A space appeared in front of Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan. Sister Rourou reached out through the space and pulled the two of them into the space. Then at the critical moment, she pulled herself The space was closed to prevent the zombie from rushing over from the space. The zombie's legs flew into the air and swung down from top to bottom. Instead of hitting the two of them, they hit the hard cement floor. They were cut out on the cement floor like cutting tofu. There was a deep gash.

"Bingyan, let me see if anything happened to you. It's all my fault. Did the zombie touch you?" The two fell to the ground, and Xiao Qiang asked Lin Bingyan nervously.

"I'm fine, I'm not injured. Thanks to Sister Rourou, she used her space power to teleport the two of us back to the base." Lin Bingyan helped Xiao Qiang sit aside and faced Xiao Qiang He spoke.

"Oh, you fool, you are not allowed to do such dangerous things in the future. That zombie is too powerful. Do you know how dangerous it is for you to do this?" Xiao Qiang breathed a sigh of relief and put his hand on Lin Bing Yan said with a slight tick on her nose.

"Ahem, I just saved the two of you. I know that you two have a good relationship, so I'm just taking care of you two, and you don't even want to help your savior." Sister Rourou, in desperation just now, connected the two of them through space. The person was pulled back and fell to the ground. At this moment, he stood up and couldn't help complaining to the two of them.

"Hehe, thank you Sister Rourou for saving your life. Sister Rourou, do you have any advanced hemostatic agents? Xiao Qiang is too weak now, so he needs to take a hemostatic agent to feel better." Lin Bingyan listened. When he saw Sister Rourou, he ran over quickly, supported Sister Rourou with one hand and helped her up, and said at the same time.

"Okay, there is really nothing we can do against you two. There are still a few hemostatic agents left. Take one and let him take it quickly." Sister Rourou smiled helplessly, took out a pair of high-grade hemostatic agents from her arms, and handed it to Lin Bingyan said.

At this moment, when the zombies were not attacking Lin Bingyan and Xiao Qiang, Yang Xue was lying on the wall, raising the steel armor in his hand, and using the last black gold, through the steel armor, facing the zombies A powerful laser was fired. The laser broke through the zombie's limbs. Although it did not hit the zombie's head, it hit the zombie's belly. A large piece of rotten flesh fell down along with dirty blood, and was hit on the zombie's body. The positions were a little burnt.

The zombie suddenly lost its target and was angered by Yang Xue's laser. It suddenly bent its limbs and jumped into the air, aiming to pounce on Yang Xue's position. The zombie's body was still in the air, but it was driven over by Xiong Shi, who had been thrown away earlier. He reached forward and grasped one of the zombie's legs. At the same time, although blood was still flowing from the corners of Xiong Shi's mouth, he roared angrily. His two thick legs had already trampled two deep pits into the concrete floor. Veins popped up in his arms. He held the hand The zombie's legs suddenly swung toward the ground, and the zombie was thrown heavily to the ground.

Xiong Shi was still in his bear state. After throwing the zombie to the ground, he picked up the thick bear paw and punched the zombie on the ground. The zombie quickly stood up, jumped forward before Xiong Shi's fist hit him, and rushed into the Longshan base, starting to fight among the crowd. Seeing this, Xu Miao and Jiang Kai quickly asked the others to retreat. At the same time, the two people stepped forward to restrain the zombies to prevent them from causing greater harm to the base personnel. Not only that, except for Jiang Kai and Xu Miao, the company After Lin Fei performed a simple hemostasis bandage, he quickly rushed forward. The mutants in the base rushed forward to stop the zombies, creating a situation where many mutants were fighting with the zombies before. However, everyone has become very tired, and everyone has suffered a lot of injuries. At this moment, facing this crazy zombie who is completely unaware of the pain in his body, they simply can't resist it, and they continue to fight. retreated towards the back.

On the other side, Xiao Qiang, after taking a high-grade hemostatic agent, felt that his injuries were healing quickly, and even his fatigue was reduced a lot. However, even so, it is impossible to open the fifth door again and use techniques like the Peacock to attack the zombies. After thinking for a while, Xiao Qiang looked at the fighting position of the besieging zombies and felt that it was almost difficult to subdue this zombie with force. He could only rely on the 15 high-level puppet charms in the system.

"Tell Brother Liang and the captain of their Longshan team to immediately instruct all personnel to retreat as far back as possible. If they cannot defeat this zombie, lead everyone to find another safe place to live." Xiao Qiang thought about it. After a while, he ordered and spoke to the messenger beside him.

Xiao Qiang saw that this zombie was so powerful, and that everyone in the base had become exhausted. Moreover, this high-level puppet talisman only had a probability of capturing this zombie. Facing this zombie with level 4 infection, At Xiao Qiang's current level, the probability of capture is also very low. Xiao Qiang then tried to get everyone to retreat. If they couldn't defeat them, they would have to find another place to live. He would go forward with the puppet talisman to see if he could capture them.

"Bingyan, you should also follow them and retreat quickly. The medical team will be handed over to you for the time being. Sister Rourou, we still need your help to deal with this spider zombie." Xiao Qiang turned around and spoke to the two beautiful and elegant beauties in front of him.


"Advanced Puppet Talisman!"

"You guys retreat quickly, let me deal with this zombie!" The people who were fighting the zombies suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Then, a circular hole in space appeared behind the zombie. Xiao Qiang jumped out of the space hole, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella in one hand and three advanced puppet talismans in the other hand. He jumped to the position behind the zombie and threw all three puppet talismans at the zombie. Unexpectedly, the zombie freed up a leg and cut all the three advanced puppet talismans apart. The three advanced puppet talismans were destroyed by the zombie. At the same time, one of the zombie's legs suddenly slashed forward horizontally, and the other mutants who were besieging the zombie in the base fell to the ground. After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, they stopped intervening to besiege the zombie.

At this time, Xiao Qiang was the only one left in the field. He kept using the space hole created by Sister Rourou to shuttle around the zombie. He did not fight with the zombie, but just pulled out the advanced puppet talisman from the system and threw it continuously at the zombie. However, the puppet talisman was either cut by the zombie's sharp limbs or failed to capture. Xiao Qiang's system also kept sending prompt sounds. However, Xiao Qiang did not give up. As long as there was one puppet talisman left in the system, Xiao Qiang would continue to try to capture the zombie. Although Xiao Qiang's body was very tired now, he was unwilling to give up. Behind him was the doomsday base he had worked hard to build, where his relatives, friends, lovers and many people he wanted to protect were. Therefore, even though he knew he couldn't beat this zombie, even though the probability of capturing this zombie was very low, even though his body was already exhausted to the limit, Xiao Qiang still had to try to use the last resort to deal with the zombies as much as possible and protect his base.

"Ding, the host used the advanced puppet talisman to capture the infected level 4 zombies and failed."

"Ding, the host used the advanced puppet talisman to capture the infected level 4 zombies and failed."

"Ding, the host used the advanced puppet talisman to capture the infected level 4 zombies and failed."

. . . . . . .

Everyone in the field was watching Xiao Qiang's fight with the zombies nervously. Although Xiao Qiang had asked them to retreat to the back, none of the people in the base took a step back, but continued to stay in place and nervously watched the fight in the field. Xiao Qiang, although he was not very old, was the leader of their base. All these things in the base, food, housing and other items, were created by Xiao Qiang for them. Xiao Qiang had brought them too many surprises in this doomsday, and they believed in Xiao Qiang. Moreover, Xiao Qiang has paid too much for them for so long. He always faces the most dangerous things, but he lets everyone enjoy all the good things in the base. It must be said that Xiao Qiang has a unique charm. He will pay for everyone, and this charm will make everyone willing to follow Xiao Qiang.

Soon, Xiao Qiang kept using the puppet talisman, and only the last puppet talisman was left in his hand. Although he had the help of Sister Rourou, he still had many injuries. He stood on the ground and endured the pain all over his body, gritting his teeth and holding the last puppet talisman in his hand.

"Sister Rourou, this is the last one. This time, send me under the body of the zombie. Only in this way can we more confidently throw the puppet talisman accurately on the zombie and get the opportunity to capture this zombie." Xiao Qiang said to Sister Rourou in the base while leaning on the Thousand Machine Umbrella.

"No, that's too dangerous. If that happens, the zombie's limbs can easily hit you. Even I am not sure that I can use the supernatural space to rescue you from the zombie's limbs in that situation." Sister Rourou shook her head and persuaded Xiao Qiang.

"This is the only chance. This way, the chance is greater. You just saw how powerful this zombie is. Moreover, even if you don't have time to use the space technique, I also have the Flying Thunder God technique. If you encounter danger, I can quickly use the Flying Thunder God technique to escape from the zombie's limbs." Xiao Qiang said to Sister Rourou.

After seeing Sister Rourou nodded, Xiao Qiang also put the Thousand Machine Umbrella back into the system, holding the only remaining high-level puppet talisman tightly in his hand, intending to concentrate on using this puppet talisman to fight. In fact, Xiao Qiang was not sure that he could use the Flying Thunder God technique to escape in time when facing the fierce and swift attacks of the zombies' limbs at such a close distance. But there was no other good way now. He could only use this last puppet talisman to take a risk and give it a try.

The spider zombie infected with level 4 stood on the spot, looking at Xiao Qiang with wary eyes. Perhaps it was because he had been fighting with Xiao Qiang for a while and knew that Xiao Qiang could appear around the body at will. The spider zombie There was no rush to attack. But Xiao Qiang did not stay there with the zombies, because Xiao Qiang's body had reached its limit. The space hole flashed under the zombie's belly. Xiao Qiang jumped out of the space hole and lay on the zombie's belly. Below, the puppet talisman that had been prepared in his hand was slapped heavily on the zombie's body by Xiao Qiang's hand. He couldn't use any more strength, gritted his teeth and wanted to use the flying thunder god's technique. Xiao Qiang lay on his back and looked up. The zombie reacted very quickly. When a sharp black leg was about to hit Xiao Qiang's body, cold sweat broke out on Xiao Qiang's head. However, at this moment, a wonderful sound came from the system, and the zombie's movements stopped abruptly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for using the advanced puppet talisman to capture a level 4 infected zombie."

Hearing the system's beep, Xiao Qiang took a long breath, and his body and mind quickly relaxed. Originally, Xiao Qiang was able to hold on when facing this zombie just now. Now that he relaxed, Xiao Qiang felt that his whole body ached and became very tired. His eyelids couldn't help but roll as he looked at Lin Bing who was flying over. Yan's figure appeared, and Xiao Qiang slowly fell asleep.

Xiao Qiang slept for a full afternoon. When Xiao Qiang woke up, the sky had already turned dark. Slowly opening his eyes, Xiao Qiang felt that the fatigue on his body had reduced a lot, but his whole body was still a little sore. Slowly sitting up, he saw that he was in his own bedroom in the villa. Next to the bed, Lin Bingyan was lying on the bed and had fallen asleep from exhaustion. Xiao Qiang's movement also caused Lin Bingyan to wake up. She struggled to open her hazy eyes, with her messy hair on her head. Her delicate and youthful face also looked a little haggard and pale due to fatigue.

"Tinker Bell, are you awake? Does your body hurt? Are you injured anywhere? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Do you want some rice porridge?" After Lin Bingyan saw Xiao Qiang waking up, she asked Zi threw herself into Xiao Qiang's arms and asked Xiao Qiang with concern, tears welling up in her eyes.

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