Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 620 Conducting Research

"Da Da Da", Longshan base opened fire quickly, and countless bullets immediately hit this group of strange people. However, when they hit this group of people, they found that these people were not hurt. The sharp-eyed Jiang Kai noticed that these people were wearing bulletproof vests.

"Longshan 1 team, pay attention, aim and shoot, these people are wearing bulletproof vests, aim and shoot at their heads, grenades, throw them into the crowd, don't throw them to Brother Qiang." Jiang Kai noticed the situation and immediately gave orders to the team members.

"Da", someone in the Longshan team shot a bullet in the forehead of the person running in front, and a hole was made in the forehead. The man was knocked to the ground by the huge impact of the bullet. However, to everyone's surprise, the man actually stood up again while shaking, and there was no blood flowing out of the hole in his head. Everyone was a little panicked when they saw this scene, and they were sweating in this cold winter. These people do not have the white eyeballs of zombies, but they have no vitality at all. Moreover, the most important thing is that even if the zombies are attacked in the head, they will be killed, but these people are fine, and even after the holes are punched in the head, there is not even blood flowing out.

"Bang bang" Several grenades were thrown into the crowd in an instant. Those whose bodies were separated by the explosion did not stand up again, but some people who were blown up with missing arms and legs, or even half of their heads were blown off, still stood up and launched an attack forward. Seeing this scene, the team members of Longshan Base couldn't help but stand up. Some people even stopped the machine guns in their hands after seeing this scene. They were so scared that they didn't know how to attack, even though they had seen the species of zombies in the end times.

"What are you doing? Don't stop, keep attacking, don't let these people get close, keep throwing grenades." Jiang Kai saw this and hurriedly shouted to his team members, although Jiang Kai's heart was also a little drum.

"Brother Han, I think these people are a little abnormal. When Xiao Qiang was in Liutong County, he said that Li Feng and his team used those formulas to experiment on people. I think these people are not zombies. They are very similar to the characteristics of the experiment Xiao Qiang said. If I guess correctly, these people should be creatures produced by the Black Wind Base using formula research experiments. I just observed that these people have obviously been transformed. Their physical fitness has been obviously strengthened. Even if they are hit by grenades, it is difficult to cause too much damage to them. Moreover, bullets hitting the head cannot kill them. Only by cutting off the head can they be killed." Yang Xue walked to Han Feng's side and told Han Feng what she knew.

"Okay, I know! Everyone, throw grenades into the crowd immediately, twice as much as before. Also, in each team, half of the people continue to shoot, and the rest of the people aim at the neck and head of the zombies. These are all transformed people. Only after their heads are shot off can they be killed." After hearing this, Han Feng immediately loudly conveyed the method to everyone.

"More than 20 of you, carry explosives and go over there to open their protective shield. Everyone, take your guns and shoot at the people in Longshan Base to break through their transparent protective shield." After seeing this, Ying Shi actually gave the order to charge the group of modified people.

After seeing this group of troops, Han Feng understood how terrifying it was to have a group of troops that obeyed orders, were fearless and strong, and only knew how to carry out tasks. First, the more than 20 people carrying explosives, after Han Feng noticed them, he ordered to use intensive firepower to sweep them. Those people were instantly shot into sieves, and some even had their legs shot off. They dragged their bodies and crawled towards Longshan Base. In the end, there were still a few people who ran to the side of the protective shield. The "booming" explosion sounded, and the transparent protective shield was blown out with mottled lines, but fortunately it was not broken. Afterwards, under the command of Ying Shi, the remaining people began to shoot at the mottled lines, and they were very accurate, basically at the locations where the bombs had just exploded. Moreover, these people did not dodge the bullets and grenades fired from Longshan Base, but only raised their machine guns and shot at the protective shield.

Although the casualties of the people led by Ying Shi were not small under the intensive and targeted firepower of Longshan Base, it still caused a great psychological shock to the people in Longshan Base who saw such people for the first time. A group of people who had no vitality at all were executing orders without hesitation and fear. If it were not for this transparent advanced protective shield, these people would have rushed into Longshan Base. Soon, the transparent protective shield was broken into a small hole that could accommodate two people. Ying Shi directed the continued shooting of the transparent protective shield while charging towards Longshan Base.

"Damn, who are these people? They can actually study humans into such a species. Hit them hard and don't let them rush into Longshan Base. Jiang Kai, send a few people to the location where the defense shield is broken and set up some trap symbols. Qiao Tong, Xu Miao, take the mutants in your team to guard the defense shield. If these people rush in, you must stop them and don't let them rush into the base." Seeing this, Han Feng slapped the railing heavily with some anger. If these people really rushed into the crowd of Longshan Base, the casualties on the Longshan Base side would be unpredictable, so he quickly distributed them.

"Lin Fei, did you see the man in black? The one who used two black and gold long swords to command. Rush over and kill him. These people are all under his command. If he is allowed to command, these people will rush into our base." Han Feng turned his head again and said to Lin Fei.

With a clang, Han Feng had just finished speaking when he saw two scabbards fall to the ground. A figure flashed out very quickly, turned into a stream of light, stepped on the wall, and rushed out of the Longshan base with his two swords, reaching the crowd. After reaching the crowd, Lin Fei hacked and killed all the way, and instantly rushed to Ying Shi. After arriving in front of Ying Shi, he didn't even say a word, jumped high and chopped at Ying Shi's head. Ying Shi was surprised, but his awakening level 3 strength was not false. He slightly sidestepped Lin Fei's attack, and at the same time, he had already taken advantage of the situation and pulled out his black gold long sword, and fought with Lin Fei. Although Lin Fei only had the strength of awakening level 2, due to his daily hard training, his moves were swift and powerful, and the key was that Lin Fei's movement speed was also very flexible. The two fought, and for a while, Lin Fei was able to rely on his fierce offensive to make Ying Shi passively defend.

After seeing Lin Fei rushing out, Xiong Shi couldn't hold back any longer. Without waiting for Han Feng's order, he roared and used his supernatural power to transform into a tall and strong bear. He jumped into the crowd and fought with the crowd with all his strength. Most of them were Xiong Shi who lifted the man up and then tore him apart with brute force.

Although those cyborgs were without Ying Shi's command, they had already rushed into the Longshan base and stepped into the muddy trap set by Jiang Kai and others. Seeing those cyborgs who rushed through the trap, Qiao Tong and Xu Miao did not dare to slack off. They led the mutants in their respective teams and started to fight with those cyborgs.

Xiao Qiang naturally noticed the strange situation of these cyborgs and gave up attacking Liu Hang, letting Xiaolang continue to bite Liu Hang, but there was also an awakening level 3 guard in front of Liu Hang who stood up and fought with Xiaolang. Xiao Qiang drew out the Thousand Machine Umbrella, bypassed the fighting places, found Ying Yi's location, and prepared to find him to get some information.

"Ying Yi, what's the situation with these people? What did you do to them? How did they become like this? Huangzhou was destroyed overnight. Did you rely on these people? What's going on?" Xiao Qiang joined the three infected level 4 zombies to besiege Ying Yi, and asked while taking the opportunity to hit Ying Yi.

"Haha, that's right, this is the secret weapon of our Black Wind Base. It's a pity that I miscalculated that you were not killed by the sneak attack, and you actually have a base defense shield here, otherwise our secret weapons would have already attacked your Longshan Base. I have to say that your strength has greatly exceeded our expectations." Ying Yi manipulated his wide black and gold long sword to parry the siege of the zombies, and said at the same time.

"Your secret weapon is really powerful, but there are too few of you. Don't think you can break through the defense of my Longshan base today. Tell me what's going on with these people. Is it related to the cowhide roll?" Xiao Qiang continued to ask tentatively while fighting.

"It's okay to tell you, but please tell me why you can still control zombies when you have fire powers. Do you have two powers, or what method do you use to control these zombies? As far as we know, there is no one who can have two powers in this doomsday continent." Ying Yi spoke happily, dodged the zombie's attack, and asked Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, no problem, you tell me first, I can let my puppet zombie not attack you first." As he said that, Xiao Qiang gave an order to the infected zombie at level 4.

"That's great. But what you know is true. As far as I know, part of the formula of our Black Wind Base was snatched away by you. However, we still have a roll of formula in our hands. These modified humans are indeed experiments based on the formula. Although they are still human and retain human consciousness, they are just like zombies. They are not afraid at all. Moreover, although they have the characteristics of zombies, they can obey orders, and they obey orders resolutely." When Ying saw that the zombies stopped attacking, he stood beside him, holding his black and gold machete, and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

"Fuck, beasts, do you have any humanity in doing this? You took living lives to do experiments. This one succeeded, but those that didn't. You said they still retain human consciousness, so aren't they all living dead? Do you have an antidote?" After hearing Ying Yi's words, Xiao Qiang remembered the experiments he had done on people in Liutong County, and he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of anger. He gritted his teeth and trembled as he spoke.

"Okay, now I've told you about these secret weapons, so now it's your turn to tell me about your puppet zombies. What exactly are your puppet zombies like?" Ying Yi smiled lightly and asked Xiao Qiang.

"Answer my question!!" Xiao Qiang roared, so loud that everyone in the venue could hear it, and at the same time, his eyes were wide open. Because Xiao Qiang was too angry, there were some red bloodshot around his eyeballs. He stared at Ying Yi tightly, and even his whole momentum suddenly changed.

The people in the field only felt a strong momentum here, and the movements in their hands could not help but stop for a moment. Only the living dead were still executing orders without knowing it, and continued to attack the Longshan base. Then the fight continued in the field. Yingyi felt Xiao Qiang's powerful momentum, and the whole person couldn't help but clench the black gold machete in his hand, and looked at Xiao Qiang with some doubts.

"Of course not, these people's bodies have been specially modified. You just noticed that there will be no blood flowing out even if a bullet hits a hole. What do you think? Are you going to break your promise and not tell me the secret of your puppet zombies?" Yingyi looked at Xiao Qiang vigilantly and said.

"As a person, I will keep my promise. These puppet zombies are not my superpowers, and I don't have two superpowers. The capture of these puppet zombies relies on a high-level puppet symbol. This is the secret of these puppet zombies." Xiao Qiang stared at Yingyi and said word by word with gritted teeth.

"Oh? Your Longshan base really exceeded my expectations. You actually have something like puppet talismans. In this case, I think maybe we can sit down and talk. Maybe we can even reach a deal or cooperation." After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, Ying Yi offered his suggestions to Xiao Qiang with interest.

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