Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 617: Sneak Attack on Xiao Qiang

After a while, Lin Fei came back with his two knives in his arms. After seeing everyone, he just shook his head to indicate that the man ran too fast. After he ran out of the base, he could not find his trace and could not catch up. As for the yellow smoke in the villa, it was not so toxic, and everyone retreated in time, so the yellow smoke did not cause much harm to everyone. However, Han Feng still ordered everyone not to approach the villa, open all the windows for ventilation, and wait until Sister Rourou was done and brought people to disinfect the villa before continuing to use it.

Early in the morning of the second day, everyone in Longshan Base was busy. After the man's commotion last night, the patrol team members did not sleep all night. While guarding around Longshan Base, they also sent a large number of sentinels. Although the man said that the Black Wind Base would attack the Longshan Base tomorrow, who could guarantee that the people from the Black Wind Base would not suddenly attack the Longshan Base. Fortunately, the patrol team members who had been on duty all night did not see anyone from the Black Wind Base. Therefore, early in the morning, the logistics team prepared breakfast early. After breakfast, everyone in the base started to get busy.

During this period, under the leadership of Han Feng and Wang Liang, ordinary people in the base, including several nearby villages, all retreated to the mountains behind. After the lessons learned from the zombie siege some time ago, they also built some simple houses in the mountains and found a batch of tents from outside. In this way, even if these people spend the night in the mountains, they can stay for a few days without starving and freezing in the mountains. The six Longshan teams all received guns and ammunition, replaced the patrol team that had been guarding all night, lay on the wall, and nervously watched the movement outside. At the same time, after everyone discussed, they decided to give up defending Kangzhuang Village, and everyone concentrated on defending the wall of Longshan Base. At the same time, more people were sent out to keep watch, and once the personnel of the Black Wind Base were found, they would be notified and reported to the base immediately.

In the morning, all the strong men in Longshan Base were nervously guarding the wall of Longshan Base. Han Feng, as the deputy leader, stood in the middle. The six Longshan teams, led by their respective captains, guarded a certain position. Not only that, there was also a special tank team that had already left the base and hid on both sides of the road, waiting for the people from the Black Wind Base to come over and then besiege them. There were also helicopters that were ready at any time to attack the enemy from the air. The leader of the tank team and the helicopter team was Wu Shan, who was a member of the legion before the end of the world and was familiar with these things. After Wang Peng received the news, he rushed back to the base overnight. Han Feng asked Wang Peng to lead more than 200 people using aircraft to launch a sneak attack on the enemy from the air. Yang Xue was still responsible for leading the members of the laser gun team and guarding the main gate. Yang Xue was wearing an arm of steel armor on her hand, and on her legs were the leggings of the steel armor that Xiao Qiang had obtained from the system last time. When necessary, she could fly into the air and launch laser attacks at the enemy. Sister Rourou led the medical team members not far away, preparing to treat the injured. In view of the fact that the medical team was short of manpower when the zombies besieged the base last time, Sister Rourou recently expanded the medical team's building and added more manpower. It is worth mentioning that with the help of Xiao Qiang's upgrade card, Sister Rourou has now reached the strength of awakening level 1, which is considered the top combat power in Longshan Base. After entering the awakening level, Sister Rourou's ability has also changed. Not only can she mark out space, but she can also build a defense panel in the space to defend against attacks.

In addition to these team leaders, a group of strong men in the base also stood on a high platform at the wall, gathered together, and looked at the road outside with serious expressions. Among these people, there were Lin Fei, Xiong Shi and others, but there was no sign of Lin Bingyan and Xiao Qiang.

"Report, hundreds of cars drove over from Langzhou, and it is estimated that there are thousands of people heading towards our base. It is estimated that they will reach our base in half an hour at most. Please ask for instructions on whether to lead the team to attack them." At this time, a report came from the walkie-talkie on Han Feng's waist.

Hearing the voice from the walkie-talkie, everyone held their breath and stared at the walkie-talkie on Han Feng's waist nervously.

"No attack allowed, stay where you are and continue to observe the situation. If there is any new situation, report to the base immediately, and you should also pay more attention to safety." Han Feng picked up the walkie-talkie and said to the sentry on the other end of the phone.

"People from the Black Wind Base are coming soon. Everyone should be alert immediately and replenish ammunition. When the enemy comes, don't be polite and fight them as much as you can. The Black Wind Base is a rude base. In this apocalypse, not only do they not fight zombies well, they even bully human bases everywhere. Last night, they shamelessly sent people to attack our leader Xiao Qiang. Such despicable behavior has even bullied us at our doorstep. Don't give them face. In another half an hour, that group of people will be here. Beat them up as much as you can." Han Feng shouted loudly to the people around him in the Longshan Base.

Han Feng was the leader of the army before, so he was very good at inspiring people, and his inspiring methods were also very well-designed. After hearing Han Feng's words, everyone was also very angry and wanted to fight with the people from the Black Wind Base right now.

The wood-type awakened person even set up a wooden wall in front of Liu Hang's body for protection. At the same time, Yang Xue slowly raised the arm of her steel armor and aimed at Ying San's body. A laser was aimed at Yang Xue's body. The laser was not only powerful, but also very fast. In the blink of an eye, it had reached the front of Ying San's body. Seeing that the powerful laser was about to hit Ying San's body, the black-clothed woman used her superpowers, and her whole body became extremely soft, and she actually bent her body into an incredible S shape. The laser did not hit her body, but hit the concrete ground behind her, and a huge pit appeared after the laser was penetrated.

"Humph, you are looking for a fight!" After seeing the shooting from the Longshan Base, one of the strong men in black, a level 9 man, roared angrily.

As he spoke, the big man used his big fist to hit Han Feng at the wall. However, just when the big man reached Han Feng's body, he seemed to hit a powerful invisible wall. This wall not only blocked the black-clothed big man's advance, but also sent a burst of electric shock defense, which hit the black-clothed big man's fist and bounced the big man back to the ground, and he fell heavily to the ground. Not only that, the powerful electric shock ability also hit the big man's fist.

And this invisible defense net is the transparent defense net given by the system after Xiao Qiang was promoted to the awakening level. It can block people who do not belong to the level of this base and form a defense net. And Xiao Qiang placed a lot of high-level attack talismans on this net. If someone breaks in by force, he can not only block them, but also use the power of these high-level talismans to counterattack the intruder.

"Defense net, interesting, there are so many good things in this doomsday, there is such a transparent defense object, no wonder he dares to hide in the base and talk nonsense. Well, let me try your power." Seeing this, Ying Wu smiled slightly and said.

Ying Wu is a mutant with awakening level 6, and his ability is bubble attack. As he spoke, Ying Wu took a step forward, stirred his mouth slightly, and then opened his mouth. Many transparent bubbles of different colors appeared from Ying Wu's mouth, floating in the air and drifting towards the location of Longshan Base. Seeing this, the people in front of the Black Wind Base hurriedly made way for these bubbles to avoid being affected by them. Han Feng and others in Longshan Base felt a little surprised to see so many colorful bubbles coming out of that person's mouth and attacking Longshan Base. Although they didn't know what these bubbles were, they still quickly held their weapons and carefully guarded against these colorful bubbles. The colorful bubble floating in the front floated in front of Han Feng and others and stopped moving forward. Then, with a "bang", the bubble exploded in the air after touching the transparent defense shield, and a burst of black smoke rose from the explosion point of the bubble. After that, all the bubbles floated to the same position. Such dense bubbles hit the transparent defense shield, and bursts of black smoke immediately rose.

After the black smoke dissipated, Han Feng and others were surprised to find that the solid transparent defense shield was in the air at the position attacked by the dense bubbles. The position of the transparent defense shield had mottled lines like spider webs. If these colorful bubbles attack the transparent defense shield again, this part of the defense shield will be broken.

Ying Wu saw that his colorful bubble attack had worked, and he couldn't help but smile. The corners of his mouth moved slightly, and he was about to use his supernatural power again to break through the transparent defense shield of Longshan Base, but he saw Ying Yi stretched out his hand to stop him, stopping the people from Black Wind Base from attacking Longshan Base.

"See? I thought you had some trump cards? Your strength is simply too weak. Just now you had a transparent defense shield for protection, but now even this last defense shield that can protect you has been easily destroyed by us. Now, I will give you one last chance. Hand over the formula in your hands obediently, and then submit to our Black Wind Base. I guarantee that all of you will be fine." Ying Yi took a step forward and said to Han Feng calmly.

"Impossible, you dare to say I'm just a soldier, I must kill you, and who of you just secretly shot at me, hand him over, I must kill him." Liu Hang shook his big belly, rushed out from the black-clothed men, pointed at Han Feng and said angrily.

"Hahaha, are you kidding me, and you still want us to hand over the formula, I know that you people in the Black Wind Base have ulterior motives. To tell you the truth, the formula has been hidden by us a long time ago, you can't find the formula even if you search the entire base. However, if you hand over the person who attacked Xiao Qiang last night, maybe I can consider letting you go." Han Feng laughed cheerfully and said to the black-clothed men below.

"We have investigated your Longshan base. Xiao Qiang did not appear here. It seems that he was killed by our sneak attack yesterday, otherwise even his girlfriend Lin Bingyan would not appear here. Among all of you now, the highest level is only awakened to level 3. I really don't know what confidence you have to compete with us here. As long as we charge, our Black Wind Base will be able to rush into your Longshan base. Let's see who can stop me then." Ying Yi was not angry. He paced back and forth in front of everyone and said.

"I can!" At this time, a deep voice came from Kangzhuang Village behind the black-clothed man in the Black Wind Base, so that everyone in the venue could hear it clearly.

"It's Brother Qiang, look, it's Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang is out." The people in the Longshan base looked over at the location of the voice and pointed and shouted.

"It's really Brother Qiang. It turns out that Brother Qiang is fine. It turns out that Brother Qiang is fine. That's great. Our Longshan Base is saved. We will definitely be able to repel the Black Wind Base." Someone else said to the crowd excitedly, dancing with joy.

"Wow, it's really Brother Qiang, and Sister Bingyan. I heard that Brother Qiang was bitten by a snake and attacked by these people. How come he is fine? He is still so majestic." Someone also said to the crowd with some doubts.

"Hahaha, Brother Qiang is worthy of being Brother Qiang. Do those people in the Black Wind Base think that they can kill Brother Qiang by using those despicable tricks? Do they think that they can subdue our Longshan Base in this way? They are simply dreaming." One of them also said very heroically in the crowd.

. . . . . . .

When the people in the Longshan Base heard Xiao Qiang's shouting, they all seemed very excited, and immediately caused a heated discussion among the people in the Longshan Base.

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