but become more nervous and a little dazed, and her hands clenched unconsciously. "Ah~", at this moment, the wounded person next to Lin Bingyan was clenched by Lin Bingyan's arm, and some of them cried out in pain. Seeing this, Lin Bingyan quickly let go of her hand, apologized to the man, and forced herself to concentrate, telling herself that Xiao Qiang would be fine. After all, Xiao Qiang still had the Flying Thunder God technique engraved on her body. If anything happened, Xiao Qiang would definitely use the Flying Thunder God technique to fly over. Therefore, Lin Bingyan quickly devoted herself to bandaging and treating the wounded at the base.

"Stop, wait a little longer, Xiao Qiang is very capable, wait a little longer. And, you see, up to now, although the howling of the zombies in Kangzhuang Village opposite us is very loud, no large-scale zombies have rushed out. After waiting for such a long time, only a few zombies have come out. This means that Xiao Qiang must still be attracting those zombies in Kangzhuang Village. Also, you are the captain of the Longshan team, and Xiao Qiang asked you to build defenses here with your team. If you run to Kangzhuang Village, who will command your team members? If you want to go in and find Xiao Qiang, I will also lead people to find him." After Han Feng evacuated the residents of Kangzhuang Village from Kangzhuang Village, he checked the locations of various places outside the Longshan base. Hearing Jiang Kai's words, he walked up the steps and scolded Jiang Kai.

"Hey, everyone, be alert, keep paging Brother Qiang on the intercom, and report immediately if there is any news." Jiang Kai patted the railing in annoyance, and turned around and yelled at the team members.

At this time, Xiao Qiang rode on the back of the little wolf and led the zombies to various locations in the village, while Xiao Qiang and the other two ran to the center of the village. The zombies blocked Xiao Qiang's way and ran towards him howling from all directions, launching an attack on him.

"Little Wolf, it's almost done. Now let's rush out and rush towards the Longshan base. There are a lot of zombies. Be careful." Seeing this, Xiao Qiang used force to make a space and touched the head of the little wolf and said.

The little wolf nodded to Xiao Qiang, glaring at the zombies in front of him, and his eyes turned red. At this time, the little wolf followed Xiao Qiang to fight in the zombie group for 10 minutes, and the hair on his body was also dyed red, full of zombies' blood, and looked a little sticky. Fortunately, after upgrading to Awakening Level 1, the little wolf's body became much stronger. In addition, although there were many zombies, he did not encounter zombies of too high a level. Therefore, although a lot of his hair was pulled off by the zombies and there were many scratches on his body, he did not suffer any injuries.

"Ouch!" Xiaolang yelled at the group of zombies in front of him, then jumped up high with Xiao Qiang's body and jumped over the heads of the zombies. Those zombies jumped into the air, and a group of zombies crowded into one place. After the zombie at the front was hit, it was soon trampled by those zombies and became a mess of blood and flesh. After the little wolf rushed out, he knocked down a bunch of zombies, and the sharp claws in his hands tore apart the body of a zombie underneath his body. After being knocked down, the little wolf did not stop and continued to use his body to clear the way. His teeth and claws kept pulling at the zombie's body and rushed towards Longshan Base.

"Frost Talisman!"

"Thunder Talisman!"

"Arrow Talisman!"

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang sat on the back of the little wolf, took out various talismans from the system, and threw them towards the zombies in front, helping the little wolf clear the road. These talisman papers are also high-end talisman papers that Xiao Qiang has accumulated. However, with Xiaolang now surrounded by zombies, Xiao Qiang did not hesitate too much and surrounded these high-end talisman papers that he was reluctant to use before. used by zombies. However, there were too many zombies. As soon as Xiao Qiang cleared a path, some zombies had already gathered around Xiao Qiang, and notification sounds sounded from time to time in the system.

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 4 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 3 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 1 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

. . . . . .

Fortunately, although there were a lot of zombies, there were no particularly high-level zombies. Xiaolang kept using his body to knock away these zombies along the way. In addition, Xiao Qiang used his skills and the Thousand Chance Umbrella to help, so everything went smoothly. We are about to reach the exit location.

"Let you have a taste of this psychedelic drug." When Xiao Qiang saw that he was about to rush out of Kangzhuang Village, he took out the zombie confusing drug from his system and said.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang threw the potion back, and a burst of smoke immediately filled the zombies. After those low-level zombies smelled the smell, they immediately wandered around, as did a large group of zombies. After hitting a spot, the zombies immediately became a mess. Xiao Qiang took a look at the situation of the zombies behind him, and followed Xiaolang as he continued to rush out towards Longshan Base. However, when he was about to rush to the edge of the wall, a huge zombie suddenly appeared in front of him. The little wolf did not stop, and continued to jump forward as before, with the sharp claws in his hands coming out. He rushed towards the huge zombie. Unexpectedly, this time instead of throwing the zombies to the ground like before, Xiaolang and Xiao Qiang were thrown away and fell into the group of zombies on the side. After falling to the ground, Xiao Qiang quickly stood up, took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand, and started slashing at the zombies that were attacking him. Xiao Qiang doesn't dare to use fire powers now, because there are gasoline and explosives everywhere in Kangzhuang Village, and the situation will not be good if it detonates.

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 4 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 3 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 1 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

. . . . . .

"Ding, a level 2 strong person was found infected!"

"It turned out to be a zombie with level 2 infection. No wonder it was able to throw the little wolf away." While Xiao Qiang was killing the zombies around him, he had already turned on the scanning and recognition function of his eyes and looked at the strong zombie. scanning.

The strong zombie knocked away the low-level zombies along the way, launched an attack on Xiao Qiang and the others, and rushed over. The thick soles of its feet stepped on the ground, making a dull sound of "dong dong". The little wolf pierced a zombie next to him with his claws. His sharp claws made two deep marks on the concrete floor, and he made a gesture of charging towards the strong zombie.

"Let me deal with him, and you can help me kill these low-level zombies." Xiao Qiang took a step forward, stretched out his hand, blocked the position in front of Xiaolang, and said to Xiaolang.

"Door 4 - open!"

"Biao Lianhua!"

As Xiao Qiang spoke, he was already in the state of opening the fourth door. He rushed forward suddenly, weaving through the zombies, and ran to the side of the level 2 infected zombie, facing The zombie threw a heavy punch from top to bottom. Xiao Qiang gently dodged to the side and ran to the back of the zombie.

Holding his hands on the zombie's waist, Xiao Qiang was about to use the Lotus Technique on the zombie, but this sturdy zombie was very heavy, and Xiao Qiang had to work hard to lift it up. You know, with Xiao Qiang's current physical fitness, even if he was holding something weighing thousands of pounds, Xiao Qiang could easily lift it. Now it seems that although this level 2 infected zombie is nothing special, it is very heavy. No wonder when Xiaolang pounced on this sturdy zombie just now, he did not knock this zombie to the ground, but the two were thrown away by this zombie. After hugging the zombie, Xiao Qiang kicked the ground with his feet, holding the zombie and flew into the air, but he could originally fly to a height of 30 meters, but because he was holding this particularly heavy zombie, he only flew 10 meters and fell down.

With a "bang", the zombie's head was facing the position below, knocking a huge hole in the ground, and Xiao Qiang gently jumped aside. After the zombie fell, it climbed up from the ground again. Except for the head being slightly tilted, there was no other damage.

"The fifth door - open!"

"Crazy Dragon Knife!"

When Xiao Qiang was at the wall of Kangzhuang Village just now, he used Crazy Dragon Knife to kill a zombie infected with level 1. Now facing the zombie infected with level 2, Biao Lianhua did not cause any damage to the zombie. After all, although Xiao Qiang has the physique of a strong man and a supernatural power, his highest level is only level 9 of a strong man, and he has not yet entered the awakening level. Therefore, Bai Lianhua cannot cause much damage to this zombie infected with level 2. Xiao Qiang did not dare to delay. Now he and Xiaolang are surrounded by the zombies and face great danger. Therefore, Xiao Qiang also wants to fight quickly and kill this zombie infected with level 2 as soon as possible, and then run back to Longshan Base. As for why he did not use Chao Kongque's skills, it is because Chao Kongque uses fast punches to produce fireballs, which may cause explosions in the village.

With a slash of the sword, a force of the sword quickly gathered on the Thousand Machine Umbrella, and finally came out from the tip of Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella and slashed towards the zombie. Since Xiao Qiang was relatively close to the zombie infected with level 2, after Xiao Qiang used the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, the zombies around him were affected and flew to both sides, and the frontal sword hit the zombie. With a "bang", the whole body of the zombie was chopped off and fell heavily to the ground. However, when Xiao Qiang observed more closely, he found that the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique did not kill the zombie. A big hole was cut in the zombie's chest, and a stream of dirty blood mixed with the zombie's organs flowed out along the big hole. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang also felt a little nauseous, but he still took two steps forward quickly. After opening the fifth door, he was very fast. He held the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand horizontally and instantly passed through the zombie infected with level 2. A huge head flew into the air. Xiao Qiang put the Thousand Chance Umbrella back into the system, and rushed out on the wolf.

"Ding, the host killed a level 2 infected zombie, and was rewarded with 20,000 experience points, 20,000 exchange points, and automatic identification of attack weapons (advanced)."

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