Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 616 Agreeing on Cooperation

"Ding, a Level 4 awakening human is found!"

While speaking, Xiao Qiang has already quietly activated the double-eye scanning recognition function, scanning the middle-aged man in front of him, and found that he is actually a Level 4 awakening human. Xiao Qiang did not expect that the strength of the Langzhou base is so strong, and judging from the appearance of this person, he is not the leader of the Langzhou base. He did not expect that Langzhou would actually send a Level 4 awakening person to Longshan base. Xiao Qiang is even more curious about the purpose of this person's visit, so he is listening very seriously.

"Okay, in that case, I'll get straight to the point. My name is Zhang Shi, I come from Langzhou Base, and I'm also a senior executive of Langzhou Base. This time I came here on behalf of our base leader. The thing is, Brother Xiao must have known about the recent actions of Black Wind Base against many bases in Level 4 cities, so our Langzhou Base has also strengthened its defense recently. However, what we didn't expect was that in the past two days, our base has been constantly killed by strong men, but we haven't even seen the shadow of people from Black Wind Base." The middle-aged man told it slowly like telling a story. When he got to this point, he also looked at Xiao Qiang specifically, as if he wanted to see Xiao Qiang's attitude from his expression.

Xiao Qiang's expression did not change. Seeing the middle-aged man looking at him, he nodded to the man, motioning him to continue talking, indicating the purpose of this visit.

"Although it is not clear that it was the people from the Black Wind Base who attacked the masters of our base, we can also associate it with them according to the Black Wind Base's practices. Therefore, according to the location of our three cities, our leaders are thinking of forming a mutual assistance alliance with Langzhou, Tongzhou and your Xuzhou City to jointly resist the attack of the Black Wind Base on our level 4 cities. Moreover, the Black Wind Base now has many strong people, even the people from M Company and the Legion are not taken seriously. If we don't unite and help each other, the Black Wind Base will deal with us sooner or later. What do you think, Brother Xiao?" The middle-aged man continued to speak out his purpose.

Xiao Qiang smiled lightly and did not answer the middle-aged man's words. Originally, Xiao Qiang agreed that humans should unite in the end times, but according to what the middle-aged man said, it seems that Longshan Base chose to unite because of various interests because they were afraid of being attacked by the Black Wind Base. However, Xiao Qiang still resisted the uncomfortable feeling and nodded to the man.

"To be honest, you may have heard that we have already reached an alliance with Tongzhou City. Moreover, since the last large-scale zombie attack, Huang Yu has temporarily led the people of Tongzhou Base to join our Longshan Base. This person is the leader of Tongzhou Base, Huang Yu." Xiao Qiang also agreed with the approach of the bases uniting, and pointed at Huang Yu and said to the middle-aged man.

"Hello, I am Huang Yu, and now I am the captain of Longshan Team 6 of Longshan Base. Xiao Qiang can represent my meaning." Huang Yu looked at the middle-aged man and said.

Although Huang Yu's words were very brief, Xiao Qiang felt very comfortable when he heard them. This meant that Huang Yu had truly recognized himself as a member of the Longshan Base, and he also completely obeyed Xiao Qiang's command, and was no longer the leader of the Tongzhou Base in the past. In this way, Xiao Qiang felt that his help to Huang Yu and others for more than a month was not wasted. After hearing Huang Yu's words, the middle-aged man turned his head to Xiao Qiang, waiting for Xiao Qiang's opinion.

"Of course, I always adhere to a principle that in the end times, we humans should help each other and should have reached a mutual assistance alliance long ago. For the Black Wind Base's practice of harming fellow human beings and even destroying an entire base, we should have joined hands to resist it long ago. I just don't know if you have mutual assistance rules, that is, what kind of mutual assistance our base should reach." Xiao Qiang looked at the man and smiled.

"Hahaha, brother Xiao Qiang is really worthy of being a young hero, and he is straightforward in doing things. Before I set off, the base has already listed a series of cooperation matters. We have a lot of arms over there. Even if the Black Wind Base does not attack, we can still reach long-term mutual assistance and cooperation matters. I have a set of regulations here. Brother Xiao Qiang, please come and take a look." Zhang Shi said as he took out a part of the bound paper roll from his arms.

"Oh? Really? Then we can discuss it carefully. I didn't expect your leader to be so careful and have prepared such cooperation regulations in advance." Xiao Qiang saw the man take out the paper roll and said to him with satisfaction.

Zhang Shi nodded at Xiao Qiang. Seeing that Xiao Qiang was completely happy and walked towards his position without any doubt, the corners of his mouth actually rose slightly, revealing an imperceptible smile.

"Brother Xiao Qiang, please read this. This is the first item. From today on, Langzhou Base and Longshan Base have reached a cooperation agreement. If one of the bases is attacked by zombies or other enemies, the other base must unconditionally send people to deal with it together. There are many more items here, which also talk about how we should work together even if there is no enemy attack. Please check it out, brother Xiao Qiang." The man said to Xiao Qiang.

While explaining the situation in detail to Xiao Qiang, the man slowly spread out a long scroll with his hands. The scroll was very long, and it was full of various cooperation matters. Xiao Qiang slowly spread out the scroll from the first one to the back, and he read it very carefully. When the man saw that Xiao Qiang was concentrating on the scroll, he raised his mouth and showed a strange smile. At the same time, he shook his hand violently and spread out the remaining half of the paper roll.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but wonder why this person suddenly moved so quickly and spread out the entire paper roll at once. So, Xiao Qiang frowned slightly and turned his head to look at Zhang Shi on the side. However, Xiao Qiang didn't notice that there was a small green snake hidden in the paper roll. The snake was green all over, as thick as a finger, and the length of the paper roll was just enough to hide in the paper roll. It was obvious that there was a black tumor on the top of the green snake's head. The snake was coiled in the paper roll, constantly spitting out its long tongue. Its tongue touched the top of the paper roll, and the scarlet venom on its tongue actually made a small hole in the paper roll. The little snake suddenly appeared, and Xiao Qiang turned his head slightly to look at Zhang Shi's side, only to see that Zhang Shi took two steps back and smiled triumphantly at Xiao Qiang.

Then, the green snake that suddenly appeared shook violently, jumped up, and bit Xiao Qiang's neck all of a sudden. Xiao Qiang immediately felt a pain in his neck, and there were already three teeth marks on Xiao Qiang's neck. Xiao Qiang quickly reached out to cover his neck and tried to pull the green snake down, but his arm became weaker and weaker, and even his eyelids were constantly fighting. For a while, he only saw Zhang Shi's figure opposite him becoming more and more blurred, and he felt dizzy. Huang Yu and the others only saw Xiao Qiang still carefully checking the regulations on the roll of paper, and was bitten by a small green snake. His body was swaying and was about to fall backwards. The three rushed over, Wang Liang supported Xiao Qiang, Huang Yu and Han Feng stood in front of them, and looked at the man in front of them vigilantly.

"Who are you? Puff." Xiao Qiang raised his finger with great effort, pointed weakly at the person in front of him, resisted the coma brought, and asked with great effort.

As soon as the words came out, Xiao Qiang spurted out a mouthful of blood. Then he felt his eyelids constantly fighting, and the whole person fell asleep and fell into Wang Liang's arms. The man waved his hand, and the little green snake quickly retreated from Xiao Qiang's neck, and slid into the man's sleeve.

"Who are you? Why did you sneak attack our Longshan base and take the opportunity to hurt our leader?" Han Feng looked at the man and asked in a reprimanding manner.

"Hahaha, who am I to tell you? But it's not your Xiao Qiang who was hurt. This little green snake is my carefully cultivated battle pet. I feed it with the most intense drugs every day, and let it fight with other poisonous creatures every day. If it is bitten by a little green snake, the skin will ulcerate, not to mention the venom injected into the body. Even if Xiao Qiang is very strong, he will not be able to survive tonight." The man's voice was originally a thick and deep voice of a middle-aged man, but now it has become a sharp and thin lady's voice.

Hearing what the man said, Han Feng and Huang Yu looked at each other. They wanted to catch the man, but because of the poison of the little green snake, they could only stand in front of Xiao Qiang and urged Wang Liang to quickly take Xiao Qiang to Sister Rourou. Wang Liang did not dare to delay, and carried Xiao Qiang on his back and ran towards the location of the medical team outside. At the same time, the patrol team that heard the noise had surrounded the entire villa under the personal leadership of Liu Jie, and they were eager to rush in and immediately surround the man. Not only the patrol team, but Lin Fei, who was sleeping in the bedroom, also rushed out of the door in his pajamas with two swords in his arms, staring at the man in the center of the field with full fighting spirit. If Han Feng had not stopped him, Lin Fei would have rushed up and fought with the man for a while.

"Then what is your purpose in coming here? Do you have a grudge against Xiao Qiang? You have gone to such great lengths to come here, I'm afraid you don't come just to kill Xiao Qiang. Tell me, you are surrounded by us now, and it's not easy to leave. What exactly do you want to do here, and why do you want to attack Xiao Qiang?" Han Feng asked the man, suppressing his anger.

"Haha, I took a look. Among you, the one with the highest strength is just the handsome guy holding two swords on the second floor. He has awakened level 2 strength. I have awakened level 4 strength. What are you going to do? Surround me. However, now that Xiao Qiang is injured, I can tell you slowly. Tomorrow, the Black Wind Base will launch an attack on your Longshan Base. Obediently hand over all the formulas in your base and surrender. Heifeng Base, otherwise your Longshan Base will be destroyed tomorrow. As for why we attacked Xiao Qiang first, it is because Xiao Qiang is too annoying and can be regarded as the pillar of your Longshan Base. According to the news, Xiao Qiang actually He can also control zombie puppets to help in the battle. I heard that there are still zombies infected with level 4. If he is not killed first, it will cause great obstacles for the Black Wind Base to deal with the Longshan Base tomorrow. As for the rest. Without Xiao Qiang, you are just a bunch of soldiers and generals. You'd better obey me tomorrow." Although the man still looked middle-aged, he walked back and forth in the room with a high-pitched and thin voice. He was pacing, looking at the surrounding situation with his eyes, and spoke calmly.

"Hmph, in my dreams, don't say that Xiao Qiang will not be injured by you using such despicable methods. Even without Xiao Qiang, our Longshan Base will fight your Black Wind Base to the end and will never succumb to you. , Stop talking nonsense and watch the punches!" Han Feng looked at the man, snorted and shouted loudly.

As he spoke, Han Feng quickly put on his black gold gloves because he was afraid of the poisonous nature of the green snake, and punched the man in the face. However, although Han Feng was close to the man, before his fist could reach the man, light flashed and a knife had already struck at the man's body. It turned out that after Lin Fei heard Han Feng's words on the second floor, he swung his scabbard, jumped down from the second floor, and rushed towards the man. Although he was behind, he got there faster than Han Feng. around people.

Facing the attack, the man hurriedly dodged to the side. At the same time, he took out two ammunition from his arms and said, "Huh, if you don't drink a toast, you will have to drink a fine drink. Let's see how you can resist the people from the Black Wind Base tomorrow. "

As he spoke, the man threw the two ammunition in his hand to the ground, and a puff of yellow smoke immediately filled the air. Everyone didn't know what the two ammunition were, so they had to jump back to avoid it. Seeing this, the man took the opportunity to break the window, jumped outside, and jumped out of the villa. Lin Fei clenched his swords and followed the man outside. The yellow smoke filled the air very quickly, and in an instant the entire villa was filled with such yellow smoke.

"Get out quickly, everyone. This is a poison gas bomb. The yellow smoke is poisonous. Cover your mouth and nose." Han Feng smelled the smell in the yellow smoke and shouted to everyone.

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