Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 624 Departure to Tongzhou

And she was wearing very sexy clothes, showing her pitiful and charming manners in every gesture. Seeing this, all the men present, except Xiao Qiang, couldn't help but lower their heads to look at the man's legs. It was not that Xiao Qiang couldn't help but look, but Lin Bingyan was behind Xiao Qiang, and stretched out her hand to twist Xiao Qiang's waist.

"As long as you abide by the rules of Longshan Base, no one here will force you to do something. So, you'd better put away the ones you used in Black Wind Base. Bingyan, Yang Xue, you two take them down to question them, tell them the rules of Longshan Base, and find two sets of clothes for them to change." Xiao Qiang endured the pain and spoke to the two.

After seeing the two people being taken away by Bingyan and others, Xiao Qiang was relieved. In fact, Xiao Qiang knew that these two female stars could not know more about Black Wind Base.

"All members of the Longshan team, clean up the battlefield immediately, collect the black gold, select the cars that can be used, burn all the corpses, repair the road as soon as possible, and do a good job of defense." Xiao Qiang gave orders to the members of the Longshan base.

"Brother Qiang, all the zombies have been eliminated, and there is only one left who was captured alive and is now under control." Jiang Kai came over and reported to Xiao Qiang.

"Let's go and take a look." Xiao Qiang nodded and followed Jiang Kai to the base.

Xiao Qiang followed Jiang Kai to the Longshan base and saw that several members had controlled a zombie in a corner with a long steel fork. Although Ying Shi, who gave the order, had been killed by Lin Fei, the zombie was still resolutely executing Ying Shi's orders. Although he was controlled, his claws continued to extend to the front and waved at the positions of several members.

"Can you hear me?" Xiao Qiang approached the zombie and asked him.

According to Ying Yi, although these people have some characteristics of zombies, they still retain human consciousness, so Xiao Qiang also wants to test them.

Xiao Qiang noticed that there were several wounds on this person's body, but there was no blood flowing from the wounds. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel angry and pitiful for this person. Thinking of what Ying Yi said that these people had no medicine to treat, Xiao Qiang decided to give him a quick death.

"I know you must be very uncomfortable now, but I promise you here that I will definitely get your revenge from the people in the Black Wind Base. I will avenge this revenge for you." Xiao Qiang looked into the man's eyes and said firmly.

After Xiao Qiang finished speaking, the man seemed to understand. Although his hands were still moving, his head slowly turned to Xiao Qiang's side. Two lines of tears actually dripped slowly along the corners of his eyes, and he nodded to Xiao Qiang to express his gratitude. Xiao Qiang turned around and signaled the team members to give him a quick death.

That night, Longshan Base released a message to all survivors through the Doomsday Alliance instrument. Today, Longshan Base was attacked by the Black Wind Base but failed. The Black Wind Base actually used human bodies for experiments and developed a large number of living dead. This behavior should be resisted by all people in the doomsday. Longshan Base announced that from this moment on, Longshan Base and Black Wind Base are irreconcilable. As long as they are from the Black Wind Base, they will kill them. Therefore, please ask the majority of survivors to withdraw from the Black Wind Base, and don't continue to join this Black Wind Base and do bad things with the Black Wind Base.

After the Longshan Base released the news, it caused an uproar everywhere. Wenzhou City, a subordinate base of the Legion that was attacked by the Black Wind Base, immediately followed the Longshan Base to issue the same statement. Later, the Legion issued a statement severely condemning the Black Wind Base's practice. Not only the base, but many hunter teams also expressed their resentment towards the Black Wind Base's practice. However, one of the subordinate bases of M Company was destroyed, but it has never spoken out. Later, after everyone discovered this situation and heatedly discussed it, M Company issued a statement to denounce the Black Wind Base's behavior, but the tone was much lighter.

After many statements were issued, the Black Wind Base did not give any response. Instead, it sent people to occupy another second-level city, Zhongzhou, where there was no base, and established their base there, but did not launch an attack on other bases again. I don't know whether it was because of the many reputations that caused everyone's anger in the end of the world, or because the Black Wind Base was secretly accumulating strength. In short, the Black Wind Base has become much quieter during this period.

Xiao Qiang also took advantage of this rare time to lead the base to grow rapidly. After all, he had declared war on the Black Wind Base. The strength of a small group in the Black Wind Base was so terrifying, so Xiao Qiang had to quickly increase the construction of the base and the training of talents. At the same time, Xiao Qiang also told the members of the Intelligence Group and the Blood Killing Group to vigorously collect any information about the Black Wind Base, and also asked the members of the Blood Killing Group to assassinate the high-level personnel of the Black Wind Base while ensuring safety.

During the process of dealing with the Shadow Group, Xiao Qiang's puppet zombies have all been killed, so Xiao Qiang also needs to draw again to get some high-level puppet symbols. Moreover, the killing during this period has reduced the number of zombies in Xuzhou City, and even the high-level zombies have decreased a lot. Therefore, Xiao Qiang also plans to wait for the lottery to be completed, and then go to Tongzhou City to help Huang Yu while capturing some high-level zombies.

"Xiao Cong, I need to draw intermediate lottery, help me draw 4,000 intermediate lottery, and the high-level items are still designated as high-level puppet symbols." At night, Xiao Qiang, who was tired all day, lay on the bed, entered the system and said to Xiao Cong.

"Okay, host, this time a total of 4,000 draws were made, and 43 high-level puppet symbols were obtained. Will the host continue to draw?" Xiao Cong said to Xiao Qiang.

When Xiao Qiang entered the awakening level 2, the number of intermediate draws was accumulated enough, but he had to wait until Xiao Qiang reached the Qi gathering level to open the advanced draw, and then the level 3 mall would be opened.

"Ah, only 43 pieces, it's really too few, then continue to draw, anyway, I have accumulated a lot of exchange points some time ago, then continue to draw 6000 times, and the advanced items are still designated as advanced puppet symbols." Xiao Qiang took a look and continued to speak to Xiao Cong.

"Okay, host, this time a total of 6000 draws were carried out, and 61 advanced puppet symbols were obtained. Does the host have any other requirements?" Xiao Cong continued to ask.

"Then help me take a look at my current attribute values." Xiao Qiang said to Xiao Cong.

"Host: Xiao Qiang

Skills: Wolf Fang Step (Proficiency level: Proficiency 933/1000), Thunder Claw (Proficiency level: Proficiency 902/1000), Flying Thunder God (Entry level: Proficiency 901/1000), Shattering Palm (Proficiency level: Proficiency 973/1000), Crazy Dragon Sword Technique (Proficiency level: Proficiency 903/1000), Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix (Proficiency level: Proficiency 973/1000) Eight Gates of Dunjia - Four Gates Open (Show Lotus) Fire Heart Technique Fifth Gate Open - Pay Homage to the Peacock

Mall Permission: Level 2 (Can purchase intermediate items) Open lottery permission level 2 (10000/10000)

Overall evaluation: Awakening level 3. Experience value: 7000000/13000000 102,000 redemption points.

Owns a bone spur dagger, a plum peak dagger, a snowflake dagger, a thousand machine umbrella, a high-tech nano helmet (advanced), a high-tech nano armor (advanced), etc.

Battle pet: Howling Moon Wolf (juvenile) comparable to the strength of awakening level 2

Puppet: 0 infected zombies. "

Although Xiao Qiang's redemption points were only a fraction left, looking at the many items won in the lottery, Xiao Qiang was still very satisfied. Now there are more than 100 high-level puppet symbols alone. In this way, he can form his own zombie team by capturing zombies. Moreover, as Xiao Qiang's strength grows, the probability of capturing those high-level zombies also increases, so this time Xiao Qiang plans to capture the lowest level of infected zombies at level 2. As for the intermediate items, Xiao Qiang has accumulated more after this period of time. The intermediate hemostatic drugs and intermediate antidotes alone can satisfy the needs of each member of the Longshan team to carry one, and the members of the intelligence team and the blood killing team can carry more than 10 each. In addition to these two drugs, Sister Rourou also has many kinds of drugs, which are all exchanged by Xiao Qiang from the system. For this purpose, a warehouse was specially built. Not only to meet the use of his own base, Xiao Qiang also put these drugs into the Black Gold Exchange. Because of the good efficacy, it is much better than those developed by M Company. Therefore, there are many people who come to trade, and Xiao Qiang and his team have also obtained a lot of black gold and arms through trading.

In addition to obtaining a large number of drugs, the most obtained are various equipment. Through Yang Xue's production and Xiao Qiang's acquisition from the system, half of the personnel in each team are now wearing a full set of equipment. Not only that, Yang Xue's laser gun team has now expanded to 200 people, greatly improving the base's ability to deal with advanced zombies.

The next day, early in the morning, Xiao Qiang set off with everyone. This time, in addition to the usual Huang Yu team, Xiao Qiang also arranged for Jiang Kai's team to go to the Tongzhou City base together, and he still drove the Doomsday Chariot and led everyone to kill and capture zombies alone. This time, they would be gone for at least a month, so they also brought enough dry food and told Han Feng and others to do a good job of defense at home. Among them, Xiong Shi was responsible for being the driver, Lin Bingyan and Yang Xue were responsible for cooking in the chariot, Lin Fei was still responsible for monitoring in the chariot, and Sister Rourou continued to play the role of a doctor in the car. After Wang Peng settled all the members of the intelligence team, he returned to the Longshan base. This time, he also said with Xiao Qiang that he wanted to come out together, saying that if there was any news, it would be passed to Xiao Qiang more quickly. Xiao Qiang couldn't beat him, so he could only let Wang Peng follow. In addition to them, even Xiao Shutong, after knowing that Yang Xue would be gone for at least a month, also clamored to go out with them. Xiao Qiang had no choice but to take Xiao Shutong with him. What surprised Xiao Qiang was that Xiao Shutong's level had reached the 9th level of awakening, but he still did not show any strong strength. It was just the right opportunity to see whether Xiao Shutong could burst out his strength.

The other four groups of Longshan Base continued to clean up the remaining zombies in Xuzhou City. The patrol team was responsible for the defense of the entire base and nearby villages. Han Feng and Wang Liang were responsible for managing the base work during this period. Even though Xiao Qiang was in the base, most of the things were done by the two of them. Xiao Qiang told them that if they encountered a sneak attack from others, they must notify them quickly, and they would be able to rush back in more than half an hour. Now, the intelligence group of the base is very mature. If there are other bases or large-scale zombie attacks, they will definitely be able to discover them in advance, unless they are very powerful. Moreover, Xiao Qiang has spent 700,000 exchange points to repair the transparent defense shield.

On the way to Tongzhou City, Xiao Shutong was very excited because it was the first time to come out of the base after the end of the world. He looked at the scenery outside the window, chatted with Lin Bingyan and Yang Xue, and teased Xiaolang. Because of Xiao Shutong's joining, the doomsday chariot seemed much more lively.

"Come on, coffee is here. We are about to arrive in Tongzhou City. Let's have a cup of coffee to refresh ourselves." Lin Bingyan came out with a tray of coffee and shouted to everyone.

"Well, it smells so good. Little Bingyan is becoming more and more virtuous. Let that stinky boy be blessed in the future." Sister Rourou picked up a cup of coffee and kept praising.

"Brother Qiang, the intelligence team members replied that there is no abnormality in Tongzhou for the time being. After arriving in Tongzhou, should we follow Jiang Kai and others to deal with zombies, or should we deal with zombies by ourselves?" Wang Peng took a sip of coffee and asked Xiao Qiang while tasting it.

"I have already made an agreement with Jiang Kai and Huang Yu. They will start clearing the counties and villages around Tongzhou City. We will go to the city. If there is anything, we can contact each other through the intercom. They will go to the base once a week to replenish supplies. We will decide based on the situation, but they will not return to the base for at least one month. So, don't miss home." Xiao Qiang replied to everyone.

"Don't worry, I am so happy to follow you out, and there is such good coffee to drink. Let alone not going back to the base for one month, I can go back for two months." Sister Rourou said mischievously to Xiao Qiang with a wink.

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