Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 612 The Drunkard Arrives

"I'm fine, idiot. I was just too tired in the afternoon, so I took a nap." Xiao Qiang gently wiped the tears from Lin Bingyan's eyes while talking, and gently took a rubber band to tie up Lin Bingyan's hair.

After doing all this, Xiao Qiang said to Lin Bingyan, who was pouting, "What's the situation outside now? Did the zombies attack the base in the afternoon?"

"The zombies did not continue to attack in the afternoon. Brother Han Feng is in charge of the outside now. The Longshan team is still guarding the periphery of the base, and sentries have been sent to guard the front. The residents of the base are still under the charge of Wang Liang, who is still hiding in the deep mountains behind. However, Xiao Wei and his logistics team have also prepared meals and sent them to everyone. Not only that, Wang Dong and his team have brought back Huang Yu and others from Tongzhou City, and Wang Peng has also rushed back. Seeing that you are sleeping, he did not disturb you. "Lin Bingyan told Xiao Qiang what happened during his coma.

"Yes, Bingyan, go and help me call all the senior executives of the base to the living room. I want to hold a brief meeting with them." Xiao Qiang nodded and said to Lin Bingyan.

After a while, Xiao Qiang looked at the senior executives in the base. They were more or less injured. Some of them were seriously injured, like Lin Fei, who was still wrapped in bandages.

"Wang Peng, long time no see. You must have worked hard on your journey." Xiao Qiang took the lead and said to Wang Peng.

"Alas, it's not hard. It's just that I didn't come back earlier to deal with these zombies with you." Wang Peng also looked at everyone and couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, Brother Han, tell me about the current situation of each team and the situation outside." Xiao Qiang nodded and said to Han Feng on the side.

"We sent a large number of team members to the surrounding areas to patrol and guard the traces of these zombies, but these zombie groups seemed to have disappeared and their traces could not be found. "Han Feng reported to Xiao Qiang truthfully.

"Yes, tell them to continue searching, and report immediately if they find zombies attacking Longshan Base. So, what is the loss of our base?" Xiao Qiang nodded and continued to ask.

"Well, now each Longshan team can only fight with 500 people. The Longshan team also suffered heavy casualties in the fights last night and today. More than 1,000 people were killed by zombies and more than 2,000 were injured. However, those who requested to join the base have been added to the Longshan team, so each team can still maintain 1,000 people. However, our ammunition is running low, and we will have no more ammunition after one more round. As for the damage, half of the houses in Kangzhuang Village were blown up, and the remaining half must be repaired before people can live in them. There are only 5 tanks and 1 helicopter left. If there is no ammunition, we can only resist one round of zombies. At that time, we can only fight the zombies in close combat. "Han Feng reported the statistics to Xiao Qiang.

After hearing the statistics from Han Feng, the mood of the people in the room became a little depressed. They lowered their heads and stared at the ground blankly. The room suddenly became quiet.

"Zombies and humans cannot coexist. As long as there is a zombie on this continent, we will fight them to the end. The wounded will receive emergency treatment, and the dead will be buried after we drive the zombies out this time. Let everyone take advantage of this period of time when the zombies are not here to build the outer wall of the base and prepare to deal with the zombies. As for the arms, I will give you some later. You have worked hard during this period. But, I promise you that as long as we resist the attack of the zombies, within a month, our base will be stronger than before. "Xiao Qiang said to everyone in a resounding voice.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone cheered up and went about their business. Only Xiao Qiang, Wang Peng and Huang Yu were left in the room. After Lin Bingyan brought Xiao Qiang food, she went out to help Sister Rourou.

"Xiao Qiang, I want to join the Longshan team to fight those zombies and avenge those who died in our Tongzhou City base." Huang Yu walked up to Xiao Qiang and said.

"Okay, Brother Huang Yu, then I will return your manpower to you. As a member of Longshan Team 6, if you are short of manpower, ask Brother Han and the others for it and make up for it. I know Brother Huang has feelings for Tongzhou City, but we can't act too hastily in the face of zombies. We must obey orders. I promise you that after resisting the zombies this time, your Longshan Team 6 will be responsible for clearing the zombies in Tongzhou City, and we can also establish a base in Tongzhou City again. "Xiao Qiang patted Huang Yu's shoulder and said sincerely.

"Okay, I will obey orders and take my members of Longshan Team 6 to kill zombies bravely." Huang Yu didn't expect Xiao Qiang to care about his return to Tongzhou City, and said gratefully.

Watching Huang Yu go out of the living room, Xiao Qiang asked Wang Peng again: "Wang Peng, where is Wu Ze? And what about the intelligence your intelligence team and blood killing team have? Why did the zombies have such a big riot this time and actively attack the base. "

"Brother Qiang, Wu Ze is still outside directing the members of the intelligence team. I am worried about the safety of the base, so I will come to report the situation to you. According to the intelligence we have, all bases have been attacked by zombies, and most of them were attacked suddenly last night. Among them, M Company was the first to resist the attack of the zombies. The Legion has also resisted it and sent teams to help other bases. According to the news sent back by our intelligence officers at the Black Wind Base, this time the Black Wind Base showed a strong force, far beyond what we knew before. As for the reason for the collective riot of zombies, there is not much information at present. I have only heard a little bit. It may be related to the gems, which was caused by the search mission some time ago. I don’t know much about other things. The good news is that although the zombies came fiercely this time, they did not last long, and many zombies that besieged other bases have retreated." Wang Peng reported to Xiao Qiang.

"Gem? Alas, I didn't hear about any gems in the last search mission. However, we finally have some clues. Moreover, if these zombies are attacking collectively, according to the rules of other bases, then these zombies outside our base seem to have retreated." Xiao Qiang stood up and looked at the busy figures outside the window and said.

Xiao Qiang was a little confused. According to the news from the intelligence team, this zombie riot was related to some gems, but when he asked Xiao Cong before, Xiao Cong did not mention the gems. It seems that this gem is also something that he needs to explore and discover in the future, so Xiao Cong deliberately found a reason and did not tell him about the gems.

"Forget it, don't think about it. If it is really like other bases, it would be good if the zombies can retreat. However, we still cannot relax our vigilance against the defense of the base. Ask the members of the intelligence team to continue to pass on information in a timely manner. At the same time, take this opportunity to learn more about the forces of those bases, and ask them to record carefully and pay attention to safety." Xiao Qiang shook his head and stopped thinking about the gems. He said to Wang Peng.

After talking with Wang Peng, Xiao Qiang ate something and felt much better. He planned to walk along the wall of the base to see how the defense work of the base was done. After walking around, Xiao Qiang found that everyone had built a layer of defense outside the Longshan base with those abandoned vehicles, and piled up bags of sandbags at the damaged wall of the Longshan base. Under the light of the searchlight, the members of the Longshan team tirelessly guarded the defense line of the base.

"Hey, I almost forgot about you. I haven't put you back into the system yet. You beat me up this afternoon." After Xiao Qiang saw the spider zombie, he ran to the side of the zombie and thought at the same time.

The zombie still maintained the posture in the afternoon. Except for the occasional sound from his mouth, everyone knew that the zombie had not been killed, but the zombie was no longer moving. Yang Xue and the senior executives of Longshan Base knew about Xiao Qiang's puppet zombie, and gave everyone a brief explanation, telling everyone to go about their own business and not to provoke this zombie. In the afternoon, Xiao Qiang passed out after capturing this zombie, so he did not have time to issue any orders to this zombie, so this zombie remained in its original state, waiting for Xiao Qiang's orders.

The zombie originally had 6 legs, but after the fight in the afternoon, only 3 legs were left, and there were burn marks all over its body. The most serious one was the stomach, where there was a large wound and a large piece of meat had been beaten off. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh. He thought this zombie was too strong before, but now that he had captured it, he felt that this zombie had suffered too much damage and its strength had dropped a lot. Now it can't even be measured by the strength of the infection level 4.

"Xiao Cong, is there any way to restore this zombie to its previous strength? After all, it was not easy to capture it." Xiao Qiang entered the system and asked Xiao Cong.

"Other methods are not possible. Since this zombie has been captured by the host and is a puppet zombie, this system can restore its previous strength for the host. However, according to his current loss of strength at level 4, he needs to spend 300,000 exchange points." Xiao Cong told Xiao Qiang the situation.

Hearing the exchange points to be spent, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but take a breath. He wanted to complain but held back. Thinking of the powerful strength of this zombie, he said to Xiao Cong: "So many, then I'll have to trouble Xiao Cong to help."

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang waved his hand and took the zombie back into the system, and then spent the remaining exchange points from the system to buy all the arms. Because the base is already running out of munitions, and although there is no black gold, Han Feng has organized people to search for it on the zombies that have been killed, so it should be able to replenish some. After exchanging for munitions, Xiao Qiang noticed that he still had more than 100,000 experience points to upgrade, and after exchanging for munitions, there were only tens of thousands of exchange points left.

"Report, Brother Qiang, a powerful zombie was found in Kangzhuang Village, and an old man was fighting with the zombie." Xiao Qiang had just put the ammunition into the arsenal, and a man who was patrolling outside ran over and said to Xiao Qiang breathlessly.

"What? Tell each team to prepare for the defense of the base and prepare to attack the zombies immediately. I'll go to the village to take a look." Xiao Qiang said to the man.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang released the little wolf from the system, straddled the little wolf and quickly ran towards Kangzhuang Village. On the way, Xiao Qiang noticed that the Longshan team quickly lay on the wall of the base to organize defense. At the same time, Lin Fei, Xiong Shi and others obviously knew the news and rushed towards Kangzhuang Village. Even Yang Xue, after collecting a backpack of black gold, wore his steel armor and went to Kangzhuang Village. Listening to the sounds of fighting in the village, the little wolf moved towards the direction of the sound. After getting close, he jumped lightly and jumped onto the roof of a house. Just after jumping onto the roof, Xiao Qiang heard a familiar voice.

"You beast, you are not very strong, but you run very fast. Let's see where you can run to. Eat my wine gourd." The old man in the field stood in front of a big zombie, blocked the zombie's way and said.

"Ding, a level 5 zombie infection was found!"

"Ding, the current human level is too high and cannot be scanned."

"Drunkard, why didn't you come to me first when you came here, but ran here to open the zombies?" Xiao Qiang recognized that the man was the powerful drunkard he met in the search mission before, and shouted to the drunkard on the roof.

"Hey, you're here pretty fast, Yang Xue, that pretty girl, is here too. The weapon in your hand should be the one you had in your backpack. Oh, Xiao Qiang, the girl next to you is pretty too. You're really lucky, you have so many pretty girls around you." The drunkard didn't answer Xiao Qiang's question, but looked at everyone in Longshan Base and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

"Drunkard, when did you come? And where did this level 5 infected zombie come from? Why did you fight with him?" Xiao Qiang smiled helplessly and continued to ask the drunkard.

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