Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 606: Defending the Homeland

"No, it's been almost 20 minutes. I have to go into the village quickly to find Xiao Qiang. Nothing can happen to Xiao Qiang. Han Feng saw a bright light coming from the east, and the sky gradually became brighter. , he patted the railing anxiously and said.

As he spoke, Han Feng was about to walk outside, and behind him there were several experts from Longshan Base who had already prepared, and they followed Han Feng towards Kangzhuang Village. After Jiang Kai was reprimanded by Han Feng, although he was still worried about Xiao Qiang's safety, he still stuck to his post and arranged the team's defense.

"Look, it's Brother Qiang. It's Brother Qiang who rushed out of Kangzhuang Village." At this moment, a member of the security team pointed at the figure opposite and said.

Hearing the man's call, Han Feng hurried back, took the binoculars and looked in the opposite direction. Sure enough, I saw a man holding the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and riding a Howling Moon Sirius. His body was covered in blood, and he crossed the high gate of Kangzhuang Village and rushed towards the Longshan base.

"Yes, Brother Qiang, it's Brother Qiang, open the door quickly." Han Feng threw the binoculars into the arms of the team members and ran towards the door.

Lin Bingyan, who was on the side, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing everyone's conversation. After bandaging the wounded at hand, she went to the gate to wait for Xiao Qiang to return from Kangzhuang Village.

"Xiao Qiang, why are you covered in blood? Are you injured? Let me see quickly." After Lin Bingyan rushed over, she saw that Xiao Qiang looked like a bloody man, and she rushed over He went over to check Xiao Qiang's injuries, and at the same time, he said with tears in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. Look, I'm not injured at all. This is all the blood of zombies. How come you have blood stains on your body?" Xiao Qiang said to Lin Bingyan gently. He explained, and then asked her with concern.

"Didn't I listen to you and follow Sister Rourou to help in the medical team? When treating the wounded, there were blood stains everywhere on my body, but I was not injured." Lin Bingyan stopped when she heard that Xiao Qiang was fine. He said to Xiao Qiang with tears in his eyes.

"Xiao Qiang, I'm not telling you, you are too risky. You are the leader of our base, how can you put yourself in danger? How many zombies came this time, so many zombies, no matter how skilled you are, Well, we can't take such risks among so many zombies. We won't dare to take such risks later. You two should follow him and protect him." Han Feng punched him angrily. Xiao Qiang, at the same time, commanded the two strong level 7 personnel around him to follow Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, Brother Han. Now that zombies have filled Kangzhuang Village, Kangzhuang Village must be set on fire immediately, otherwise the zombies will rush through Kangzhuang Village and attack Longshan Base. Our The work is in vain," Xiao Qiang glanced at the surrounding Longshan Base executives and said.

At this time, after Xiao Qiang ran out of Kangzhuang Village, no one was there to attract the zombies, and the zombies also launched an attack on Longshan Base. Some zombies had already knocked down the wall and rushed towards the Longshan base. Several groups of members of the team had already fired at the zombies, and zombies continued to fall on the road.

Xiao Qiang led everyone up to the command steps, took the binoculars and looked towards Kangzhuang Village. The zombies had already rushed towards Longshan Base in large numbers. From time to time, zombies triggered the traps set in the village. After Fu, she also fell into a trap. But there are too many zombies. Now that the sky is getting brighter, everyone can see more clearly. The zombies are like a vast ocean, constantly surging towards Longshan Base to attack. Not only are there zombies from Kangzhuang Village, but there are also zombies that are constantly being added later to join them.

"The helicopter took off and headed towards Kangzhuang Village. He immediately dropped gasoline bombs, adjusted the rocket launcher, and fired rocket ammunition everywhere in Kangzhuang Village. He detonated the explosives and gasoline in Kangzhuang Village, trying to reach all Kangzhuang Villages. Burn, burn all these zombies," Xiao Qiang said to everyone immediately.

After speaking, the only remaining helicopter in Longshan Base took off and hovered over Kangzhuang Village. At the same time, more than 20 team members carrying rocket launchers ran to the steps and fired rockets everywhere in Kangzhuang Village.

With a "boom", Kangzhuang Village, which was already filled with gasoline, explosives and other substances, dropped gasoline bombs and rocket launchers. A huge explosion immediately occurred, causing some houses to collapse. Kangzhuang Village Suddenly they fell into a sea of ​​fire. The huge sea of ​​fire made everyone in Longshan Base feel the temperature, and the helicopter had to raise its altitude. The smell of burnt carrion quickly spread from Kangzhuang Village, along with the wails of a large number of zombies. Some members of the Longshan Base couldn't help but vomited out. Through the telescope, Xiao Qiang noticed that the zombies behind were still charging towards the sea of ​​fire in Kangzhuang Village. Moreover, some zombies ran out from Kangzhuang Village and rushed towards Longshan Base. Some zombies were still on fire. However, the members of the Longshan team who were guarding the bayonet of the Longshan base were already ready to shoot at the zombies and kill them.

Seeing that the fire in Kangzhuang Village was still burning for a while, and could block the attack of the zombies for a while, he turned around to take a look at the situation in the base.

At this time, it was already past 7 o'clock in the morning, and the sky was already bright. In the winter morning, the cold wind blew on the face, and it was still a little cold. Xiao Qiang noticed that at this time, the two Longshan teams led by Jiang Kai and Xu Miao were guarding the front, and the other two teams and the patrol team were in the reserve position slightly behind. As for Qiao Tong's Longshan team, since they were at the front position just now, the casualties were also relatively large, so they were also taken to the back position for rest. On the road behind the gate of Longshan Base, some tents were set up, and the road was full of injured people. The members of the medical team were bandaging them urgently.

"Now, while the fire in Kangzhuang Village can stop the zombies' offensive momentum, immediately transfer these wounded to the houses behind. It's too cold to treat them on this road. At the same time, Jiang Kai and Xu Miao's team will be responsible for the guarding of Longshan Base, and the other teams will immediately rest, eat and replenish ammunition. Get ready to meet the next attack of the zombies." Xiao Qiang said to everyone.

After saying that, everyone went about their business. In the direction of the cafeteria, Li Wei and her staff had already prepared rice porridge, steaming buns, and a few simple fried dishes, and pushed the cart to deliver them here. As for Jiang Kai and Xu Miao's team, they only distributed some buns to fill their stomachs, and they had to continue to guard the defense line.

Xiao Qiang walked to Jiang Kai and Xu Miao and said to them: "You two are guarding the last line of defense of our base. The task is important. If your defense line is broken, the ordinary people in our base will be behind. There are a lot of zombies, and I think those powerful zombies should also appear to participate in the attack. So, you must be vigilant, and then make good arrangements to strive to protect the safety of our Longshan base."

"Yes, I guarantee to complete the task." Jiang Kai and Xu Miao also stood at attention and assured Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang's Longshan base adopts military training and management for these Longshan teams, including the patrol team. Moreover, the instructor was also from Wushan's original corps, so the Longshan team also maintained the style of that corps and resolutely completed the tasks assigned by the superiors. The members of the two teams stayed here for a night. Listening to the fierce gunfire coming from Kangzhuang Village, the team members had already been rubbing their hands, and at the same time they felt uncomfortable in their hearts, thinking that their team should rush to the front to fight these zombies. Now hearing Xiao Qiang's words, knowing the importance of his team, he was naturally very excited.

After Jiang Kai and Xu Miao arranged the defense, Xiao Qiang was ready to wash his face and take a simple rest. After all, he opened the fifth door twice in a row in one night, and fought hard in the zombie group for so long, Xiao Qiang also felt a little very tired. However, Xiao Qiang saw many people appearing on the road from the Longshan base, and walked towards Xiao Qiang, and Wang Liang and Han Feng also hurried to meet them.

"Brother Liang, what's going on? Why are there so many people? Didn't I ask you to evacuate all the people in our base to the back?" Xiao Qiang ran over quickly, walked in front of everyone, and asked Wang Liang.

"Brother Qiang, it's not Brother Liang's fault. We came here on our own initiative. We know that you are bravely killing zombies in the front, and there are many casualties, so we discussed it and came here together to kill zombies with you." One of the older people said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang shot and found that most of the people who came were young and strong men. It seems that they have also discussed and selected some combat-capable people to help deal with the zombies.

"No, these zombies are numerous and very strong. The members of the Longshan team are all professionally trained. It's too dangerous here. You should hide in the back." Xiao Qiang rejected everyone.

"Brother Qiang, we know that the members of the Longshan team are powerful. They are all carefully selected and trained by you. But if we shoot, it is still very fast, and it is also very easy to deal with a zombie." One of the strong men said.

"Yes, Brother Qiang, it is the end of the world now. Before coming to the Longshan base, none of us had not dealt with zombies, and none of us could deal with zombies. Zombies are not very unfamiliar to us. It was only after arriving at the Longshan base that you and the members of the Longshan team protected us very well and did not face these zombies." Someone else echoed.

"Brother Qiang, what we want to say is that the Longshan base is not only your home, but also our home. During these days in the Longshan base, I felt the warmth that was not in the end of the world, the unity of mankind, and the hopeful life. Now, the zombies want to destroy our home, and we also want to contribute to our home and contribute our own strength to our home, even if we are not allowed to go to the front to deal with zombies, carry supplies, treat the wounded, etc., we can do these jobs." The older man said emotionally.

Xiao Qiang was moved when he heard what everyone said. The things he did for the base and the efforts of the Longshan team members were known to everyone in the base. Everyone was very grateful for Xiao Qiang's efforts. This made them more motivated to do these things for everyone, and they could feel extra warmth in this winter. Looking up at the faces of the people, everyone looked at Xiao Qiang with a firm look, waiting for Xiao Qiang to make a decision.

"Okay, as long as our Longshan base unites, there is no need to worry about not being able to repel these zombies and maintain defense. Brother Liang, Brother Han, take them to get the arms, conduct simple training, and tell them how to use these guns. These people are arranged at the back of all Longshan teams for defense. Everyone, please be sure to pay attention to safety." Xiao Qiang nodded and said to everyone with relief.

After the arrangement was completed, Xiao Qiang looked at the situation in Kangzhuang Village opposite. The fire had begun to gradually decrease, and some small-scale zombies rushed out of the village and were killed by Jiang Kai's Longshan team. Xiao Qiang hurried back to the villa and washed up. The blood of these zombies was too uncomfortable to be on his body, and Xiao Qiang was covered in red blood, which was a bit scary when he came out of Longshan Base. Of course, Xiao Qiang also cleaned up Xiaolang.

"Ding, the host was infected with level 3 puppet zombies and was killed. There are no puppet zombies left now."

Hearing the prompt sound from the system, Xiao Qiang couldn't help shaking his head. In one night, all the puppet zombies he had accumulated with great effort were killed. So, Xiao Qiang now has no puppet zombies as his trump card. You know, these puppet zombies have helped Xiao Qiang a lot. Not only did they help Xiao Qiang kill zombies in Xuzhou City, but they also helped Xiao Qiang resist the assassination of Shadow at the auction. However, now all these puppet zombies have been killed. If there are powerful zombies appearing, then Xiao Qiang can only deal with these zombies by himself.

"Brother Qiang, there is news!" Xiao Qiang was just about to lie down in the bedroom to rest for a while when suddenly there was a knock on the door and someone spoke outside the door.

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