Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 615 Langzhou Base

In the following month, after all bases on the continent of the apocalypse were attacked by zombies, all bases entered a stage of rapid development. At the same time, all bases stepped up cooperation projects, especially M Company, which relied on the strong strength of their company and the support of the business alliance personnel behind it to establish cooperative relations with many bases and hunter teams. The Legion, based on its strong combat power before the apocalypse, began to call on everyone to attack the zombies, and many bases and hunter teams responded. When Xiao Qiang saw these two messages, although he knew that in this way, the prestige of the Legion and M Company would be greatly enhanced in the apocalypse, he didn't care. After all, in this way, humans would become more united and start to deal with zombies.

As for the Longshan base, within this one month, not only did it use the ready-made materials exchanged by Xiao Qiang, but it also built houses in Kangzhuang Village, and also pulled a large number of new furniture from the urban area to supplement it, making the entire Kangzhuang Village look brand new. Moreover, three more powerful defense lines were set up at the periphery of Kangzhuang Village and Longshan Base to prevent zombies from besieging the base again. Not only that, Xiao Qiang also organized the members of the Longshan team to conduct a thorough search of the villages and roads near the base and kill the zombies near the Longshan base. As for the Longshan team, due to the addition of Huang Yu and others, it has also expanded to 6 teams.

Through this zombie siege, Xiao Qiang also realized that the personnel of the Longshan team should be expanded. Although this will make the members of the Longshan team not so strong, it can ensure that they can provide enough firepower when facing large-scale zombie attacks. Moreover, there are still many zombies on this doomsday continent. As long as the captains of these Longshan teams can use these people together with the strong people in the team, it will be fine. Therefore, each Longshan team has 3,000 members, and Huang Yu's Longshan 6 team has 5,000 people in the team because they have to deal with the zombies in Tongzhou City. As for the patrol team, because the number of locations to be protected has increased, it has also been expanded to 5,000 people.

In this month, especially after experiencing this zombie attack, more people have joined the Longshan base, and the population of the Longshan base has reached an astonishing 70,000 people. Therefore, Xiao Qiang and his team cleaned up several nearby villages, arranged defenses, and arranged patrol members to guard, and arranged a series of measures such as routes. Every day, Xiao Qiang still arranged the Longshan team to take turns to continue to clean up the zombies in Xuzhou City. This time, it also verified Xiao Qiang's judgment that those zombies were indeed preparing to attack the base before. This time, the number of zombies in the city has increased again, and there are many high-level zombies. Every time, Xiao Qiang took people to investigate first, and made sure that the Longshan team could deal with the zombies there before letting them deal with them, and he continued to drive the Doomsday Chariot and took everyone to kill zombies alone, but this time there was one more person on the Doomsday Chariot, that is, the drunkard. Xiao Qiang also took advantage of the strong strength of the drunkard and asked him to help injure those high-level zombies. Xiao Qiang's level also rose rapidly and reached the level of awakening level 3. Not only did his own level rise, but even the puppet zombies, Xiao Qiang also received a great supplement, reaching the point of 20, of which there were a total of 3 zombies infected with level 4. Moreover, the drunkard also helped other mutants to practice in the base, and also helped the strength of these mutants in the base to be greatly improved. For a while, the overall strength of the Longshan base was much stronger than before the zombie siege.

At noon, everyone sat together and chatted while eating. Now, with the increase in the number of people in the base, Xiao Qiang asked Zhang Jin and Chen Yuan to expand the scale of planting and breeding. Although the breeding garden continued to cultivate, the types of plantations have been greatly enriched, and even recently began to grow fruits. These fruit seeds were naturally exchanged by Xiao Qiang from the system.

"Report, Captain Wang Peng sent a message saying that there is important intelligence coming, please listen to it, Brother Qiang." At this time, a messenger came over with a walkie-talkie specially used for communicating with Xiao Qiang and handed it to Xiao Qiang.

"Wang Peng, where are you now? Since you went out to continue collecting intelligence last time, you haven't come back for several weeks. What's the matter this time? You are so anxious and you insist that I must listen to it." Xiao Qiang took the walkie-talkie, smiled lightly, and spoke to Wang Peng.

"Brother Qiang, it's about the Black Wind Base. Last week, all the masters in the base of Huzhou, a level 4 city, were destroyed overnight, and ordinary people were also pulled back to the Black Wind Base. According to reliable information obtained these days, it was because the Huzhou base did not agree to a series of tyrannical demands from the Black Wind Base, so the Black Wind Base sent people to kill all the masters and supervisors of the Huzhou base." Wang Peng told Xiao Qiang the information he had through the walkie-talkie.

"What, all the masters in Huzhou were wiped out by the people from the Black Wind Base overnight. As far as I know, there is a strong man who has awakened to Level 5 in the Huzhou Base. How could he be there? All of them were killed by the Black Wind Base in one night. Have you found out what powerful men the Black Wind Base sent to that base to kill? In addition, how strong is the overall strength of the Black Wind Base? Dare to destroy a base?" After hearing Wang Peng's words, Xiao Qiang couldn't help shouting and asked Wang Peng.

Everyone was surprised when they heard Xiao Qiang's words. They all put their bowls and chopsticks aside and listened to Xiao Qiang's conversation. During this time, after the drunkard heard the news, his lips twitched slightly and his deep eyes blinked.

"The confidentiality of the Black Wind Base is very tight. Ordinary people cannot sneak into their base, and the information we have is limited. We only know that in addition to Qi-gathering masters, they also have many secret weapons, but We still don’t know what this secret weapon is? Moreover, it not only destroyed the Huzhou base, but also launched an attack on Wenzhou City, a level 4 city under the Legion. Now the people of the Legion are preparing to ask for it from the Black Wind Base. What’s the explanation?” Wang Peng continued to tell Xiao Qiang the information he knew.

"Okay, I already know the news. I will ask the base to be more vigilant. Your intelligence team will continue to collect relevant information outside. It is best to figure out what the secret weapon of the Black Wind Base is? You and Wu Ze Also pay more attention to safety." Xiao Qiang warned Wang Peng again.

"I believe everyone has heard the news just now. The Black Wind Base is ambitious. We thought their base was not very good at first, but now they have destroyed a base in this apocalyptic world. Therefore, our base must be more vigilant and take preventive measures. When the zombies attack, we must also prevent the Black Wind Base from launching attacks on our base. After all, we have had conflicts with the Black Wind Base before." Xiao Qiang thought for a moment, then turned to face the meal. The crowd spoke.

"Yes!" The rest of the people at Longshan Base replied to Xiao Qiang in unison.

The following week, Longshan Base took advantage of this period of time to organize the Longshan team to go to Tongzhou City, clear out the zombies in an arms department there, and transfer all the arms to Longshan Base . The arms department in Tongzhou City has basically not been damaged by zombies, so it is still relatively complete. In addition to a large number of guns, bullets, and various artillery, there are also dozens of helicopters and more than 30 vehicles. tanks and hundreds of military vehicles. Now, after transporting these arms, the shortage of arms in Longshan Base has been greatly alleviated. Moreover, after the wine man got the news about the Black Wind Base, he said goodbye to Xiao Qiang, saying that he had important things to deal with. Jiu Duo was a free and easy person by nature. Xiao Qiang didn’t want to ask Jiu Duo what was going on. He just told Jiu Duo to continue to stay at Longshan Base for a while when he had time, and filled a full pot for Jiu Duo. Good wine.

The fact that the Black Wind Base destroyed the Huzhou Base last time was also known by more and more bases. Even M Company and Legion, the two most powerful companies in the apocalypse, even sent people to the Black Wind Base. Went to ask questions. However, I don’t know how they negotiated, and the negotiations in the last few days also broke up unhappily. Instead, the people at the Black Wind Base intensified their efforts. Not only did they force several hunter-killer teams to join them, they also killed any hunter-killer teams that didn't agree. And recently, the Black Wind Base also launched an attack on Huangzhou, a level 4 city. Huangzhou is a base under M Company. Therefore, M Company has repeatedly condemned the Black Wind Base's actions. , but perhaps considering that the Huangzhou base only has an alliance with M Company, or considering the strong strength of the Black Wind Base, M Company only sent some experts and never sent anyone with more strength to help.

Not only that, since the last zombie attack on the base, for unknown reasons, more and more news about M Company's research on meteorites before the end of the world has come out. It was even passed down in the end. Before the end of the world, 10 kinds of magical weapons were built with Wujin. These 10 kinds of magical weapons were designed to help humans deal with these zombies. Moreover, the weapon information that has been revealed has always been placed on the Doomsday Alliance instrument, so that everyone can know whose hands these weapons are. Now, 8 types of Wujin weapons have been revealed, including Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella, Yang Xue's steel armor, Lin Fei's Hedao Yiziwen, and M Company's

Spider Grasp and Puppet Needle, the Ghost Slashing Sword of Black Wind Base, and two magical weapons are the Thunder Hammer and Black Gold Shield. One of these two weapons is in the hands of the legion, and the other is in the hands of a hunter. In the hands of the team leader.

Although the Longshan base has three Wujin weapons, what they know outside is only Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella. For example, Yang Xue's steel armor is currently only known to people in M ​​Company, but with Yang Xue's As snow continues to be used, more and more people will know about it. Lin Fei's Hedao Yiziwen was snatched by Xiao Qiang from M Company, and currently only the people with the Longshan Base know about it.

"Brother Qiang, there is someone claiming to be from the base in Langzhou City. He said he has something important to discuss with you. Should we let him come?" Xiao Qiang had just finished dinner and was browsing the information on the Doomsday Alliance. A patrol member ran over and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Langzhou City? Isn't that the city next to our Xuzhou City? According to the information we have obtained before, Langzhou City is also an independent base like our Longshan Base. It has purchased some vegetables from us before. Why did he come here late at night this time and specifically asked to see me? Could it be because of the Black Wind Base? Bring the person here quickly, and call Brother Han, Huang Yu and Wang Liang to come here, and meet with the Langzhou people in this living room." Xiao Qiang thought for a while and said to the man.

A moment later, under the leadership of the patrol members, a short and dark middle-aged man stepped into the living room and walked towards Xiao Qiang's position as soon as he entered the door. Xiao Qiang and Huang Yu were sitting on the sofa in the hall chatting. When they saw the middle-aged man coming over, they stood up quickly.

"I guess this is the leader of Longshan Base, Xiao Qiang." The man stretched out his hand to Xiao Qiang and took off his thick hat and said.

Xiao Qiang noticed that the man was also dirty, wearing a big windbreaker and a thick hat. After taking off the hat, he revealed a tired face and messy hair.

"Yes, I am Xiao Qiang, please sit down." Xiao Qiang stood up and shook hands with the man politely.

"People say that the leader of Longshan Base is young and promising. Today, I see that it is indeed true. Along the way, I saw that Longshan Base is so prosperous. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be hard to believe that it was led by a young man like you." After the man sat down, he looked at Xiao Qiang and couldn't help but admire.

"Thank you for the compliment. This is the result of everyone's joint efforts. It's not my credit alone. These people are all senior executives of our Longshan Base. I don't know what your name is. I heard that you are from the Langzhou Base. I don't know why you came to our Longshan Base so late at night and specifically wanted to find me." Xiao Qiang didn't say too much to this person and got straight to the point.

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