Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 625: Chariot Demonstrates Power

Lin Bingyan saw this, pouted and pretended to be angry and said to Sister Rourou: "Huh, Sister Rourou, this coffee was made by Yang Xue and me, why don't you praise us.

"Okay, our little Bingyan is jealous, come, let sister give you a kiss." Sister Rourou pounced on Lin Bingyan, and the two of them started to play together.

"Sister Yang Xue, I'm so happy, so many of us are out together, just like going out for a picnic." Xiao Shutong also climbed down from the little wolf, ran to Yang Xue, stretched out her little hand and held Yang Xue's hand and said.

Xiao Qiang couldn't help shaking his head when he heard what Xiao Shutong said. Although Xiao Shutong was awakened to level 9, she was still just a little girl. She actually said that she was going to have a picnic in a city with so many zombies.

"Okay, we are about to arrive at the Tongzhou City base. Everyone should be alert. There are quite a few zombies here. "Xiao Qiang glanced out the window and reminded everyone.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone started to pack up and put on their equipment. Xiong Shi returned to the driver's seat and switched to manual driving mode. Xiao Qiang entered the operations room in front of the tank, and Lin Fei was still in the operations room at the back. Wang Peng and Xiong Shi entered the cab together, slowly turning on their perception abilities to sense whether there were large-scale zombie groups and powerful zombies nearby. Wang Peng's current level is also the level of awakening level 1. Although Wang Peng has not trained much during this period, Xiao Qiang's good things are all provided to Wang Peng first. After reaching awakening level 1, Wang Peng's range of perception has become larger and easier.

"Turn left in front, find a zombie group, request to turn in." After Wang Peng sensed a zombie group, he used the communication equipment in the car to report to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, everyone pay attention, the attack has begun!" Xiao Qiang said to everyone through the in-car radio.

"Received! "Everyone responded in unison.

Then, Xiong Shi switched the car to attack mode. The outer shell of the car was wrapped with thick black gold iron nets, even the tires were wrapped, and sharp spikes appeared on the tires and the car body. Two machine guns stretched out from the roof, standing on the left and right respectively. Lin Bingyan and Yang Xue held the machine guns on the left and right to shoot at the zombies. At the front of the car, in addition to a machine gun, a small cannon barrel stretched out, which could throw grenades and other explosive items outside, and Xiao Qiang and Wang Peng were responsible for operating it. A machine gun was also stretched out from the back, and Lin Fei was responsible for operating it. Sister Rourou was sitting in the living room to take care of Xiao Shutong.

"Da "Da Da" The whole chariot was like a small arsenal. It opened fire immediately when it approached the zombies. The zombies howled and rushed over, but they heard a wolf howl. The low-level zombies were forced to stop in place under such pressure and let the machine guns shoot. Some of the zombies that rushed over were also stabbed to the ground by the sharp spikes on the speeding doomsday chariot. After the chariot passed the road, it left a large area of ​​zombie corpses on the road. Only a few zombies were still chasing the car behind the car, but they were soon thrown aside by the doomsday chariot.

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2." ”


“Report, the car has rushed through a small group of zombies, and now the car has officially entered Tongzhou City. Please be vigilant.” Wang Peng continued to sense the surrounding environment and reported to everyone.

After the car rushed through a small group of zombies, Xiong Shi pressed the button, and the automatic car wash mode was turned on on the outside of the car, cleaning all the blood stains on the car.

“Okay, let’s stop the car here, let’s go kill the zombies, everyone pay attention to safety, don’t be too far away from the position of the chariot, and Xiao Shutong must follow Yang Xue closely. At noon, we will return to the chariot to eat, and our vacation will begin. "Xiao Qiang saw the car parked in a spacious parking lot at the entrance of the road and said to everyone.

Afterwards, several people started their own practice. Lin Fei still chose a high-rise location to continue practicing his strength and knife speed. Xiong Shi followed Xiao Qiang closely and was responsible for protecting Xiao Qiang's safety. Wang Peng took a few girls to guard near the Doomsday Chariot. There were relatively fewer zombies in this location, and there was Xiao Qiang in front to attract zombies. They were either practicing or doing their own research. Yang Xue's research on the formula has entered a major stage, and Sister Rourou also participated in the research. Or they went to the nearby mall to look for some useful things. Not only that, several people were also responsible for collecting things to build a defense network near the Doomsday Chariot and build a small base centered on the Doomsday Chariot in Tongzhou City.

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2. "

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2. ”

“Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2. ”

Soon, the day passed with Xiao Qiang's constant killing. Xiao Qiang gained a lot of experience, but he did not encounter zombies infected above level 2, probably because this place was still on the edge of Tongzhou City. Before Xiao Qiang returned to the Doomsday Chariot with Little Wolf, he deliberately arranged some trap symbols and alarm symbols around the Doomsday Chariot, and then returned to the Doomsday Chariot.

Back to the Doomsday Chariot, Xiao Qiang and his men were naturally covered in blood. Fortunately, there was a separate bathroom in the chariot, and they took a comfortable bath. After the Doomsday Chariot stopped, the space would expand and become very spacious. Not only did it have bedrooms that could accommodate 10 people, but it also had everything including bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, etc. In addition, there was a spacious living room with a TV in the living room, but now it could only play some discs. In addition, in those bedrooms, the partitions of the room can also be controlled. If the partitions are turned into glass, you can lie in the bedroom and watch the stars.

After Xiao Qiang took a shower, he changed into the clean clothes that Lin Bingyan had found in the nearby mall. Seeing several people busy cooking dinner outside, Xiao Qiang returned to the living room first, listened to Wang Peng's report on the information collected from various places, and talked to Jiang Kai and Han Feng in the base before going out to help. Since it was the first day out, everyone unanimously asked to eat hot pot in the evening, so Xiao Qiang spent the exchange points to exchange a large amount of food from the system, and as for the tableware, there were a lot of tableware in the doomsday chariot. Everyone was outside the chariot, and a baffle extended from the top of the chariot. A blanket was laid on the open space under the baffle, and they sat on the high-end fluffy blanket and ate hot pot.

Winter nights always come quickly. Soon, everyone just set up the hot pot, and it was dark. Fortunately, this doomsday chariot has its own lighting system. Several people sat under the lights and talked and laughed, and they ate hot pot. Maybe it was because of the good mood, everyone was tired all day, and the food tasted especially delicious. After finishing the meal and cleaning up, Sister Rourou suggested that everyone watch a movie together in the living room. Even Lin Fei was pulled over to watch the movie, but Wang Peng always turned on his perception ability. The comedy movie also made everyone who hadn't watched a movie for a long time laugh. Unconsciously, the relationship between the few people was brought closer in this harmonious atmosphere.

One month later, in the morning, after Xiao Qiang and his friends had breakfast, they were about to continue to go to Tongzhou City to deal with zombies. Suddenly, a sound came from the top of the doomsday chariot.

"This car looks good, such a high-end car, it seems that even M Company has not produced this kind of car, it's really good." Suddenly, a man's voice came from the roof of the doomsday chariot and said.

Xiao Qiang and his friends heard the sound and frowned and looked at the roof of the doomsday chariot. On the roof of the car, there stood a young man with curly hair, a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, standing on the roof in a bohemian manner, admiring the chariot, knocking here and there, and watching the doomsday chariot. The reason why Xiao Qiang frowned was that although Wang Peng did not open his perception ability now, this man was able to break through the trap symbol outside, and stood on the roof of the doomsday chariot without being noticed by several people. Moreover, he looked so relaxed.

"Ding, a Level 4 awakening expert was found!"

"Who are you? Why did you come to our side? You didn't come here to see this chariot." Although Xiao Qiang did not take out the Thousand Machine Umbrella, he was alert and asked the man.

"This chariot is good. How about it? Are there any spare rooms inside? Your breakfast smells so good, and there are roasted sweet potatoes. It's really good. Can you give me some roasted sweet potatoes?" The man did not answer Xiao Qiang's question, but looked down at Xiao Qiang's food and spoke.

"You'd better answer our questions honestly. Although you are a powerful person with awakening level 4, it is not a problem to keep you here. So if you are not our enemy, we can let you have breakfast." Xiao Qiang smiled and said softly to the man.

"Your name is Xiao Qiang, right? Hahahaha, it's just as I investigated. You can see through other people's strength. I have been following you for many days, but you still haven't found me. To be honest, if I want to run, you may not be able to catch me." The man squatted on the edge of the Doomsday Chariot, holding his chin with his hand and said without any concern.

"Huh, you actually followed us, it seems that you are also an enemy, stop talking nonsense, and take my arrow." Wang Peng snorted coldly, stepped forward and pointed at the man.

While speaking, Wang Peng had already quickly taken down the crescent bow, drew the bow and put the arrow in one go, and an arrow quickly shot out from the crescent bow. Wang Peng was originally gifted in shooting. After such a long period of training, Wang Peng's movements of taking down the crescent bow and shooting the arrow were already extremely skilled, and the arrows he shot were accurate and fast. However, when the arrow was about to reach the man, the man disappeared, disappearing from the roof of the apocalyptic chariot. The arrow did not hit the man, but shot into the wall of the building behind. Lin Bingyan did not see the man's movements, but suddenly felt that the man disappeared on the chariot. She hurriedly looked around, but found that the man actually appeared behind Xiao Qiang, and his hand was still gently on Xiao Qiang's waist. Lin Bingyan was about to remind him, but she saw Xiao Qiang's mouth smiling lightly, still standing in the same position without panic.

It turned out that Lin Fei had already raised his two knives and chopped them up. The two knives were extremely sharp. He used the two knives to block the man in the middle of the two knives, blocking his way. However, when Lin Fei's two knives fell, he still missed and the man disappeared again.

"Ice armor!"

Lin Bingyan saw this and quickly used her special ability to attach a layer of ice armor to the ladies. With Xiao Qiang and the others, they naturally didn't need to take action, but this man was mysterious and still needed to be protected. After attaching the ice armor, Lin Bingyan continued to open her eyes wide and look for the man in the venue. Later, Lin Bingyan found that the man suddenly appeared at the main entrance of their temporary base, looking at Lin Fei with a proud face.

"Your swordsmanship is really good. If it were a little slower, you would have blocked me with your two swords. With someone like you by Xiao Qiang's side, it's no wonder that Longshan Base was built so well." The man nodded, threw the cigarette in his mouth aside, and said to Lin Fei.


"Ah, take my punch!" Xiong Shi's voice suddenly sounded behind the man and said.

It turned out that Sister Rourou had just called Xiong Shi to come over and arrived at her side, and then whispered to Xiong Shi. Then, Sister Rourou used her special ability and saw that the man stood still. Xiong Shi suddenly passed through Sister Rourou's space hole and arrived behind the man. He picked up the huge fist and smashed it on the man's head, but Xiong Shi also hit nothing. He punched the ground heavily, smashing the concrete floor with stones flying and breaking a big hole.

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