Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 607 Tongzhou Seeks Help

"What's the news?" Xiao Qiang quickly opened the bedroom door and said to the person outside the door.

"At the same time, our ally Huang Yu sent a message for help. The base has been attacked by a large number of zombies and is about to be breached. Please ask our base to send people to rescue as soon as possible." The man said to Xiao Qiang respectfully He spoke.

"Ah? Were they also attacked there? Immediately asked the intelligence team about the situation in Tongzhou, and called all the senior officials from Jiang Kai and Xu Miao to the villa for a meeting." Xiao Qiang was responsible for that. The person who gave the order said.

Tongzhou City is also a level 4 city, but it is the last level 4 city. It is not very far from Xuzhou City where Xiao Qiang and the others are located, and is also very close to Longshan Base. However, the economy there was not very developed before the end of the world, and there were not many resources. After the end of the world, the resources will be even less. Although there are many bases there, there is not a decent large base. The total population of the base established by Huang Yu is only a few thousand people. Even M Company's apocalyptic alliance has not conquered Tongzhou City. be included in management. In the past few months, the Tongzhou City base was really unable to rely on itself. Even the food was not enough. After hearing about Xiao Qiang's place. Finally, an agreement was reached with Longshan Base to join Longshan Base. Longshan Base would provide them with some food. Huang Yu originally said that he would provide Longshan Base with a certain amount of black gold every month, but after Xiao Qiang visited their base , even though they gave up such thoughts, their base was really too dilapidated and could not even guarantee basic protection against zombies. Moreover, they were given some seeds and sent members of the Longshan team to help them build a defense. They also built a three-layer defense like the Longshan base, and also established their own team. With Xiao Qiang's help, Huang Yu's base grew in just a few months and became the largest base in Tongzhou City.

"I think everyone already knows the help information from Tongzhou City, so now I'm asking everyone to come over and discuss how to provide them with some assistance." Xiao Qiang sat on the sofa in the center and said while looking around at everyone.

"Now, after a night of fighting, our Longshan team also suffered a lot of casualties, and we don't know how many zombies will attack the Longshan base later. Our current defense line is already very weak. If we go to Tongzhou City again, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to help him." Wang Liang heard Xiao Qiang's words and said to Xiao Qiang with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Yes, the zombies are right in front of us now. Whether we can withstand them is still a question, and how can we spare manpower to go to Tongzhou City."

"But Huang Yu is also our ally. We should help them when they are in trouble."

"Yes, although it has been a night of fighting, the burning of Kangzhuang Village has greatly slowed down the pace of the zombies. Our Longshan base still has so many defense facilities. It is not easy for the zombies to break through our Longshan base."

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang heard everyone's busy discussion, waved his hands to stop everyone's communication, and said: "The zombie army is right outside the Longshan Base now, so we won't discuss this matter too much. Tongzhou Since Huang Yu and the others have joined Longshan Base, they are still members of our Longshan Base. The people in our Longshan Base have been attacked by zombies. How can we not save them now? It is up to Wang Dong and Gao. The two brothers, Longshan Team 2 and Longshan Team 4, set off for Tongzhou City. If they moved at full speed, they could arrive in more than half an hour. They powered up Huang Yu and the others and told them to withstand the defense. If necessary, they should prioritize the safety of personnel. At the same time, the experts from the two teams can go there by helicopter and help them set up defenses. In addition, ask for their opinions and, if possible, bring them from Tongzhou City to our Longshan base."

After hearing that Xiao Qiang had decided, everyone stopped trying to persuade him and hurried out to organize personnel to go to Tongzhou City for support. "Da da da", at this moment, the sound of fierce shooting rang out at the main entrance of Longshan Base. After hearing the sound, Xiao Qiang did not bother to take more rest and hurriedly entered the system. In the mall, prepare to spend exchange points to buy some things for defense.

"Xiao Cong, help me see how many exchange points I have now. I want to buy some goods to strengthen the defense of the base." Xiao Qiang entered the system and asked.

"Master host, there are now a total of 5,002,320 redemption points. So what kind of items does the host need to buy?" Xiao Cong explained to Xiao Qiang.

Hearing that he already had so many redemption points, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh. It seems that after last night's fighting, the 10 puppet zombies and himself had obtained so many redemption points in total. So, so If you come, your experience points will soon reach the upgrade requirements.

"Xiao Cong, first spend 2 million points on exchange points for me, and conduct 1,000 draws. The high-end items are designated as high-end puppet talismans. Just tell me how many high-end puppet talismans you get. Spend 2 million points to redeem them. Some gasoline, bullets, grenades, etc., and the remaining 1 million points, help me bring out those talisman papers and see which talisman papers are available," Xiao Qiang said while thinking quickly.

Originally, Xiao Qiang was unwilling to spend exchange points to buy bullets and gasoline. These things can be found on the doomsday continent with some effort, but now after a night of attack, more than half of the bullets and gasoline in Longshan Base have been consumed. Moreover, according to Xiao Qiang's estimation, there were 40 million people living in Xuzhou City before the end of the world, and there were at least 30 million zombies after the end of the world. Before, he led Longshan Base to basically eliminate millions of zombies, so there are at least 20 million zombies. Now Longshan Base is the only base in Xuzhou City. If all these zombies launch an attack on this side, then the bullets consumed will be an astronomical figure, so Xiao Qiang wants to exchange some bullets.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang looked at the location of the talisman paper, and saw that the talisman paper column in the mall was filled with various talisman papers, and the exchange points that needed to be spent were marked below. Intermediate Arrow Talisman, 1500 exchange points per piece, Intermediate Flame Talisman, 3000 exchange points per piece, Intermediate Lightning Talisman, 2000 exchange points per piece, Intermediate Protection Talisman, 2000 exchange points per piece... There are all kinds of talisman papers, and the exchange points required are not cheap. In the fight last night, Xiao Qiang had used up all the talisman papers he had accumulated, so he thought about buying talisman papers for himself and the people in the base. After all, compared to this technique, these talisman papers are much easier to use, and the power they exert is also very good.

"Xiao Cong, buy me 200 arrow talismans, 100 flame tongue talismans, 100 lightning talismans, and 100 protection talismans. A total of 1 million exchange points are required. After Xiao Qiang calculated it, he said to Xiao Cong.

"The host has calculated very correctly. I have already purchased talisman papers, gasoline and ammunition for the host, spending a total of 2 million exchange points. Spend 2 million points to conduct 1,000 intermediate draws, draw a number of intermediate items, and draw 15 advanced puppet symbols. The host has 2,320 points left. Come on, host, and deal with this zombie attack well. "Xiao Cong reported to Xiao Qiang truthfully, and cheered him up energetically.

After hearing that 15 more puppet symbols were drawn, Xiao Qiang finally felt relieved. In this way, even if he encountered powerful zombies in a while, he could try to capture them with puppet symbols to see if he could deal with them. Seeing that there were only a few thousand exchange points left, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh that the exchange points were really not enough, especially when encountering such a large-scale fight. So Xiao Qiang decided to leave the command to Jiang Kai and others, and he would participate in the fight against the zombies. In this way, he could also accumulate some experience points and exchange points.

"Thank you, Xiao Cong. With the concerted efforts of the residents of Longshan Base, I believe everyone can resist the attack of the zombies this time. However, Xiao Cong, do you know why the zombie group attacked the base this time? "Xiao Qiang asked Xiao Cong.

"It has been five months since the end of the world. You said that humans and zombies cannot coexist. You go to the city every day to kill zombies and take the black gold from their bodies. Besides, some high-level zombies are also intelligent. Isn't it reasonable that such a huge zombie riot occurred this time? So, the host has to work harder. However, if the host can lead people to resist the zombies this time, not only will Xiao Cong's attitude towards the host become better, but he will also give you extra rewards. "Xiao Cong walked to Xiao Qiang's side, looked at Xiao Qiang coquettishly and said.

"In this case, I'm relieved. I thought there would be some conspiracy here, as long as it's not a conspiracy of M Company. Xiao Cong, I will definitely deal with these zombies well, and then I will get extra rewards from the system. Well, I'll talk to you later, Xiao Cong, I'm going out to help first. "Xiao Qiang nodded and said to Xiao Cong.

"Xiao Qiang, I'm sorry, some things must be discovered by yourself. I can't tell you the reason for this zombie riot. I believe you will find it out in the future." Xiao Cong thought in a daze after Xiao Qiang exited the system.

When Xiao Qiang ran out, he saw countless zombies had jumped over Kangzhuang Village and rushed towards Longshan Base. Not only in the direction of Kangzhuang Village, but also on both sides of the road, there were zombies emerging, and they were madly trying to rush to Longshan Base from everywhere. It was not clear enough at night, and now looking at the zombies all over the mountains during the day, it is terrifying. Jiang Kai and Xu Miao stood on the high platform, constantly directing the members of the Longshan team to rush towards the zombies. Shooting frantically, several deputy captains nearby were besieging a level 1 infected zombie. Soon, a large number of corpses were left on the zombies' path, especially not far in front of the wall of the Longshan base, where the corpses of the zombies could form a small hill. From time to time, some zombies would rush into the base, and at this time, everyone would engage in close combat with the zombies. Qiao Tong's Longshan team and those who came to help from the base, although they had not yet participated in the fight against the zombies, were also constantly carrying ammunition and wounded.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang quickly handed the items he had exchanged from the system to Liu Jie, asking him to be responsible for distributing these items with others, and Xiao Qiang also kept some bombs for himself.

"Xiao Qiang, there is not so much black gold in the base. If we use the laser gun again, it will only be enough for this morning. Should we let the laser gun team withdraw from the battle first?" Yang Xue ran over with her steel armor and sweat all over her face and asked.

"You can't withdraw, but let the laser gun team aim as much as possible and only deal with those infected zombies. Leave the ordinary zombies to the mutants in the base, and you will be in charge of the laser gun team." Xiao Qiang looked at Yang Xue and said.

"What about you? What are you going to do?" Yang Xue asked when she heard Xiao Qiang hand over the laser gun team to her for command.

"Now, after such a long fight, there are not many supplies left in our base, and we don't know how long these zombies will attack. You also know the special features of my system, so I have to kill more zombies before I can continue to exchange things from the system." Xiao Qiang patiently explained the situation to Yang Xue.

"Oh, I see, then you must pay attention to safety." Yang Xue reminded Xiao Qiang, and then led the laser gun team to rush forward.

Xiao Qiang walked to the wall and saw that the two high-level black gold automatic attack cannons he had obtained at that time had not been fired. It may be because the number of zombies did not gather together, and the Longshan team was constantly killing, so that the two cannons judged that the conditions for firing had not been reached.

Taking a flying machine from the equipment, Xiao Qiang took a backpack of various bombs and flew the flying machine over the zombies, preparing to use these bombs to blow up the zombies and kill them. Originally, Xiao Qiang's ability was a fire ability, and the fire ability was to turn the whole body into flames and fly into the sky. However, Xiao Qiang could only do that after his ability level was upgraded to level 9.

After flying into the air, Xiao Qiang looked for places where zombies gathered to attack, and kept taking out explosives from his backpack and throwing them at the zombies.

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