Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 619 Ten Awakened Masters

"What are you yelling about? Didn't we send someone to greet you yesterday? We are from the Black Wind Base. Today we are here to take over your Longshan Base. Be smart and put down your weapons. Come out and hand over Longshan Base to our Black Wind Base, or we will destroy your Longshan Base." After hearing Jiang Kai's words, Liu Hang would naturally not miss such an opportunity. He walked to the middle of the road, took off his cigar, blew out a puff of smoke, and pointed at the people on the wall of Longshan Base with the cigar in his hand.

Although Liu Hang's strength is not very good, and he doesn't like to use his brain, some of the black-clothed men who came with him this time are very powerful, and even brought Liu Xuan's think tank. The sinister plan to attack Xiao Qiang last night was thought up by that think tank. However, the think tank's strength is not high. Last night, they used the green snake to successfully attack Xiao Qiang. They thought that they could easily take over Longshan Base this time, so they stayed in Langzhou City and did not follow Liu Hang to deal with Longshan Base. In addition to Liu Hang, this time, the Black Wind Base also sent out 10 awakening-level strongmen to lead the team to deal with the Longshan Base.

These 10 awakening-level strongmen are all affiliated with the third group of the Black Wind Base, the Shadow Group, and are named Shadow One, Shadow Two, Shadow Three... respectively. Their team leader is Shadow One. This time, since Liu Hang also came here, although they attacked Xiao Qiang yesterday, it was still Shadow One who led the team to attack the Longshan Base. If Xiao Qiang was here, he would be able to use the binocular recognition function to easily scan the people below. This Shadow One is an awakening level 9 mutant, 1.9 meters tall, although it is smaller than Xiong Shi, but the muscles are bulging high, and the whole person's body looks very strong, which is in sharp contrast with Liu Hang in front. He also carries a very huge black and gold machete behind him. These 10 people did not always have such titles. In the Black Wind Base, only the 10 strongest people in the group can have such titles. Moreover, after the people who originally had this title were killed, the remaining people could be replaced in the team of 10 people with the word "shadow" according to the relationship of strength.

Among these 10 awakening-level mutants, Shadow 2, Shadow 4, Shadow 6, Shadow 9 and Shadow 10 are all strong-level mutants upgraded to awakening level. They also hold their own black gold weapons in their hands and stand side by side behind Liu Hang. Among them, Shadow 2 and Shadow 4 are awakening level 7 strong men, Shadow 6 is awakening level 6 strong men, Shadow 9 is awakening level 5 strong men, and Shadow 10 is awakening level 3 strong men, and is also the weakest one among these 10 people. Even so, it is also awakening level 3 strong men. It can be seen how many cards the Black Wind Base has hidden before. There are so many awakening-level strong men in just one group. No wonder the Black Wind Base dared to destroy the base so recklessly, and completely ignored the opposition of the two major forces, the Legion and M Company.

The remaining few people have upgraded their superpowers to the awakening level. Shadow Three is also a mutant of awakening level 7. She is a slender girl with a slippery superpower. Her body is very soft and will not break even if her body is bent over. Shadow Five is a mutant of awakening level 6, a slightly chubby man with a superpower of bubbles. He can spit bubbles from his mouth towards the enemy. If the bubbles are touched, they will explode and cause damage to the enemy. Shadow Seven is a mutant of awakening level 6, a wood superpower, who can control the branches sticking out of the soil to attack the enemy. Shadow Eight is a mutant of awakening level 5, with a superpower of swallowing. After using it, his mouth will become very large, and his teeth will become very strong and sharp. He can bite the enemy quickly and swallow the objects he bites. The above 10 people are the core force of the shadow team. Of course, in addition to them, there are dozens of mutants whose levels are not so high, but the lowest level is also the 7th level of the strong, and they jointly launched an attack on the Longshan base.

"Haha, you big fat guy, have you eaten too much or haven't woken up yet? What are you kidding? Will our Longshan base surrender to your small Black Wind base? You little soldier, retreat quickly, tell your leader to come out, and quickly hand over the person who attacked Brother Qiang last night, otherwise we will destroy your Black Wind base in the future." Han Feng could naturally see the important position of Liu Hang among them, but seeing his cocky look, he wanted to anger him and said this deliberately.

"You, you, I am their leader. The man who attacked Xiao Qiang last night did not come. Bah, no, even if he came, we would not hand him over to you. How dare you threaten our Black Wind Base." Liu Hang heard that Han Feng mistook him for a soldier for his show of strength, and immediately became furious and threw the cigar to the ground and said to Han Feng.

"Enough, Xiao Qiang did not appear here, and his girlfriend Lin Bingyan did not appear here either. If I am not mistaken, Xiao Qiang should have been killed by a surprise attack yesterday. I really don't know what kind of confidence you have to dare to face so many awakening-level masters of ours and speak nonsense here. Even if you have twice as many people, you have no chance of winning against us. Be sensible, don't waste time, and quickly submit to our Black Wind Base." Ying saw that Liu Hang did not pretend, and couldn't stand it anymore, so he spoke out.

"Da da da", Han Feng didn't answer this time, Jiang Kai commanded several snipers from the Longshan Team 1 to shoot at Liu Hang. Unexpectedly, although Liu Hang didn't react, Ying Ba stood in front of Liu Hang, used his own power, and opened his mouth. The mouth turned out to be more than 1 meter tall. Blocking Liu Hang behind him, all the bullets hit Yingba's mouth. Yingba closed his big mouth and returned to the previous size and shape. The mouth was slightly stirred, and it turned out that those All the bullets were swallowed into his stomach, and everyone in Longshan Base upstairs was also surprised. Seeing someone shooting at Liu Hang, many men in black hurriedly came forward, pulled out their weapons one by one, and stood in front of Liu Hang.

"As expected, I should kill you first. I've long heard that you have special powers and can control zombies. I didn't expect that the levels of these zombies are so high." Ying Yi also had the kind of ability to test levels on his face. With his glasses on, he saw Xiao Qiang releasing these zombies, glanced at them and said.

"What are you afraid of? You are an awakened level 9 mutant, so you are not afraid of him. Besides, let's bring out our secret weapon. So what if he has so many zombies? Can Xiao Qiang still stop our Black Wind Base? No. The last time we were in Wenzhou, if the people from the legion hadn't suddenly arrived to help, then Wenzhou would have been our Black Wind base now. Not only would I have killed him, but I would have captured the beautiful woman next to him and kept it for me. I enjoy it, it’s really the best!” Liu Hang’s eyes were already shining as he spoke, staring at Lin Bingyan’s sexy breasts next to Xiao Qiang.

Ying Yi couldn't help but frowned when he heard Liu Hang's words. If Liu Hang hadn't been the son of Liu Xuan, the leader of the Black Wind Base, Ying Yi would have wanted to slap him to death. Now, hasn't he seen the situation clearly? The zombies around Xiao Qiang are all infected, and there are four zombies with level 4 infection. Moreover, according to the information they have, Xiao Qiang is also a person with both strong and zombie abilities. He holds a weapon made of black gold in his hand, and has a variety of treasures on his body. Now, Xiao Qiang was not killed by their sneak attack, which was already far beyond their attack plan. Unexpectedly, Liu Hang was still thinking of hitting Xiao Qiang's girlfriend.

"Ying 10, hurry up and attack those people we prepared, and inform the other side of Langzhou City about the situation here. Everyone is preparing to attack, even if Xiao Qiang has those powerful zombies, But our strength is still stronger than those of them, so we can destroy this Longshan base." Ying Yi frowned slightly and said to the people around him.

After hearing Ying 1's words, Ying 10 withdrew from the crowd and walked towards the green belt where they parked. From just now, Longshan Base has been suspicious of these people in Black Wind Base. After the car stopped here, no one in the car got out, and not even a few voices were heard.

Sure enough, Xiao Qiang's eyes were solemn, and he looked at Liu Hang's position in the field with a pair of stern eyes. He pointed forward the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand and said to Liu Hang: "I originally wanted to discuss it with you. But now there is no room for negotiation, and you dare to say that Bingyan is seeking death. "

"You three infected level 4 zombies, go and besiege the most powerful Ying Yi for me."

"I'll leave it to you to deal with the man in black using the fork. Your nails are relatively long. If you hit him, he won't be able to hit you. It's suitable for him to deal with."

"I'll leave it to you to deal with that slippery and soft-bodied woman. You're faster, so you might be able to hurt him. If you're the only one, the level might not match up. I'll give you a stronger one. The zombies will deal with her together."

"The one who spits bubbles is very powerful. If he is allowed to release the bubbles, he may hurt the people in the base. You three go and fight him. Your body is thicker and is mainly used to resist damage from the front. Let’s deal with the zombies. Your team’s mission is to kill the bubble-blowing man in black as quickly as possible.”

"There is also the mutant with a mouth that will become very big. Let's take the two of you. You can shoot some poison gas and you can shoot some scales to attack. Doesn't he like to eat? Then let him eat as much as he can. ,Hahaha."

. . . . . .

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang quickly assigned tasks to his puppet zombies. According to the characteristics of the men in black, and based on the characteristics of his own zombies, he assigned tasks to these zombies in a targeted manner. Moreover, Xiao Qiang basically arranges at least two zombies to deal with a shadow team, ensuring that the zombies can deal with these men in black. Moreover, after Xiao Qiang was angered, the orders given to these zombies were to kill these men in black, instead of leaving them breathing space and waiting for him to free up his hands to kill and gain experience points. After the arrangements were completed, Xiao Qiang's puppet zombies were all used to deal with the members of the shadow team. There were only two zombies infected at level 1 left around Xiao Qiang. As for the remaining men in black, they could only rely on the base's personnel came to deal with it. Fortunately, except for the powerful people in the shadow team, the level of others is not too high.

"You two stay here and protect Bingyan. Bingyan, you stay here and pay attention to safety. Xiaolang, follow me. Let's kill that big fat man named Liu Hang. Longshan Base, Attack!" As Xiao Qiang spoke, he raised his voice and shouted to everyone in Longshan Base.

When Xiaolang heard Xiaoqiang's voice, he roared and followed Xiaoqiang down the wall to attack Liu Hang. After more than a month, Xiaoqiang continued to provide Xiaolang with black gold food. Now Xiaolang, the super pet, has reached the level of awakening 2. In fact, as early as Xiaoqiang gave the order to the puppet zombies, the puppet zombies had already rushed up to fight with the shadow team. Xiaoqiang followed Xiaolang through the fighting area, completely ignoring other people and heading straight for Liu Hang.

Seeing this, the people in Longshan Base were ready to rush out to help, because Xiaoqiang was fighting with the people in the Black Wind Base at this time, and they could not shoot with bullets from a distance, although even shooting these ordinary bullets could not cause harm to these mutants. At this time, Han Feng and others noticed that Yingshi had brought about 3,000 people from those cars and attacked Longshan Base.

"If you are not a mutant, don't rush out of the base. Shoot over there immediately." Han Feng felt that the people who came were a little strange, and immediately commanded the Longshan base team members to speak.

I saw that the people brought by Ying Shi followed Ying Shi and ran towards this side in a daze. They had long nails and were not as white as zombies. The most important thing was that these people didn't say a word, but just followed Ying Shi's orders to attack. But if they were human, these people didn't have any vitality at all, like puppets.

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