Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 608 Huang Yu Base

After throwing away the explosives in the backpack, Xiao Qiang controlled the aircraft to fly back to the base quickly, and then filled the backpack. In this way, he could kill a lot of zombies and save some energy. Xiao Qiangquan regarded this method as rest. At the same time, the system kept ringing with reminders of Xiao Qiang killing zombies. However, these ordinary bombs only kill low-level zombies. When encountering a slightly higher level, Xiao Qiang took out those talismans and threw them into the zombies to deal with them.

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 2 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 1 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 2 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

. . . . . .

After running several times in a row, Xiao Qiang began to carry some gasoline and incendiary bombs, controlled the aircraft, sprinkled the gasoline on the zombies, and then dropped incendiary bombs to kill the zombies. In this way, it will be more lethal to these zombies.

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 2 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 1 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 2 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

. . . . . .

Although these explosives and gasoline can only kill low-level zombies, and the experience points and exchange points obtained are relatively small, the victory is that this method is relatively easy, and there are enough zombies, so Xiao Qiang also kills them by killing them. Kill these zombies and get a lot of experience points and exchange points. Just when Xiao Qiang dropped all these bombs, he was about to go back and take a rest. Suddenly, a zombie swung an iron pole and thrust it towards Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang quickly controlled the aircraft and avoided the iron pole. Just as he was dodging away, he felt a sound behind him. Xiao Qiang quickly took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella, transformed into an umbrella form, and placed it on his back.

A crisp sound of "dang" came, and Xiao Qiang turned his head, only to see a zombie attacking him. I saw a pair of fleshy wings growing out of the zombie's back. It was extremely thin, but its arms were very long, especially its nails, which were also very long. The legs are also bent, and the five toes have turned into a pair of claws. Just now, one claw hit Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella.

"Ding, we found an ordinary level 5 zombie!"

Xiao Qiang used the scanning and recognition function of his eyes to scan the zombie, and found that it was an ordinary level 5 zombie. Although the level was not very high, Xiao Qiang was flying in the air, and he had to free his hands to control it while fighting. flying aircraft. Therefore, Xiao Qiang fought for a long time without causing any harm to the zombies. Instead, he was forced to defend himself against the zombies' attack.


Seeing that the Thousand Chance Umbrella could not cause damage to the zombies in the air, he simply retracted the Thousand Chance Umbrella into the system, transformed his hands into flames, and launched an attack on the zombie. I saw fireballs quickly condensing in Xiao Qiang's palm, and then aimed at the zombie and fired them. Although the zombie dodged back and forth very dexterously, a fireball still hit the zombie's fleshy wings, igniting the black hairs on the zombie's wings. The fleshy wings were somewhat burnt by the fireball. After being hit, the zombie wings swayed a little in the air.

"Fire Breathing Technique!"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Qiang changed his gestures, opened his mouth and pointed it at the zombie, and used his fire breathing technique. A large fire emitted from Xiao Qiang's mouth, and he continued to shoot fan-shaped flames towards the zombie. . After a moment, the flames dissipated, and the zombie was scorched by the flames, emitting a smell of burnt carrion. Half of one of its wings had fallen off, and the zombie could not control its body. , like an offline kite, shaking and about to fall down.

Although the zombie had been burnt, it had not been killed yet. When Xiao Qiang saw this, he naturally would not let go of such an opportunity. He took out the Thousand Planes Umbrella from the system and controlled the aircraft to rush towards the zombie. He walked over and touched the button on the Thousand Planes Umbrella with his finger. The Thousand Planes Umbrella transformed into a knife form. Xiao Qiang flew past the zombie and killed the zombie by waving the Thousand Planes Umbrella in his hand.

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 5 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

After flying back to the base, Xiao Qiang found that the walls of the base had been damaged by zombies. The iron railings were also a little crooked. There was even a wall that had been breached by zombies, and some zombies rushed in. Among the zombies, members of the patrol led by Liu Jie and Han Feng were rushing to kill the zombies rushing into the base. Due to the heavy casualties among the members of Longshan Base's Jiang Kai and Xu Miao squads, the ordinary personnel at Longshan Base who had just requested to join the battle have also been added to the Longshan squad and stepped up their attack on the zombies. When Xiao Qiang saw this, he did not dare to delay, and quickly joined the team fighting against these zombies, fighting against them.

At this time, Huang Yu was in Tongzhou City. Before the end of the world, the population of Tongzhou City was not as large as that of Xuzhou City, with a population of more than 10 million. After the end of the world, there were only a few million zombies. Although there were not so many zombies attacking Huang Yu's base, there were still many zombies. They had already broken through their two lines of defense last night. Just now, they had also broken through the last line of defense of their base.

"Brother Huang Yu, the people in the base have already retreated first, retreating outside the base by car. The zombies have completely rushed into the base. There are less than 1,000 people left in our team. What should we do?" A member of a team ran to Huang Yu and asked.

"Send 100 people to cover these people to retreat to Longshan Base. Xiao Qiang will definitely be able to protect them. Others, let go of your hands and feet, fight these zombies, protect our home, and drive these zombies out of our home." Huang Yu said to the man firmly.

Huang Yu thought of Xiao Qiang. Although he had not spent much time with this young man, Xiao Qiang had a great charm that made Huang Yu very trustworthy. Huang Yu also believed that after handing over these people in his base to Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang would definitely treat them well. Moreover, if anyone could resist the attack of the zombies this time, Huang Yu would definitely trust Xiao Qiang Longshan Base unconditionally.

"Yes, Brother Huang Yu, drive all these zombies out of the base and protect our home." After hearing Huang Yu's words, the man also said loudly.

The members of Huang Yu's team were all selected by Huang Yu himself. Each of them trusted Huang Yu very much, so they also respected Huang Yu's words. As he spoke, Huang Yu had already fired a piece of soil at a zombie in front of him, and the soil exploded after hitting the zombie. Huang Yu is a powerful man of awakening level 1, who was upgraded from a powerful man of superpower level. His superpower is a bomb. He can launch some clay from Huang Yu's body. When these clays hit the enemy, they will explode.

"Brother Huang Yu, if we rely on just a few people, we can't resist so many zombies at all. Why don't we retreat to Longshan Base with those people? This way, we can better protect those people, and these people don't have to sacrifice in vain." At this time, a young man walked to Huang Yu's side, chopped down a zombie with a knife, and spoke to Huang Yu.

"You just joined us recently. It doesn't matter. If you are afraid, you can retreat to Longshan Base with those people, but you have to protect them on the way." Huang Yu glanced at the man and said.

"Haha, Brother Huang Yu is really joking. It's been such a long time since the end of the world, how can I be afraid of these zombies? To tell you the truth, Brother Huang Yu, I am a member of the Longshan Base Intelligence Group. I came to Tongzhou City under the order of the team leader Wu Ze. On the one hand, I am responsible for grasping the situation of Brother Huang Yu's base, and on the other hand, I can also provide some protection for Brother Huang Yu's base. To be honest, I have already sent a request for help to the Longshan Base, and Brother Qiang has also sent two teams to help half an hour ago, and they are almost here now." Seeing that he could not persuade Huang Yu, the man spoke to Huang Yu truthfully.

"Hey, if you don't tell me, I really can't tell. Xiao Qiang, that brat, must have planted intelligence personnel in other bases, but I know this guy. Even if he planted people here, I know he has good intentions. Since two members of the Longshan team have already come, that's great. My brothers can be saved. But I'm used to staying here and I won't leave." Huang Yu laughed at the man and patted him on the shoulder.

"Kill!" As he spoke, Huang Yu rushed towards the zombies again without waiting for the man to answer.

The young man looked at Huang Yu's back as he rushed up, and some tears flashed in his eyes. He was moved by Huang Yu's persistence in protecting his homeland.

When the man heard Huang Yu's words and was about to answer, he heard the sound of dense cars and gunshots coming from the highway. At the same time, there was a helicopter hovering over the base. A ladder was thrown down from the helicopter. Wang Dong and the Gao brothers jumped off the helicopter and walked towards the man.

"Report, the intelligence team members of Longshan Base have met the two captains." The young man naturally knew the captains of Wang Dong's Longshan team, and he ran over to say.

"Okay, where is Huang Yu, take the two of us to see him." Wang Dong said to the young man.

"Brother Huang Yu, these are the captains of Longshan Base. This time they are responsible for helping us transfer." The young man led Wang Dong and the others to Huang Yu's side and introduced them.

"Okay, welcome, welcome, thank you for coming here to help. The current situation is like this. The ordinary people in our base have retreated from the back to Longshan Base. Now there are less than 1,000 of us left here. My brothers are up to you to take them away. I will cover you." Huang Yu stretched out his hand and held the palms of several people, and said to them.

"Brother Huang, now the zombies have completely rushed in. We are too few in number and can't drive the zombies out. We have to retreat quickly. Come on, gather everyone together and prepare to retreat." Wang Dong said to a deputy captain.

After a while, the members of the Longshan team gathered all the people on Huang Yu's side together, and the people of the Longshan team held machine guns to protect these people in the middle. In just a short moment, Huang Yu lost nearly 200 people, leaving only about 700 people. Some people had run out of bullets in their machine guns and were fighting zombies with cold weapons.

"Throw the fire tongue talisman to me." Seeing this, Wang Dong gave an order, and dozens of people guarding the front position took out the intermediate fire tongue talisman from their arms and threw it at the zombies in front.

"Boom", a flame burned towards the zombies rushing over in an instant, and those zombies were immediately ignited by the flames, forming a small sea of ​​fire on the narrow road, leaving a rare gap between them and the crowd, and everyone was fighting and retreating.

"Everyone, get in the car immediately and drive at full speed towards the location of Longshan Base. Don't stop on the way." Wang Dong saw this and hurriedly shouted to everyone.

"Brother Huang Yu, hurry up, you take the helicopter back first, and our people from Longshan Base will cover you." Wang Dong walked to Huang Yu's side and said to him.

"No, let me cover you. The road here is narrow. It's not a problem for me to resist these zombies for a few minutes. I'll leave these brothers to you. This is my home. I want to stick to it and won't retreat from here." Huang Yu said to Wang Dong and walked forward.

Looking at Huang Yu's back, Wang Dong was also a little helpless. When he came over, Xiao Qiang repeatedly told him to protect Huang Yu's safety. If the base here could not be saved, he had to take Huang Yu back to Longshan Base. But unexpectedly, Huang Yu had such deep feelings for this place and was so stubborn.

"Brother Dong, I have a way!" The member of the intelligence team came to Wang Dong and smiled softly.

As he spoke, Wang Dong saw the man pull something out of his arms and walk towards Huang Yu.

"Why are you here? Hurry up and retreat with the team members. I'll guard this side for you." Huang Yu turned his head slightly and asked after seeing the man coming over.

"Hehe, Brother Huang Yu, I'm sorry." The man said to Huang Yu with a slight grin.

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