Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 621: He is a powerful person with super powers

"Haha, listen carefully, we people will not do business with animals, and starting from today, our Longshan Base and your Heifeng Base are at odds with each other. That fat man should be a very important figure in your Heifeng Base, so I will Kill him first." Xiao Qiang sneered and said to Ying Yi.

Xiao Qiang originally thought that humans should unite together to deal with zombies in the apocalypse, but what Ying Yi said today made Xiao Qiang extremely surprised. He didn't expect that this apocalypse would be so ruthless. people, so they were also very angry. As he spoke, Xiao Qiang continued to issue attack orders to the three infected Level 4 zombies. Then his body turned into a stream of light, bypassed the fighting place, and shot Liu Hang directly in the head. Unexpectedly, Liu Hang didn't panic at all. He held a cigar in his fat hand and continued to smoke. He looked at Xiao Qiang with a disdainful smile on his face. Seeing that Xiao Qiang's Thousand Planes Umbrella was about to hit Liu Hang, a spear suddenly blocked the Thousand Planes Umbrella, blocking Xiao Qiang's path and making a "dang" sound.

"Ding, I found a strong person who has awakened to level 4!"

A lean man in black clothes appeared in front of Xiao Qiang, holding a thick black gold spear in his hand. This person was the think tank of the Black Wind Base who was worried about Liu Hang's safety and was specially sent to protect Liu Hang's safety.

"Door 4 - open!"

Xiao Qiang didn't hesitate. Xiao Qiang was already very angry. Even if Yingyi stood in front of Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang would rush forward and fight. Now Xiao Qiang's level has been upgraded to Awakening Level 3. After entering the Awakening level, Xiao Qiang finally felt the benefits of a strong man's dual cultivation of supernatural powers. At the same time as the fourth door was opened, the position of the feet had turned into flames, and the whole person rose into the air, using the Thousand Chance Umbrella to hit the person. Xiao Qiang has many skills, and with the use of supernatural powers, after opening the fourth gate, he was able to suppress the strong man who had awakened to level 4 and could only parry.

On the other side, the defensive cover of Longshan Base has been destroyed into a huge hole. Shadow Ten was attacked by Lin Fei and fought with Lin Fei. Without Shadow Ten's command here, these living dead were still attacked. The previous command from Shadow Ten was a crazy attack into Longshan Base, fighting with the members of Longshan Base. At this time, the living dead had already jumped over the trap talisman, half of them rushed into the base, and the other part of the people were still crowding towards the Longshan base.

Han Feng saw that everyone was already fighting in close combat with the living dead, so he quickly ordered not to fire machine guns. Instead, he asked the mutants and members of each team wearing full black gold defense suits to rush down and fight with the living dead. Fight together. The team members at Longshan Base were deeply impressed by the fight with these people. These living dead had no characteristics of zombies at all, but they had no vitality at all. The most terrifying thing is that as long as the heads of these living dead are not cut off, these living dead will continue to launch attacks on the team members of Longshan Base.

After such a long period of rest and recuperation at Longshan Base, as well as the continuous addition of personnel, there are more than 100 mutants in the base alone. In the Longshan base, these people have the cultivation of various elixirs exchanged by Xiao Qiang from the system, plus the training in the mutant training room. Therefore, the strength and physical fitness of each mutant are very strong. Those who wear black gold suits are all members of each team who have very good physical fitness and are very powerful. Even if they are knocked down by these living dead, the black gold suits made by Yang Xue can protect them. In addition, in daily life, Wu Shan would lead the training instructors to conduct specialized training for these people, so they cooperated very well.

Among them, Xiong Shi's movements were the most conspicuous. He rushed out of the Longshan base, and among the living dead, he used his big fists and smashed them against the living dead. The mutants in Longshan Base also displayed their special abilities. For a moment, water mist filled the air, various earth walls surrounded the living dead, and various thorns entangled towards the living dead. Due to the mutations of Longshan Base, Because of the resistance from the front, there were no casualties at Longshan Base. However, it was a bit unbearable to fight with those living dead.

"Ding, the host was infected with level 1 zombies and was killed, leaving 24 puppet zombies."

"Ding, the host puppet zombie kills the awakened level 5 strong person, and the reward is 3,000 experience points, 3,000 exchange points, and an automatic attack recognition machine gun."

"Ding, the host was infected with level 2 zombies and was killed. There are 23 puppet zombies left."

. . . . . .

While Xiao Qiang was fighting with the guard who had awakened to level 4, various killing prompts sounded in his mind. Hearing the kill sound, Xiao Qiang ordered the remaining puppet zombies to continue besieging the men in black of the shadow team. Slowly, the winners and losers of the fights in the field were determined. As for the living dead, under the command of Han Feng from a high place and the combined efforts of the Longshan team, their numbers were getting smaller and smaller.

"Double sword style!"

Lin Fei shouted softly, and after putting some distance away from the shadow ten, he controlled his double swords and used the double sword flow technique. Two powerful swords slashed towards Ying Ten's position. After Ying Ten saw this, he stepped on the ground with both feet. The black gold sword in his hand was raised horizontally, blocking the attack of the two swords and colliding with each other. After that, there was a crisp sound of "dang". Ying Shi's feet also rubbed against the ground and moved some distance back, leaving a long gash on Ying Shi's arm.

Seeing that his double-sword technique was unable to kill Ying Shi, Lin Fei did not hesitate at all, moved slightly, and then rushed towards Ying Shi. Before reaching Shadow Ten, Lin Fei stepped hard on the ground and jumped up high. The word "harmony" made of black gold was in front, the autumn water knife was behind, and the muscles on his arms were It was swollen high, and the veins were bulging, and he slashed at Ying Shi's body with all his strength. Ying Shi was also surprised. He didn't expect Lin Fei to rush over so quickly and launch his attack in this direction. Get up and attack.

In an instant, the two people's positions crossed each other. Lin Fei flicked his hand, moved his mouth that was shaken and had blood oozing out, clenched his two swords and rushed towards the base to help. On the other side, Ying Ten opened his eyes wide and looked forward with some disbelief. The black gold long knife in his hand broke into two halves and fell to the ground with a "clang", while Ying Ten also slowly fell towards the back. , there is a long scar on Ying Shi's chest. Just now, after Lin Fei rushed over, Shadow Ten raised his black gold knife and slashed at Lin Fei's body. Unexpectedly, Lin Fei was completely defenseless and put on a desperate posture. Manipulating the black gold knife to chop at Ying Shi's body. The shocked Shadow Ten could only withdraw the black gold knife hastily and block Lin Fei's attack. Unexpectedly, Lin Fei used all his strength in this move, coupled with the sharpness of the black gold knife, the collision with each other was to cut off the black gold knife of Ying Shi, and cut across Ying Shi's chest with one knife.

Except for Lin Fei's battle, among the other members of the shadow team, except for the positions of Ying 1 and 2, the winner has basically been determined. There were less than 10 puppet zombies left on Xiao Qiang's side, but all the members of the shadow team were killed. As for the living dead who attacked Longshan Base, the situation was stabilized after Han Feng and others, especially Lin Fei, joined in.

"Shadow 2, quickly escort Liu Hang to retreat. As long as Xiao Qiang is here, it will be impossible to break through the Longshan base today. Run quickly and go back and report the situation here to the headquarters, including the situation of Xiao Qiang's puppet zombies." After observing the fighting situation in the field, Yi said to Ying Er.

Ying Er agreed softly, and used his black gold thorn whip to lash out a few times at the two level 3 infected zombies surrounding him, then took out a gap and jumped suddenly, He rushed to Liu Hang's side, pulled Liu Hang and ran towards the Lincoln car.

"If you want to run away, there's no way. You all go and stop him. Don't let him run away and come to our Longshan base to cause some damage. Do you want to leave just because you want to leave?" Xiao Qiang heard Ying Yi's words. , roared loudly, directing the infection-level zombies to chase Liu Hang.

At this time, Sister Rourou had already used her powers to bring Lin Bingyan to Longshan Base. Lin Bingyan was helping everyone in Longshan Base to deal with the living dead. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang also ordered The two infected level 1 zombies who were protecting Lin Bingyan rushed to help and chased Liu Hang together.

After Ying 2 heard Ying 1's words, he just rushed to Liu Hang's side. Two level 1 infected zombies had already rushed over first, waving their long nails and launched an attack on Ying 2. Ying Er had no choice but to keep urging Liu Hang to get in the car quickly, but Liu Hang remained calm and reluctant to get to the Lincoln.

"Ding, the host uses the Double Violent Pill, and the host will gain double the violent power within 10 minutes."

"Door 5 - open!"

"A mad dragon's sword!"

Xiao Qiang didn't want to delay any longer and wanted to catch Liu Hang, so he immediately opened the fifth door and used the technique of the Mad Dragon Blade to slash towards the body of the guard, but was struck by the guard. The awakened level 4 strongman resisted.

"Fire Fist!"

"Towards the peacock!"

Without any hesitation, the Kuanglong sword did not kill the guard. Xiao Qiang continued to use the Chao Peacock Technique. Countless fireballs were fired at the guard intensively. The guard was also shocked and hurriedly raised his hand. Weapon to block. However, after upgrading to level 3 of awakening, Xiao Qiang's Peacock Technique has increased a lot. After a burst of smoke, the man was knocked to the ground. There were traces of being scorched by the fireball all over his body. He fell to the ground and was unable to move. Xiao Qiang quickly rushed over, killed the guard, and helped Xiaolang deal with the man in black who had awakened to level 3.

"Ding, the host kills an awakened level 4 human, and will be rewarded with 10,000 experience points, 10,000 redemption points, and a high-level lightning talisman."

Yingyi faced three level 4 infected zombies. Although he was awakened to level 9, he was under great pressure, especially as the number of people he brought with him was decreasing. Seeing that Liu Hang was reluctant to retreat, Yingyi became anxious. He held the black gold machete and kept swinging it to repel the three level 4 infected zombies, and jumped to Liu Hang's side.

"Mr. Liu, retreat quickly. The Longshan base is too strong, and we have brought fewer zombies. We have fallen into Xiao Qiang's trap today. Run quickly." Yingyi resisted the zombies chasing him while urging Liu Hang to retreat quickly.

"Run? Yingyi, what are you doing? Aren't you awakened to level 9? My father spent so many treasures to train you, and also allocated a 3,000-man army of zombies for you. You didn't even enter the door of Longshan Base. Now you tell me you want to run. How can I tell my father when I get back?" After hearing Yingyi's words, Liu Hang pointed at Yingyi and scolded him.

Yingyi was angry and helpless when he heard Liu Hang's words. Obviously, Liu Xuan was such a smart and capable person, but he gave birth to such a son. He was not capable at all. He barely upgraded to the level of awakening 1 with countless treasures. Unexpectedly, he was sent to participate in the attack on these level 4 cities, and he was repeatedly commanded randomly. It was better before the situation was not critical. Now everyone is surrounded by people in Longshan Base, and they still can't tell the situation and act like a big master here.

"Hurry up, if you keep talking nonsense, none of us can leave. In the past, when the situation was not critical, you could just show off your temper. What's the situation now? You can't tell the situation at all. If you don't leave, don't leave. Also, I respect Liu Xuan very much. It's not because he provided me with countless treasures. With his help, I was able to upgrade to the 9th level of awakening. I was able to upgrade to the 9th level of awakening because of my own efforts." Yingyi slashed the black gold machete in front of Liu Hang, and said to Liu Hang with wide eyes.

Liu Hang had never seen Yingyi treat him like this, and he was stunned on the spot. For a moment, he didn't dare to refute Yingyi again and again. In a panic, Liu Hang was shocked by Yingyi's 9th level awakening momentum, and was pulled by a 9th level strongman guard next to him to run towards the Lincoln car.

On Xiao Qiang's side, Xiaolang and the other two quickly killed the Black Wind Base personnel who were awakened at level 3.

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