Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 622 Xiao Qiang angers Ying Yi

Then Xiao Qiang noticed Liu Hang running towards the Lincoln car, stepped towards Xiaolang, pointed forward with the Thousand Plane Umbrella, and hurriedly pursued Liu Hang's position. At this time, Ying 1 was besieged by three zombies infected with level 4, while Ying 2 was besieged by 2 zombies infected with level 3 and two zombies infected with level 1. They were unable to spare their hands to protect the retreating Liu. sail.

"Ding, the host was infected with level 1 zombies and was killed. There are still 6 puppet zombies left."

"Ding, the host was infected with level 3 zombies and was killed. There are still 5 puppet zombies left."

"Ding, the host puppet zombie kills the awakened level 7 powerhouse, and the reward is 30,000 experience points, 30,000 exchange points, and a high-level Flame Tongue Talisman."

Xiao Qiang, who was charging forward, suddenly heard the beep sound in the system. Knowing that Ying Er had been killed by his own puppet zombie, he ordered the other two puppet zombies to attack together in the system. After Ying Yi's order, he concentrated on dealing with Liu Hang.

At this time, Liu Hang had arrived beside the Lincoln car under the protection of the strong level 9 man in black. Xiao Qiang rushed over. The little wolf opened his mouth and bit the body of the strong level 9 guard. . Xiao Qiang took advantage of the situation and jumped down from the little wolf, jumped up high, the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand turned into a knife form, and slashed Liu Hang's body with one knife. Liu Hang had never seen this battle before. In the past, everyone in the Black Wind Base either gave way to him, or everyone only let him pass after winning. Now, seeing such a brave Xiao Qiang carrying Thousand Machines The umbrella (sword form) was slashing towards him. He had been frightened for a long time, but he still remembered that he was also a strong man with level 1 awakening. For a moment, he just held his head and squatted next to the car.

However, when Xiao Qiang's Thousand Planes Umbrella struck Liu Hang, he felt a powerful force coming from the Thousand Planes Umbrella. The powerful force shook Xiao Qiang's hand to the point where he could hardly hold the Thousand Planes Umbrella. The umbrella and his whole body were ejected, and he fell heavily to the ground. A mouthful of blood flowed out from the corner of Xiao Qiang's mouth. Xiao Qiang looked at Liu Hang's position in confusion, and instantly understood what was going on.

It turns out that as the leader of the Black Wind Base, Liu Xuan also knew that his son was ineffective, so he spent a lot of money to buy an amulet-like paper item from Company M and placed it on Liu Hang. Zhang Amulet is able to withstand even a full-strength blow from Level 9 Awakening, and at the same time, it can also counterattack and hit the attacker. Xiao Qiang lay on the ground and rubbed his aching chest, secretly sighing that he was lucky to be wearing an advanced defense suit, otherwise he would have been quite powerful this time.

When Liu Hang saw Xiao Qiang being ejected, he chuckled with a big fat mouth, got into the Lincoln car, and slipped the two charming stars out one by one, and threw them to the On the side, the two celebrities were also screaming. After Liu Hang got into the car, he kept urging the driver of the Lincoln to start the car and escape towards Langzhou. After Xiao Qiang got up, he saw that Liu Hang wanted to run, so he took three steps instead of two. He picked up the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and rushed over. When he arrived in front of the car, Xiao Qiang jumped up high, holding the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in his hand. Hit the Lincoln. However, the car had already started, and Xiao Qiang's knife only hit the rear part of the Lincoln, leaving a gash in the car.

Xiao Qiang was about to continue chasing, but he heard a roar coming from behind him. At the same time, a kill prompt sounded in Xiao Qiang's system.

"Ding, the host was infected with level 1 zombies and was killed. There are still 4 puppet zombies left."

"Ding, the host was infected with level 4 zombies and was killed. There are still 3 puppet zombies left."

Turning his head in confusion, Xiao Qiang didn't understand why the three infected level 4 zombies had not been killed when they besieged Ying Yi. Instead, two more puppet zombies were added, but they were unable to defeat the puppet zombies and were killed. It didn't matter if he turned his head, Xiao Qiang saw that in the middle of the puppet zombies, Ying Yi's figure had changed again. His body length had grown to about 3 meters, and his body had become much stronger. Although he was not as strong as Xiong Shi The change was so huge, but the muscles all over his body were even tighter. Xiao Qiang looked at Ying Yi after this change, and only two words emerged in his mind, that is power. From the appearance alone, it can be seen that Ying Yi's power is very powerful.

Not only that, Ying Yi still had a lot of thick black hair growing on his body, and there were two pieces of hard brown skin on his chest. The head is also covered with hair, and looking at the entire face, it has completely transformed into the appearance of an orangutan. This Yingyi turns out to be an animal superpower.

Xiao Qiang had seen Ying Yi holding a black gold machete before. He was extremely strong and used strength to fight against the puppet zombies. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be an awakened person with upgraded supernatural powers. It turns out that although Yingyi is a superpower, he pays great attention to strengthening his physical fitness and does not rely solely on the power brought by using superpowers. Therefore, even if he does not use superpowers, Yingyi's power Also very powerful. However, just now Ying Yi noticed Xiao Qiang chasing Liu Hang, because Liu Xuan was kind to Ying Yi, so even though Ying Yi didn't like Liu Hang, he wanted to protect Liu Hang. Therefore, Ying Yi, who was besieged by the puppet zombies, used his superpower and turned into a gorilla. Using the powerful power gained from the superpower, he killed two puppet zombies with one move. And the black gold machete, which originally seemed very wide, now looked very miniscule in Ying Yi's hand.

After Yingyi killed two puppet zombies, he rushed out of the encirclement formed by several puppet zombies, jumped high, and chopped at Xiao Qiang with a black gold machete. Facing the attack of the awakened level 9 strong man, Xiao Qiang did not dare to confront him head-on, and could only fart and chase Liu Hang, using his skills to avoid.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 900/1000."

Xiao Qiang instantly used the Flying Thunder God skill and arrived at the wall of Kangzhuang Village where he had carved the mark before, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella upside down and looking at Yingyi.

"Run!" After Yingyi blocked Xiao Qiang, he turned his head and shouted loudly at Liu Hang.

At this time, Liu Hang, who had already been frightened by Xiao Qiang's knife, dared not delay. He kept urging the driver in the car, wishing that he was sitting on a plane and rushed to the Langzhou City base. As for the two female stars who were entangled with him just now, they had already been thrown aside by him.

Xiaolang had just killed the black-clothed man of level 9 who blocked them. Seeing Yingyi sneak attacking Xiaoqiang, he howled and kept scratching the ground with his claws, preparing to pounce on Yingyi's position and bite him.

"Xiaolang, come back! You are not the opponent of Yingyi, come back quickly." Seeing this, Xiaoqiang hurriedly shouted at Xiaolang to stop Xiaolang from attacking.

Hearing Xiaoqiang's words, Xiaolang also stopped rushing up and ran towards Xiaoqiang's position instead. While Xiao Qiang was shouting, he ordered the puppet zombies to attack Ying Yi. In view of Ying Yi's extremely strong power, Xiao Qiang asked the puppet zombies to get close to Ying Yi's body to attack Ying Yi, using their sharp and long nails and teeth to attack Ying Yi. However, Xiao Qiang also knew that these three puppet zombies might not be able to deal with Ying Yi. After all, the three puppet zombies infected with level 4 just now couldn't deal with Ying Yi, and now there is a zombie infected with level 3, which is even less of an opponent. Therefore, Xiao Qiang was also ready to attack Ying Yi at any time.

But before the zombies approached Ying Yi's position, Ying Yi roared again, and after changing into an orangutan, he completely released his ferocity. He clenched his fists and smashed them hard towards the ground, and the entire concrete floor cracked with cracks that were tens of meters long. Ying Yi reached out and touched it, and actually lifted up a piece of ground that was tens of meters long and threw it towards Xiao Qiang's position. Xiao Qiang was shocked. He didn't expect that Ying Yi's power was so strong and fierce that he could lift up such a heavy piece of ground. Just as Xiao Qiang was holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly to resist the big rock, he saw a figure rushing out in front of him. The tall figure blocked him completely.

Seeing this figure, Xiao Qiang slowly relaxed his hand holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella. This person was Xiong Shi. Xiong Shi roared angrily and used his supernatural power to turn into a bear that was much taller than Ying Yi. He swung his fist forward and smashed the concrete floor that was smashed. With Xiong Shi's tall figure blocking in front, not even a small broken stone hit Xiao Qiang.

The action of Ying Yi's hands did not stop. After throwing a piece of ground, he used his fists to dig hard on the cement ground, lifted a large piece of cement ground behind him and threw it towards the location of Longshan Base. At this time, the transparent defense cover of Longshan Base had been attacked and a huge hole was exposed. If this cement ground was thrown into the base, it would definitely hit the people in the base.

Lin Fei, who was fighting with the zombies, heard the movement behind him and just turned his head slightly backwards. Then, everyone saw that Lin Fei had disappeared from the spot and appeared in the air, holding his two double knives, and rushed towards the huge cement ground flying over. Lin Fei's knife speed was very fast, and everyone only saw the shadow of the knife in front of Lin Fei. After a while, Lin Fei landed steadily on the ground, and the cement ground was broken into small pieces of stones and fell on the ground.

Seeing that there was no concrete ground around him to throw, Yingyi jumped up more than 10 meters high and jumped to the green belt where the Black Wind Base had parked. After landing, several nearby cars bounced twice. After Yingyi arrived next to the car, he picked up a car with one hand and threw it madly towards Longshan Base. The several tons of car was like a toy car in Yingyi's hand. Fortunately, these thrown cars were blocked by the mutants in Longshan Base.

At this time, three puppet zombies also rushed to Yingyi and fought with Yingyi, preventing Yingyi from continuing to throw cars. Seeing this, Lin Fei and Xiong Shi were also ready to rush up and fight Yingyi together with the puppet zombies, but they were stopped by Xiao Qiang.

"Brother Han, organize people to set up a trap area with trap symbols as the main method. Then, don't fight Yingyi in close combat, as he is too strong. Let the mutants in the base attack from a distance, as well as the members of the laser gun team." Xiao Qiang took advantage of the time when several puppet zombies delayed Yingyi and ran to Han Feng and said to him.

"Okay, but the trap symbol is easy to set, but how to make Yingyi step into the set trap?" Han Feng nodded and agreed to Xiao Qiang, and asked.

"It's okay, I will be responsible for attracting Yingyi to the location of the trap later." Xiao Qiang said with a slight smile.

Then, Xiao Qiang rushed out of the base, using his special ability and fireballs to attack Ying Yi from a distance.

"Ying Yi, why are you doing this? What's the use of having such a high strength? In the end, you are still a dog of the leader of the Black Wind Base. Look at you, you actually listened to the words of people like Liu Hang and were scolded by people like Liu Hang. Look at you, they ran away by themselves, leaving you here to continue fighting, you are not that important to them. I can't understand why you are willing to be a dog for others." Xiao Qiang said to Ying Yi angrily.

"Ah~, who are you calling a dog? How dare you call me a dog? You are a nobody with only awakening level 3 strength, and you dare to call me a dog. If you hadn't captured so many zombies with the help of the puppet talisman, your Longshan base would have been destroyed by my Black Wind base. How dare you call me a dog? You are simply asking for a fight." Ying Yi was furious when he heard Xiao Qiang calling him a dog. He spoke while dealing with the zombies' attacks.

As he spoke, Ying Yi, who was angered by Xiao Qiang, became even more violent. He swung a black-gold machete in one hand and swung it among the zombies. He picked up a car with the other hand and threw it towards Xiao Qiang's position. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang squatted down gently to the side and avoided Ying Yi's attack. At the same time, he had already taken out a bunch of intermediate talisman papers from the system.

"Arrow talisman!"

"Thunder and lightning talisman!"

"Fire tongue talisman!"

... . . . . .

Xiao Qiang was sitting on the roof of a car, with Xiao Lang standing beside him. They leisurely took the time to throw these intermediate talismans at Ying Yi through the gaps between the three zombies.

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