Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 609: A Level 4 Infected Zombie

While speaking, the intelligence team member had already taken out the bottle of medicine from his bosom and quickly shook it in front of Huang Yu's nose. Huang Yu only felt that he smelled a fresh fragrance, and felt a little dizzy. This bottle of medicine was also exchanged by Xiao Qiang from the system. After people smell this smell, they will feel dizzy and faint. They were distributed to the members of the intelligence team so that they could prepare for emergencies. Seeing Huang Yu so stubborn, the intelligence team member rolled his eyes and had such an idea in his mind. The members of the intelligence team were personally selected by Wang Peng and Wu Ze. Not only are they powerful, but they are also very smart.

Seeing Huang Yu fall backwards in a daze, but the whole person still insisted, his eyes were full of doubts and a little anger as he looked at the young man. The members of the intelligence team grinned at Huang Yu lightly, and his hands had changed into long swords. Huang Yu's awakening level 1 strength, even if he smelled the drug, he was still able to continue to hold on. The intelligence team members could only use their palm knives to knock Huang Yu, who was already seriously injured, unconscious him, and then carried him to the side of the helicopter.

"Stinky boy, your intelligence team's equipment is really good, and you are really good at it. Hurry up and get in the car." Wang Dong saw this and said to the member of the intelligence team with a smile.

"Brother Wang Dong, you guys go, I won't leave. I will stay here and continue to collect intelligence and observe the movements of these zombies. This is the task assigned to me by our captain. But don't worry, I will pay attention to safety and will not fight these zombies head-on. At that time, I will find a place to hide far away, observe these zombies, and then organize them into intelligence and send them back to the base." The member of the intelligence team said to Wang Dong.

"Okay, then you have to pay attention to safety." Wang Dong gently put his hand on the man's shoulder and said.

Originally, Wang Dong was quite envious of the members of the intelligence team. Not only were their equipment the best in the base, but their treatment was much better than that of the Longshan team. However, when he saw the members of this intelligence team, Wang Dong understood why they were treated so well, because the members of these intelligence teams not only did the most dangerous work, but also had to bear the risk of completing the task alone. After saying goodbye to the members of the intelligence team, Wang Dong threw out some bombs and talismans to delay the attack of the zombies, and led the team to quickly take the vehicles and helicopters to the location of the Longshan base.

At this time, it was almost noon, and the Longshan team members who had fought for a whole morning were already exhausted. During this period, there were many times when the zombie groups broke through the breakout and attacked the interior of the Longshan base, but fortunately, under the leadership of the mutants in the base, all the zombies were repelled. During this morning, Xiao Qiang also stayed at the front position, following the team members to fight against the zombies. After a morning of fighting, Xiao Qiang's experience points and exchange points increased by more than 1 million points. Xiao Qiang was about to upgrade to the 8th level of superpowers, but Xiao Qiang did not take the time to enter the system to exchange items with these exchange points.

"Boom boom", suddenly at this time, two loud noises came from the defense line of Longshan Base. Xiao Qiang looked over and found that it was the two black gold cannons that attacked automatically. I saw that the black gold on the barrel also dissipated quickly, and a huge long flame was first shot out of the barrel. The zombies on a road were ignited, and then the shells were fired at the zombie group in the distance, and a huge explosion occurred in the zombie group.

After the two shells were fired, a large explosion quickly occurred in the zombie group, destroying a large area of ​​zombies. Among them, the shells that hit Kangzhuang Village were so powerful that they destroyed half of the houses in the village, greatly delaying the zombies' attack. Seeing this, everyone cheered.

However, Xiao Qiang was a little worried. These two cannons are weapons that automatically identify attacks. They will only fire at zombies when they determine that there are enough zombies. Now the number of zombies attacking is still so large, so the base must have weakened its attack on zombies, which means that the base's munitions have been reduced again.

"Brother Qiang, look, what kind of zombie is that? Why is it running so fast?" At this time, a team member next to Xiao Qiang pointed to the front and said.

Xiao Qiang looked over in the direction of the man's finger, and saw that after the cannon bombardment, the number of zombies had been greatly reduced. The road was full of zombie corpses, covering the entire road. The broken limbs of zombies were everywhere. There were still several fires produced by the explosion in the empty Kangzhuang Village, and they were smoking. Xiao Qiang looked over and saw that the zombie groups did not seem to have any signs of replenishment. The zombie groups seemed to have retreated to the back, and only about 1,000 zombies were left to continue attacking this side. In the middle of the empty field, a large zombie shaped like a spider quickly ran towards the Longshan base.

The zombie had six hard curved limbs on its body and two spike-like objects on its head. After the six hard limbs stepped on the ground, they cracked the concrete floor and quickly reached the Longshan base.

"Ding, a level 4 infected zombie was found."

"Everyone quickly retreat, awakened strongmen move forward and besiege the infected level 4 zombie, and the others quickly kill the remaining zombies in the field, and don't let the zombie rush into the base." After Xiao Qiang scanned the level of the zombie, he was also shocked. While quickly commanding everyone in Longshan Base, he also quickly ran towards the path of the zombie.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone was relieved when they saw that there were fewer zombies, but now they immediately became nervous again. Jiang Kai quickly commanded everyone to leave the position where the zombies rushed over, and commanded everyone to concentrate their bullets to eliminate the remaining low-level zombies as soon as possible.

One of the deputy captains, who was also a level 8 warrior, rushed to the side of the spider zombie with the black gold axe in his hand, and chopped down at the zombie's huge limbs from top to bottom. However, the deputy captain's axe, which he chopped with all his strength, failed to cut off the spider zombie's limbs. Instead, the axe was already bent by the zombie's hard limbs, and "bang" was knocked away by the strong force. Just as he fell to the ground, one of the zombie's limbs had already pierced the deputy captain's body, penetrated the deputy captain's body, and fell to the ground.

"Laser gun team, shoot!" Yang Xue, who was on the side, saw this scene and quickly commanded the members of the laser gun team.

After a fierce battle in the morning, the laser gun team consumed a lot of black gold. At this time, only half of the members of the laser gun team still had a small amount of black gold in their backpacks. The others could only put away the laser gun carefully and replaced it with an ordinary machine gun to shoot at the zombies. After Yang Xue finished speaking, everyone immediately turned their guns and aimed at the spider zombie. Dozens of lasers were fired at the spider zombie, but the zombie either dodged them or blocked them with its hard limbs. Yang Xue wore her steel armor and took the opportunity to aim at the joint of one of the zombie's legs. She pulled the trigger on the armor and a more powerful laser shot out at high speed, hitting the zombie's leg. One of the zombie's limbs was knocked off, leaving only half of it. A stream of dark green liquid flowed from the zombie's broken limb. After one of its legs was broken, the zombie seemed to become even more angry and ran towards the Longshan base at a faster speed.

"Great fight, Yang Xue! Hurry up and tie up this zombie, and try not to let this zombie run into the base." Xiao Qiang ran towards the zombie and directed everyone.

"Earth sinkhole!"

"Earth wall!"

"Thorn entanglement!"

. . . . .

The mutants in the base heard Xiao Qiang's call, and they quickly used their special powers to greet the zombies. After the special powers were used on the zombies, the zombies were instantly covered with a layer of soil. At the foot, a sand pit-like object was formed, which made the zombies' bodies sink continuously downwards. At the same time, thorns covered with barbs were specially used to wrap up the zombies' limbs. Around the zombies' bodies, there were wooden walls extending out to surround them. However, such a tight encirclement only trapped the zombies for a short moment. The zombies let out a screaming sound, and the restraints that bound the zombies were broken. A big hole was opened in the middle of the wooden board in front of them. The long spider legs were inserted into the concrete ground in front, and they ran out of the sand pit.

Seeing this, Xu Miao handed over the command of his Longshan team to a deputy captain, crossed his hands, and then waved forward. A waterfall emerged from behind Xu Miao, and then turned into water lines to bind the spider zombie's body. Xu Miao is indeed a strong man of awakening level 1. After using his superpowers, he actually tied the zombie with his hands. The zombie kept struggling to break free from the binding. After a while, Xu Miao's forehead was covered with sweat beads, but Xu Miao still clenched his hands and manipulated his superpowers to tie the zombie in place, preventing the zombie from rushing forward.

"I'll help you, ice armor!" As she spoke, Lin Bingyan also took a step forward quickly, changed her hands into palms, and aimed at the zombie in the center of the venue.

In an instant, along the water line tied by Xu Miao, the outer layer of the water line was actually coated with a layer of ice armor, and Xu Miao immediately felt that the pressure on his hands was also relieved. Seeing this, Yang Xue would not miss such an opportunity, and commanded the members of the laser gun team to shoot at the zombies. However, the zombie broke free from the restraints as soon as it exerted force, and all the ice crystals shattered. It waved its hard limbs to block all the lasers. Moreover, perhaps because Yang Xue had just knocked off one of its limbs, the zombie paid special attention to Yang Xue's attacks, either avoiding Yang Xue's attacks or using the hardest part of its limbs to block the lasers, leaving only some scratches on the zombie's legs.

"Double Blade Style!"

At this moment, a roar came from the base. In the cold winter, Lin Fei ran out with his bare chest. He stomped his feet on the ground and flew into the air. In the air, he used the double-knife technique to chop at the zombie's body. The two knives were extremely powerful. At the same time, the blades with knife momentum were launched from Lin Fei's Qiushui Knife and Hedao Yiziwen Knife, and chopped at the zombie's body. Just now, Lin Fei had been recuperating in the medical team. In the fight that night, Lin Fei had been fighting with those high-level zombies, and his moves were the kind of big and open. Therefore, although he killed a lot of zombies, he also had a lot of injuries on his body. He had just wrapped his upper body with bandages, and when he heard the shouts outside, he rushed out quickly.

However, the two knife momentums had just reached the zombie's body, and the zombie's remaining five legs bent down, and the huge body had already jumped high, jumping towards Yang Xue. While the body was still in the air, the zombie opened its mouth and spit out a thick ball of spider silk, which wrapped around Yang Xue's body.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 800/1000."

Xiao Qiang noticed that Yang Xue had no time to dodge, so he quickly used the Flying Thunder God technique and used the Flying Thunder God mark that had already been engraved on Yang Xue's body to reach Yang Xue's side.

He took out the Thousand Machine Umbrella from the system and held it horizontally in front of the two of them, blocking the ball of spider silk. However, the ball of spider silk had a strong viscosity. The zombie pulled it hard, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella flew out of Xiao Qiang's hand and flew out.

Xiao Qiang frowned slightly, and couldn't help but feel that the zombie's power was too great. After the Thousand Chance Umbrella was pulled out by the zombie, Xiao Qiang's palms were rubbed red and slightly painful.

"Fire Breathing Technique!"

Xiao Qiang put his hands on his mouth, facing the position of the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and wanted to use fire to burn the spider silk. Anyway, the Thousand Chance Umbrella is made of black gold, and the fire will not burn the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

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