Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 613: Easy Kill

Everyone just saw Xiao Qiang talking to that person and knew that Xiao Qiang knew that person. However, when they heard Xiao Qiang say that it was a zombie infected with level 5, they still became nervous. After all, a zombie infected with level 4 in the afternoon had already caused everyone a lot of trouble, not to mention that this was a zombie infected with level 5. However, seeing the relaxed demeanor of the drunkard in the field facing the zombie, and Xiao Qiang was relatively relaxed, they were no longer so nervous and watched the fight in the field.

"Haha, I came here in the afternoon. I originally wanted to find you to drink, but I didn't expect to encounter such a zombie. The strength is not very good, but it runs very fast. I chased it for an afternoon, and I was almost done. This zombie also ran here. Let me deal with this zombie first, and then talk to you." The drunkard smiled cheerfully and said to Xiao Qiang.

Hearing the drunkard say that the strength of this level 5 infected zombie was not that good, everyone couldn't help but roll their eyes at the drunkard, but they were also more curious about the strength of the drunkard, so they focused on the fight. The zombie had been injured by the drunkard, and the drunkard picked up the wine gourd in his hand and threw it at the zombie in front. The wine gourd spun and hit the zombie's belly. The huge force made the zombie retreat continuously, and then the wine gourd flew back to the drunkard's hand. The zombie fell to the ground and got up to run away. Unexpectedly, although the drunkard looked weak and staggering when he walked, he ran very fast when fighting with the zombie. He ran behind the zombie in two steps instead of three steps and kicked the zombie. The zombie was kicked to the ground again by the drunkard. At the same time, the drunkard kicked the zombie again.

"Ding, the host uses the double experience value card. Within ten minutes of use, the experience value is doubled!"

"Ding, the host uses the double exchange point card. Within ten minutes of use, the exchange points are doubled!"

"Drunkard, I will help you deal with the zombies!" Xiao Qiang quickly used the exchange points to buy two double cards, and shouted to the drunkard after using them.

Xiao Qiang could see that this zombie with a level 5 infection was no match for the drunkard. It was completely suppressed by the drunkard and was about to be killed by the drunkard. Moreover, the last time Xiao Qiang participated in the search, he also killed a zombie infected with level 5. That time, Xiao Qiang obtained 10 million experience points and exchange points. Therefore, Xiao Qiang quickly exchanged for the double card, thinking that after killing the zombie, he could get as many experience points and exchange points as possible.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and without waiting for the drunkard to speak, he jumped down from the roof and rushed to the zombie from the side. The Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand changed into a spear and stabbed the zombie's head. Unexpectedly, although the zombie was knocked to the ground by the drunkard and was beaten by the drunkard, when he saw Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella handed over, he still stretched out his arm and blocked the position in front of him, colliding with the Thousand Chance Umbrella. This touch didn't matter. Xiao Qiang immediately felt a huge force coming from the Thousand Chance Umbrella. The zombie infected with level 4 captured in the afternoon was completely incomparable to the power of this zombie. With a "bang", the zombie's arm collided with the Thousand Machine Umbrella, and Xiao Qiang was knocked out by the force, flying to the side of the road, and crashed into the outside of the house, causing the wall of the house to dent a little.

"Be careful, this zombie is a power-type zombie, and it is very strong. Don't fight with this zombie." The drunkard said to Xiao Qiang after seeing Xiao Qiang being knocked out.

After seeing Xiao Qiang being knocked out, the people in the Longshan Base upstairs also raised their weapons and rushed down to work together to deal with this zombie. After seeing this, Xiao Qiang quickly took action to signal everyone not to act rashly, saying that he was fine. As the drunkard spoke, he picked up his wine gourd and hit the zombie's arm twice in a row, breaking the zombie's arm, and continued to hit the zombie.

"Let me do it!" Xiao Qiang saw that the zombie had stopped moving after being hit by the drunkard. If he continued to hit, he would be killed by the drunkard. He rushed out holding the Thousand Chance Umbrella regardless of the pain on his body, and spoke loudly.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang rushed over holding the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella fiercely stabbed the zombie's head, killing it.

"Ding, the host killed a level 5 infected zombie, and obtained 14 million experience points, 14 million exchange points, and a reward of the Thousand Chance Umbrella accessory - Hook (Advanced)."

The last time Xiao Qiang killed a level 5 infected zombie, he obtained 10 million experience points. At that time, Xiao Qiang's ability level was not so high. This time, as Xiao Qiang's level increased, the experience points and exchange points obtained also decreased, only 7 million experience points and exchange points. However, Xiao Qiang used the double experience points and exchange point card, and this time he obtained 14 million experience points and exchange points. When Xiao Qiang heard the kill notification sound from the system, and heard that he not only gained 14 million experience points and exchange points, but also obtained an accessory for the Thousand Machine Umbrella, he couldn't help but stand there in a daze and laughed out loud.

"Xiao Qiang, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you were hit by a zombie just now and you became stupid?" Everyone walked to Xiao Qiang's side and saw Xiao Qiang squatting there holding the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and giggling. Lin Bing Yan couldn't help but touched Xiao Qiang's forehead and said.

"Ah? It's okay. I'm okay. I just feel like I was a little too happy to kill a level 5 infected zombie so easily, hahaha." Xiao Qiang stood up and scanned the crowd. He said hahaha.

"Drinker, why have you come to see me after so long? I have prepared good wine for you early. By the way, thank you for helping us kill this zombie infected with level 5 infection today. Otherwise, we really don’t know how to deal with this zombie," Xiao Qiang said as he led the drunkard towards the base. Naturally, there would be someone behind to deal with the black gold on the zombie.

"Hey, I am an old man with no fixed abode. I am wandering around in this post-apocalyptic continent. I take advantage of the post-apocalypse scenic spots without spending money to browse the scenery. I didn't just go to Xuzhou City recently. Well, I just wanted to come here to see you brat, but I didn't expect to arrive at the zombie riot, just in time to deal with the zombie infected with level 5. However, I saw that the zombie groups had receded just now, although I didn't know. The reason should be that there will be no large-scale attack on Longshan Base." The wine man put away his wine gourd and followed Xiao Qiang towards the location of Longshan Base.

"Okay, that's best. The attacks of these zombies have caused a lot of losses to my base. But speaking of it, drunkard, you finally came to my base, but you have to stay here for a longer time." It will take some time." Xiao Qiang said to the drunkard.

"I just like to drink a little bit of wine. If you don't have good wine here, I can't stay here." The wine man naturally knew what Xiao Qiang meant by letting him stay here. She took a fancy to his strength and wanted him to stay here to protect the base, but she still spoke to Xiao Qiang because the wine man still admired Xiao Qiang.

"Don't worry, wine man, I have all kinds of wine here, I guarantee that it can meet your needs, wine man." Xiao Qiang laughed and led the wine man to the villa.

Xiao Qiang just received 14 million redemption points, and there are many types of wine in the system, and many of them are very beneficial to the cultivation of mutants, so Xiao Qiang believes that these wines can definitely satisfy the drinker. demand.

Although Jiu Lao and Wang Peng both reported the news that the zombies had retreated, Xiao Qiang was still uneasy and asked the three Longshan team members to continue to defend on the outside. The other three team members took the time to rest and wait until tomorrow. time to change shifts. Continue to send more people to patrol the perimeter, and notify the team leader if there are any abnormalities. The people who have hid in the mountains should not come back here for the time being. They will send out people to conduct a larger search tomorrow to make sure that the zombies have retreated and will not let those residents come back during a large-scale attack on the base. It was cold in the mountains in winter, so Xiao Qiang also asked Wang Liang to urgently transport some tents and quilts to give priority to the elderly, weak, women and children. As for the others, it was only one night anyway. Compared with facing the attack of these zombies, it was safer to stay in the mountains.

After everything was arranged, the wine man looked at himself. Although he told Xiao Qiang that the zombies had retreated, Xiao Qiang was still very cautious and arranged the base personnel in every detail. He nodded with appreciation and followed Xiao Qiang. He entered Xiao Qiang's bedroom from behind. Xiao Qiang did not entertain the drunkard in the living room, because others were still busy, but he was eating and drinking with the drunkard here. Although they could all understand that the drunkard helped deal with a powerful zombie, they were still in the bedroom. The room was better. Moreover, Xiao Qiang also told Han Feng and the others that he would come to his bedroom to drink after work, so that he could get acquainted with a powerful person like Jiu Duo. After all, he didn't know that Jiu Duo would stay at Longshan Base. How long did it take?

I spent the exchange points from the system and simply exchanged a few snacks and placed them on the table in the bedroom. But for wine, Xiao Qiang spent 2,000 redemption points to specifically redeem a bottle. Brewed from refined grains, it exudes the aroma of fruit after a sip. The most important thing is that it is also beneficial to the practice of mutants. If you drink it as a mutant, you will naturally be able to appreciate the benefits of this wine. .

"Come on, wine man, try this wine. I'm sure you haven't had it before. You are welcome to come to our Longshan base. If possible, stay with us for as long as possible. The people here are so kind. By the way, there’s wine, no matter what kind of wine it is, it’s enough.” Xiao Qiang poured two glasses of wine, handed one to the wine man, and said to the wine man.

"Well, good wine, it is indeed good wine. Not only does it taste very fragrant and rich, but a sip is also very beneficial to your cultivation. You kid really didn't lie. However, you kid kept me in your Longshan base. , you want me to join your base. However, for some reasons, I can't join your base. But for the sake of your good wine, I will stay here for a month. It's not a problem. During this month, I will help your base to deal with zombies, and I can also help the people in your base to practice. I, Jiu Lao, am not a freeloader." Jiu Lao took a bite. After drinking, he nodded with satisfaction and thought about it carefully.

"Drunkard, you are joking. In the end times, it is very difficult for humans to survive. Not to mention that Drunkard helped us deal with the zombies infected with level 5 today, even if Drunkard is just an ordinary person, my Longshan base can accommodate Drunkard here." Xiao Qiang put down the wine glass and said to Drunkard sincerely.

"Haha, I might doubt it if someone else said this, but I have no doubt about you. Come on, just for what you did, let's have a toast." Drunkard nodded and said to Xiao Qiang.

The two of them toasted and exchanged cups, and had a good chat in Xiao Qiang's bedroom. To say that Xiao Qiang still valued Drunkard's strength and wanted to get to know him before, but now he was infected by Drunkard's free and easy temperament. Unexpectedly, the two mutants had a large alcohol tolerance. Not long after, they had drunk more than 10 boxes of wine. The other senior personnel of the base, except for the captains of several Longshan teams and the captains of the patrol team, all ran to Xiao Qiang's bedroom to drink after finishing their own work. Later, Xiao Qiang's bedroom was crowded with people who came to drink. Xiao Qiang also spent 300,000 points of exchange points to exchange for more than 100 boxes of wine. Of course, this is mainly because the mutants have a large alcohol tolerance and cannot be compared with ordinary people. Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh that if he drinks in the future, he should drink alone with the drunkard, or give the drunkard a little to let him drink by himself. If he calls so many people, his exchange points will not be enough.

That night, the zombies did not attack the Longshan base again, but Xiao Qiang did not sleep well, always worried that the zombies would attack the base again. When he got up in the daytime, Xiao Qiang still had two big panda eyes and quickly assigned tasks to everyone. Tell the Longshan team that those on duty last night should retreat to rest, and replace the three teams that rested last night to continue on duty. At the same time, more people were sent to the surrounding areas and even Liutong County and Xuzhou City to conduct investigations.

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