Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 618: People attack the base

When the people in the Black Wind Base heard the words coming from behind, they turned their heads in disbelief and looked behind them. On the wall of Kangzhuang Village, a young man was standing on the wall holding the Thousand Chance Umbrella (in the form of a spear). On his left, he was holding a ferocious big wolf, grinning, revealing his sharp teeth. With his claws, he looked at the people in the Black Wind Base with fierce eyes. His sharp claws kept scratching on the masonry of the wall, revealing deep marks. To Xiao Qiang's right, a woman wearing a pink down jacket and a pair of small travel shoes stood tall and lively. This person was Lin Bingyan, with a ponytail on her head, and she looked youthful and energetic.

"Xiao Qiang? What's going on? Why are you still alive? Why are you okay? Weren't you attacked by the little green snake yesterday? How could you be okay? The little green snake was not only specially trained but Well, before he attacked you, he specially injected the specially developed poison, how could you be fine?" Xiong Yi was naturally a little shocked when he saw Xiao Qiang, and asked Xiao Qiang with dilated pupils.

"Haha, it's funny. You have awakened your level 9 strength. You came to attack our Longshan base without being upright. Instead, you used such despicable and shameless methods. Do you think your poison is very powerful? In my opinion, it's not But that's it. Now, I'm here to formally inform you that if you put down your weapons and surrender, you might consider bypassing you guys." Xiao Qiang sneered and looked at Xiong Yi with disdain.

"What's going on? Have you taken precautions for a long time? How is it possible that the little green snake is so good at pretending? Where did the flaw come from? And you were obviously bitten by a snake." Xiong took a look. Xiao Qiang felt incredible and said.

It turned out that when the Langzhou City base was destroyed by the Black Wind Base, Wang Peng and his intelligence team had already passed the information to Xiao Qiang. Therefore, when the man said that he was from the Langzhou City base last night, Xiao Qiang had already increased his vigilance. Later, when he heard that man said that he was here on behalf of the Langzhou City base, he even wanted to laugh a little. . Therefore, Xiao Qiang has always been on guard against the person who made a sneak attack. In fact, when the little green snake suddenly appeared, Xiao Qiang, who had already been on guard, discovered it, but wanted to know what the purpose of this person was, so So he turned his head to the side very cooperatively, giving the little green snake a chance to attack him. When the little green snake bit him, Xiao Qiang was able to pull out the dagger and cut off the little green snake. But when he knew that the little green snake was just injecting poison into his body, Xiao Qiang gave up the resistance. , after all, only in this way can we better confuse the enemy and let the enemy tell the real purpose of coming to Longshan Base to sneak attack on him. As for these toxins, Xiao Qiang doesn't have to worry anymore. When he first obtained the system, Xiao Qiang had already obtained the antidote potion. Even the most powerful zombie poison in this apocalyptic world can be removed, so why should he worry about the snake venom? Woolen cloth.

However, when he was first bitten by the snake, Xiao Qiang did feel dizzy for a while, but he recovered quickly, and then Xiao Qiang pretended to faint. When he knew that their Black Wind Base was preparing to attack Longshan Base, Xiao Qiang also planned to take advantage of it. The Heifeng Base knows Xiao Qiang and the others at the Longshan Base so well, so they must have insiders in the Longshan Base. Sure enough, after the news of Xiao Qiang's attack came out from the Longshan Base, one of the patrol team quietly walked to the corner and reported the news to the people at the Black Wind Base. However, after he reported the attack on Xiao Qiang, After hearing the news, he was already controlled by Liu Jie. Xiao Qiang took advantage of the situation and only told a few senior officials that he was fine. This would also make the people in the Black Wind Base relax their vigilance. Moreover, if he suddenly rushed out, he could also boost the morale of his team members.

Sure enough, after the people from the Black Wind Base got the news that Xiao Qiang was attacked, they only sent one group and brought people over. Although this group was indeed very strong, their think tank did not follow them. , and the appearance of Xiao Qiang really boosted the spirits of the members of the Longshan team. What Xiao Qiang didn't rush out in time after the people from the Black Wind Base arrived was another countermeasure that he and Han Feng had discussed. Because although Xiao Qiang now has three zombies infected with level 4, when they reach the awakening level, the strength of each level is greatly different. Xiao Qiang is not sure that his puppet zombies will be able to deal with these people in the Black Wind Base. At the same time, Because I don’t know who the people are, what their strength levels are, and what weapons or abilities they use. Therefore, Xiao Qiang said that he was hiding in the dark and asked Han Feng and others to deliberately anger the people in the Black Wind Base and attract the men in black from the Black Wind Base to take action. Then he knew the weapons and various kinds of weapons they used. The superpower is here so that these puppet zombies of his can deal with these men in black in a targeted manner. In this way, Xiao Qiang can be more able to ensure that these puppet zombies can deal with the high-end strength of the Black Wind Base and reduce the number of people on the base. Casualties. Now, except for Xiong Yi, everyone on the men in black side has already taken action. Xiao Qiang has also assigned his puppet zombies to deal with these men in black. However, he did not expect that Ying Yi can sink them. Don't worry, no matter what Han Feng said, he still didn't take action. Xiao Qiang still didn't know what kind of power Ying Yi had.

"Hmph, how we found your flaws has nothing to do with you. You are now surrounded by our Longshan base. Think about whether you want to surrender." Xiao Qiang snorted and said to Ying Yi.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang waved his hands to both sides, and more than 20 infected zombies were already standing on both sides, standing next to Xiao Qiang. As soon as these zombies appeared beside Xiao Qiang, they looked at the people in the Black Wind Base with white eyes, shaking their long nails, and making "jiejie" sounds from their mouths, wishing they could rush up and bite some of the people in the Black Wind Base.

Half an hour later, everyone could see a stream of cars coming from the road. The front was led by two military machine gun cars, followed by an extended luxury Lincoln car. The cars behind were of all kinds, including sedans, vans, and vans following the military cars, and drove towards the Longshan base in a mighty manner. After the vehicle arrived at the roadblock set up by Longshan Base, it stopped. A man in black walked down from the military vehicle in front and directed all the cars except the luxury extended Lincoln and two military vehicles to park at the green belt beside the road.

More than 10 men in black got off the military vehicle, each of them exuding a strong aura, and they were dressed in uniform, wearing black clothes representing their Black Wind Base. There were both men and women. After getting off the car, they did not rush to attack Longshan Base, but waited for the people in the luxury Lincoln to get off. Han Feng and his men stood on the high platform, and they were not in a hurry to attack them, but watched what they were going to do. The door of the luxury Lincoln opened, and a young man got out of the car.

The young man had a fat body, wearing an expensive and luxurious fluffy brown coat, with his arms open. He was wearing a black T-shirt underneath, covering his fat belly. He was wearing loose pants on his legs, a pair of black leather shoes on his feet, and a big thick gold chain around his neck. His face looked very greasy and bumpy, and he was still holding a high-quality cigar in his mouth. After the young man came out of the extended Lincoln car, two young beauties followed him out. The two young women were dressed very coquettishly, and they were wearing very thin clothes in such cold weather. The two people were dressed very similarly, wearing a tight hip skirt, a velvet coat on the upper body, one wearing black stockings on the legs and the other wearing flesh-colored stockings, and a pair of high heels on the feet. The clothes of the two people were also very messy, and one of them had her shoulders exposed. It is not difficult to imagine what happened in the car on the way to Longshan Base. After the two women came out, they leaned into the arms of the young fat man, rubbing their bodies against him, showing off their charm to the young fat man.

"Brother Han, what's going on? Are they bringing two women to fight or to show off to us? Who is this fat man? It seems that other people are very respectful to him, and the two women are wearing so little in such a cold day." Jiang Kai couldn't help but move to Han Feng's side after seeing this, and asked in confusion.

"I don't know, but who cares who they are? Anyone who dares to come to our Longshan Base will be beaten. It's the end of the world, who is afraid of who? But, do you think those two women look like the stars we often saw on TV before the end of the world?" Han Feng answered Jiang Kai while staring at the two women.

"Like, like, like, hey, not like, isn't this it? I saw their GG on TV before. Although they are not very famous stars, they are also well-known. And although their looks are not as good as the two beauties in our base, they are also good-looking. Why did they follow that ugly fat guy?" The two beauties Jiang Kai mentioned were naturally Lin Bingyan and Yang Xue. He stared at the two female stars and said puzzledly.

"Could it be that in this doomsday, there is also a trend of hanging out with the rich? Look at the big fur coat that fat guy is wearing, and the big thick gold chain hanging around his neck. When your team goes out to kill zombies, when you pass by those jewelry stores, get me some big gold chains and the like." Han Feng also complained to Jiang Kai.

The conversation between the two couldn't help but cause the ladies next to the base to roll their eyes at the two, but the tension of the crowd was relieved a lot.

"You two little devils, wait a moment and destroy this Longshan base, and then I'll go back to the car to continue to deal with you two." The fat young man stretched out his fat big hand and grabbed the buttocks of the two female stars fiercely, and at the same time, he showed a wretched smile and said to the two people, and even the flesh on his face trembled while speaking.

"Brother Hang, it's too cold outside, what kind of broken place is this, can we go back to the car and wait for you first?" One of them wanted to lie on the fat man's body and rub back and forth, and said to the fat man called Brother Hang.

"Okay, go ahead, get ready in the car, I'll finish here soon." The fat man stretched out his hand and grabbed the buttocks of the two female stars wretchedly, and then pushed the two people into the car and said.

"Come on, let's go over there and see how ignorant these people are. They know clearly that we are coming, but they don't open the door to welcome us. They actually dare to point guns and live ammunition at us." The young fat man walked to the front and stood up. With his big belly forward, he spoke to the man in black next to him as he walked.

This young fat man's name is Liu Hang, and he is the only son of Liu Xuan, the leader of the Black Wind Base. Liu Xuan also loves him very much. After the end of the world, I tried every means and spent a lot of resources to help Liu Hang improve his strength. Unexpectedly, although Liu Hang was very talented, he didn't train hard at all and was very lustful. In the last days, relying on his father, he became unscrupulous and searched for beautiful women everywhere for his own enjoyment. Therefore, his physical condition was not very good. With the support of his father's various resources, he was just awakening now. Level 1 strength. This time, the Black Wind Base launched an attack on the bases in level 4 cities. Liu Xuan asked Liu Hang to bring many experts to attack these bases. But in the end, Liu Hang was simply responsible for showing off his power, and other talents He is a truly powerful mutant, responsible for truly dealing with the base. These men in black masters have long been dissatisfied with Liu Hang, but because Liu Hang's father Liu Xuan is their leader, they can only let Liu Xuan do this, and they have to be responsible for protecting Liu Xuan's safety. The key is that in order to show off his power in front of women, Liu Hang would send people to notify others one day in advance before attacking the base. Moreover, after arriving at the base, he would not be in a hurry to attack. He would only start the attack after pretending to be enough. And he also enjoyed this kind of authority in front of everyone.

"Stop, who dares to come to our Longshan base to cause trouble? Everyone is preparing to shoot. If you don't stop, we will shoot at you." Seeing a group of more than 10 people arriving at the main entrance of the base, Jiang Kai said to Taking a step forward, he shouted angrily to several people.

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